The implementation of gamification has become a new trend in education by integrating technological advancement with game elements to enhance students’ learning. Although a considerable number of literature reviews exist about gamification in educational contexts, few literature reviews have focused on analyzing the impacts of gamification on students’ learning and outcomes. However, there is no such review study to analyze the comprehensive impact of gamification on students’ learning outcomes by considering all the aspects of learning domains-cognitive, affective and psychomotor. This study is a review of forty (40) articles about the impact of gamification on students’ learning published in seven major educational technology research journals from January 2015 to April 2024. The major findings of this review indicate a significant positive impact on students’ learning outcomes in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The strongest impact of gamification is made for learning outcomes in cognitive domain followed by psychomotor and affective domains. Moreover, the study identified several gaps in gamification literature. More longitudinal research is needed to analyze the long-term impact that gamification has made on students’ learning outcomes. Moreover, researchers and designers of gamification interventions need to pay more attention for integrating game elements other than the most common game elements- points, badges or leaderboards. The contribution of this study will lead to a better understanding of the impacts of gamification on students’ learning outcome from a broader view. Further, this study can be a valuable reference for educators and researchers working in the field of gamification.
Author Information
Charitha Samarawickrama, University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Durani Rathnayake Mudiyanselage, University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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Conference: KCE2024
Stream: Design
This paper is part of the KCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Samarawickrama C., & Mudiyanselage D. (2025) The Impact of Gamification on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Literature Review on the Affective, Cognitive and Psychomotor Domains ISSN: 2759-7563 – The Korean Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 257-266) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2759-7563.2024.20
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2759-7563.2024.20
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