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Issues and Challenges Experienced by Undergraduate Students in Undertaking an Oral Communication Assignment in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic

This paper discusses the issues and challenges experienced by 91 first-year undergraduate students at a local university in Malaysia in undertaking an interview project in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, which required the use of mobile and computer technology as part of their group assignment. The assignment initially required each student to conduct an


Digital Cultural Communication: Vietnamese Cultural Professionals’ Use of Facebook During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Developments in digital technologies are having an impact on the work practices of cultural professionals. Digital technologies today afford cultural professionals with new ways of exhibiting art and culture. The digital platforms of galleries and museums, including websites and social media accounts, have become curated spaces with multi-media, interactive content and large amounts of digitized


A Soft Museum of Hardware Use: Testimonies From the Early Experience of Digital Devices as Historical, Pedagogical and Narrative Assets

This research addresses the validation of narrative legacies of a first generation of digital and online media users upon its mass adoption in the 1980s and 1990s. As a complement to ongoing processes of technological obsolescence, whereby arcane digital media devices become potential museum objects or trending novelties, we vouch for the testimonies of early


Digital Literacy as a Factor for Sustainable Society

Digital literacy should be seen as directly related to the strengthening of information and communication technology. The integration of information and communication technologies into education at all levels and in all areas of training requires the development of skills and competencies related to the knowledge and use of digital media. The present paper explores digital

ISSN: 2759-1182 – WorldCALL2023: Conference Proceedings

WorldCALL2023, Online and In-person from Chiang Mai, Thailand
Thursday, November 9 ​to Monday, November 13, 2023
ISSN: 2759-1182


Does Sociality Become Virtual or Natural in Social Network Services? The Example of Facebook

Sociality means a number of individuals living and interacting together, which can lead to complicated social relationships and structure. In recent years, Social network services (SNSs) and online communities have been growing quickly. SNSs offer a variety of social behaviors that simultaneously expand and challenge our conventional understanding of sociability. Specifically, SNSs provide flexible and


Considering Pedagogical Strategies for Countering Distraction and Its Sources

This research-based presentation reports on the issue of student distraction and disruption in online versus physical classrooms at university level. It is hoped that it will provide useful insights to teachers based on actual student feedback. The research was conducted by using a Student Disruption and Distraction (SDD) Questionnaire which garnered responses from 50 students


Learning Effectiveness of Primary School Children in the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

COVID-19 has an impact on the unpreparedness of the community and the government, especially in improving the quality of children’s education. The increasing number of cases with rapid escalation has forced the government to take steps to reduce problems, especially the education of elementary school children. The Ministry of Indonesian Education issued Guidelines for Organizing


High School Preparatory Class Students’ Digital Reading Culture and Their Engagement With Interactive English Graded Readers

Fast-growing technology of the 21st century has led to an overwhelming desire for its constantly use in educational areas where the learners are overrashly perceived as digital natives. Bearing in mind that “One size does not fit all”, this study focused on High School Preparatory Class (HSPC) students’ attitudes towards digital reading and their use


Research Supervision During COVID-19: A Comparison Between Supervisors’ and Supervisees’ Experiences

The COVID-19 pandemic shaped teaching, learning, and research activities and imposed an urgent online transition. Technology was extensively used to facilitate research and mentoring purposes, including research supervision. The importance of this research project stems from the need to explore the experiences of research students and research supervisors during the pandemic to assess the way


Innovative Learning Activities with the Use of Modern Educational Technology

There is a growing trend in the use of e-learning technology for the support of learning and teaching in universities worldwide. At St. Marianna University School of Medicine, E-learning was incorporated into ESL courses for first and second-year students in 2013. e-learning materials are mainly used to supplement in-class activities and to build academic vocabulary


A Within-Asia Comparison of Anxiety in English Language Classrooms

Anxiety in English language classrooms is often considered as one of the major sources of students’ reticence and shyness, frequently reported as one of the common characteristics of Asian learners. But, do all Asian students share the same characteristics in the setting of language learning? There might be some differences even if they share the


Modes of Learning and Performance Among Graduates During a Pandemic in a State University in Romblon, Philippines

Quality education is a key commitment of Romblon State University. By providing a performance assessment of students exposed to modes of learning during a pandemic, this study aimed to describe their performance in different learning modalities during COVID-19. This study focused on all 2021 graduates from the College of Education in determining their modes of


Resilience Among Teachers and Students with Learning Differences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Similar Practices in Differing Contexts

