Category: Language and Cultural Studies

“Dao” and “Brahman”: A Brief Comparison of Cultivation Beliefs in China and India

The highest category in Chinese philosophy is DAO, while in Indian philosophy, it is BRAHMAN. Belonging to Eastern thought, there is a certain consistency in the concepts of cultivation in China and India: since Plato, the Western philosophical tradition has been enthusiastic about the pursuit of BEING; in contrast, the concept of DAO in Chinese


Forensic Linguistics: Deception and Defamation of Digital Discourse

This study aims to review published research articles that studied digital text crimes, which are deception and defamation based on forensic linguistic point of view. The authors developed three inquiries: linguistic aspects, the selection of research design, and the trend of studies that discussed deceptions and defamations within published scientific articles. The data were twenty


Facilitating Students for an English Course: A Teacher’s Journey

Internationalization and globalization enable positive returns in a wide range of human activities. The affected sectors include education and industry. English language is critical to Malaysia’s ability to become a global player in education and encourage the internationalization of higher education. As a result, there has been a greater emphasis on improving graduates’ language proficiency.


Discursive Representation of Older People in Taiwanese Newspapers on the COVID-19 Pandemic

News representation of older people has been observed to stigmatize or stereotype them in ways that raise concerns about the reinforcement of social ageism, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent Western literature (2020-2021) has revealed that, in the context of COVID-19, older people are primarily depicted as a vulnerable, homogeneous, or misbehaving group. Such discourses


Analysis of Language Use in the Discourse of Buying and Selling Interactions at Sungguminasa Traditional Market, South Sulawesi

This study delves into the intricate use of language variation in buying and selling interactions at Sungguminasa Traditional Market, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Through observations involving 5 sellers and 5 buyers conversing in Indonesian with Makassar dialect, Makassarese with Konjo dialect, English, and Arab, the research uncovers how different languages and dialects are employed to create


Exploring Undergraduate Attitudes Toward Study Abroad: Insights From a Cross-Sectional Study

This cross-sectional study conducted in 2023 explores the attitudes of 94 undergraduate students in Vietnam toward studying abroad. The investigation focuses on the perceived importance of studying abroad, particularly in Japan, and the preferences guiding the selection of study abroad destinations. Utilizing a five-level Likert scale, the questionnaire measured participants’ attitudes, revealing that 6.4% had


The Social Realities of Tausug Women in the Select Tausug Contemporary Kalangan

This study analyzed thirty-one (31) Tausug Contemporary Kalangan (songs). Through Norman Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), it revealed and discussed the social realities of Tausug women in the select kalangan, and their perceptions towards these social realities. The findings revealed that the social realities of Tausug women include “Tausug women are deprived of their freedom


Error Correction in Language and Content Classes: Teachers’ and Students’ Views

Errors are an integral part of the learning process. While learners see errors as something negative, for teachers errors can serve as a valuable source of information about the weak sides of the students and help shape the course content accordingly. The research on error correction focused on the types of oral feedback on language


Music and Choreography Metaphors in Spoken Language Rhythm Modelling and Their Application to Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training for Mora-Timed Japanese

The article describes the development and assessment of a computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) environment to improve prosody practice focusing its particular setup for Japanese. Users interact with the system by replicating model utterances, while the system feedback is provided in the form of pitch curves contrasting the learner’s pronunciation against the model. Complementing the pitch


Poster Narratives of the Child Victims of Marawi Siege: A Semiotic Analysis

In this research, children used poster narratives to communicate their perspectives on the Marawi Siege. A social semiotic approach was utilized to understand their emotions and thoughts. This study aimed to look into the aspect of understanding the narratives of the child victims of the Marawi Siege through their poster narratives by extracting the visual


Linguistic Imperialism and the Extrinsic Motivation of the First Generation L2 Learners in a Heterogeneous ESL Classroom

The study aims to investigate the effect of Linguistic Imperialism on the extrinsic Motivation of the first-generation ESL learners in a heterogeneous classroom at the tertiary level in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The study defines Linguistic Imperialism in an ESL class room as the dominant forces which inhibits the acquisition of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing


Hindu Worldview Through Folk Etymology in Vāyupurāṇa

It is noteworthy that some of the interesting characteristics in Indian texts are the way to see the world through folk-etymological analyses especially in Hinduism, which leads to the objective of this article: to study Hindu worldview in the text named Vāyupurāṇa (VP), one of the significantly early Śaiva Hindu texts. The research methodology is


Perception of Using Social Media in Improving Art Education Students’ English Language Skills

Social media has become an integral part of life, including in education. This study investigates the effectiveness of using social media as learning media to improve students’ English as a Foreign Language (EFL) skills from the learners’ perspective. The research covers two fundamental issues: the extent to which social media affect students’ language skills and


Conceptual Metaphor in Koike Yuriko’s Election Rhetoric

The present study, as a case study, is analyzing conceptual metaphors in 21 (twenty-one) speeches/interviews from Ms. Koike Yuriko, a Japanese politician who currently serves as the governor of Tokyo, given between July 2016 (Tokyo Gubernatorial election) and October 2017 (when Japanese General elections took place). This research is based on the Critical Metaphor Analysis,


Wide (Conscious) Heart – Idioms in Montenegrin and Japanese Language

The aim of this paper is to use the method of contrastive lexical-semantic analysis to establish the (mis)match of the lexical and semantic structure of the idioms that consist of the lexeme that is going to be translated in English for now as a „heart” (“srce” and “kokoro”) in Montenegrin and Japanese language – which


Emperor Kangxi’s Poetry on Taiwan

In this paper, I intend to translate and critique a total of four poems plus a poetic preface collected in The Complete Works of Emperor Kangxi (康熙帝御制文集) that deal directly with the emperor’s military success of acquiring Taiwan: namely, “Heard the News of Victory on the Day of Mid-Autumn Festival [中秋日聞海上捷音]”, “Composed Another Five-Character Quatrain


Difference as the Source of Polarization Among Right-wing Populist Parties

Just as difference can be a source of innovation, so it can be a source of polarization, too. And even more so when the difference is used as a tool to achieve certain goals. It is thought of the political area, specifically of the European right-wing populist parties, where the difference belongs to often raised


Composition of the Political Caricature in the Journal “Neue Freie Zeitung” as a Result of Difference-Thinking

Right-wing populists in Europe are employing sophisticated strategies to convince their voters of their cause and the political caricatures they produce can be seen as one of these strategies. This study seeks to analyse the cartoons appearing in Neue Freie Zeitung, a newspaper published by the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), focusing both on their