Category: Education

Virtual Learning – Social Pedagogy Promotes Active Agent
Social pedagogy is more than a transformation in the academic institution. LaGuardia Community College has envisioned creating more meaningful and authentic learning opportunities by using social pedagogy to promote student ownership in the virtual platform. The Covid-19 pandemic has catapulted the academic institution and opened a new way of performing teaching and learning. During the …

The Role of Social Media in Health Communication: Implications for Coronavirus Disease
As the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic around the world, which have highlighted the power of social media. The media has a significant agenda-setting role in health communications (e.g. Eysenbach, G. 2008; Chou, W.Y.S., Hunt, Y.M., Beckjord, E.B., Moser, R.P. and Hesse, B.W. 2009). Kamel Boulos and Wheeler (2007) emphasized the social media plays an enabler …

A Systematization and Comparison Framework to Facilitate Structured Selection of Sustainability Assessment Approaches
Sustainability assessments (SA) of products, processes, organizations, strategies, etc. aim at providing a basis for decision-making towards (more) sustainable practices and principles. An extensive variety of SA approaches as well as a wide diversity of assessment situations exist, making situation-specific approach selection a complex issue. However, well-founded selection is crucial, as selecting unsuitable approaches for …

A Comparative Study of Three Mathematical Models for Predicting the Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) in Secondary School Classroom
Indoor environmental quality is considered as an important indicator to reflect the occupants’ comfort level in buildings. However, it is difficult to evaluate the impact of physical parameters on the occupants’ comfort individually because of the coexistence of parameters and their interactions with each inhabitant. The objective of this research is to find out the …

A Longitudinal Study of Japanese Students’ L2 Oral Grammar
It is assumed that teachers’ educational lectures and materials are having some impact on students’ knowledge and skills. This longitudinal study examines the reality of how Japanese L2 university students’ accuracy in English changes over an academic year. In April / May 2018, 15 Japanese university students provided a self-introduction monologue followed by a three-question …

Selected Factors Related to Problem Behavior: The Discriminant Analysis Between Juvenile Delinquency Group and Late Adolescent Student
This research attempts to study the selected factors related to the juvenile delinquency group and to tests predictions about selected factors related to juvenile delinquency by using the problem behavior theory. The conceptual model was tested with 300 high school students and 300 juvenile delinquency youth (mean age: 18.0 years). Discriminant analysis indicates that family …

Does English Work as the Universal Language? – Judging From the Current Trend of World Englishes
Japan has faced numbers of foreign national suspects, defendants and/or witnesses (criminals and civil cases) along with the globalization. Not only major-spoken language speakers such as English or Spanish but also minor-spoken language speaking suspects/defendants have increased in Japan. When the suspects, defendants and/or witnesses are those language speakers, it is quite difficult or impossible …

A Solution for the Educated Cosmetic Choice to Reduce Cosmetics Waste and Replacement Cycle
There are increasing international concerns in reducing plastic waste. Although cosmetic companies proclaim environment-friendly marketing strategies, it seems to be still hard to replace the plastic cosmetic containers with dissolvable materials. Also if the purchased cosmetics do not fit for customer’s demands, they are likely to be thrown away. Eventually it causes significantly shorter life …

Community, Peace and Sustainability: Leveraging Institutional Positionality to Affect Local and System Change
In October 2018 the IPCC published a predictable, but no less grim, report on where ‘we’ are situated vis a vis climate change and what is yet to unfold. Despite over a hundred years of scientific concern from scientists on the human effects of industrialization and globalization we now face out of control wildfires, drought, …

Food Apartheid and the Curriculum That Saves It
Health is wealth! Unfortunately, everyone does not have access to healthy food. We are facing a new apartheid, and this one deals with food access. The lack of access to healthy foods puts individuals at risk for more severe health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, and sleep apnea all …

Sejong Puzzle: An AR Based Fun Geometric Math Teachware
We are developing a teachware app implemented by Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Recent interests on AR technology have promoted a number of AR-based teachwares for children. However, most of them simply show users 3D images to intrigue them when users attach cards or books onto camera. Sejong Puzzle is designed not only to give funs …

Diving into the Vortex: Examining Math Identity, Science Self-Efficacy, Sex, and Race
As the global population increases to approximately 8.3 billion people, the United States National Intelligence Council (2012) predicts a 35% worldwide increase in demand for food, 40% increase in demand for water, and a 50% increase in demand for energy. Thus, educating and cultivating a workforce that can identify ways to meet these demands will …

Experiences and Attitudes of Student Teachers Towards the Organizational Culture of a Faculty of Education
Literature suggests a symbiotic relationship between organizational culture, organizational effectiveness and heightened stakeholder performance. Whereas a lot has been written on organizational culture, little, if any, especially in the context of South Africa has been documented about university students’ attitudes and experiences of organizational culture and implications for the transformation of higher education, as well …

Education for the Emerging Future
Educational leaders need a framework to lead schools fearlessly into the uncertain, emerging future. In our rapidly changing world there is growing concern around the suitability of an industrial revolution based education model and debate around the keys to educating students for an unknown world. Many educators want change but feel confined by the existing …

Waste Management Education and Its Impact on the Environment of the Kyrgyz Republic
In the Kyrgyz Republic, waste management has posed a great concern partly because of rapid urban population increase and poor waste management education. Past studies have shown that education for waste management can considerably contribute to reducing waste generation by inducing recycling. However, few studies have examined the link between environmental education at school and …

Performance of the Kindergarten Teachers and Its Relation to Pupils Achievement in Different Learning Areas
This study aimed to determine the performance of the kindergarten teachers and its relation to pupils’ achievement in different learning areas in the Division of Kabankalan City. Using the standardized assessment and evaluation of the Department of Education secondary data, 100 kinder teachers and 2901 kinder pupils were investigated to determine the performance of the …

Archivists to Activists: The Evolving Role of Museum Educators
Traditionally, museums have displayed their collections with a tendency towards a single, authoritative interpretation. Many contemporary museums, however, now design their exhibitions to be approached as a dialogue between artifact and audience, so that the visitor can “complete the meanings of the object-technology interface through their own emotional and experience-based responses” (Andermann and Arnold de-Simine …

Teaching Idiom and Metaphor via Poetry in the Chinese EFL Classroom
I discuss the use of poetry as a vehicle for teaching concepts of idiom and metaphor to EFL students in the Chinese classroom. It is difficult for any learning non-native speaker to understand idiom and metaphor, and the specific difficulties inherent in translating from Chinese to English, and vice-versa, make it such that many students …

“Soledad”: A Depiction of a Filipino Woman’s Chastity as Perceived by Pre-Service Teachers
“Soledad” is a poem written by Angela Manalang-Gloria during a time when the Philippines was steeped in Catholic faith and men ruled the literary arena. The poem is found in Gloria’s only published book titled “Poems” which came out in the 1940s. Gloria was known as a feminist writer during the Philippines pre-colonial years. “Soledad” …

America, Our Home? A Qualitative Study of 1.5 Generation Asian Americans
Background: As the population of Asian immigrants and their children continues to grow in the U.S., it becomes increasingly important to improve our understanding of how these individuals experience growing up and living as Americans. The term 1.5-generation refers to a group of immigrants that is neither first- nor second- generation; these individuals fall in …

Moral Aspects of Economic Theories and Present-Day University Curriculum
Contemporary science of economics considers itself to be primarily based on the teachings of the 18th century moral and political philosophers. Yet, the moral aspect of their ideas seems to have been largely ignored, which is probably no longer affordable given the present-day developments in the economic and political life of the civilized world. After …

The Changing Face of American Business Education: Past, Present and Future Trends
Traditional business education in America through most of the 20th century has been male dominated, aimed at providing tools for short-term profit maximization within the context of the vertically integrated corporation. However, starting in the 1970’s a number of social and economic historical events have presented inescapable challenges to MBA and other business education programs. …

Montessori Materials as the “Instrument” for Expansive Learning
In this paper I aim to introduce Montessori Materials for the “instrument” of expansive learning theory, and show a pilot study of “interventionist studies” (Engeström). In this study, I give support to teacher’s educational practice what innovate in their public kindergarten by themselves. After world war Ⅱ, there was no chance to use Montessori Materials …

A Case Study in Complexity and Accuracy in Development in ESL Academic Writing: A Dynamic Perspective
This presentation is a case study on the development of complexity and accuracy in an advanced English learner’s academic writing over one semester. Studies on complexity and accuracy measures in second language (L2) development have shown diversified results. While some studies suggest a trade-off relationship between complexity and accuracy (Skehan, 1998, 2009; Skehan & Foster, …

Creating Interdisciplinary Collaborations in a Learner-centered Global Environment
“Creating Interdisciplinary Collaborations in a Learner-centered Global Environment” Strategic initiatives for major US research universities include the increased emphasis on a global education that crosses the boundaries and confinement of structural departmental requirements. These cross discipline courses are emphasized but often difficult to implement for schools and departments who operate with less time, less money, …

The Effects of Input and Output during Interaction: A Diary Study of an Adult Learning Korean as a Second Language
This study investigated how comprehensible input is received and how output facilitates second language acquisition (SLA) through a dairy study of an adult learning Korean in Korea. The subject of the study was the researcher who was a learner of Korean as a second language. The researcher travelled and stayed in Korea for two months …

The Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s Vision of Educational Leadership
The scope of this paper is to highlight the relevance of Gandhi’s vision of educational leadership to the present-day educational management practices. This paper will show that Gandhi’s leadership and managerial skills were based on a well articulated vision and they were rigorously applied in practice, although he did not formulate the theory in an …

Promoting Alternative Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A General Survey
Alternative higher education has become a major subject in learning and teaching, reflective of current trends in educational provisions worldwide. Its promotion in sub-Saharan Africa has had some roots in the attempt to address the problems of inadequate educational provisions and respond to developments in educational technology. The promotion platforms have included universities, the industry, …

The Relationship between Students’ Learning Style and Academic Performance in MARA Professional College, Malaysia
A study was conducted to determine MARA Professional Colleges students’ perception on learning style. The study builds on the Dunn and Dunn model and instruments of learning style. This model believes that students’ preferences and learning outcomes are related to factors other than intelligence, such as environment, opportunities to move around the classroom, working at …

Factor Affective Stress and Stress Removing Methods Of Undergraduate Student Teachers
The objectives of this research were to study the stress levels, factors affecting personal stress, and stress removing methods, of undergraduate students teachers. The data was collected from 330 students using a probability sampling method and was analysed by percentage mean, standard deviation (SD), and t-test. The results of the study showed that almost all …

Using Educational Technology to Enhance Student Engagement and Retention
The Bachelor of Accounting course of the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE in Australia was recently established and has adopted educational and information technology (EIT) in the delivery of the course. This paper is written to identify the EIT tools that have been used in teaching and to evaluate the perception of teachers about the …

Cross-Age Tutoring: Its Effects on High Performing Students and Students At-risk with Learning Disability in Mathematics
This study aimed to determine the effects of cross-age tutoring on high performing students and students at-risk with learning disabilities in Mathematics in Tinago National High School, Naga City, Philippines, S/Y 2012-2013. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: (1) Are there significant differences between the control and experimental groups along cognitive (Scholastic Performance …

The Challenge of Curriculum Design in the Transnational Classroom: Put Theory into a Practice
This paper aims to review existing activities in the internationalisation of the curriculum at one division of an university in Melbourne, Australia. It begins by looking at the concept of internationalisation in general then refines this to consideration of its transnational dimension. This entails treatment of the challenges, issues, and opportunities facing students undertaking transnational …

Higher Education and the Malaysian Public Employment
Higher education expanded rapidly in Malaysia. Shouldering the country’s aspiration to achieve the goal of becoming a developed nation by 2020, higher education systems and institutions are under pressure to produce skilled and quality graduates to meet the nation’s workforce and employers’ needs. The Malaysian government is the major employer of the country. Although graduate …

English Language Teachers’ Digital Literacy Development: A Case Study of English as a Foreign Language Teachers at a Vietnamese University
Information and communication technologies have significantly contributed to the shaping of an increasingly digitalised landscape of English language teaching over the past decades. Recent years have seen initial changes in the technology-supported English as a foreign language education in Vietnam including a number of emerging initiatives aimed at developing teachers’ technological competencies. In this light, …

Investigation into a Special Needs Student Coping with a Physical Handicap and the Issue of Low-visual Acuity to Understand How it Affects the Student’s Learning and Social Interaction; and Suggesting Possible Strategies to Overcome These Barriers to Learning
In this unique case study I identify the issue of low-visual acuity and how it affects a student’s learning in an international institution, compounded with physical mobility problems by analysis of the learning/teaching environment. This is of extreme importance as “data from international studies show that approximately 25% of school-age children carry some form of …

Engendering Education: Ensuring Equity
Securing free, compulsory, quality public education for all is a need of time. The Charter on Rights Respecting School for students is much talked worldwide to ensure non-discrimination, safe and non-violent environment. It is thus education that can act as an agent of social change, minimizing violence against girls. Unequal power relation constructed by the …

Perspectives on World Englishes in Government-Authorized High School Textbooks in Japan
The study attempts to unveil the treatments of English as a lingua franca (henceforth ELF) and the linguistic and cultural diversity of World Englishes (henceforth WEs) in Japanese high school teaching settings. The study investigated government-authorized textbooks of English approved in 2013 in ways the current situations of ELF and linguistic varieties of WEs are …

Development and Evidence of the Student Participatory Class Model in Mathematics Education
The student participatory class model in mathematics education was developed to nurture the necessary literacy in mathematics education. To nurture mathematical literacy, Compulsory Linkage, Project Cycle Management for Education, and Micro Presentation are used. Of the basic mathematical academic abilities, the author focused on Logical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Mathematics Expression, and made efforts to …

Whose Role is it to Develop Secondary Students as Self-regulated Learners? A Study Exploring Student, Parent and Teacher Perceptions
This paper draws on data from a doctoral study exploring how schools approach the development of self-regulated learning (SRL) for secondary school students. Self-regulation is becoming increasingly important as we move towards technologically driven self-directed learning environments, where greater amounts of autonomous learning may be necessary. Equipping students with self-regulation skills that help them navigate …

Why Mentoring Matters: Professional Development in a Virtual World
Population growth, demographics, advances in technology, globalisation and associated economic imperatives are a few of the drivers behind the changes we are experiencing. In response, some research studies suggest that we will see a shift in social values (Wilson, 2009), as well as a re-framing of notions of what constitutes ‘knowledge’. These factors have significant …

Motivating Students in an Era of Declining Motivation and English Ability
Over the last 20 years, many teachers in Japan have witnessed the gradual decline in student motivation and ability with respect to English. Teachers want to create a suitable English environment in their classrooms but students continually revert to Japanese, especially during pair or group work. The aim of this research was to identify the …

The Literacy Practices of Adolescents in a Digital World
This study investigates young adults’ online literacy practices in asynchronous computer-mediated communication, ACMC, in Taiwan. Aligned with New Literacy Studies, this study explores choices of language, writing systems, and orthography and examines how these features influence young adults’ identity construction in an online community of practice. Viewing digital texts as a social practice entails the …

Thailand’s Educational Strategic Plan in Preparation for the ASEAN Community
This research was aimed to study Thailand’s Educational Strategic plan of Thai government during 2008-2015 A.D. in preparation for the ASEAN Community in 2015 A.D. The question of this research is how Thai government determined and proceeded educational strategic plan in preparation for the ASEAN Community after the ASEAN countries have officially established the ASEAN …

The Development of a Communicative English Learning Process for Local Cutural Communication
The present research was aimed to investigate and to develop the communicative English learning process based on the necessary content of for local cultural communication. The research methods consisted of 3 steps as: 1) to survey the necessary content of communicative English learning process for local cultural communication in which the samples consisted of 20 …

Democracy, Trust, Responsibility, and Global Workforce Competence: A Case Study Revisited
In 2001, the researcher studied the values of democracy, trust, and student responsibility as featured in the Swedish National Curriculum; in addition, he examined the concept of “global workforce competence” (teamwork, problem solving, pragmatic technical skills, and entrepreneurship). The three-site case study was comprised of an elementary, a middle, and a high school in a …