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, teachers’ and students’ initial impressions were that a return to normal would occur soon and that the shift to online and distance learning were a short-term anomaly. After 18 months of pandemic restrictions that have caused distancing in both the teaching and other social aspects of learning, remaining resilient and

ISSN: 2188-1138 The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016: Official Conference Proceedings

ECTC2016 The Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton, United Kingdom
ECTC2016 Conference Theme: “Convergence & Divergence”
Wednesday, June 29 – Sunday, July 3, 2016
ISSN: 2188-1138

ISSN: 2435-5240 The Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2021: Official Conference Proceedings

SEACE2021 – held online from Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore
Thursday, May 13, 2021 ​to Saturday, May 15, 2021
ISSN: 2435-5240


Investigate the Difficulties of Indonesian Learner During Electronic Portfolio

Normal learning stopped, project delayed, school shut down. The universe seemed to have a halt because of the Novel Coronavirus. On the other hand, students have to continue their education through online learning which was currently the best alternative as keeping schools opened but safe for them. This learning method was the new one in


Development of Student Status Reports of a Faculty in University Using Interactive Microsoft Power BI for Effective Academic Administration

The student status report is generally designed for academic administration to get information to analyze the learning progress. For the case study at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology (FIET), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, there are 8 undergraduate programs, 7 master’s programs, and 1 doctoral program. There are average number of 755


Enhancing Student Learning Experiences Through Recorded Presentation Using the “Gongyeh” System

Oral presentation is one of the core competencies of the higher education professional training. The use of oral presentation is a popular assessment in higher education. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a shift from classroom learning to online or blended learning approaches where the class engagement is usually limited. This current


Let’s Play: Using Gamification in University Classes as a Means to Increase Motivation and Engagement While Lowering Stress

Worldwide, traditional face-to-face (f2f) students struggled with a rapid shift to virtual learning as did faculty who often had limited experience and knowledge of developing online courses or knowing how to engage their students. Many institutions of higher education have returned to classrooms, first with hybrid approaches, and now f2f. However, just as the world


The Use of Digital Means in the Teaching and Learning of Multiplatform and 2.0 News Communication

The debate promoted decades ago on the use of the ICT as a key factor for the learning processes in the university teaching, together with the advancements in the journalistic field support this paper approach (Scott, 2002). The main aim is to determine the value of using social media when training journalism students on the


Digital Transformation in Art Education for Pre-service and In-service Primary School Teachers: Potential and Challenges

The sudden disruption of normal classes caused by COVID-19 and the transition to Emergency Remote Teaching in Higher Education brought into focus the challenges as well as the opportunities afforded through remote learning-teaching to offer high quality educational experiences (Azorìn 2020, Harris 2020, Hodges et al 2020, Rapanta et al 2020, UNESCO, 2020). The new


Being Citizens in the Digital Era: An Empirical Study of Chinese University Students’ Practice of Digital Citizenship

As a newly emerged concept, digital citizenship received extensive attention from researchers and was mainly investigated from the following aspects including exploring its meanings, developing reliable and valid instruments, and identifying impacting factors. However, it is detected that there is limited research focusing on researching how people behave as citizens in the online community. Employed


Exploring Classroom Interactions for Inclusive and Quality Education Under SDG4

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) introduced by United Nations brings together the whole nation to eradicate poverty and tackle issues of social and climate change. Its fourth SDG (SDG4), ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning’, extends from pre-primary to tertiary and vocational education. Online learning was


Learners’ Perspective of the Critical Benefits of Digitalisation of Teaching and Learning in Nigeria Higher Education

In recent years, the Nigeria youths have embraced online interactions through social media, though for social interactions with least applications to teaching and learning. Some examination bodies in Nigeria have adopted digitalisation of examinations to select suitable enrolments to the university, but none of the higher institutions have commenced digitalisation of teaching and learning whereby

ISSN: 2435-5240 The Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2020: Official Conference Proceedings

SEACE2020, MAX Atria at Singapore EXPO, Singapore
Friday, February 7– Sunday, February 9, 2020
ISSN: 2435-5240


Enhancing Teaching Through Moodle: A Case Study on e-Learning-supported English Language Teaching

This paper describes the experiences of English Language Center of Nizwa College of Technology regarding the implementation of blended learning approach in teaching English. Starting a policy on the use of e-learning in English Language courses, ELC envisions to supplement lesson delivery with online resources and activities in implementing blended learning using Moodle. As there


