Category: Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media

Speaking Truth to Power: Parrhesia and Perceptions of the Russo-Ukrainian War in Chinese Online Poetry and Visual Narratives, 2022-Present
When Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Putin felt confident in Xi Jinping’s support, cemented by pledges of a ‘no-limits friendship’. While the world looked to China for a resolution to the crisis, China’s official media touted Russian propaganda in their coverage of the war while censoring Ukrainian news and pro-Ukrainian perspectives. …

Exploring the Impact of VR Nostalgic Sandbag Game Experience on the Happiness of the Elderly
With the trend of aging population in China, the well-being of the elderly has become the focus of social concern, and the rapid development of digital technology has provided a new way of life for the elderly, and Barsasella et al. (2021) showed that Virtual Reality (VR) has a positive effect on the well-being of …

Emotional Fluctuation Expression of Participants in Virtual Interactive Environments Color Composition and Harmony
In today’s fast-paced society, individuals often grapple with immense work stress and a high-pressure lifestyle, making it harder to alleviate anxiety. This not only affects work efficiency and life quality but also may delay seeking timely medical assistance. Many struggle to understand and analyze their emotions, finding traditional emotional scales complex and confusing. Consequently, most …

Design Principles for Integrating Mindfulness Meditation Into Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
Across borders, people face numerous life stresses, resulting in difficulties regulating emotions and accumulating negative emotions. Meditation is an effective way to enhance the mind, attention, help alleviate emotional stress, and increase happiness, but traditional meditation methods have limitations. This study aims to explore integrating immersive virtual reality (VR) technology into the meditation experience and …

Research on Interactive Graffiti Scanning Wall Design Strategies
Immersive exhibitions offer an exciting and novel way to provide an art experience and have the potential to expand the boundaries of traditional art exhibitions. In the context of an interactive graffiti scanning wall, this immersive experience further stimulates interaction and engages the visitor to gain a deeper understanding of the artwork and the ideas …

The Preliminary Exploration of the E-lenz Children’s English Learning Device Interface Design
In recent years, remote learning has become prevalent in the lives of children, with numerous online learning platforms and tools entering the market. Children are compelled to adapt to digital devices for learning, making digital education a new and prominent development direction. However, some studies indicate that certain learning applications emphasize content at the expense …

The Representation of Women During the Korean Military Regime Era: Focusing on Female Ghosts (Guisin) in TV Series
The Japanese ghost Yurei and the Korean ghost Guisin are similar in a typical visual image, but they are rather different in character; Guisin heavily reflects motherhood and Confucian values, while Yurei not so much. It is my understanding that Korean movies in the post-war era and TV dramas in the military regime era played …

Combating Corrupt Governments Through the Imagination of Public Sphere: Textual Analysis of TV Series “Sluga Narodu”
Former comedian Zelenskyy successfully became the president of Ukraine through the comedy series “Sluga narodu.” It is worth exploring the public meaning of this pop culture phenomenon for people suffering similar structure searching for a paradigm for salvation. This article uses concepts of public sphere such as forums, private citizens, connection, public opinion, authoritative representatives, …

Research of the Art Creation on the Virtual and Real Integration of Augmented Reality
In recent years, due to the rise of the metaverse, the virtual and real integration of argumental reality has gradually been applied in various industries. Among them, the art creations based on the image process technology have played an important role in virtual objects, which are integrated into the computer screen usually should be a …

Faceless Blogging and Gatewatching on Social Media: A Study of Selected Ghanaian Blog Pages on Instagram
The advent of the internet and social media has brought about a change in news production and dissemination. There has been the emergence second-order journalism practiced by bloggers and citizen journalists as a result of the participatory nature of social media which has further changed the traditional news ecology practiced by professional journalists. This paper …

Impact of Advergames on Brand Outcomes among Saudi Players
Advergames present a unique, yet effective way of advertising owing to the high level of players’ engagement with online games. This preliminary study sought to explore the impact of advergames on brand outcomes among Saudi players. This research has capitalized the flow theory to examine this phenomenon in Saudi consumers. A questionnaire was formulated for …

Digital Cultural Communication: Vietnamese Cultural Professionals’ Use of Facebook During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Developments in digital technologies are having an impact on the work practices of cultural professionals. Digital technologies today afford cultural professionals with new ways of exhibiting art and culture. The digital platforms of galleries and museums, including websites and social media accounts, have become curated spaces with multi-media, interactive content and large amounts of digitized …

Retracing Positive Images of the Black: The Racial Reading of The Walking Dead Through its Adaptations
In contemporary culture, video games, like other media, have played an impactful role towards players’ societal perceptions and influenced their impressions and understandings of social groups. Despite the increase of African Americans figures in video games, these characters are usually portrayed in negative, racially stereotypical ways. This paper offers an analysis of the representations of …

A Review on the Technological Innovation in Traditional Musical Instruments: Methodology, Challenges and Public Acceptance
The rapid development of modern technology has to some extent affected the interest of public toward traditional musical instruments and thus many research discovered has focused on the innovation of the instruments. The aim of this review is to investigate and analyze past and current studies on the exploration of technological innovation in the field …

A Soft Museum of Hardware Use: Testimonies From the Early Experience of Digital Devices as Historical, Pedagogical and Narrative Assets
This research addresses the validation of narrative legacies of a first generation of digital and online media users upon its mass adoption in the 1980s and 1990s. As a complement to ongoing processes of technological obsolescence, whereby arcane digital media devices become potential museum objects or trending novelties, we vouch for the testimonies of early …

Digital Literacy as a Factor for Sustainable Society
Digital literacy should be seen as directly related to the strengthening of information and communication technology. The integration of information and communication technologies into education at all levels and in all areas of training requires the development of skills and competencies related to the knowledge and use of digital media. The present paper explores digital …

Glycoscience Augmented Reality Application Demonstrated with Merge Cube
Popular science education of biomedical knowledge can be monotonous and beyond understanding, so it is necessary to involve fun elements and to harness the suitable demonstration tool to make it more approachable. Merge Cube, a cube-like object trending on the Internet, has an iconic design of pattern recognition which is suitable for augmented reality (AR) …