A Correlational Study on Creative Motivation and Processes in Expressive Painting Practice: Bridging Naïve Painting and Academic Painting’s Experiences


This phenomenological study draws on Heidegger’s interpretive phenomenology and the dialectical thinking between Leib and Körper to examine a phenomenon of painting in contemporary art that emphasizes artistic motivation and self-healing processes, a phenomenon that a Chinese experimental painting group has named ‘Expressive-painting’. According to the differentiation between "Technique" and "Method" in methodology, by comparing the creative experiences of amateur and professional artists, this research aims to clarify the potential for professionals to shift from the painting techniques on specific materials and processes within the traditional artistic aesthetic system to more innovative and individualized methods which are based on the artist's cognitive system for constructing the image. This exploration is situated within the philosophical context of comprehending the dynamics that govern subjective worldviews and investigating intentionality, bodily sensations, and subjective experiences.

Employing qualitative research methods and visual analysis, this study investigates the relationship between variations in artistic choices and the realization of creative motivation, by emphasizing the significance of non-traditional creative approaches, seeks to assist professional artists in transcending conventional skills and exploring new method that align with their intrinsic creative motivation. Furthermore, the study aims to discuss and categorize the definition of 'Expressive-painting' within diverse artistic contexts.

At this stage, a unique viewpoint for studying various contemporary painting phenomena can be constructed by deeply understanding the subtle differences between intentionality and subjective experience in creative process of Expressive-painting to discover and understand the individual volition and the intuition creativity in these works.

Author Information
Ning Qi, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom

Paper Information
Conference: PCAH2023
Stream: Arts - Visual Arts Practices

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon