A Study of the Relationship Between Impostor Syndrome, Internship Experience, and Career Adaptability


This study examined the relationship between impostor syndrome, internship experience, and career adjustment. The difference between individuals with and without internship experience in terms of impostor syndrome and career adjustment, as well as the positive impact of impostor syndrome in the workplace. The instruments used in this study were the Impostor Syndrome Scale, the Perfectionism Scale, the Avoidance of Inferiority Complexes, and the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale.The main focus of this study was to determine whether the presence or absence of internship experiences had a differential impact on future job search. We analysed 300 questionnaires to see the results. Participants with internship experiences exhibited more impostor symptoms than participants without internship experiences. However, using the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, participants were able to develop skills and strategies to better manage their impostor syndrome and make the most of their internship experience. After the internship, self-confidence and self-esteem increased, which could have a positive long-term impact on impostor symptoms and career trajectory. In conclusion, recommendations for practitioners and future research are provided based on the findings of this study.

Author Information
YanMing Peng, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Yuhsuan Chang, Purdue University, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACSS2023
Stream: Other

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