Syllabus Review as a Leitmotif to Achieving Educational Objectives: The Case of the Botswana Junior Certificate of Education Syllabus of French


As the world evolves, a lot of transformation equally happens in the teaching domain: educational theories, teaching methods, learning approaches as well as how human beings interact with the world. This forms the basis of reviews that are carried out in recognition of societal advancements as well as to satisfy the need to align to what is emerging. The educational sector, likewise, carries out syllabus reviews amongst many others. Botswana as a case in point depicts systematic syllabus reviews at sustained intervals of 10 years for different teaching subjects. French teaching on the other side, a relatively new teaching subject, has benefited from two syllabus reviews. The two syllabus reviews have differed in target and in achievements, with each review seemingly getting closer to producing satisfying results for all stakeholders: students, teachers and policymakers alike. Data analysed through desktop review and interviewing teachers has provided the basis for this research. Conclusions emanating from this analysis have pointed to the necessity of frequent syllabus reviews towards achieving the desired educational objectives. A correlation between the teaching landscape of French as a Foreign language today, across the globe with the Botswana Junior Certificate of Education Syllabus in French has been established and has made the Botswana syllabus of French at Junior Schools to speak to what prevails at International level.

Author Information
Rodah Sechele-Nthapelelang, University of Botswana, Botswana
Obene Bojosi, University of Botswana, Botswana
Boingotlo Winnie Kaome, University of Botswana, Botswana

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2024
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development

This paper is part of the ECE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Sechele-Nthapelelang R., Bojosi O., & Kaome B. (2024) Syllabus Review as a Leitmotif to Achieving Educational Objectives: The Case of the Botswana Junior Certificate of Education Syllabus of French ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 1105-1121)
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