Mapping the Research Field of Moodle: A Bibliometric Analysis Using Bibliographic Coupling


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the shift from conventional education online. In supporting this new norm, learning management systems (LMS), which are web-based platforms providing a holistic environment to deliver and manage the educational experience, has become a central aspect in online education. In this context, this study aims to investigate the trends and themes in Moodle research and provide a conceptual structure by utilizing bibliometric coupling analysis of 1364 journal review and articles from the Scopus database. Scientific mapping of the conceptual concept of Moodle research identified 8 research themes, including (1) technology acceptance model; (2) data mining; (3) user perception and satisfaction; (4) general application; (5) achievement and performance; (6) community and collaboration; (7) remote and virtual labs; and (8) flipped classroom. The study provides a useful reference for scholars by presenting an overview of the research hotspots, applications, and future direction of the field.

Author Information
Toshiyuki Hasumi, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2021
Stream: Educational Research

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