Detecting Political Secession of Fragmented Communities in Social Networks via Deep Link Entropy Method

Breakdown of global connectivity in social networks trough disintegration of fragmented but interacting communities leading to political secession is a major source of forming and strengthening echo chambers and political polarization. Hence, quantifying the significance of each edge (the connection or relationship between two particular nodes, for example two friends on Facebook, or two follower/followed


Classroom Assessment Standards: Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Assessment Practices in the Amid of the Pandemic

This study investigated assessment standards conducted by EFL Indonesian secondary school teachers and how they coped with the emergency remote teaching during the pandemic. The Indonesian curriculum assessment standard and Brookhart’s educational assessment standards were used as a research framework. An explanatory sequential research design was employed to capture the research problems holistically. First, using


Educational Culture in a Synchronous Class: Case of Filipino-Chinese Interface

One key target of the global education system is the equipping of graduates exhibiting sets of core 21st-century competencies. Looking into global competencies vis-a-vis language learning, inclination to English fluency is an edge for pursuing global careers. The imperativeness of accommodating English education in China is first manifested in its Open Door Policy in 1976.

ISSN: 2186-5906 – The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2018: Official Conference Proceedings

MediAsia2018, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
MediAsia2018 Conference Theme: “Reclaiming the Future”
Tuesday, October 9 – Thursday, October 11, 2018
ISSN: 2186-5906


Exploring the Educational Potential of Social Networking Environments for Indigenous K-12 Students in New Zealand

This presentation will detail PhD research on the factors that promoted e-learning engagement in online social networking sites (SNS) for a small sample of indigenous Māori students (Y9-11) in the rural Northland area of New Zealand.The study helps address a lack of data on how indigenous students, in particular, engaged with e-learning through a series


Attitudes of Thai Male VDO Game Players in Choosing to Use VDO Games’ Women Characters

This study aims to investigate the online social phenomenon related to the attitudes of Thai MALE GAMERS opting to use women characters in video games. The subjects were Thai male game players interacting in gaming community on social media– Facebook. Data were collected by using a non-participatory observation of talks about female characters among gamers


Class Styles in a Private Japanese College: A Qualitative Study of Student Experiences of Face-to-Face and Remote Classes

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many Japanese universities to broaden their classroom methods. This presented a challenge for students and faculty. To improve future education, effectiveness of remote classes is important. At Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (DWCLA), there are 11 departments in six faculties across two campuses in Kyoto, Japan. The diverse types of


Students’ Experience Two Years Into the Pandemic at a Bulgarian University

After the pandemic began in March 2020, universities in Bulgaria suspended in-person learning. In the current 2021-22 academic year, schools shut down again in areas of Bulgaria where COVID-19 infection rates spiked, returning students to online learning. This study investigates the experiences of undergraduate students at a Bulgarian university about the impacts of the pandemic


Accessing Ability: Making the Case for a Mental Health Promotion Approach to Inclusive Education

Post-secondary education plays an important role on societal and individual levels. The human capital developed during post-secondary education programs fosters social and economic prosperity by developing the country’s workforce. Completing higher education contributes to increased lifetime earning potential for everybody, but might be particularly beneficial for people with mental health related disabilities (MHRD). Therefore, as

ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2022: Official Conference Proceedings

BAMC2022 Onsite and Online from Barcelona, Spain
September 20-23, 2022
ISSN: 2435-9475


Pushing Ethnoscape Identity Through Taiwanese Movie Box Office after the Popularity of Cape No. 7

New Media offer Taiwanese as an alternative media to explore their ethnic group identity when other mainstream media fail to present their image and imagined community as the way they want to be presented. After the popularity of Cape No. 7, Taiwanese Movie Box Office shows that almost only movies with good quality which can


Using Blogs for Real World Writing: Encouraging Learner Independence

This study aimed to investigate students’ opinions on using blogs for writing and giving comments among classmates outside class. Results from a questionnaire show that students consider the act of giving comments on Blogs helped them to improve their critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills. Some students felt uncomfortable to give comments when others


English Language Learning Anxiety in East Asian Classrooms

Second language anxiety is a known barrier to English language learning for tertiary students in East Asia. This study compares the experiences of students from three different countries in East Asia; Japan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Each of these countries has had different exposures to English language use, with Japan being the least, and Malaysia the


Perceptions of TVET Students Regarding the Integration and Accepting of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for Teaching and Learning: Situation Analysis of TVET College in South Africa

