This study examines the representation of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (known as Jokowi) on the covers of Tempo magazine. The focus is on the discursive representation of the president in these covers. The main issue examined in this study is the ideological shift in the way Jokowi was represented in Tempo through its verbal and visual elements. In analysing the covers, this study adopts Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA), analysing both the language and visual elements of the covers in the context of the socio-political situations of Indonesia, particularly during Jokowi’s administration. The findings show that there has been an ideological shift in the way Jokowi was represented in the media. In the earlier period of Tempo, the president was celebrated as a successful leader, who had massive support from the people, particularly from his relawan (volunteers). Despite some criticism of Jokowi, all critiques were essentially meant to legitimize his power. In the later periods, Jokowi was depicted as disobedient, breaking his own promises and making numerous political lies. In the latest period, the president was depicted as a traitor, who used all possible means to gain and defend power, as well as to build a political dynasty. This depiction strongly delegitimized his power. This study concludes that Tempo has exhibited a kind of 'discursive turning point,’ shifting from a ‘soft’ discursive articulation: criticizing to legitimize power, to a ‘hard’ discursive articulation: criticizing to delegitimize power.
Author Information
Tri Sulistyaningtyas, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Yasraf Amir Piliang, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Yani Suryani, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Jejen Jaelani, Institut Teknologi Sumatra, Indonesia
Ghina Zoraya Azhar, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
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