Globalisation and Internationalisation of Education: Is on Right Direction?
One aspect of the process of globalisation in recent years has been the increase in the number of students travelling abroad to complete their education. Although a number of university campuses around the world have seen significant numbers of overseas students since the 1950s, in recent years the numbers have climbed to far higher levels. …

Are We Ready to Engage Students with Our Own Mobile Devices?
Nowadays, mobile technology becomes the most penetrating innovation in this information generation. Students and teachers are exposed with fascinating and powerful mobile devices in everyday life. With the advanced technology development and high connectivity to the Internet through wireless networks in school, it becomes common that students and teachers are bringing their own mobile devices …

How to Better Integrate Summer Projects: Insights from Students’ Comments
This presentation explores students’ reflection on their experiences of summer research and service programs at a liberal arts university in Bangladesh. In order to emphasize connections between university learning and local and global community issues, universities and colleges are increasingly incorporating short-term programs which stress active learning and/or public engagement and service. In this context, …

English Passive Sentence Construction of Thai EFL University Students
Student errors are considered as a device that learners use and from which they can learn (Corder, 1967); they provide evidence of the learner’s level in the target language (Gass and Selinker, 1983), contain valuable information on the learning strategies of learners (AbiSamra, 2003; Lightbown and Spada, 2006; Richards, 1974; Taylor, 1975), and also supply …

Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of the Use of Calculators in the Mathematics Classroom
The use of calculators in the mathematics classroom has been a topic of intense debate among educators and policy-makers alike around the world. In Singapore, from 2009, the use of calculators were allowed in the mathematics examination in the Primary School Leaving Examination, a national examination taken by all students near the end of their …

The Android Appreciations Training Package in the Change Money System According to the IDFVE Model for the Technical Training
The objectives of this study were 1) to develop the android appreciations training package in change money system according to IDFVE model to meet the 80/80 efficiency criteria; 2) to study the learning progress of students who learned from the android appreciations training package in change money system according to IDFVE model; and 3) to …

Culture Education in College Foreign Language Teaching
As language and culture are interdependent dual unity, they can’t be separated from each other。 However, it is a common practice in a large number of Chinese universities that the second language teaching only attaches importance to the acquisition of the target language without sufficient and systematical introduction to its cultural background; or though it …

Implementing Mobile Assisted Language Learning in Rural Schools for Enhancing Learning Opportunity
There are gaps between students in rural school and urban school in Indonesia relating to motivation and interests in learning English as a second language in Indonesia. In fact, the students in rural area typically achieve an English proficiency less than students in urban school. There are some factors impact the rural students motivation and …

American Progressive Education and Yutori Kyoiku
Few groups in the history of education have been as influential as the American progressives, who were part of the broader wave of Progressivism that swept the developed world in the late-19th century. It is often seen as an American movement, but its roots lay in the Prussian welfare state. American intellectuals educated in Germany …

Citizenship Responsibility Higher Learning: Combining The Spiritual-Cultural, Rights-Responsibilities, and Economics of a Civic Development Higher Learning Thru a Sociology In English
Blanton (1992) argues that education often violates the deepest needs of the human spirit by (1) alienating and boring or dulling teachers and students, and or by (2) failing to address in any meaningful ways the real issues of importance in our lives. As higher educators, when we enter the classroom, we bring with us …

A Development of Analytical Thinking Skill of Graduate Students by using Concept Mapping
Graduate students need to have an analytical thinking skill to do research and develop new knowledge and innovation by themselves. Concept mapping is an efficient tool for analytical thinking skill development. This research is focusing to develop the analytical thinking skill of graduate students by using the concept mapping. It is a classroom participatory action …

3D Animation for Energy Reduction Campaign
Recently, every country has been using technology for manufacturing and agricultural development, including creating various convenient facilities to satisfy human needs. Existing energy has been very much been used, for example; electricity, oil, etc. and soon run out. The careless use of energy, lack of knowledge of energy, overusing energy can have devastating effects on …

Learning and Teaching in Times of Change, Challenges and Transformation: Reinventing the Aims of Education
The most demanding challange before us is that Education all over the world has completely failed to make compasssionate and responsible human beings. Present century is known for explosion of knowledge. In this flood of knowledge Education has neglected the over all personality development of the child. There is a need to re-invent and re-structure …

Designing a Curriculum for the Advanced Stream of a Foundational Literacies Course
Originally, members of the Basic Skills project at Kanda University of International Studies were given the task of developing a new curriculum for the Basic Reading course. Recent developments, however, have complicated this task. The new course being designed has been renamed ‘Foundational Literacies’ to better reflect the move away from traditional thinking about teaching …

How Labor Market Perceptions Affect Undergraduates’ Preparation?
2,407 undergraduates from six universities in Taiwan were surveyed in this research. Results showed that female undergraduates perceived a greater need than their male counterparts did to prepare for the future labor market, suggesting that female undergraduates may experience greater employment pressure than male undergraduates. The results of the SEM model demonstrated that undergraduates’ perceptions …

A Case on Learning about ‘You Tubing’ and ‘Face booking’ for Learning
This paper aims to better understand the experiences of the youth with the tapping of social media like YouTube videos and Facebook for learning. The youth of the 21stcentury has better autonomy of time, choice of what to learn, how to learn and when to learn with such large depositories of information and data around …

A Study on Establishing Decision Tree of Teacher Ethic Reasoning in Taiwan
Due to saving the teacher prestige, teacher professional ethical as one of professional trait theory should be taught during pre-service teacher education. Actually, the teacher professional ethical is the null curriculum in teacher education program in Taiwan. Especially, the teaching practice is complicate to deal with in uncertainly context that depends on teachers’ deliberation (Cohen, …

Problems and Advantages of Children with Filipino Parents in Their School Lives in the Philippines and in Japan: Through Their Experiences in Both Countries
The paper focuses on the problems in primary and secondary education of children with Filipino parents in Japan. The number of these children who are studying at schools at the elementary and secondary education levels in Japan has been increasing. Some measures regarding the education of new-comer foreign children have been implemented however they themselves, …

A Gamification Platform to Encourage the Students Social Etiquette Improvement
Information Technology and globalization help bring people closer. The boundary between nations are blurred and many cultures are lost or being absorbed by westernization. Thailand, like many Asian countries, has unique manners and norms that are considered old or obsoleted by some younger generations. The idea such as selflessness or the will to help people …

Are Students our ‘Customers’? : A Perspective on the Bureaucratic Implications of ‘student-customer’ Concept in Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions
This paper is about the use and abuse of treating students as ‘customers’ and implications that follow for quality assurance in Malaysian higher learning institutions. Students graduating from PhD programs in higher learning institutions are increasing in number every year. In the year 2012 alone a number of public universities have produced or have ‘graduated’ …

Determining Demand in Thai Job Market for Communications-Related Degree Title: A Survey of an Online Job Website
This study sought to determine the extent of the demand for graduates of communication-related academic degrees in the Thai job market. To accomplish this, the study utilized content analysis, which involved monitoring on a weekly basis (for six consecutive weeks) the number of available job ads that require a communications-related academic degree in the Thailand …

Tone in the Khorat Dialect and the Northeastern Dialect
The main objective is to study and a comparative acoustic characteristics study of the tone in the Khorat dialect and the Northeastern dialect in Nonsung, Nonthai, Phimai and Pakthongchai district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, Thailand. The data of the research was recorded from 2 native speakers per district using the Cool Edit Pro program. 60 wordlist …

Thai Food Culture through Grammatical Patterns of English Translation
Thai food has been recognized and become popular across the world. To present Thai food culture to foreigners, English translation of Thai menu is needed. Poor English translation can lead to misunderstanding of Thai culture and the taste of Thai food. On the other hand, proper English translation helps to communicate cultural identity and present …

Peace Education: Community Development and National Prosperity
In light of the current political dynamics and transformations that engulf the MENA region and especially Lebanon, Higher Education Institutions need to assist the youth in developing new values such as democracy and acceptance of the different other in order to maximize community development and consequently, national prosperity on the social and economic levels. This …