Emerging digital technologies in education are changing the traditional institutions by providing new possibilities for learning online and integrating technology for pedagogical innovation. Higher institutions such as universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges have implemented and adopted the learning management system (LMS) as an innovative alternative digital technology for online teaching


The Literacy Practices of Adolescents in a Digital World

This study investigates young adults’ online literacy practices in asynchronous computer-mediated communication, ACMC, in Taiwan. Aligned with New Literacy Studies, this study explores choices of language, writing systems, and orthography and examines how these features influence young adults’ identity construction in an online community of practice. Viewing digital texts as a social practice entails the


A Multi-factorial Approach Towards Tackling Plagiarism: A Comparison Between Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Plagiarism at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Level

Academic integrity is a fundamental value of higher education institutions and is a recognised priority in institutional learning and teaching strategies. Plagiarism is an ongoing problem in the HE sector and factors contributing to this complex phenomenon may differentially impact students at different academic levels of study, but this is under-researched. This study aimed to


A Case Study on Duolingo Application in Vocabulary Learning Strategies Among EFL Students

Vocabulary is an essential part of language proficiency because it provides the framework for how well students are able to speak, listen, read, and write. Language learners no longer have to rely just on classroom instruction; they can now learn independently due to a variety of applications. Thus, language-learning application called as Duolingo offers a


Learning to Test With Robots Collaboratively in Our Homes: “Mum/Dad, When Can I Play With It?”

Teaching postgraduate systems engineers, project managers or cybersecurity managers to test and evaluate modern complex systems requires them to evaluate a system with a degree of autonomy, some internal programming variables and some external mission and environment variables. Prior to COVID-19, students did this in collaborative groups in intensive attendance classes with a small line-following


Can Blended Learning Replace Face-to-Face Teaching in Machine-Knitting Courses?

Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has made unprecedented impacts on teaching and learning (T&L). In tertiary education, face-to-face classes were replaced by online teaching, while most of the hands-on classes and practicums were suspended. The transition was challenging yet it gave us a chance to rethink about the pedagogy and T&L direction


Remote Experiment for Electrical Engineering

Handson experience is mandatory for engineering courses such as electrical power system, and power electronics. However, the laboratory is not accessible during lock-down period. In such case, remote experiment setup is required. This work shares a laboratory setup is assisting the remote experiment for electrical engineering instructors and students. The setup involves electrical training equipment,


Arabs Motives for using New Media: A Uses and Gratifications Perspective

In western countries, where citizens have access to many avenues for expressing themselves, new media may not be used for this purpose. In the Arab World, however, citizens may use new media mainly for expressing oneself; because there are very few permitted forms of expression and new media maybe the only form permitted. That said,


India’s Digital Divide and Kerala’s ‘First Bell’: A Radical & Alternative Form of Digital Education During COVID-19

Education suffered one of the biggest blows due to Covid-19 in 2020-22. As educational institutes moved to digital-online teaching and learning, ‘digital divide’ or the unequal access of the internet and other digital tools among students, turned out to be a major impediment in its proper conduct & success. In India, caste, class and gender


Realizing e-Learning for Higher Education in a Low-Speed Internet Environment

As information and communication technology (ICT) becomes more robust and widely used, there is an increasing number of higher educational institutions (HEI) adopting e-Learning system for delivering various educational programs. However, there is still an underlying challenges in the successful implementation of e-Learning approach in higher education, such as the lack of IT skills for


Multimedia Application for Improving Chinese Language Skills for International Students

In the last decade, research on Chinese as a second language teaching and learning has yielded significant advancement through state-of-the-art technology. This paper addresses the major difficulties that students face in recognizing Chinese characters. To solve the problems, the study proposes the online multimedia application for teaching Chinese characters. The needs analysis was conducted beforehand


Rethinking Work Integrated Learning Pedagogy: Reflections Post COVID-19

The consistent battle to ensure quality outcomes in work integrated learning (WIL) experiences has been an ongoing matter for higher education institutions. For universities that offer WIL modules, it is essential to ensure consistency from one year to the next concerning student experiences, as well as outcomes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities moved to emergency


Investigating the Challenges of Teamwork for 1st Year Undergraduate Engineering Students

Literature has shown that the ability to work in teams is one of the most highly coveted skills by engineering employers (Levy & Rodkin, 2016). On the Biochemical Engineering programme at UCL, teamwork is present across the programme curriculum and has seen consistently high levels of positive feedback in annual evaluation surveys. However as the


