Category: Women’s Studies


Minimalism, Motherhood, and Marie Kondo: The Appeal of a Japanese Aesthetic for American Moms

Since the English translation of Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing (Ten Speed Press, 2014), many Americans have been fascinated by the promise of being able to sort through all their things in a way that returns control of their living space to them. This


“For the Love of God, For the Love of Country”: Memorializing the Crusades of the Beatas

This study features the crusades of the three beatas, namely Ignacia del Espritu Santo, Dionesia Talangpaz and Cecilia Rosa Talangpaz. Ignacia and the sisters Dionesia and Cecilia Rosa unintentionally became foundresses of beaterios, a religious community of women. During the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, the native women, the indias, were not accepted to the