The Development of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Teaching Practices Through Reflective Process
The purposes of this descriptive research were to develop a criterion for evaluating pre-service science teachers’ teaching practices and to study the effect of using criterion in supervision process through reflective process. The views of cooperating teachers and university supervisors on pre-service science teachers’ teaching practices were collected by questionnaire. The data was analyzed and …

Critical Thinking in Second Language Learning: An Intercultural Approach
It is commonly agreed that critical thinking is a significant concept to be promoted in our students at higher education level, particularly considering the time of turbulent changes that societies are immersed nowadays. In this study I have developed the idea of critical thinking taking Brookfield, Paul and Elder’s conception and it has been applied …

Mathematics Assessment in Primary Classes – Formative or Summative, or Seize the Moment?
There is a need to move away from the present day conflicts and tensions that surround formative and summative assessments. Much assessment is happening in the primary mathematics classrooms which is informal, spontaneous and is often undertaken as the normal process of teaching rather than under the overemphasized aegis of formative or summative assessments. The …

Effectiveness of a Programme of Movement Education and Traditional Physical Education on Movement Satisfaction, Attitude Towards Physical Activity and Self-Concept of Elementary School Children
Traditional Physical Education in elementary schools is under critical evaluation with regard to its contribution to alround development of children. Movement Education, which developed initially in England, has been acclaimed as a viable alternative for the education of children through free and expressive movement experiences. The Problem-Solving and Guided Discovery methods applied in Movement Education …

Placing Digital Literacy in Audiovisual Translation Studies
Egypt’s second revolution on June 30th 2013 came to reinforce the power of digital technology and the importance of digital literacy. The ability to create, access and understand material online has been crucial to recent Egyptian developments since January 2011. Yet, digital literacy is only the domain of a small group of young, tech-savvy Egyptians. …

The Effect of Poverty on English Language Learning Outcome: College Level
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of poverty on English language learning outcome in college level. Some techniques of quantitative methodology were applied. Twenty university students who enrolled in English I (EN101) were asked to complete the questionnaire consisting demographic information in order to categorize their family’s economic status. Independent sample …

Transnational Education as an Emerging Feature of Migration
This study investigates student teachers’ conceptions of even numbers and the relationship between proof types and conceptions of even numbers. 22 student teachers in the course of mathematical teaching for young children participated in this study. All participants were asked to finish three research tasks. Task 1 was designed to provide information of student teachers’ …

Tracing the Impact of Foreign Influences on Irish Playwrights: Wilde and Yeats
During the late nineteenth century, many Irish playwrights searched for a new “form” of drama as realistic drama was increasingly felt to be outmoded. A reaction against dominant realist and naturalist tendencies in literature was initiated by the French Symbolist Movement, begun during 1880 – 1895, which would expand into what might be called anti-realistic …

An Exploration of Graduate Students’ Writing Competencies in Educational Research
In any academic institution, writing skills are essential to meet educational demands more importantly those who are in research field disciplines, the graduate students. Prior to their graduation, students faced the most challenging part of their academic life wherein they have to write a 150 pages research paper as a course requirement. Hence, they are …

A Construction and Evaluation of Electronics Slides on Supplementary Grammar Through E-Learning on English II Course (999042)
English is not the official language in Thailand, it is taught as a foreign language. Thai undergraduate students who have studied English as a foreign language for ten years are still at the low level of English proficiency. To be competent in English, students need to acquire linguistic knowledge including English grammar to lift up …

Language Contact: Challenging in Diversity
The aim of this study is to analyze and compare tonal systems and acoustic characteristics of tones in four Tai dialects of Phrae Province, Thailand which are Tai Yuan, Lue, Phuan, and Tai Yai as spoken by three groups of speakers grouped by age; over 60 years old, 35-50 years old, and under 25 years …

Structural Equation Modeling for Korean Elementary School Students’ Achievements of English Capacity
The goal of this paper is to find out causal relationships among Korean elementary school students’ achievements of English capacity, their motivation and attitude for study, their self-directed methodology, the level of self-esteem, and such parent factors as parental education. For this, we used the Korean government’s official survey data of 5,059 4th graders and …

A Multi-level Modeling Approach to Predict Teaching Quality, Student’s Satisfaction, School Climate on Student Achievement
This study explores theoretical and empirical research concerning school effectiveness and school improvement, in particular, improving student achievement through school process as dependent variable on changing teaching quality, school climate and students’ satisfaction. A multi-level model of school practice consisting of student grade point average (GPA, dependent variable), teaching quality, students’ satisfaction, and school climate …

Trends in Vocational Education Provision of Municipalities in Thailand
The municipality’s role in education provision has been discussed in last two decades that decentralization in Thailand has been an active issue. The most of municipalities provide early childhood and compulsory education but only seven municipalities have the vocational college. The purposes of this study were to (1) analyze the trends in vocational education provision …

Utilizing Junior High English Texts at the Japanese University Level for Large Non-English Major Courses
Many non-English majors encounter extreme difficulty when it comes to writing in English. Most learners are perplexed when asked to produce sentences that are comprehensible and cohesive enough to form a paragraph. Items such as a topic sentence, connecting clauses and phases may be unknown or long forgotten from their earlier schooling. Japanese junior high …

Problem Analysis of English Major Undergraduate Students on Internship: A Case Study of Burapha University
Thailand may encounter both crises and opportunities when the ASEAN Economic Community is implemented in 2015. Newly graduated student may face the difficulty in the domestic and international workforce regarding to the use of English language. To prepare university students, especially those whose major were English is the mission of the department. This study, therefore, …

The Developmental Co – Operation Strategy of Local Administration Organizations in the Provision Vocational Education
This intention of Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550 and Educational Act B.E. 2540 Local Administration Organizations (LAOs) have the right to provide education and professional training and the need of that locality and participate in the provision of education and training by the state, especially vocational education : program for preparing workforce …

Solar Powered Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Thermoelectric Generator
Durable, location independent, environmental-friendly sources of energy which allow for modular, few moving parts, low operating noise, high electricity generation efficiency and compact technology are highly desirable. One such technology is the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), since it is energy efficient and, if pure hydrogen is used, has virtually no emissions of greenhouse gases …

Student Satisfaction with Hybrid and Face-to-Face Teaching Approaches in an English Course
Hybrid courses combine technology with innovative teaching practices to facilitate learning. This paper studied satisfaction of students who experienced a hybrid learning environment (online classes + face-to-face (F2F) classes) and compared the perceptions of hybrid and traditional face-to-face delivery approaches. The data were collected from 300 students enrolled in a fundamental English course at a …

Teaching Values Using Creative Teaching Strategies: An Asian Perspective and Exploration
To teach values is to respond to the crisis of apparent normalcy in these post-modern times. Globalization, secularization and modernization have made the young drift away from values, principles and beliefs and indifferent to traditional moral teachings. Educators acknowledge that this drifting away and indifference of the young is a crisis, that if not addressed, …

A Developmental of Environmental Ethic and Learning Achievement in Environment Impact Assessment Course by Action Learning Style
The researchaimed to find the relationship between environmental ethic development and learningachievement in the environmental impact assessment course. It used five patternsof learning processin the classroom of third year students of the Environmental Science Program in the Faculty of Science and Technology at ValayaAlongkornRajabhat University under the Royal Patronage. This method consists withParticipatory Learning, Learning …

Implementations of Knowledge Management as a Strategy for Improving Competitiveness of Higher Education Organization (Aplication Reseach of Soft System Methodology for Higher Education Organization)
Impact of globalization on the organization, reactive to changes in the environment and able to respond to the challenges faced. Environmental organizations affected by cultural factors, technological, educational, political, legal, natural resources, and social and economic demographics. Implementation of knowledge management in education be the deciding factor as well as the competitiveness of the organization …

Behavioral Relationship between Sexes and Sexual Relations of Male Students in Silpakorn University, Thailand
This study presents qualitative research, which is aimed to make an understanding on behavioral relationships between sexes and activities related to sexual relations of male students, as well as to reflect how issues caused by their behavior was. The researcher applied the ethnomethodology approach of Michael Angrosino by doing participant observations and in-depth interviews of …

A Study of Learning Motivation of Current and Prospective School Teachers in Online Psychology Classes
Indifferent and careless school teachers bring much harm to a society. That is why the study of teachers’ motivation, specifically learning motivation (LM), is one of the key points for educational psychology. This tradition receives a new incentive in the present epoch of intensive development of informational technologies and Internet based distance educational programs. Presently, …

Gender Impact On The Information Environment Of Distance Learners In Botswana
Gender issues have occupied the front burner of educational discourse over the past decades. Cases of gender imbalance in education and the need to address the disparity have therefore attracted a lot of hype among scholars. Distance learning is known to have the capacity to take knowledge and training to the marginalised, isolated, underprivileged and …

The Lessons from the Experience of Educational Risk Management of Thai Government University
The objectives of this research were to 1. To study the situations of risk and study the lessons from the experience of educational risk management of Thai government university. The research was qualitative method and studied in the form of phenomenology methodology. The data collected from the key informants: the experience faculty executives and …

General Education Model of University in Thailand
The purpose of this study was to describe the General Education Model of University in Thailand. Using a mixed methods both quantitative and qualitative approach. The samples were undergraduate students, lecturers and committees who involved to General Education of 3 universities in Thailand. The quantitative data used questionnaire and analyzed data by descriptive statistics. In …

Language Use and Identity within the Virtual Community of
This paper introduces the virtual community of the website, a global community of 1,261 web forum posters, where globalizing and localizing techno-linguistic trends are simultaneously manifested by web forum posters who strategically select between English, Arabic, and 3arabizi, an online Arabic-English hybrid language, in order to project different online identities. To illustrate these trends, …

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Integration of PSO and BP Neural Network for Building the Artillery Ballistic Model
The artillery firing precision plays an important role in the war and it’s hard to describe the projectile trajectory in a mathematical model. In this paper, the neural network is used to build the artillery ballistic model for range prediction and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is applied to optimize the initial weight and bias to …

Administrative Success Factors of Private Pre-Schools in Khon Kaen under Office of the Private Education Commission : Multi-Cases Study
The aims of these studies were to investigate factors of the schools’ administration achievements by both overall and classifications according to school size. The purposeful sampling method is used in this study. The methodology comprises the descriptive analysis of documents, observations and interview of the teachers and school administrators with respect to theoretical framework.Research findings …

Using Machinima as a Method for Color Practice and Digital Narrative Creation
Combining visual game scenes, actions and narrative, Machinima, a by-product of the digital game, has been seen as a storytelling form of artistic expression and creation. Machinima means animated films made by machines. Specifically, Machinima is an art form involving videos created by using cinematic production techniques within computer software, usually games. Machinima differs from …

Emotional Prosody Mediated Visual Search in a First and Second Language: Evidence from Eye Movements
The difficulties that children have in thinking about time concepts may result from the complexity of time as a concept, but also reflect the idiosyncrasies of particular calendar systems. Previous investigation into children’s acquisition of time concepts has shown that Chinese children outperform English children in using the days of the month (DOW) and the …

Collaborative Feedback in a Blended Learning Environment: A Case Study of an EFL Writing Class
Collaborative feedback in a blended learning environment was studied to encourage learner-centeredness in the process of writing. The study aimed to: 1) examine how Thai university students perceived collaborative feedback activities when conducted in a blended learning environment; and 2) compare students’ perceptions toward collaborative feedback through face-to-face and online interactions. The participants were 24 …

Development of Teach by Social Networks
The objectives of this research were to compare the achievement of students’ learning through Social Networks ss to study the students’ recommendation of studying through Social Networks ss. The sample of this experimental research was 60 students in Communication Research Course, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, 1st Semester, Academic Year 2555/2012. The 30-student random sampling group taught …

Where in the World is Kolkata? Can International School Placements Make a Difference to Intercultural Awareness?
When an invitation was extended to the University of New England (UNE) to take a group of preservice teachers to an international school in Kolkata for the purpose of professional experience the first reaction of many people was who, what or where is Kolkata? The second reaction was that here was a possible partnership: a …

Interactive Weblogs: Breaking Barriers in L2 Writing in the Philippines
Mastery of the rules of a language is often clearly reflected in written outputs. In the Philippines, where English is a second language (L2), students are oftentimes reluctant to perform writing tasks as this will expose their ignorance in the skill. With the ubiquity of social networks in mind, this study sought to find out …

The Effect of “jarimatika” Multimedia Learning in Children Mathematic Learning Motivation
The paper is an action research class conducted by non equivalent pre-test and post-test control group design. Techniques and data collection using questionnaires and achievement tests. The data analysis is using t test analysis techniques. At the implementation stage of learning it uses the Jarimatika Learning media based on the multimedia which is developed by …

Synthesis of Legal Provisions and a Financial Feasibility Study on Investment Project of Serviced Apartment Business around the Court in Amphur Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province
The purpose of this research was to study the feasibility of apartment business investment around the court located in Amphur Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, Thailand. A synthesis of legal provisions of Ministerial Regulation on the Building Control Act (No.9) B.E. 2535 (1992) was an approach for the research. The area suitable for investment …

Task-based Language Learning: An Approach to Help Students to Become Balanced Thai-English Bilinguals
Bilingualism and/or multilingualism have long been praised as an invaluable asset, particularly in the today’s contracted global era or village. Although bilingual behaviors had been harshly criticized as a deficit form of language use in early 1900s, bilingualism is getting more and more important in the current 21st century, especially in business. As Thailand and …

Methodology of Play Translator’s Score Developing within the Cross-cultural Theatre Making Educational Project
The present paper is devoted to the translation score developing in the cross-cultural project as a special form of communication. The examples presented by the authors illustrate the universal character of translation score developing methods under analysis. Personal experience in the international theatremaking projects, opera laboratories, cross-cultural master-classes give more opportunities to single out the …

Uncovering a Cultural Black Box: A Case Study of a Classroom Discourse of a Regional Award-Winning Thai Social Sciences Teacher in a Topic of Culture
Cultural understanding and its knowledge are an integral facet in education. Nevertheless, the transmission of cultural related issues and knowledge in educational contexts, as with other subject knowledge or skills, is influenced by the cultural perspectives held by a teacher. To understand a teacher’s perspectivation of culture, an understanding of beliefs and practices need to be …

The Diversity of Learning Skills Among Entrepreneurial Students in MARA Professional College Malaysia
This study was aimed to investigate the study skills acquired by tahe entrepreneurial students of MARA Professional College, Malaysia. The study involved 106 randomly selected respondents. The study using questionnaire and Likert five-point scale to measure six categories of skills learned by Dunn and Dunn which are reading skills, note taking skills, time management skills, …

Learning Style Preferences of Entrepreneurial Students in MARA Professional College, Malaysia
The study examines MARA Professional College students’ learning styles preferences. A total of 758 diploma level students of different study years, programmes and gender involved in this study. The study employed a set of questionnaire measuring on students’ different learning styles using five likert scales. The five dimension of learning styles dimension by Dunn and …

Assessing Learning Style of Entrepreneurial Students in MARA Professional College, Malaysia
This study aims to investigate the diversity of learning styles of Entrepreneurial students at the MARA College Professional Malaysia. A total of 106 respondents were randomly selected. This descriptive study using questionnaires and five point Likert scale to measure the five categories of learning style model by Dunn and Dunn (1978) which are the environment, …

Creative Process Experiences with Digital Storytelling: A Tale of Two Engineering Students
Creativity is an essential trait for engineering students to be innovative and successful in current and future global economy. Thus, it is important for their creative potential to be nurtured. Since digital storytelling has been portrayed by previous studies as being influential in enhancing creativity, the purpose of this study is to explore the creative …

A Study on India’s the Right to Education Act: Overcoming Social & Economic Challenges
Indian governments have had to address a number of key challenges with regard to education policy as it is a crucial part of its development agenda. Education enables our children to acquire the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes necessary to become responsible and active citizens of India. The Right to Education (RTE) Act, which was …

Learning Management Outcome from an Integrated Instruction between Authentic Learning and Community Academic Service for Nursing Students in the Human Society Environment and Health Subject
This descriptive research aimed to study the learning outcomes from the use of a student centered instruction by mean of integration between authentic leaning and community academic service in a subject called Human Society Environment and Health run during the academic year 2011 with 100 first year students at Boromarajonani Nakhonratchasima Nursing College. The data …

The Role of Imagination in Motivating EFL Learning
Engaging and motivating students is always a key factor for successful learning. In educational systems where English is compulsory, such as the case in Taiwan, learners may struggle hopelessly for the duration of their academic lives. Dornyei (2005) builds on the psychological theory of possible selves to develop a new conceptualisation of L2 motivation, the …

Changing Teachers’ Perceptions on Low-Achieving Students’ Cultural Capital and Habitus
In general, low-achieving students in Singapore schools have been reported to perform well in literacy tests (PIRLS), compared to their counter-parts in other countries. However, for these students to achieve even a higher level of literacy skills in English, as promoted by the latest English Language Syllabus, classroom discourse patterns will need to change. The …

Modern vs. Post-modern Teacher Education: Revealing Contrasts in Beliefs and Practices
Based on the feedback collected from more than 140 instructors in an educational leadership program at a private university in Southwest U.S., there is an apparent “tension” stemming from the disconnect between what seems to be the belief sets and practices of the respondents in terms of modern and post-modern teacher education programs. There are …

On Increasing Instructional Emphasis on the Differences Between Written and Spoken Grammars
This paper proposes the necessity of increasing the emphasis on the different use of written and spoken grammars in classroom settings on the basis of Multiple Grammar Hypothesis (MGH) (Iwasaki, in preparation). MGH suggests that Japanese is a language that has a different set of grammars between written and spoken discourse aside from the difference …

University Entrance Examination: One Critical Challenge for Iranian Multi-functional Educational Institutions
It has been more than 55 years that university entrance examination in Iran exists.This entrance examination is held for 4 hours which should reflect over 13 years of student educational experience.––This tough exam and its result at the end of 4thyear studying at high school makes students uncomfortable to predict their future career. For their …

A Development of Management Model Using Business Intelligence Methodology for Higher Education Students to Enter Occupation Internationally
The purpose of the research study was to develop a model of learning management using the business intelligence methodology to help higher education student enter the occupation internationally. The research study consisted of two phases. The first phase was to develop the learning management model and the second phase was to evaluate the appropriateness of …

Virtual 3D Media in Royal Temple Thailand: Wat Yannasangvararam
Thailand has many invaluably cultural heritages found in various areas, particularly historical heritage, arts, architecture, and the way of life, which attract tourism in Thailand at the present. Although, some heritages have not properly been kept in good condition or used for arts and appreciation of intelligence of locality. Wat Yannasangvararam is a Buddhist place …

Learning Differentiation’s Sub Topic in Mathematics Using an Educational and Casual Flash Based Game
Proficiency in Mathematics becomes a critical skill for national growth nowadays. Despite this, there is a worrying decline in mathematics achievement among student population. Four-yearly study; Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2007, revealed Malaysia fell 10th in 2003 to 20th place in 2007. Among the main factors that may contribute towards …

Teaching and Managing a Project-based English Course to the College Students in Diverse Levels of English Proficiency
It is generally recognized in Japan today that having high level English skills is certainly a big advantage for college students to open up their future career. Japanese colleges are facing increasing societal demand for a better English curriculum which fosters both communicative and academic English skills. The project-based English course, which is practiced at …

Advanced Level Curriculum: Speech Acts – What to Say and How to Say It – With Implicit Culture Behind Language
This paper addresses the importance of creating awareness of the implicit culture behind language, particularly in advanced Japanese language course curriculum, by implementing the practice of appropriate language used in real life situations (speech acts such as apologizing, requesting, complimenting, refusing or thanking). It is critical that language curriculum pay closer attention to ‘invisible’ culture; …

The First Step of the Implementation of a Software to Facilitate Italian Children in Learning English
The aim of of this work is to show the theoretical basis and the primary steps necessary to realize an educational software that is able to enhance the learning of English in Italian primary schools (4-7 years old). The work behind the creation of this software is the research on issues linked to language acquisition …

Trees and Rhizomes: Students as Masters of Learning
This paper analyzes an innovative university based studio based learning program, called the Bower Studio, that offers architecture students real-world experience in consulting and building consilience with client partners from marginalized and poorly resourced communities in remote Australia and Papua New Guinea. It both documents the strategies used to build meaningful, cross-cultural partnerships and sets …

Model of Learning Environment for Creative Education on Social Network to Develop Creative Thinking
The purposes of the research study were 1) to investigate factors essential for the learning environment of creative education on social network to develop creative thinking 2) to design a model for development learning environment, and to evaluate the developed model. Three steps of the research study were: 1) reviewing literature to analyze and synthesize …

Time-honored Tradition Meets 21st Century Literacy: Changes in Composition Instruction
Two researchers, an American and Japanese collaborated on a qualitative project describing Japanese composition instruction in elementary school. We highlight educators from three schools in Japan, framing their pedagogical beliefs with Ivanic’s (2004) discourses of teaching writing. These include discourses of skills, creativity, process, genre, sociopolitical and social practices. We extend this work, taking into …

Performance of In-service Basic Education Teachers Of Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
In-service teachers with family responsibilities perform better in diversity of learners, community linkages, and personal growth and professional development; those holders of master’s degree and who were assigned in district 4 have better teaching performance in curriculum; master teachers perform remarkably in learning environment, diversity of learners and curriculum; and those who are compensated with …

Formulaic Language Patterns in Social Science and Natural Science Research Papers: A Corpus-Based Study
[PREPOSITION the NOUN Of] (e.g. on the basis of, in the case of), as some studies noted (e.g. Biber, 2009; Cortes; 2004), is one of the most frequent frames in academic discourse. Particularly, Groom (2005, p. 259) further emphasized that a similar frame may show different preferences in the words that commonly serve as fillers …

The Factors of Research and Innovation Management Using Electronic Supply Chain for Thai Higher Education Institutions
The purpose of the research study was to study the factors of research and Innovation management by using electronic supply chain for Thai higher education institutions. The research procedures consisted of three Steps : 1) study of the document and related research to create a conceptual framework , 2) study research and innovation management of …

Education for Sustainable Development
The present academics in the undergraduate & graduate levels, particularly in the field of engineering & technology are contextualized to a specific subject area and less focused on experiential learning perhaps due the overcrowded curricula, limited resources for vocational training and lack of institutional drive and commitment. The academics should aim to prepare students to …

The Impact of Outcomes-Based Accreditation on the Continuous Improvement of Engineering Education in Taiwan
In the past years, research on engineering education reform has tended to rely on quantitative data obtained from questionnaire surveys. The present study seeks to examine the impact of engineering education accreditation implementation over the past eight years from the multiple perspectives of faculty members, department chairmen as well as the deans in colleges of …

The Development of Massive Open Online Networked Learning for Thai Education
The research study purpose is to implement our SEED of WISDOM Agile Project Management model (SEED stands for Scheme, Execute, Evaluate, and Develop) to develop the project named Massive Open Online Networked Learning (MOO-NL) for Thai Education. We want to prove whether our model is effective enough to use as a guideline to manage any …

Bulgarian Kindergartens on the Way to Change
The paper describes an applied model of cooperation between science and business created to change the working environment in Bulgarian kindergartens. The aim is to propose a more motivating and effective learning process for 3 to 6 years old children through integration of interactive hardware technologies and educational software, taking into account the specific conditions …

Teacher-Student Interactions Considering Virtual space: An Action-Based Approach
Teacher-student interactions are one of the critical components of an educational process. Upon an action-based view, human beings are regarded as agents. Thus, teachers and students are all considered actors, who can act and interact with each other actively. Every action is based on cognitive, emotional and willing foundations. Accordingly, students and teachers interact their …

Imaginative Education within the Framework of Action
Imagination is amongst important faculties of human mind that its definition plays a significant role in different areas of education. Educating imagination could be either an educational end itself or a method to reach some other educational ends. This article aims at illustrating dimensions of imagination in light of a specific theory of action. Putting …

The Effects of Language Learning Strategies on the Students’ English Learning Achievement
Most EFL learners adopt grammar-translation and memory link methods during their learning process in vocabulary and grammatical concept. However, research has shown metacognitive learning strategies are the key to facilitate life-long independent learning. Furthermore, the metacognitive strategy reflects the leaners’ self-awareness, self-monitoring and problem-solving abilities. This study attempted to investigate whether the learners’ language learning …

Establishing an e-Environment that Empowers ICT within the Education System
Investing the educational system within an e-environment dedicated by Information and Communications Technology (ICT) administrative and learning technologies and capabilities advances educational results and better supports innovation, community and knowledge economy skills. Recent developments in ICT have incited an increasing attention in ICT-based blended-learning pedagogy to expand access to learning and adoptive lifelong learning amongst …

Assessing Students’ Performance in Accountancy through Team Delegation: Self Organize Model Vs Mcgrath’s Model (A Team Design Experiment)
This paper aims to (1) assess students’ performance in accountancy through team delegation, by comparing two team designs, the first one is based on McGrath’s Model (class A) and the other is based on self organize system (class B), and (2) give a practical guidance for lecturers to facilitate students inside classrooms so the lecturers …

Designing a Creative and Innovative Learning to Create Accelerated Learning in an Accountancy Class: A Merging Application between Ingenuity Learning Model and TANDUR Acronym
The purpose of this paper is to give understanding of the importance of the accelerated learning approach and explain how the content of an accountancy subject can be designed by accelerated learning model. Accelerated learning model in this paper focuses on the emotional aspect of the learning which is the merging between ingenuity learning model …

Human Performance Technology in ICT of Thai Higher Education Lecturers
The research study was conducted to develop human performance technology in ICT of Thai Higher Education Lecturers under three conceptual frameworks: input, process, and outcome. The input consisted of information and communication strategic plans of Thailand, those of the Ministry of Education and universities, and performance of organizations and their personnel. The process referred to …

The Implementation of Electronic Transactions as Seen from the Consumer Protection Law
Nowadays, the development of information technology and telecommunications has resulted in the various services of existing telecommunication facilities, as well as the products of sophisticated information technology which are able to integrate with the information media. Computer as a tool of people which is supported in the technology development makes the trade to be smooth …

Behavior Which Promoted Health Condition of Elders in Urban Areas: Effect of Social Management in Thailand
This research concerns the study of behavior, which promoted health condition of elder in urban area which represented effect of Social Management in Thailand. The researchers applied the concept as a framework to develop a form of social management by creating health promotion activity for elder. There were 3 intentions from the research: 1) Study …

Prediction of Market Situation for Studying Elder Consumers’ Health Care Product Usage Behaviors in Medical Clinics in Thailand
This research aims to study older consumers’ health care product and service usage behavior in medical clinics in Thailand, applying prediction of market situation as an analysis frame. The goals of this research are 1) Studying older consumers’ health care product and service usage behavior in medical clinics in Thailand and 2) Forecasting market situation …

Mining Facebook in Identifying Software Engineering Students’ Personality and Job Matching
Getting the job that suits our capability is a dream of each job seeker. But in real life, job seekers especially the fresh graduates may end up choosing a wrong career path because of ignorance of their own strength and weaknesses and improper guidance. When this happens, they tend of perform poorly in job market. …

Motivation of Extrovert and Introvert Gamer’s using Different Screen Sizes
The use of games as educational activities have been widely discussed and studied, and more recently it has been suggested that the use of handheld game consoles inside classroom could be beneficial. However, little has been done to study the role of screen sizes when playing educational or positive games in these environments. This study …

Adoption Theories in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) of Health Service for the 21st Century
The research aims to synthesize the concepts that affect the adoption behavioral of the Enterprise Resource Management system of healthcare in Thailand. The process performed includes analysis of synthetic documents and related research to create an interview tool template to be used in interviewing with expert in health organizations. Eight experts who have experience working …

The Information Technology for Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education
Presently, the information technology plays an extremely vital role in the development of educational systems. The office of the Higher Education Commission, which is in charge of regulating Thai higher education, has placed a number of strategies and policies to enhance Thai higher education standards and qualities. Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF: HEd) …

A Comparative Study of Prosodic Boundary Features with Encliticized and Procliticized Function Words
In spontaneous speech, unlike read speech, there are many cases that prosodic phrasing does not match with syntactic structure. Through the review of the previous researches, it is confirmed that this phenomenon usually occurs at intermediate phrase boundaries where function words are encliticized or procliticized. This research aims mainly to see how prosodic boundary features …

Monitoring Web Browsing Habits of User Using Web Log Analysis and Role-Based Web Accessing Control
Computer network in campus is an essential facility for education. The university network was proposed to provide student knowledge accessibility. Student in undergraduate school sometimes get involved with many study distractions, and also including using the campus network in the wrong direction. Redundant connections in campus network are always main problem with very challenging study …

Language Learning in a Shared Space
We present a state-of-art technology called “WaaZam” developed at the Media Lab, Massachusetts Technology of Institute (MIT). WaaZam is an application focused on supporting collaboration and interactivity through creative play. WaaZam allows users from a distance to interact with each other in a merged virtual space, and allows users to customize the environments or the …

Implementing Second Life in Higher Education: A Literature Review
Many educators around the world have shown an interest in three-dimensional virtual world such as Second Life in order to increase the level of student engagement. This paper aims to study on the implementation of second life in Higher Education. The research methodology was analyzing and synthesizing the literature review. The literatures were reviewed to …

Focusing on the Literal and Metaphorical Patterns of Prepositions: Corpus and its Applications
English prepositional phrases are among the most easily confused patterns for learners of English. In this paper, we investigate eleven English prepositions in the fixed frame [PREP the NOUN of] retrieved from the British National Corpus. Then, we analyzed the NOUNs in this frame by first mapping to their senses and then categorizing them into …

A Lens Comparison of Vocational Education and Training in the Beauty Sectors in Taiwan and the UK
This study presents qualitative research, which is aimed to make an understanding on behavioral relationships between sexes and activities related to sexual relations of male students, as well as to reflect how issues caused by their behavior was. The researcher applied the ethnomethodology approach of Michael Angrosino by doing participant observations and in-depth interviews of …

The Analytic Hierarchy Process – A Survey of “the desirable demand” of a Graduated Worker in Chiang Mai and Lamphun Province, THAILAND
The survey of “the desirable demand” of a graduated worker to meet the needs of employers is one mechanism to improve achievement and learning characteristics of students who were identified in the quality assurance aspects of teaching and learning of Chiang Mai University (CMU). CMU determines that the graduates of higher education should inclusive two …

Teaching Model for Competency Improvement of Deaf People on the Industrial Job
Job market of Thailand highly requires more than 110,000 welders each year while only 13,200 graduated one could be provided. Welder shortage then happens because most Thai teenagers dislike studying in such field. Some of deaf people want to take part of this job to feel proud of themselves without worrying about possible danger from …

Knowledge Management Competencies Development of Student in the 21st Century
Students in the 21st century should be developed to perform the necessary operations to be a great member in learning organization. Knowledge management is a core competency for workforce in every organization. This enables person in various functions to carried out their performance effectively. There are including knowledge storage publishing and sharing embedded knowledge of …

Comparison of Attitudes to Science Fields of the Stakeholders of School Education in Japan and Other Countries
This research addresses the attitudes of the stakeholders of the school education (students, parents and teachers) toward learning and teaching science in the multinational context. In particular, it aims to study the perception of science fields (Physics, Chemistry, Life, Earth and Environmental Science) in the dimensions of their understanding, personal values (interests, priorities, motivations) and …

Roles of Community Colleges to Enhance strengthening Community in Thailand
The important role of community colleges apart from expanding educational opportunities to develop professional development for people in community is enhancing community strength. In this connection, community colleges should clarify their roles in order to plan the policy, strategies, and management systems for enhancing community strengths effectively and meet their objectives. The research aims to …

The Elements of Creative Culture in Thai Higher Education Institutions
Creative culture is the shared values reflected by the organization’s behavior and attitude in the joint task of the people in the organization that promotes the creativity and innovation.This is a key factor for higher education institutions in the development toward a creative university. This research aims to study the current situations and to analyze …

