Forbidden Art: Dancing in Iran


Purpose: Due to the prohibition of dance in Iran since Islamic republic in 1979, and the interest of Iranians to the dancing art since ancient times; the shape and manner of its presentation has been changed. We tried to follow the changes of this art during different ages of the country, especially during Islamic republic era in this research.
Methodology: The documentary research method is used in this respect trying to study different resources. The role of ancient figures is investigated such as architectural works, historical images in historical sources, and the travelogues of foreign researchers etc. Also, some semi-structured interviews are conducted with contemporary researchers and dancers. The content of the interviews has been analyzed and the most important category and sub-categories are extracted.
Results: Today, different dance style classes would be found in different cities of Iran such as Traditional Iranian dance, ballet, K-pop, high heels, Urban, Reggaeton, belly dance etc. Despite of the government supervision and prohibition, these classes are hold underground. Of course, some classes have changed their name to ‘Rhythmic movement in acting’ so, they can have official performances in official forums of the country. The result showed that performing arts will not be vanished, but will continue to live with structural and form changes and will find a way to present and last.

Author Information
Maryam Khazraei Baalaei, Daroupoosh Company, Iran
Zohreh Mirhosseini, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Pardis Khosravi, Alternative Motion Group, Iran

Paper Information
Conference: KCAH2024
Stream: Arts - Performing Arts Practices: Theater

This paper is part of the KCAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Baalaei M., Mirhosseini Z., & Khosravi P. (2025) Forbidden Art: Dancing in Iran ISSN: 2759-7571 – The Korean Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 141-150)
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