Month: March 2023


Competences to Deal With the Sustainable Development Goals

The sustainable development goals run the risk to be only present in the official discourses without an effective integration in the research and innovation practice. UNESCO and EU have developed competence frameworks for sustainable development education, but these are strongly focused on formal and non-formal education environments. But learning in innovation processes is intentional informal


Investigating Chinese Kindergarten Teachers’ Emotions and Identities Through Activity System Analysis

Over the past decade, a growing number of qualitative studies have emphasized the importance of contextualizing teachers’ experiences to understand their emotions and identities. However, despite the prevalence of emotional behaviours in the profession, there has been only limited research on kindergarten teachers, with most studies focusing on primary or secondary schools. This study aimed


Czech Higher Education in Continuity With the Challenges of the Contemporary World

The significant impact of the primary idea of the conference became tangible not only in the disruptive period of the COVID-19 pandemic, which strongly affected all levels of education without exception but also in the current post-covid era. Czech higher education also had to deal with some problems during its journey. The primary goal of


The Taboo of Negative Numbers in Primary Education

Performing subtraction, as opposed to addition, is a rather daunting task for many primary school children; especially when using the so-called method of ‘Subtraction with Regrouping’ (SWR). We argue that the main reason for this is because the concept of negative numbers is not introduced at an early stage of primary education. Negative numbers have


Multidisciplinary Education: About Some Aspects of Teaching Biophysics

This article presents one of the most pressing issues for undergraduate educational programs – interdisciplinary education. An interdisciplinary subject requires careful consideration of new issues and concepts in different contexts, identifying relationships between subjects, and developing common aspects, which is quite difficult to effectively implement within one discipline. This article discusses the problems and prospects


Investigating the Relationship Between Technology and Artistry in Sustainable Design, Eco-Conscious Fashion

As the fashion industry continues to develop, virtual fashion design is turning into a more and more important tool for industry professionals. This study looks at how technology and creativity interact in the world of fashion design, paying particular attention to how virtual fashion affects sustainability and the creative process. The study starts off by


Addressing the Root Causes: An In-Depth Analysis of Uzbekistan’s Approach to Resolving the Issue of Underqualified Preschool Teachers

This article seeks to evaluate one of the components of the “Promoting early childhood development” project introduced to improve the qualification and Early Childhood Development (ECD) knowledge of preschool teachers in Uzbekistan. The Theory of Change (ToC) framework and SWOT analysis are adopted to evaluate the intervention. The ToC comments on the design of the


Assessment of STEM Competences – Systematic Overview of Model Solution and Practices

A wide contextual understanding of STEM competence poses a strong challenge to the process of measuring and evaluating students’ achievement in STEM. The problem with the assessment of STEM competences arises both from the authors’ ambiguous understanding of the structure and content of STEM competence and from the variety of STEM practices in which goals


Developing Pedagogies: Reflections on Pedagogical Intersections During a COIL Project Between South Africa and the Netherlands

Teaching practitioners in higher education are increasingly encouraged to engage in collaborative projects. This work follows from scholars who have lauded COIL and other collaborative projects for facilitating global citizenry and providing third spaces for learning (Guimaraes & Finardi, 2021). This paper reports on a case study of a collaborative project between a University in


Active Learning: Portuguese as a Non-Native Language (PNNL) Teaching Experience to Chinese

As part of a teaching experience in Higher Education, this communication aims to share a set of active learning strategies, using technologies, adopted in a Portuguese as a Non-Native Language speaking subject, composed by 14 Chinese students, enrolled in a bilateral partnership (China-Portugal). Due to constraints arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, and for a period


TIC – TAC and Digital Competences in Military Higher Education

In the digital age, education with excellence must be supported by teachers with advanced levels in digital competencies, therefore, the research identifies the competency areas and their available levels by the different actors in military higher education, applying the scientific method and its progress is descriptive; through a survey to 124 people among Management staff,


Cultivating a Social Justice Pedagogy in an Introductory Japanese Language Course Through Pronunciation Instruction

Foreign language programs in the US are increasingly urged to cultivate a social justice pedagogy in order to address social issues surrounding language use including gender, race, social class, and identity. One of the social issues in language learning and teaching is the ideology of native-speakerism. This ideology often leads to negative attitudes towards those


Discuss the Applications of AI Technologies in Smart News Generation

With the advancement of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, the machine-generated news is widely employed in the news media industry. This has brought tremendous opportunities and challenges to the journalism industry as well as the entire society. This paper introduces the current applications of AI technologies in smart news generation. Specifically, we focus on the


Factors Influencing Faculty Willingness to Engage in Academic Service-Learning Approach With Businesses for Graduates Employability Skills Development: Benin Perspectives

Graduates from all over the world face a labour market completely transformed by dynamic changes. Indeed, employers nowadays are hiring employees with employability skills, thus forcing universities to produce graduates who ideally respond to their needs. Faced with this pressure, universities are required to engage with businesses to develop teaching methods that foster employability skills.


Automatic Formative Assessment of Programming Tasks

The onset of Covid-19 has impacted educational processes, particularly assessment, in a way never seen before. Automatic Programming Assessment (APA) can be unfair and inaccurate when used for summative assessment. This paper aimed to investigate to what extent the students had to adapt to automatic assessment and to determine the value of APA as a


Using Biometrics to Fortify E-learning Platforms Security

E-learning is here to stay. During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 1.2 billion students were educated through online learning. Platforms such as Zoom, Webex, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc. were among the most popular ones during that period. However, these platforms suffer from various vulnerabilities that make them susceptible to cyberattacks, including Man-in-the-Middle attacks


Narratives of Marriage Migrant Women as an Agent of Learning: Focused on Interrelation Between Migration and Learning

The role of learning in empowering migrant women to make decisions and provide diverse opportunities for themselves is crucial. By acting as learners, marriage migrant women can gain a sense of agency, which allows them to navigate their social and cultural environments and protect themselves from unequal relationships. Marriage migrant women from Vietnam, China, and


Means of Expression of Metaphorical Thinking in Primary School Lithuanian Language Textbooks

The development of metaphorical thinking occupies a significant place in the process of holistic (total) education of the personality. The development of children’s metaphorical thinking is a current issue that opens up new opportunities for scientific and practical researches in the field of cognitive potential of childhood; therefore it is especially important that this education


Analytic Recommendation of Learning Graphs Based on User’s Learning History

Learning online (e-learning) has gained popularity in a world where emerging technologies are transforming the world in particular self-training due to what it provides of low-cost learning and relieving the learner of all logistical concerns that traditional learning methods impose. Although e-learning systems have managed to establish many advantages, in terms of time management, and


A Correlational Study on Creative Motivation and Processes in Expressive Painting Practice: Bridging Naïve Painting and Academic Painting’s Experiences

This phenomenological study draws on Heidegger’s interpretive phenomenology and the dialectical thinking between Leib and Körper to examine a phenomenon of painting in contemporary art that emphasizes artistic motivation and self-healing processes, a phenomenon that a Chinese experimental painting group has named ‘Expressive-painting’. According to the differentiation between “Technique” and “Method” in methodology, by comparing