Invigorating Literature Teaching in Taiwan through Drama
English Literature courses are elective and considered minor courses in the departments of Applied English in institutes of technology in Taiwan. Teachers of English Literature courses face challenges in engaging students in their classes. This action research inquiry describes a research journey of how a teacher of Literature comes across educational drama and how educational …

Training of Technical Teachers through Integration of Information & Communication Technology in India
Technology has provided the platform for learning i.e anyone can learn anything, any where any time. The potential of technology was exploited to train technical teachers in order to enable them to understand the quality issues in technical education, plan and deliver instruction effectively, and also to evolve strategies for developing creativity and entrepreneurial competencies …

Diversity and Assistive Technology: Focusing on the analysis of special education magazines from 1999 to 2009 in Japan and The United States
People with disabilities who are able to make use of adequate Assistive Technology (hereafter referred to as AT), are more able to participate in society. Moreover, there needs to be an improvement made in the circumstances and environment of people with disabilities to enhance their usage of AT. Therefore, in order to clearly understand the …

Students with Visual Disability and Active Touch: Levels of Understanding and Think Aloud Protocols
There is a lot of ongoing research regarding the key functions of the sense of active touch and their links to patterns of conception and cognition, with implementations in the education of students who have visual disabilities. The aim of this study is to analyze and categorize different types of active touch by students with …

Making of a Japanese Traditional Automation, Namely Renrigaeri, and Its Application to Education
We report results of science classes in which the fourth, fifth, or sixth year pupils in elementary schools made Renrigaeri models. Renrigaeri is a kind of Japanese traditional automata, namely Karakuri dolls. In a recent year, Karakuri dolls have been lightened at Japanese manufacturing factories because their movements with spiral springs or gravity instead of …

Developing International Professional Qualification Standards in the Computer Field for Academic Personnel of Rajamangala University of Technology
The purpose of the research study was to develop international professional qualification standards in computer for academic personnel of Rajamangala University of Technology (RMUT). The objectives of the research study were (1) to develop the international professional qualification standards and (2) to evaluate the appropriateness of the standards. The samples comprised eighteen experts from nine …

Adoption of a Personal Learning Environment & Network to Support Learning
The 21st century is a knowledge and digital era. The issues of changing condition and information overload challenge people’s abilities to learn. Moreover learning is becoming more learner-centric and network-based. The traditional way of learning may not be efficient enough to keep up with the pace of emerging knowledge. Learners need to develop their personal …

The Effect of Game Design on Game Play Time and Learning Outcomes
In this paper, we investigate the effect of the design of a social studies mobile game on game play time and learning outcomes of ninth-grade students. This social studies game-based curriculum involved 41 and 34 ninth-grade students in the first and second intervention studies using a mobile game played on Apple iPhones- Statecraft X-to engage …

Effect of Assessment on Group Work Activities Using Wiki
This study investigates the implementation of wiki in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environment. Many research works have proceeded to identifying the appropriate assessment methods in wiki and have compared the computed grades with the assessments of other activities within the course or program to measure its reliability. However, research from the aspect of effects of …

Feasibility Analysis of Investment Projects on Housing Development in Thailand with Valuation Technique Based on Economy Factor
This research concerns feasibility analysis of investment project in housing development in Thailand with valuation technique based on economy factor. The researchers brought conversion factor, which World Bank developed in 1997 to apply with financial return calculation of the project. The results showed that the project was highly possible to invest. By considering financial ratio, …

A Computer Game for Cultural Learning and Promotion: A Case Study of Thai Risk-Loss Cultures
In this modern world, communication and transportation has become more convenient and faster than before. This rapid growth of globalization has made many changes in our culture and society around the world. Thai culture and society has been also influenced by the effects of globalization. Especially, the influence of western societies has led to cultural …

The Relevance of Software Development Education for Students
According to Bill Gates the 3 R’s: Rigour, Relevance and Relationaships are the most important aspects of education reform. In Software Development Education at universities a fair amount of attention is paid to Rigour but to a lesser extent to Relevance. Relevance can be defined as: relation to the matter at hand / practical and …

Knowledge Engineering for Developing Knowledge Management System: College of Arts, Media and Technology, Thailand
Research and Development are crucial to every university aiming at being the world-class educational institute internationally accepted. The College of Arts, Media and Technology is an academic unit of Chiang Mai University, situated in the northern part of Thailand, aspires to reach this goal by combining the best in education with the global-standardized research, encouraging …

The OrBITal Map: A New Design Tool for an Effective Representation of Knowledge Systems and Instructional Objectives
In search of tools for effective content analysis and representation of knowledge systems, instructional designers usually use concept or mental maps. These solutions have a great visual impact, are user friendly and can be easily read, but have some disadvantages. They are greatly influenced by their creator and poorly oriented to formalization of knowledge systems …

The Different Involvement of Kinect Games in Physical Education Courses Effect on the Baseball Batting Skill Learning Performance of High School Students
The purpose of this study was to discuss the different involvement of kinect games in high school physical education courses. The researchers investigated 4 classes for 10- week physical education courses. In the class I, the teacher gave a brief introduction for batting skills and the students practiced batting skills by using baseball batting games …

Applying the Conjoint Technique in Identifying Preschool Preference of an Ideal Computer Game for Nutrition Literacy
The advancements and innovations in the industries of healthcare and education are at the threshold of a breakthrough. The main players have increasing efforts to address the pending issues on health and health literacy. Congruent to the increasing cases of malnutrition among children due to health illiteracy is the increasing advancements in the gaming industry. …

Nutrition-related Computer Game Use Resulted to Improved Health Literacy among Preschoolers in the Philippines
Health education aided with technology has been recently examined by experts as a new approach in extending universal efforts to achieve health-for-all. However, despite its outstanding potentials, sensible evaluations for health games has been given little consideration. Health Hunt (the researcher-made computer game) was developed to benefit preschool children tin understanding the concept of nutrition, …

Predictors of Nutrition-related Game Utilization among Preschoolers in the Philippines
ith the pending issues on malnutrition and healthy illiteracy, the focus has been turned towards the potentials share of the gaming industry in attaining the elusive health-for-all across developmental stages. Game usability testing has yielded many positive effects for both the gaming company and the gamer, but is given little attention when it comes to …

Teachers as Actors: Lecturing Theory Classes for Students in Vocational Education and Training Institutes
When Confucius and Socrates taught, they had one thing in common: they lectured. Using vocal control, body languages and questioning techniques, they performed, improvised and interacted with their disciples. Apparently, their direct and primitive presentations were able to draw their audience’s attentions, articulate higher order thinking and reflections. Resemblance of drama and performance, the beauty …

Comparative Analysis of Thinking Process Between Designer and Engineer Based on Case Application of Multispace Design Method
This paper describes each feature of thinking process for a designer and an engineer based on comparative analysis applying Multispace Design method (M method) to the bench design. Additionally, it is indicated that a utility of M method for an unrestricted idea generation and precise design thinking. M Method is a design method that combines idea …

Planning and Evaluation Skills: A Search With the Teachers of Italian Schools
This contribution proposes a reflection on the centrality of the construct of competence, which, especially in the last twenty years, has taken a decisive role in educational contexts. The implications of this innovation are important from the point of view of planning and evaluation of training interventions. The work attempts to reconcile the theoretical aspects …

The Effect of English Visual Presentation in a Second Language Class
The recent years, a great tendency towards the use of technology and its integration into the curriculum has gained a great importance. Particularly, the use of visual things as and an each student’s presentation in second language classrooms has grown rapidly because of the increasing emphasis on communicative techniques. And it is obvious that the …

Monitoring Progression and Personalized Coaching in a Virtual Gaming World for Learning Sciences
It is important to better integrate the use of web learning applications in classrooms and also to ensure that some individualized coaching is available for students depending on the context, their progression and their preferences. Some control of the system must be offered to the teacher, so he can follow the progression of his group …

Non-verbal Communication Training with an Interactive Multimedia Application
Non-verbal communication incorporating visual, audio, and contextual information are important to make sense of and navigate the social world. We propose a Computer-Based Training (CBT) regimen to train non-verbal communication skills for people with social and communication difficulties. We hypothesized that the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is correlated with non-verbal communication ability, and use the AQ …