The Impact of Mindfulness Traits of Elementary School Students on Resilience in Covid-19 Era

In an era of severe epidemic, the trait’s of mindfulness is vital to the performance of students’ resilience. The general social depression of students under the epidemic can enhance the inherent protective factors of their resilience through the display of mindfulness characteristics, which in turn affects their daily life, learning performance and the development of


Research of Primary School Students’ Knowledge and Attitude to Internet Tolerance

Internet tolerance is a very relevant problem in the context of the 21st century, when a greater percentage of communication between people, including children, occurs precisely in the virtual space. The survey included 230 girls and boys from Primary school. The research is conducted through a questionnaire, which includes 20 questions and explores student’s opinion

ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2020: Official Conference Proceedings

BAMC2020 Online from Barcelona, Spain
September 17-20, 2020
ISSN: 2435-9475


Perception of Digital Integration and Companions for Older Communities in China in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the era of rapid aging and information superposition, accelerating the digital integration of the elderly and narrowing the digital divide of the elderly are the new requirements and actual contents of encouraging active aging in the digital society. Due to the ongoing pandemic COVID-19, the majority of the world’s elderly population reported feeling socially


Exploring Physical Stores in Omnichannel Retail Strategy: How Interaction Design Is Changing In-store Behaviour

The research investigates the use of interaction design in retail environments in the current omnichannel scenario, where many different coordinated retail channels operate simultaneously.The growth of online shopping forced retailers to look for a new meaning of brick-and-mortar stores in which customer experience is more relevant than making a purchase. Where the transaction happens is


Self-Identity in a Connectionism Learning Environment

Connectivist learning theory has been widely discussed with online collective higher-order thinking skills and critical reflection. Yet it is unclear how students negotiate their own identity within this collective learning. Therefore, the current study aims to explore the individual intentional approaches and processes of learning within a group. The methodology is a qualitative case study


The Use of Virtual Tabletop for Revising Electron Counting in Inorganic Chemistry

Electron counting of metal complexes is an important skill for chemistry undergraduate students learning inorganic chemistry. As part of game-based learning, we have developed a card game termed “CountQuest” for students to revise electron counting after learning this concept from conventional lectures. In this proceeding, we describe the use of a free web-based virtual tabletop


ICT in the Japanese Language Learning: Is That What Students Really Want?

In the last decade, one can witness the process when Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been actively used in various fields of professional activity, including education. The COVID-19 pandemic set up new standards for educational system, where distance learning has become the reality that both teachers and students have to get used to. This

ISSN: 2188-1111 – The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2021: Official Conference Proceedings

ECAH2021 Online from London, United Kingdom
Thursday, July 22 ​- Saturday, July 24, 2021
ISSN: 2188-1111

ISSN: 2188-1138 – The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings

ECTC 2013, Brighton, UK – The Impact of Innovation: Technology and You
Brighton, UK
July 11 – 14, 2013
ISSN: 2188-1138

ISSN: 2186-4705 – The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings

Globalization, Culture and Society: What role does language play?
April 25-28 2012, Osaka, Japan
ISSN: 2186-4705


Mapping the Research Field of Moodle: A Bibliometric Analysis Using Bibliographic Coupling

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the shift from conventional education online. In supporting this new norm, learning management systems (LMS), which are web-based platforms providing a holistic environment to deliver and manage the educational experience, has become a central aspect in online education. In this context, this study aims to investigate the trends


Assessing Full-time Undergraduate Student Segments: Public Higher Education Enrollment in Hawaii

Distinct competition for full-time student enrollment in higher education is evident. Students are increasingly considering themselves in the position of a consumer of higher education. Reaching prospective undergraduate students highlights the importance of market segmentation as a vital step towards increasing full-time enrollment. A crucial step to reaching potential undergraduate students to increase student enrollment

ISSN: 2186-4705 – The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2015: Official Conference Proceedings

ACTC2015 Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Integrated Practices: Creating Experiences to Enhance Learning”
Thursday, April 30 – Sunday, May 3, 2015
ISSN: 2186-4705

ISSN: 2188-1138 The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2015: Official Conference Proceedings

ECTC2015 Thistle Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom
ECTC2015 Conference Theme: “Integrated Practices: Creating Experiences to Enhance Learning”
Wednesday, July 1, 2015 – Sunday, July 5, 2015
ISSN: 2188-1138