Elementary School Counselors’ Experiences Engaging in Advocacy Action for Transgender Youth

Transgender youth, marginalized at much high rates than their cisgender peers, are present in elementary schools and in need of support. School counselors have an ethical responsibility to advocate for marginalized students, including transgender youth, yet very little is known of this phenomenon at the elementary school level. The study described within aims to understand


Revealing the Significance in Liminal Period Through Art Expression Extending the Rubber Band Model to Multi-Dimensional Limitations

It has been stated that severe or long-lasting negative stress, for instance, failure of, or rejection from, valuable events or a person that exceeds the individual’s competencies and capacities to mitigate the impact of loss which happens alongside our lives, is able to trigger depression. Whereas before jumping into the hardly irretrievable depression directly, a


We Have Unrealistic Beliefs Until We Deconstruct Our Thinking: The Relationship Between Reflection and Epistemological Beliefs in Teacher Education Programs

Preservice teachers (PTs) can develop a deeper understanding of their epistemological beliefs (EB) when enrolled in a curriculum that provides opportunities for reflection. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between PTs’ reflection practices and their EB during the first year of a Teacher Education Program in Physical Education in Basic and Secondary Education. Eleven PTs


The Role of Reflection in Changing Student’s Conceptions About the Teaching Profession: Navigate Towards Meaning Physical Education

In initial Teacher Education Programs, students face a different reality than expected due to the opportunities to engage in deeper reflection and critical thinking. Therefore, this study explored the reflective dimension’s role in changing students’ initial conceptions about the teaching profession during the first semester of a teacher education program. One hundred and twenty-two students


The Implementation of an Asynchronous E-learning Course in Higher Education – Lessons Learned

The pandemic boosted the use and impact of electronic learning (e-learning) in many life areas including education (Monira et al., 2022). Based on that externally forced experience, the Business Information Technology Bachelor degree program (BIT) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) radically changed the learning-teaching set-up from traditional face-to-face (F2F)


Diagnosing Misconceptions in First-Year Calculus

Learning tertiary mathematics is challenging and has been an obstacle for many students. Calculus students are unaware of their misconceptions. This makes understanding and progress difficult and prevents students from being successful in mathematics, especially in first-year calculus modules. Focusing on misconceptions in calculus is essential for enhancing student learning and is needed in developing


Curriculum Co-Creation – A New Collaborative Approach to Fe/He Employability Relevant Learning

This research proposes a new collaborative approach to higher education (HE)-commercial curriculum development that engages Small-and-Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and students and enhances student learning and SME employability. The presentation builds on research into a project to design an enhanced, employability-relevant HE experience for commercially-orientated students, through a collaborative, co-created curriculum between an SME, and a


The Representation of Women During the Korean Military Regime Era: Focusing on Female Ghosts (Guisin) in TV Series

The Japanese ghost Yurei and the Korean ghost Guisin are similar in a typical visual image, but they are rather different in character; Guisin heavily reflects motherhood and Confucian values, while Yurei not so much. It is my understanding that Korean movies in the post-war era and TV dramas in the military regime era played


Performing Arts in Higher Education: Sensing the Body to Learn the World

The arts play a fundamental role in the educational field. This paper outlines the importance of considering performing arts initiatives in higher education as an agent of transformation. The approach discussed outline the artistic/dance artistic residency developed at the P. Lantz Initiative for Excellence in Education in the Arts, a project that took place in


UX Evaluation of a School Newspaper Creation Platform

Media and information literacy is an increasingly important skill, especially for the younger audiences who consume and believe in information that may not be credible. Thus, school journalism can contribute to combat misinformation and develop media literacy in young people. This paper reports on a platform developed to create school newspapers and support news writing


Just Between Meme and You: Online Memes as Health Communication Tools in Design and Media Arts Higher Education Curricula

This study posits that current online trends of mistrust in health policies may be partly overcome through an exploratory employment of memes. It aims at filling a critical gap whereby unexpected communication channels might succeed in addressing subjective bias seemingly immune to fact-based cognitive persuasion channels. We propose that the classroom may be a particularly


Modeling the Relationships Among Family’s Socioeconomic Status, Home Literacy Environment, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Ability in Chinese Preschool Children

The study aims to examine the relationships among family’s socioeconomic status (SES), home literacy environment (reading resources and reading activities available at home), and Chinese children’s vocabulary and reading comprehension ability. A total of 594 Chinese preschool children (293 boys; mean age = 62.01 months; 130 in K1, 180 in K2, and 284 in K3)


Mapping the Field of Quality Assurance and Transnational Higher Education Through a Bibliometrics Analysis

Quality assurance (QA) has become an increasingly important research subject due to globalization and the consequent international expansion of higher education institutions. Such expansion entails obstacles and challenges since national frameworks for QA and the recognition of qualifications do not cover transnational higher education (TNHE). With enthusiastic debate amongst all stakeholders and academics, further exploration

‘Disjuncture’ to ‘Reconstruction’: An Ethnographic Study on Cultural Identity Conflicts of Post-95 Chinese International Fine Art Students in London

Following the economic rise of China, the educational mobility of its nationals continues to increase. Intercultural communication between China and the UK is also occurring with greater frequency. Every generation of Chinese international students has encountered identity conflicts. Previous studies generally view them as a whole, discussing their identity conflict as a phenomenon of intercultural


Historical Metafiction and the Quest for Black Self-Authority in Laurence Hill’s Novel “Someone Knows My Name”

Rewriting history in fiction is not a new phenomenon in literature, since historical novels engage fictional characters in a real historical context to offer a glimpse of past times. However, historical metafiction offered a different framework. It is working under postmodernism by asking “what happen” through a repetition of history. This paper sought to analyze


Preliminary Theory on Relationship Between Data-Driven AI and Historical Recognition

Today, there are massive contents online that are delivered, promoted and even generated by data-driven AI. Among them, so-called “post-truth” websites and videos feature inauthentic and pseudo-academic historical recognition. The fact that “post-truth” or alternative historical views are now getting popular is now discussed, but there has been no (or little) discussion that relates “post-truth”


Ingenuity in the Pandemic: A Cross-Course Science-Literacy Integration Project

When faced with compressed hybrid courses amidst the pandemic, two university teacher educators sought to leverage the opportunity into an innovative, collaborative project to increase authentic learning experiences for their students. Pre-service teachers in one elementary literacy and one elementary science education course collaborated on a science-literacy integration project, bringing their content expertise and shared


Long Distance Recordingship: Assessing the Use of Remote Recordings in Acoustic Research on Serbian EFL Students’ Acquisition of English VOT

Though research in acoustic phonetics entails laboratory conditions, the rapid technological development accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic bids the question of remote recording, the success of which could provide phoneticians with more research opportunities. This paper explores the feasibility of remote sample collection in the context of examining the degree of aspiration in initial voiceless


