Language Retention and Identity Dynamics: Assessing First Language Attrition in Bilingual Adolescents


Building on foundational research in language attrition, this study investigated the impact of second language acquisition on first language retention among 250 high school students in Azerbaijan. Employing the Language Dominance Framework and Social Identity Theory, this qualitative research utilized thematic analysis of focus group interviews to develop a theory on the significant influence of the perceived value of the mother tongue on first language attrition.
The findings illustrated that as the second language becomes increasingly dominant across various social and educational contexts, there is a corresponding decrease in the use of the first language, indicating a shift in linguistic preference and identity. This study enriches the existing literature by highlighting how sociolinguistic factors, particularly the perceived utility and prestige of languages within a community, critically shape language use and retention.
The discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for language policy and educational strategies, aiming to explore the following topics:
• The role of language prestige and utility in linguistic identity formation.
• Strategies for educational policymakers to support linguistic diversity and prevent language attrition.
• Challenges in generalizing findings from specific demographics to broader populations.
Limitations of this research include its reliance on self-reported data and the focus on a specific demographic, which may affect generalizability. Despite these limitations, the study provides actionable insights for designing interventions to support linguistic diversity and is significant for informing language planning in multilingual settings.

Author Information
Rena Alasgarova, Charles University, Czech Republic

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Challenging & Preserving: Culture

This paper is part of the BCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Alasgarova R. (2025) Language Retention and Identity Dynamics: Assessing First Language Attrition in Bilingual Adolescents ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 119-134)
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