Using Biometrics to Fortify E-learning Platforms Security

E-learning is here to stay. During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 1.2 billion students were educated through online learning. Platforms such as Zoom, Webex, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc. were among the most popular ones during that period. However, these platforms suffer from various vulnerabilities that make them susceptible to cyberattacks, including Man-in-the-Middle attacks


Using Decision Tree to Predict Response Rates of Consumer Satisfaction, Attitude, and Loyalty Surveys

Response rate has long been a major concern in survey research. Based on 244 published studies on consumer satisfaction, attitude and loyalty that are predictors of customer retention and behavior, this study aimed to identify predictors of response rates. A decision tree analysis (using the C5.0 algorithm on 70% of the studies as the training


Discursive Connection: The Constructive Potential of the Digital Public Sphere

This paper comprehensively investigates the communication landscape in the era of social media; and analyzes the public sphere as a shared space of framing and the power competition in it. Unequal capital distribution undermines the ideal public sphere’s growth. In this online landscape, the public sphere has shifted from fragmented to scattered, intensifying elite stratification.

ISSN: 2435-4937 The European Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2024: Official Conference Proceedings

EGen2024 | Onsite and Online from London, United Kingdom
Thursday, July 11 – Monday, July 15, 2024
ISSN: 2435-4937

ISSN: 2432-4604 – The IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities – Hawaii 2023 Official Conference Proceedings

IICAH2023 | January 05-08, 2023
The Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States and Online
ISSN: 2432-4604


A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Google Solution on Middle School Teacher and Student Based on the Kirkpatrick 4 Level Model

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Google Solution (GS) on the application of classes. Participants were 17 teachers and 115 students of ‘O’ middle school in Busan, and the period was from April to September for five months. As a treatment, each teacher was given a Chromebook equipped with Google


Stories on YouTube: Can This Be an Effective Learning Tool to Improve Listening and Reading Comprehension Skills?

Use of online learning opportunities among language teachers and learners has become one of the commonly utilized tools as they provide effective means (convenient, accessible, authentic and sometimes free) to learn a foreign language. Research shows that online learning opportunities, particularly YouTube – a popular video sharing and viewing platform creates more meaningful and independent


Information Management Practices and Challenges in School Governance: Basis for Localized Digital Archive

Information plays a vital role in school governance as it is a primary basis for policy planning and development. The Department of Education recognizes this significance as it launched its own management information systems known as EBEIS (Electronic Basic Education Information Systems). In the school level, however, technology and resources for information management remain a


Coverage of Various Communication Platforms: A Guide for Marketing Universities

The digital era has ushered the rise in the utilization of alternative communication platforms in integrated marketing communications (IMC). These include the use by organizations of traditional media and newer online media. The sole or combined utilization is driven by the platform’s coverage, cost, contribution, commonality, complementarities, cross-effects, and conformability. The contemporary business environment necessitates


Animals are Friends, Not Food: the Turning Point to go Vegan

The proportion of individuals desiring to follow a vegan diet has increased in recent years. There was an increased interest in veganism among Thai people, and in 2018, about 7 millions of Thai people identified themselves as vegans. A group of Thai vegans joined the online social media that facilitate the creation and sharing of


Increasing Student Engagement in a Hybrid Class

Hybrid learning occurs when face-to-face instruction and online instruction are combined and about 30% to 79% of teaching takes place outside of the classroom (Allen, Seaman, & Garrett, 2007). Hybrid courses aim to combine the best features of face-to-face and online instruction; while face-to-face instruction provides social interaction and builds trust, on-line instruction offers convenience


Exploring the Impact of iPads in Teaching Introductory Physics Courses at UAEU

This study investigates the impact of iPad usage in teaching introductory physics courses at United Arab Emirates University. Four first year physics sections were selected to apply this study. Two have used iPads to view their lecture notes, taking online quizzes, online homework, accessing few interactive apps. The other two sections have used the traditional


Teaching in Times of Crisis – What Have We Learned (So Far)?

Coronavirus disease has made an enormous impact on many fields of functioning, including the educational system. This impact was pronounced in higher educational system and accelerated the transition toward remote learning strategies in medical education, leading from traditional to online education during crisis. The aim of this article is to review the body of literature


Acceptability of Messenger Chatbot “MASCIYA” as a Digital Interactive Teaching-Learning Material in General Biology 1

The world was halted in March 2020 due to the Corona Virus Disease – 2019 Pandemic. It made the students take their classes in isolation. That is why the Department of Education offered two main modes of instruction – online and modular. While they both have their pros, they are not perfect. Online classes require