Disrupting the Grade Imperative Through Critical Pedagogies Embedded Into Human Rights Focused Literary Study

This paper presents the story of what happened when I incorporated critical pedagogical practices, within a human rights focused unit of study, into my literature classroom and examined the effect it had on my students’ perceptions regarding the purpose of their education. After providing a theoretical framework, positioning my study within existing research, and outlining


Enhancing Inclusion and Critical Thinking With Station Rotation Model: A Research Proposal

New pedagogies are quickly entering the educational landscape as educators scramble to provide students with the 21st century skills. Station Rotation Model, a type of Blended Learning is a student-centred method that creates more engaging, productive, and goal-oriented learning environments by leveraging technology. At the same time, teachers need more than one framework to meet


An Examination of Elementary Students’ Reasoning Ability via Inquiry-Based Project Designed by STEAM Integration

This study describes inquiry-based methods, taught in elementary school setting, integrated with STEAM courses sessions that teacher candidates work with individual children. I examine fifty-six students’ (4th and 5th graders) reasoning ability, especially on mathematics and scientific justification, on teacher candidates’ STEAM lessons through the theory of inquiry-based methods. I employed a quantitatively descriptive and


Faculty Motivations for Participating in Interactive Seminars and the Impact of Student Non-Engagement: A Conceptual Framework

In a virtually driven world, the advancement and usage of technology has been seen to have many direct and indirect implications for educational practice. Against this backdrop, our paper reconceptualises academic faculty’s motivations for engaging with their students in interactive seminars. Extant research suggests that student and faculty interaction can be considered as a key


The Utility of DASS-21 as a Research Method for Second Language Acquisition Studies for Vulnerable Learners

This mixed-methodology pilot study aimed to examine the relationship between mental distress and language acquisition in vulnerable students, specifically those of immigrant and queer backgrounds. The study included participants (N=4) with a mean age of 29 years old (±4.7 years) who were learning Icelandic as a Second Language. To assess the prevalence of stress, anxiety,


An Italian Large Case Study on Emergency Remote Teaching: Factors and Predictors Which Affect Higher Education Students’ Attitude

In the last few years many studies on concerns about Emergency Remote Teaching have been implemented, but few focused on the Italian academia. The present large case study involved 3,670 undergraduate and postgraduate learners enrolled on both Architecture and Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. It aimed to investigate their assessment of remote teaching through


Toho’s Uncanny Monster: Re-imaging Japanese Postwar National Identity Through the Godzilla Franchise Films

Whereas Godzilla (1954) made by Toho, one of the biggest Japanese studios, is most discussed by academic researchers who see this film as a significant sci-fi monster genre film in the post-war cinema, the twenty-eight Godzilla franchise films made in the past sixty years still have been remained under-researched by academic film scholars in relation


Exploring Content and Tools Tailored on Gen Z University Courses: A Case Study

University education plays a crucial role in the development of young individuals, serving as a vital foundation. However, it is not uncommon for there to be a concealed sense of discontentment regarding the quality of services provided by universities. Because of Generation Z (Gen Z) members particular traits, traditional methods to course design are sometimes


Development of Building Construction Blended Curriculum for Korean Universities

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Fourth Industrial Revolution have brought about significant changes in education at Korean universities. Two typical examples are the expansion of online learning and the spread of innovative teaching methods. Online education has advantages in that it allows learners to repeat learning and learn freely, regardless of time and place. It


The Importance of Professional Self-Knowledge in the Initial and In-Service Training of Teachers

Rogers’s person-centered approach has had a major impact on the social professions and the methods used in this field, so I have tried to briefly present the methods that can be used in the initial and in-service training of teachers. As professional self-knowledge is an important area of becoming a teacher and pedagogical work, I


The Views of Romanian Teachers on the Sexual Development and Education of Children

The topic of sexuality passes for a taboo in our country even today, there being no open treatment of the subject, not even in the closest family circle. There is no sexual education in schools, while sexual enlightenment is restricted to 1-2 hours, provided at the age of 13-14. Our goal is to determine the


Housing Insecurity and Economic Development: A Case Study of Informal Settlements in Manila, Philippines

The city of Manila, Philippines faces a severe housing crisis. Due to the Philippines’ unusual combination of rapid economic growth, uneven regional economic development, lack of affordable housing, and low per capita incomes, it is estimated that Manila has the most number of homeless people of any city in the world. Consequently, the government must


A Blended Approach to Community Involved Education for the Wellbeing of Society

This paper aims to look at the different layers of meanings of the concept of community, the role communities play in enhancing education and how this serves the overall wellbeing of societies. Given the complex challenges that are endemic to our globalized society such as climate change, intercontinental mass migration, and the consequences of technological


Community-Centred Design for Social Innovation: Bottom-Up and Government Initiatives in Shanghai

Insecurity has gripped our society. When we write these words, some countries may be experiencing war, hunger, and poverty. The causes of this extreme insecurity vary, but the major contributors include a lack of community cohesion, relevance, and cultural identity. In the absence of timely solutions to these problems, more social problems will arise. Therefore,


Multimedia-Enhanced English Presentation Training With the Audience in Mind

This study presents the initial findings from a comprehensive 16-week presentation skills training program designed for Taiwanese college students who possess intermediate to advanced English proficiency. The program utilized multimedia tutorials on infographics and various presentation tools, and provided one-on-one diagnostic sessions as well as workshops by field experts on modern presentation requirements which included


Restructuring Interdisciplinary Teaching Materials: Crossing Over From Non-STEM to STEM

This study presents seven types of visual modifications to customize teaching materials for an interdisciplinary course called “The Role of Hydrogen Energy for Net Zero Emission and Practice.” An instructional designer with a non-STEM background worked with a team of instructors to redesign their lecture slides, with the goals of appealing to students from a


An Initial Attempt of A.I. in the ESL/EFL Writing Classroom: Lessons Learnt

Recently, artificial intelligence (A.I.) and its use in the language classroom is a topic that has sparked widespread discussion across the globe recently. Amongst these A.I. models, one particular software is called Jenni AI, which supports writers in creating pieces of writing step-by-step. In this paper, the teacher-researcher reports on his experience in using Jenni


School Differences in Whether and Where Students Apply to University

Going to university is a key route to enhancing life opportunities for young people and for promoting social mobility. Despite the action of multiple widening participation programs, substantial sociodemographic inequalities in participation to higher education persist. Many factors determine whether a student attends university, however, the potential role of schools in exacerbating or mitigating participation


A Metacognitive Process of Collaborative Engagement With Peers in Project-Based Language Learning

In an English as a foreign language (EFL) environment, many students only get to learn or use English in the classroom. To give those students more authentic experiences in language use, some university courses are adopting hands-on learning approaches such as project-based language learning (PBLL). One of the biggest benefits of PBLL is the role


Interfering Diffractively with Matter: Anamneses of the “Metagrid” Art Workshop

In this article, I examine how the concept of diffraction can be corporeally communicated within art workshops. Through my perception as an artist and workshop facilitator, I narrate the case study of the “metagrid”, which was part of “#metttafestival – Who are we on social media?” held at BUoY in Tokyo in October 2022. I


Mapping, Coding, Learning: When Infographic Meets Digital Education –A Pilot Programme in Design School

Media Literacy and Media Education are two concepts that are now endorsed and become part of the academic lexicon of contemporary society internationally and seem to be recognised for all intents and purposes as new processes of education within formal or informal educational contexts. This process, however, cannot be self-taught and entrusted exclusively to the


Art Therapy for Children –Developing Courses in Creativity to Deal With Difficult Emotions

The covid-19 pandemic has disrupted education systems globally, affecting the most vulnerable learners the hardest. For Ukrainian children, there has been a double shock, as the war disrupted their lives right after the pandemic, aggravating their stressful condition. The aim of the project being presented here was to develop a methodology based on the principles


From Linguistic Expressions to Intercultural Communication: The Significance of Pragmatics in EFL Teaching and Learning

The variety of norms across languages and cultures poses a challenge to second language (L2) speakers in engaging in meaningful intercultural communication. This study discusses the incorporation of pragmatics in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Freshman course at the tertiary level, and in particular, through teacher reflections and teaching assistants’ observations. When immersion


Passion-Based Learning Under COVID-19: Students’ Perceptions for Implementation, Engagement and Passion in a Hong Kong Primary School

Passion-based learning (PBL), an education mindset to unleash students’ potentials, is considered an innovative approach coherent to Education 3.0 as learning is mainly driven by learners. The existing studies, however, have neither drawn conclusive results towards the effectiveness of PBL, nor contextualized in Hong Kong primary school under COVID-19. The aims of this research with


Effects of Synchronous and Asynchronous Instruction on Learners’ Reading Motivation During COVID-19 Pandemic

Education suffered greatly from the COVID-19 pandemic which necessitated the provision of distant, emergency instruction by teachers. While educational institutions work to reduce the possibility of community transmission, online learning has emerged as a vital lifeline. To reach students remotely and minimize disruptions to education brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic, the Department of Education


Exploring Dimensions of Entrepreneurship Education as Determinants of Entrepreneurial Readiness on Exit Level Students at Selected TVET Colleges in a Developing Context

Entrepreneurship education has continued to gain more global attention due to its pivotal role in the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for economic advancement. The importance of entrepreneurship education has led to discovering its different dimensions. This study aims to examine the link between dimensions of entrepreneurship education and students’ entrepreneurial readiness towards starting a business.


Callidus Academy Project Bringing a New Vision on Professional Training Related to the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM)

The Callidus Academy is a project of the LUDUS ecosystem, from the State University of Amazonas, in partnership with the company CALLIDUS INDUSTRIA COMERCIO E SERVIÇOS DE PLACAS E COMPONENTES ELETRONICOS. To solve the problems of the PCB industry, the project carries out case studies with the research of causes and effects involved in the


Emotional Stability as Predictor of General Coping Among Engineering Students

Emotional stability is defined as the ability of an individual to keep one’s emotional balance under pressure. At the same time, coping allows an individual to grow and move forward when dealing with stress. With the academic demand of engineering courses, it is essential to understand emotional stability and general coping, as education can also


Naturalism and Realism: An Interplay in the Works of Stephen Crane

All literature is founded on some concept of the nature of man. When any major literary trend appears, it assumes or defines man’s place in the universe. The medieval idea of man was that of a fallen creature, living in a dualistic world that was divided between good and bad, moral and immoral, God and


An Examination on the Role of Culture and Socialization on South Asian Women’s Pursuit of STEM Education

This study examines the experiences of five South Asian women who aspire for careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at the University of Western Ontario. It also analyzes the ways in which cultural and societal experiences shape their pursuit of a STEM degree. The research questions being investigated through this study are: (1)


Parenting Styles and Adolescents’ Motivation for Physical Activity: The Mediating Role of Parental Physical Activity Related Practices

Physical activity (PA) contains many benefits for adolescents’ physical and mental health, and for building healthy living routines and habits for the future. Motivation, especially intrinsic motivation, constitutes an important factor for PA amongst children and adolescents. In the current study, we tested the association between maternal and paternal parenting styles and adolescents’ PA motivation,


How can Bio-Strategies Inform Design for Sustainability?

This study presents a Nature-based Design project developed using Bio-strategies. Biophilia, Biomimicry and Biotechnology were used to explore seaweed-based materials for reusable food packaging. Biophilia is employed to evoke empathy towards Nature and embrace its natural aesthetics. Biomimicry serves as inspiration for a structure’s resilience, hydrophobic properties, and overall system and design. Biotechnology contributes to


The Use of Words in Thai Language in “Viral” Communication of Thai People in the Present Era

This academic article has a purpose to study the use of words in Thai language in “viral” communication of Thai people in the present era as the collection of information on the use of words that appears on viral social media and compares the use of viral words with the use of correct words in


The Promotion and Development of Civic Historians to Enhance Locality in Thailand

This research aims to contribute to and expand the historian’s knowledge network formation, focusing on the local people who strongly feel connected and highly cherish their local historical stories. Wherewith local development needs to begin with people who grew up to reach sustainable development in each local community. Besides, the local knowledge created in each


Rethinking Work Integrated Learning Pedagogy: Reflections Post COVID-19

The consistent battle to ensure quality outcomes in work integrated learning (WIL) experiences has been an ongoing matter for higher education institutions. For universities that offer WIL modules, it is essential to ensure consistency from one year to the next concerning student experiences, as well as outcomes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities moved to emergency


A Review on the Ethical Principles of Conduct on Turkish University Websites

The aim of this study is to examine whether state universities in Turkey include ethical behavior principles on their university web pages. From past to present, ethical standards for university members and students are discussed, and these people who share the university environment are expected to act in accordance with ethical principles. Universities, on the


Teaching the Notion of ‘Civil Society’ Through Classroom: How Can Teachers in Tajikistan Use the Ethical Pathways to Human Development Module to Instil the Notion of ‘Civil Society’ Amongst Secondary Students?

It has been proved over the past that civically active youth have been a potent force for change. Yet, youth in newly established democratic regimes frequently suffer as a result of their civic participation. In order to help the younger generation, select safe chances for their civic involvement, it is necessary to explain the concept


Does Tracking Culture Encourage Fixed Mindsets in Its Students? An Interdisciplinary Analysis Using International Datasets

This study serves as the first of its kind to quantitatively juxtapose students’ mindsets from between-school tracking (BST) and comprehensive educational policies. Results indicated that students educated in a BST country were significantly more fixed minded than students educated in a comprehensive policy (p ≤ .0001). Results also replicated the past finding that being less


What do Employers Want? Examining Job Readiness in the Gulf

Over the last 20 years education has embraced numerous trends and various approaches, yet the core remit of education remains unchanged: to produce graduates ready for the workforce. This is particularly evident in the United Arab Emirates, where, for over a decade the government has supported an Emiratization initiative designed to employ UAE nationals in


The Impact of Digital Art on Traditional Arts

New technologies have affected all fields, including the arts, especially contemporary arts that embrace modernity. The rapid development of digital technology had a great impact on all types of arts, including traditional arts. It also had a great influence on the artist himself. This development has led to an escalation in breaking the boundaries between


Media Space for Female Political Representatives in Sri Lanka: A Study on Women Politicians Appearing on TV Programs

Adeline Molamure, Sri Lanka’s first female legislator, entered the State Council of Ceylon in 1931 by winning a by-election following her father’s demise. Forty-eight years later, in 1979, Sri Lanka officially initiated television broadcasting. The newly introduced audio-visual media soon turned into the citizens’ primary source of information. On June 5, 1797, the government took


System Thinking in a Global Context to Foster Transcendent Leadership

This paper examines contemporary topics of leadership globally and its importance to be applied within multiple levels of governance. This paper is grounded in theory employing a theoretical framework to conduct qualitative deductive and inductive analysis (Maxwell, 2013), Patton (2015) posits that ‘Grounded theory emphasizes steps and procedures for connecting induction and deduction through the


Exploring the Feasibility and Efficacy of ChatGPT3 for Personalized Feedback in Teaching: A Systematic Review and Empirical Analysis

This study aims to explore the feasibility of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into the teaching process, with a particular focus on the potential use of ChatGPT3 for providing effective, meaningful, and personalized feedback. The study will utilize a systematic investigation of existing literature and empirical analysis to evaluate the efficacy of this approach for


A Study of Adaptive Learning in Large Class Sizes and the Enabling Conditions for Student Self-Regulated Learning in the UAE

In 2018, a 60 student program was piloted to explore the potential of using an adaptive learning system in larger class sizes to mitigate issues such as a lack of qualified teachers and high teacher turnover rates in the UAE. This study sought to understand the impact of this program on student engagement and academic


Semiautomatic Study of Handwriting Development in Basque Children at Primary School

The aim of this case study is to understand the connections between process factors of writing, such as bursts and fluency/speed, and product factors related to linguistic complexity and the quality of the final text. With this purpose, we conducted a (pilot) study with 13 developing writers in Basque from the second year of Primary


Relationship of the Val158met COMT Genotype With the Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP)

Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP) are disorders of hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to a specific modality (or modalities) of sensory stimuli. These disorders also affect motor skills as well as executive functions, which is important for the child’s neurodevelopment. Patterns of sensory-motor integration may be genetically determined. Particular attention is paid to polymorphisms of the


The Development of a Digital Entrepreneurship Children Education Model in Malaysia

In the context of business and entrepreneurship, attitudes, digital skills, and the teaching of entrepreneurial values by preschool teachers are very important in engaging children. The purpose of this study is to analyse the needs in developing a model for Digital Entrepreneurship Education for B40 group kindergarten children based on teachers’ perceptions. The respondents of


The Effects of the Flipping Classroom and Peer Instructional Models on Learning Mathematics

This study examines the impact of the flipped classroom and peer instruction teaching models on students’ mathematics performance. More than one hundred students participate in a four-month study, and they are divided into three groups. A control group is being taught according to the traditional model. The first experimental group is being taught according to


Education Plan According to Age and Experience to Reduce Human Error of Construction Workers

In Korea, as construction projects become increasingly large and complex, many construction accidents are occurring. According to the Ministry of Employment and Labor, as of 2021, the number of accident victims in the construction industry is the second highest after other industries, and the number of accident deaths accounts for about 50%, ranking first in


Threats and Opportunities of Chat GPT in Online Learning With Elementary/Primary Students

This paper introduces the recently popularised computer AI (Artificial Intelligence) program called Chat GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) in an educational context. The paper then goes on to discuss the potential threats and opportunities that have and may still emerge for elementary/primary education. This is specifically discussed in the context of online learning. These opportunities and


Using Blended Learning for EAL Interventions With Elementary/Primary Students

This paper puts forward a case for the use of blended learning as a form of pull-out intervention, specifically for EAL (English as an Additional Language) elementary students who need to rapidly catch up on basic interpersonal communication skills. Practical suggestions are provided. This approach is based on both quantitative and qualitative data from a


Making Assessment Engaging for Elementary/Primary Students in Online Learning

This paper identifies the two main areas of online education that cause problems for elementary/primary school teachers. This is done through the use of quantitative and qualitative data collected cross culturally in 2022. Specifically, teacher interviews and surveys were used. Through rigorous data analysis and triangulation, the two key problem areas that come out on


Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on the Education of Higher Education Students in the Health Area

Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) emerges as a temporary resource for teaching students of courses in the health area, in higher education institutions, during the global pandemic COVID-19. The remote teaching modality brought with it positive aspects, as well as important challenges regarding the learning process in the area of higher education under analysis. This study


Foundation Phase Teachers’ Views on the Role of Proprioceptive Development in School Readiness

This exploratory case study reports on the views of six purposively selected Foundation Phase teachers from an independent school in Gauteng, South Africa, on the role of proprioceptive development in school readiness. The study was guided by Ayres’ sensory integration theory, which is based on the assumptions that the brain can change and that this


Developing Conducive Environments for Participation in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in a Historically Disadvantaged University

Many schools of thought globally have argued on the subject of SoTL, its formulation, techniques and procedures, and this subject has also not spared and questioned the operation of previously disadvantaged universities. These universities identify more with teaching and less with research. Yet, SoTL pursues the primary motivation of including it as a culture in


Professional Training Through Simulation: Presentation of a Model and a Tool for the Analysis of Trainers’ Debriefing Practice

Although fundamental (Neill & Wotton, 2011; Policard, 2015, 2018), the debriefing activity of debriefing trainers (Bastiani, 2017) and the measurement of its mastery (Wazonis, 2015) are the subject of little research. Current approaches, based on recommendations and assessment grids, have limitations in terms of the overall understanding of the trainer’s activity. To fill these gaps,


High School Preparatory Class Students’ Digital Reading Culture and Their Engagement With Interactive English Graded Readers

Fast-growing technology of the 21st century has led to an overwhelming desire for its constantly use in educational areas where the learners are overrashly perceived as digital natives. Bearing in mind that “One size does not fit all”, this study focused on High School Preparatory Class (HSPC) students’ attitudes towards digital reading and their use


Lensing the Impact of English as a Lingua Franca

We are living in the first quarter of the 21st century, which has made tremendous progress in transforming the lives of human civilization in every sphere of life from science and technology to medicine, space, and communication, to name a few. However, the century will be remembered in history for the setbacks to civilization in


Teacher’s Needs Analysis on Content Knowledge in Science: Basis for a Comprehensive Learning and Development Plan

The Department of Education aimed to provide training that is both relevant and responsive to teachers’ needs to enhance their effectiveness. This study was undertaken to assess the training needs of science teachers regarding content knowledge in science, serving as the foundation for a Comprehensive Learning and Development Plan. The respondents in this study comprised


Regular Past Inflection and Pluralisation Morphemes in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

The study on the regular past inflections and pluralization morphemes in children with autism spectrum disorders was a survey of 20 children between the ages of 5 – 12 years at Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLG) Health Foundation and Autism Centre, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. The study investigated to document the level of severity


Trauma-Informed Leadership: A Case Study of Educational Leadership and Crisis Management of Secondary Schools

This qualitative research utilized a case study research design that investigated the school head’s leadership and crisis management. It enlisted the participation of five school heads using convenient sampling based on inclusion criteria. To collect data, a semi-structured written interview based on Lawson (2021) was used. To display the narratives, the data were transcribed, examined,


Combating Corrupt Governments Through the Imagination of Public Sphere: Textual Analysis of TV Series “Sluga Narodu”

Former comedian Zelenskyy successfully became the president of Ukraine through the comedy series “Sluga narodu.” It is worth exploring the public meaning of this pop culture phenomenon for people suffering similar structure searching for a paradigm for salvation. This article uses concepts of public sphere such as forums, private citizens, connection, public opinion, authoritative representatives,


Fluid Vernacular Architecture —Spatial Ethnograpy in the Rural Area of Southeastern China

After the 1970s, the Chinese rural area has been shaped by two forces. One is from the rural community, which is internal and reflected in the inheritance of traditions and old habits; the other is from outside the community, which is external and manifested in the penetration of urbanization and the intervention of the strong


Cultural Representations of Emiratis in British Media: Stereotypes, Discourses, and Dominance

This paper aimed to interpret the cultural representations of the Emiratis in the British media through content analysis of two newspapers with significant circulation between 2020 and 2021: Metro and The Sun. Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of news, information trends were established, and the cultural representations of the United Arab Emirates and its


Youth in Bangladesh

The youth population is the backbone of any country. Youth in a country is a viable and potential human resource not only in population structure but also in social structure. May the countries in Asia be on the list of developing countries, but the countries of the region have an increasing demographic share of the


Hunting Scenes and the Zodiac Signs in the Medieval Georgian Sculpture

Images of hunting scenes play an important role in Georgian cultural heritage. We find these themes, in various forms and interpretations, in almost every century from V to XVIII. There is an interesting aspect of medieval relief sculpture – the “hunter” involved in hunting compositions often. Reveals a connection with the zodiac Sagittarius (e.g., Oshki).


The Framing of the Semiotic Codes in Five Filipino Movie Posters

A movie poster, as an adjunct to a film, is not only a powerful instrument of mass visual advertisement, but also a mode of communication and a tool of persuasion. This article examines and analyzes, through the conceptual lenses of semiotic and framing theories, how movie posters communicate social and cultural transformations brought about by


Building Social-Emotional Competencies and Resilience in Preservice Teacher Education: The Role of Yoga

This study scrutinises the effects of a yoga programme on the social-emotional competencies and resilience of 124 student teachers at a university in Turkey and investigates the viewpoints of the participants about the integration of holistic yoga practices. A Hatha yoga programme was implemented in the experimental group for 6 weeks. Data were obtained via


Students’ English Learning Exposure: Preferable Type and Geographical Location

Indonesia has a vast region with thousands of islands within it. Distributing equal learning exposure to English foreign language learning across the region is an inevitable issue. Several studies have been conducted either in the area of learning exposure or descriptive inferential on the effect of geography on education. However, rarely any study traces causal


The Spread of Information and Sentiment About the Ukraine-Russia War on X: An Analysis of Spokesperson

In the aftermath of the Ukraine-Russia war, global disruptions in political, economic, and security domains raised pressing questions about their implications for international stability. This study delves into the role of X (formerly Twitter) in spreading information and influencing public opinion during this war, with a specific emphasis on tweets centered around spokespersons from the


The World Café Method for the Development of Non-technical Midwifery Skills in Morocco: A Pilot Experience

This research discusses the most critical soft (non-technical) skills development in midwifery education by using a collaborative methodology known as the World Café in the continuous education context at the Centre de Formation et de Simulation (FORSim) in Settat, Morocco. Non-technical skills complement technical skills to provide safe performance of technical activities and satisfaction of


Imagination Versus Materiality – The Bond of Image and Text in Conflict

A seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual art of Romanticism, William Blake, considered imagination as an instrument of knowledge superior to reason. In his works he sympathized with the victims of society degraded by industrialization and praised imagination against materiality. The paper focuses in two groups of works of the artist,


Between West and East: Japanese Mangas as World Literature

The following essay proposes intertextuality in Japanese mangas as a bridge between Europe and Asia, it proposes the relationship betwixt texts as an overpass between dichotomies and socio-political space borders. In this sense and in virtue of focusing on interculturality and displaying a state of the matter as broad as possible, the following work seeks


War on Marriage: Issues of Married Buddhist Monastics in the Republic of Korea Military

Over the decades since the retreat of the Japanese after World War II and the subsequent battle to “purify” Korean Buddhism from Japanese “vestige”, the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, the largest Buddhist denomination in Korea, has firmly established its identity as a legitimate heir and representative of the Korean Buddhism, supposedly unscratched by the


Exploring Cultural Imagination for Indian Most Popular Movies

In India, South India film industries outperform Bollywood in recent years. For Indian audiences, they experience historically different choices for film appreciation and entertaining styles. This study uses textual analysis to interpret public and social meanings for two kinds of most popular Indian movies: Top 10 movies in India movie markets, and Top 10 most


A Study of the Relationship Between Impostor Syndrome, Internship Experience, and Career Adaptability

This study examined the relationship between impostor syndrome, internship experience, and career adjustment. The difference between individuals with and without internship experience in terms of impostor syndrome and career adjustment, as well as the positive impact of impostor syndrome in the workplace. The instruments used in this study were the Impostor Syndrome Scale, the Perfectionism


The Organizational Role of the Translation of the Mission, Vision and Values: A Case Study of Japanese Companies in Spain

Japanese companies advocate their mission, vision and values as the three core elements of their organizations. The mission replies to the question “What does this company exist for?”. The mission advocates for the future in which the company aims to be in a lapse of time of 10 or 50 years later. While, the values


The Invisibility of Translator’s Presence

“I see translation as the attempt to produce a text so transparent that it does not seem to be translated. A good translation is like a pane of glass. You only notice that it’s there when there are little imperfections— scratches, bubbles. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any. It should never call attention to itself.” Norman


Minimalism, Motherhood, and Marie Kondo: The Appeal of a Japanese Aesthetic for American Moms

Since the English translation of Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing (Ten Speed Press, 2014), many Americans have been fascinated by the promise of being able to sort through all their things in a way that returns control of their living space to them. This


