Investigating How AI Technology Can Enhance Instruction of Future Teachers


In this qualitative study, the authors investigated how the use of AI technology, specifically Magic School AI, in a STEM methods course for secondary teachers in the southern United States impacted a class of 10 preservice teachers’ opinions about using such technology to create lesson plans and assessments. Data collection included analysis of Google Form reflections from three separate assignments utilizing Magic School AI throughout the spring 2024 semester. Findings suggest that all of the preservice teachers found the AI technology had benefits, as well as drawbacks, for creating lesson plans and assessments with 9 of the 10 participants stating they would use it again in their future classrooms. Sample student work and reflections will be shared with a discussion of modifications for future research.

Author Information
Ann Wheeler, Texas Woman's University, United States
Shannon Driskell, University of Dayton, United States
Sarah Cooley, Texas Woman's University, United States

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Design

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon