Category: Globalization and Internationalization


The Organizational Role of the Translation of the Mission, Vision and Values: A Case Study of Japanese Companies in Spain

Japanese companies advocate their mission, vision and values as the three core elements of their organizations. The mission replies to the question “What does this company exist for?”. The mission advocates for the future in which the company aims to be in a lapse of time of 10 or 50 years later. While, the values


Sinking in the Hooks: Technical Standards and De Facto Aid Tying in ODA Infrastructure Projects

The practice of tying aid – attaching conditions which force procurement from the donor country – is widely regarded as negative, with the OECD noting how the practice can increase costs and reduce the freedom of recipients to procure goods and services from other countries. Indeed, since 1979, the practice of aid tying has declined


Emerging Leadership Orientations in a Changing World

This paper presents findings from a quantitative research study conducted among the adult population of the United States and Asia-Pacific. The study sought to quantify how leadership is transforming so that theoretical and empirical contributions can be made towards a new genre of leadership that can yield significant benefits to organizations in their search to


The Effects of the Decline of the EU Leverage Over Turkey’s Political Regime

Levitsky and Way have a particular place in the study of democratization since most of the scholars analysing the effects of the linkage and the leverage refer to their works. They define Western leverage as the “incumbent governments’ vulnerability to external pressure for democratization”. Linkage basically means “the density of ties and cross-border flows between


Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: International Faculty Members in Saudi Arabia

Along with many other countries, Saudi Arabia has recently experienced increased cultural diversity in the workplace. Among a total estimated population of 30 million inhabitants, the kingdom currently has approximately 10 million immigrants living within its borders. To replenish its workforce, Saudi Arabia welcomes legal immigrants and temporary residents from other countries seeking educational and employment


Sino-Japanese Cultural Trade Development Status Quo and Its Influencing Factors – Empirical Analysis Based on the Gravity Model

This paper, based on the analysis of the Sino-Japanese cultural trade situation applies the gravity model into the field of cultural trade, from the point of view of the empirical analysis to study the impact of cultural trade factors, to identify appropriate measures to promote the further development of cultural trade. Studies have shown that


English as an International Language in Japan: A Threat to Cultural Identity?

Language performs many important roles in society by allowing people to form and maintain groups as well as transmit information. Language also composes a core component of our self-identity and mental structures. English is currently the most widely spoken language in the world (Crystal, 1997) and thus the role of English as an international language