OTT and Participatory Cultures: The Case of Netflix’s Wednesday

The advent of OTT brought about a comfort in viewing, a personal safe space to indulge into, to escape the bitterness of reality, at your own convenience. The OTT industry off-lately experienced a sharp spike as viewer numbers shot up to touch millions to survive the idleness of the pandemic. Who doesn’t want the freedom


The Use of AI-Based Augmented Reality in the Work of Journalists

Over the years, with the development of smartphones, new technologies such as social media and user-generated content have been used in news content. The press and the media are accustomed to using cutting-edge technology to improve news accuracy, help news gathering and increase the efficiency of news production. With the rise of AI technology, more


Difficulties in Teaching and Learning Pre-Calculus Using Face-to-Face and Online Instruction: Bases for Self-Learning Module Development

The early understanding and identification of the difficulties faced by learners in learning Pre-calculus are critical for any intervention to be developed. Thus, this study aimed to identify the difficulties encountered in teaching and learning the Pre-Calculus subject content, and the competencies which are difficult to teach and learn using face-to-face and online instruction. The


Collaborative Approach to Safety in Nursing Homes: Perspectives of Caregivers and Nurses

Nursing care safety measures are important in nursing homes where medical and daily living care coexist. The purpose of this study was to identify the elements of safety behavior that allow nurses and caregivers to develop collaboratively, a culture of safety in nursing homes. Three nurses and four caregivers from four nursing homes were interviewed


Virtual Reality to Increase Intercultural Competence and Openness

Using the framework of Allport’s contact hypothesis (1946) and Deardorff’s pyramid for Intercultural competence (2006), this study examines the findings of using virtual reality (VR) in university communication classes to increase intercultural competence and motivation to learn about foreign countries and cultures. Twelve students spent fifteen to twenty minutes traveling the world using Wander software


Japanese Leadership in Combatting Chinese Organ Transplant Abuse

The G7 is meeting in Hiroshima on May 19 to 21, 2023. Japan is the president of the G7 for 2023. A Government of Japan Concept Paper sets out as a priority for the Japan G7 Presidency to “continue strengthening the global health architecture”. Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has explained that Japan presidency’s would


The Application of the Bilingual Online Dictionary Brazilian Sign Language/Portuguese in a Brazilian Higher Education Institution

This work supports the issue of accessibility for deaf students in Higher Education, developed by the Inovar+ project with support from CEAD (Coordination of Open and Distance Education). Its objective is to understand, from the perspective of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)/Portuguese Translators and Interpreters (TILSP), the use of the Bilingual Libras/Portuguese Dictionary as a pedagogical


Household Internet Affordability and Its Affecting Factors in Thailand

Internet accessibility is considered a key factor affecting economic growth in the digital economy. In Thailand, while internet use is on the rise, household internet access is less widespread than in developed countries. This study examines the situation of household internet expenses, affordability, and the factors that affect households’ internet affordability from 2012 to 2021.


Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Labor Force in Thailand

Covid-19 has begun to spread in Thailand since early 2020, and consequently the economy in some industrial divisions contracted while some industrial divisions expanded significantly. This research investigates the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Thai labor force in the aspect of employment and income. The labor force survey data collected by National Statistical Office during


#BoycottBollywood Trend on Social Media: Understanding the Reasons and Impact

The Bollywood, one of the world’s largest film industries, is a significant contributor to the Indian economy and culture, producing hundreds of films annually that are widely viewed in India and also has a global fan base. In recent years, #BoycottBollywood has been a popular hashtag on social media in India and the movement has


A Paradise Regained. The Prophetic Vision of a New Genealogy of Monarchs in Richard II

In the complex texture of Richard II, the role played by Queen Isabel is only apparently marginal. The play offers a wide-ranging reflection on sovereignty, the ethics of power, and on the State and its government. Queen Isabel’s words and actions institute a bridge between past and future, announcing a new beginning for English history.


Conceptualizing Taiwanese Cultural Values in Souvenir Packaging Design for Foreign Tourists: How Japanese Tourists Purchasing for Casual Gift-Giving

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Taiwanese souvenir packaging design on Japanese tourist purchases with a perspective of how cultural values perceived by Japanese tourists in Taiwanese packaging design. Taiwan has long been one of the most popular tourist destinations among Japanese tourists. The target audience of the research is


Tutorial Factors Associated With Dropout and Failure in Higher Education

The purpose of this work is to present the tutorial factors associated with desertion and failure identified in higher education, at the Technological University of the Southeast of Veracruz (TUSV), a non-experimental design is suggested, based on a quantitative, analytical and descriptive approach. It addresses two of the five phases proposed in the methodology for


Chinese Top Vlogger: A Textual Analysis of the Audience’s Reaction to Li Ziqi’s YouTube Channel

With the significant growth of social media and its wide reach among active users, celebrities on these platforms have become a major attraction for individuals seeking various needs. This study employs textual (content) analysis combined with gratification theory to explore the perspectives of YouTube views regarding Li Ziqi’s most popular video (with over 116 M


From Visual Tools to Body Parts: Functions of Eyeglasses in The Pickwick Papers

The Industrial Revolution and subsequent technological advancements enabled most members of the Victorian middle class to afford eyeglasses and facilitated the improvement and mass production of frames and lenses. This explains the popularity of eyeglasses among Dickens’s fictional characters such as Samuel Pickwick and Snubbin. Eyeglasses are associated with aging, social standing, power, and authority


A Women Leader and Kyrgyz Nomadic Society: Ethnographic Re-consideration of Life of Kurmanjan Datka in the 19th-Century Silk Road

Kurmanjan Datka (1811-1907) is the most famous woman leader in Kyrgyz history who was dubbed “the Queen of the Alai Mountains” in the 19th century. Kurmanjan Datka was born in 1811 in a nomadic Muslim family in the Alai region, southern Kyrgyzstan. She left her first husband breaking Kyrgyz traditions and fled back to her


Exploring the Online Co-Creation Process of Design Thinking from the Perspective of Constructive Controversy Training

“Design Thinking”(DT) as a human-oriented problem-solving methodology has been widely discussed in the world. DT is becoming popular in interdisciplinary field and complex problem scope. DT workshops began to be applied around 2010 for heterogeneity team building and co-creation. However, there is still room for improvement in team performance and effectiveness during the co-creation activities


YouTube Shorts as the Inner Dynamic of Strategically Changes to Channel Owners

This study explores Shorts as a dynamic of propelling changes within the inner ecosystem of YouTube and interprets relations by analyzing the discourse surrounding the launch of YouTube Shorts from the collected YouTuber episodes in Taiwan. Institutionally, native video content producers on YouTube have continuously adapted to regulatory conditions from platforms before Shorts and concerning


“As the President of My Kingdom”: The Practice of Power in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra

The plays composed by Shakespeare after 1603 notably incorporate the principles of the new Stuart ideology, which celebrated James I as an enlightened ruler invested directly by God of the mission to reunify the ancient kingdoms of Britain. In this respect, it is possible to read Antony and Cleopatra as a metaphor of contemporaneity: a


