Pedagogy in Higher Education: Paradigmatic Reinvention of Learning Processes


In a context of major transformations affecting higher education, it is important to (re)think about pedagogical environments that enable students to reflect critically and autonomously on their learning processes, in the context of their initial training. This study is an opportunity to identify students' perceptions of the methodologies implemented by a group of initial teacher training teachers at the University of Madeira. The research methodology is a qualitative approach, a case study with a class of students. Their answers to a survey were subject to a content analysis and a triangulation between the theory and the representations of the research subjects. It is concluded that the students' representations show that the course teachers still use traditional practices, but there are already revealing indications of more decentralized practices based on the empowerment of students (Freire, 1993) by some teachers, which motivated them to learn, with positive consequences on their academic results. Contemporary pedagogical thinking points to the imperative need to transform higher education, aiming at the creation of true learning environments, and spaces for creativity and pedagogical innovation, respecting the diversity and individuality of each student, through "pedagogical strategies beyond the traditional lecture and the current transmission model" (UNESCO, 2022, p. 58). It is important to reimagine new pedagogical approaches, giving the student a prominent role in the learning processes, which thus become the driving force of this system.

Author Information
Gorete Pereira, University of Madeira, Portugal
Fernanda Gouveia, University of Madeira, Portugal
Nuno Fraga, University of Madeira, Portugal

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Higher education

This paper is part of the BCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Pereira G., Gouveia F., & Fraga N. (2025) Pedagogy in Higher Education: Paradigmatic Reinvention of Learning Processes ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 251-260)
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