Social Emotional Learning is a process including a set of skills like recognizing and controlling one’s own emotions and attitudes, setting and achieving goals, making independent decisions about personal behavior and social interactions, and leading healthy and supportive relationships with peers and adults. It has long been believed that SEL occurs naturally as children grow without intentional teaching. Nevertheless, if the children do not develop the vital skills mentioned above, they may encounter behavioural issues that impair their academic performance and capacity to assimilate knowledge and succeed in adulthood. The SEL program has been an integral part of language learning in kindergartens, schools, and other institutions for the past two decades. However, integrating SEL strategies into classes is less prevalent in Uzbekistan. One of the prominent and substantial reasons for this can be the low level of SEL skills in pupils, more precisely, the lack of integration in teaching and strengthening the SEL program into the daily interactions with children. Specific observations throughout the research indicate that students failed to behave appropriately during English classes, distracting the class from acquiring and applying the knowledge. This research will briefly introduce existing problems caused by the failure to incorporate SEL principles into English classes among primary school students. The research result will show the significant role of the SEL program in English lessons in gaining positive life outcomes, overcoming emotional distress, escaping the failure of academic performance, and creating a socially and emotionally safe and healthy environment in English lessons with youngsters.
Author Information
Zumratkhon Shukurova, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan
Ikhlosa Ilhomova, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan
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