STEAM Curriculum for 12-14-year-old Girls

Integrated STEAM learning is a critical element of living and learning in the 21st century, since it is based on developing a hands-on interdisciplinary problem-solving mindset. In this presentation we reflect on the process of designing and implementing STEAM curricula for 12-14-year-old girls, as part of a larger European project, aiming at bringing girls into


A Qualitative Evaluation of an AI-Supported Quiz Application to Assess Learning Progress

In a current research project at the Ansbach University of Applied Science, an AI-based quiz function was created to serve as a voluntary student-oriented support offer to determine their learning progress in their respective courses by means of conducting self-assessment quizzes. The application takes lecture scripts as input and applies a question generation model to


Influencer Entrepreneurial Branding: Exploring the Relationship Dynamic Between Micro-Influencers and Creative Agencies

It is undeniable that influencer marketing plays a distinctive role in the world of social media and advertising; in particular, the value and impact of micro-influencers have been highlighted in recent years. Throughout the years, we have always seen creative agencies play the middleman role by connecting influencers with brands for collaboration, but as influencers


Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions on ESP Teaching and Students’ Willingness to Communicate in English

This study investigated how English language instruction in Vocational and Technical High Schools affected English use in practice, students’ willingness to communicate, and their motivation to improve their English. For this purpose, to have a practical perspective on the issue, students who have attended the internship project and teachers who accompanied them are asked open-ended


Decision-Making Reasons of Thai People to Put Elderly Parent in Nursing Home

This research aimed to study 1. To study the reasons and the desirable characteristics of the elderly nursing home 2. To study the financially feasibility to invest in the elderly nursing home and 3. To study the sensitivity analysis to invest in the elderly nursing home. The primary data are from both the interview the


Color Development Trend of Modern Clothing in China from 1993 to 2023: Take “Hempel Award” as an Example

Modern clothing design in China started late, but has developed rapidly in a relatively short period of time and has undergone tremendous changes, which can be reflected especially in the colors of clothing. The colors of clothing can reflect the identity, emotions, aesthetics and many other aspects of the wearer. By analyzing the changes and


A Necessary Challenge to Avoid Missing the Turning Point to Avoid Medical Malpractice

This study analyzed perinatal medical malpractice court cases in Japan between 1999 and 2021, especially those where midwives were found negligent in cases involving the use of labor- inducing medications. The aim was to identify the turning points where adverse events could have been avoided and examine the necessary measures to prevent missing these turning


Cultural Institutions as Spaces for Education: Artistic Expressions in Initial Teacher Training at the University of Madeira

This communication aims to highlight the formative and artistic role of three socio-cultural institutions in the island territory of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Portugal, as spaces that preserve various local cultural aspects while promoting artistic education, inclusion and citizenship from a perspective of education for all — basic elements in the training of future

‘The Tyranny of Silence’: The Uses of the Erotic in Audre Lorde’s Poetry

The idea of passion and pain becomes important to understand the erotic in Lorde’s poetry. It is soaked with a fearlessness with which she demands other women to speak. The notion of the erotic which has always been seen in the mainstream as closely aligned to the idea of the sexual act, finds a new


City’s Study Construction: Considerations for Application of Wenzhou (China) Creative City

City’s Study, as the usage of design thinking in Wenzhou urban construction, has had a great development. It has significant guidance for the application of Wenzhou Creative City. This paper aimed to draw the considerations of City’s Study for Creative City construction and adopted the mixed method paradigm in the study. The researchers found out


Hope in Times of Trouble: An Academic Development Perspective of Learning and Teaching During a Crisis

Higher education experienced unprecedented disruption with the arrival of COVID-19. While the pandemic has dissipated to some extent, the lessons learned helps to consider responses to disruptive events in the future. This paper explores the reflections of two academic developers’ experiences from two diverse institutions, as they supported academic staff with the transition to remote


Startup Music Business Finance, Valuation and Ethics: Methods and Techniques

This paper examines the interactions between Music business ethics related to start-up music businesses and discusses their methods and techniques for start-up music business finance and valuation. The practice of music business ethics creates trust between the funding agency and start-up entrepreneurs that helps to mitigate investors’ problems in the music industry. In such cases,


Choice of Gender in High School Dropout: A Comparison of MNL and BIMNL Models

Purpose – To estimate gender disparity in high school dropouts when households experience financial shocks, this study aims to extend the simple decision-making process of school dropouts to allow for the multiplicity of dropout choices with respect to gender in households having exactly one boy and one girl in high school. We also account for


The Survey on Online Learning for Secondary School Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has forced nearly all students including K-12 into online education during pandemic time. This study explores how students at the secondary school reacted to the full-time online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey has been carried out in Fort Bend and nearby counties, Texas to compare students’ online learning conditions, experiences, and expectations.


Students’ Quality in Community Education in Improving the Human Development Index in Indonesia

The Human Development Index (HDI) is taken from the average life expectancy, education (average length of schooling and expected length of schooling), and a decent standard of living. Based on the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) database in 2020, there was a slowdown in the growth of the HDI in 2020 compared to previous years. This


Exploring AI in Education: A Quantitative Study of a Service-Oriented University Chatbot

The following paper presents the evaluation of an artificially intelligent assistant system (DIAS) with a service-oriented chatbot as a central communication element. The conversational AI (Artificial Intelligence) is supposed to increase information transparency in higher education environments and thus support students, teachers, and administrative staff. The exploratory study had two objectives: first, we intended to


Sources of Anxiety Among Freshman College of Science Students and their Coping Skills to Manage Life Difficulties

College is an educational milestone that can be exciting and challenging incredibly for freshman students. Creating a new start may also entail adjusting to the new environment, building positive interactions with peers and professors, keeping up with academic demands, and balancing personal and social life. However, these normal developmental experiences during college may not be


Diagnostic Assessment as the Essential Tool to Identify Students’ Early Pitfalls and Unravel their Potentials

Diagnostic assessment is an essential tool for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of individuals, groups, or organizations. Diagnostic assessment helps identify areas where improvement is necessary and develop targeted interventions to improve learners’ performance. As experienced educators and assessment specialists, we aim to share best practices and strategies for conducting effective diagnostic assessments and to


The Multifaceted Face of Creativity: Experiences of Music Educators and Performers in the Educational Process

Creativity has become a particularly significant component of any modern educational process. When scientists and researchers analyze creativity in the context of the education of future music educators and performers, we encounter many models, opinions, and concepts. This becomes a challenge to improve the creativity of learners effectively and rapidly. Purpose of the research –


Exploring the Efficacy of Context-Based Instructional Strategy in Fostering Students’ Achievement in Chemistry in Agbani Education Zone, Enugu State Nigeria

The study investigated the effect of Context-Based Instructional Strategy (CBIS) on students’ achievement in chemistry. CBIS was used as experimental group and Expository Instructional Strategy (EIS) as control group, sources showed that students’ poor achievement in chemistry is from teaching strategy adopted by the chemistry teachers. Two research questions were answered and two null hypotheses