The Meaning and Perception of Korean-Style Flower Arrangements: A Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behaviour Pattern in Florist Business Development


This study is important to determine the influence of Korean-style flower arrangements on the development of marketing communication strategies to support the development of florist businesses. Flower marketing activities using the Korean waves approach are the idea in developing a florist business. In this study, the interaction between humans uses the exchange of symbols that can be represented by flowers with their arrangements that have messages in their delivery. Korean and Indonesian cultures, although in the same Asian region, are different. The Symbolic Interaction Theory in this study focuses on the meaning given by human interaction both verbally and non-verbally into a symbol. Communication as an exchange of meaning is believed to be a way to accommodate people to convey their thoughts and feelings. The object of this study is Korean-style flower arrangements. The way of arranging flowers in this study has six principles that can be associated with their meaning to human interaction, namely proportional, balanced, focal point, rhythm, harmony, and unity. This study tries to interpret flowers as a symbol in Korean-style symbolic interaction and its influence on the market in Jakarta, Indonesia. The research method used is FGD using a qualitative approach. The research found that the meaning and perception of Korean-style flower arrangements can be used as a marketing strategy in the development of the florist business.

Author Information
Magdalena Lestari Ginting, Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia
Fina Oktavianti, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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Conference: KCAH2024
Stream: Media

This paper is part of the KCAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ginting M., & Oktavianti F. (2025) The Meaning and Perception of Korean-Style Flower Arrangements: A Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behaviour Pattern in Florist Business Development ISSN: 2759-7571 – The Korean Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 131-140)
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