Month: May 2020
Smartphones at the Workplace: An in situ Mixed-Method Study on Smartphone use During Intellectual Work
Smartphones and other ICTs have become permanent companions in our daily lives. Increased use of these devices has impacted and often changed our daily routines. Users are in constant negotiation and coordination between the online and offline worlds they inhabit, and decisions about how to use their time and attention are becoming increasingly challenging. This …
Blended Fashion and Textiles Pedagogy in the Age of Change
Fashion has always been at the forefront of change, it is a social leader in its ability to adapt and innovate, however, it has in recent decades relied on an unstainable growth at the planets expense and our own wellbeing. The consumption of all fashion from products to images has increased exponential with the rise …
Innovative Spanish Teachers: The Case of Juan Macho Moreno
This study focuses on the Spanish educator Juan Macho who led the fight against illiteracy and drop-outs in rural and urban Spain, on his contribution to the task of training women teachers, as well as on his collaboration in educational renovation and innovation in different Spanish Congresses during the period 1882 to 1908. His educational …
How Can Educators Make Online Work Well?
This paper connects best practices observed and developed through experiential learning in online forums, structured as open reflective spaces, with structured feed forwards. We are all online, constantly communicating, exchanging, learning, teaching, developing and creating. In such a vast space we often lose sight of the importance of the space itself. Almost every day we …
Agile Project Management for Digital Innovation and Improved Performance: A Case Study From the Telecommunications Industry
The goal of this paper is to explore the impact of Agile Product Development on the financial and non-financial performance of a company operating in the telecommunications industry. Following research hypotheses were framed and tested: H1: There is a positive relationship between Agile New Product Development methodology and organisational performance as expressed by financial measures …
Transformative Pedagogy: A Twenty-first Century Perspective Towards Improving Education
Education in the twenty-first century needs to break existing boundaries and adopt a new blend of teaching to meet the evolving demands of students. The need for teachers to unlearn methods of teaching that were consistently being used over the last few years and move towards perceiving not just education, but their role as well, …
Brownfield Remediation in Austria – Successful Stories
Deindustrialization created brownfields throughout all traditional European industrial regions. Their significance is understood due to their adverse socioeconomic impacts. The regeneration of derelict and underused sites for inner urban development can limit the pressure on greenfield sites around cities. The process, involving their reintegration into economy, is a key element of sustainable urban development, tackling …
In the Claws of Tondo: The Convergence of Hero and Place as Depicted in Selected Fernando Poe, Jr. Films
This paper analyzes Tondo as setting, motif, and metaphor in selected films by Filipino actor Fernando Poe, Jr (FPJ). Using discourses on space and film iconicity, this study performs a close analysis of how place conversely constructs an iconic hero. This study aims to (a) use treatise discourses of space and film iconicity, especially how …
Physics Instruction Using High-speed Video Analysis Technique
In this study, we report on the use of tracker video analysis and high-speed camera as an interactive approach to study the free fall. The video camera is used to collect position and time data, which can then be used to mathematically and graphically model. Anything related to the position and motion of the object. …
A Case for a Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: A Lesson from The Middle East
In educational settings where a curriculum developed in the USA is taught on foreign soil, teaching is particularly challenging, especially if students’ socio-cultural and religious traditions invoke a distinct paradigm of human relations, and their habits of information acquisition and communication emphasize reiteration. It has been proposed that active and meaningful learning, exemplified by culturally …
Moral Choices in Class: The Importance of Reminders
Circumstances, such a difficult test or a looming deadline, may challenge the rectitude of otherwise honest students. According to the self-concept maintenance model of Mazar, Amir, and Ariel (2008), if the opportunity for dishonesty arises, students may misbehave, but very little so that their positive self-concept is not substantially tarnished (Goldstone & Chin, 1993). Events …
How Do Middle Eastern Students See the World? A Study of Relational Versus Categorical Encoding
Evidence exists that the human mind can process information from the surrounding world (Kagan, Moss, & Sigel, 1963) in two distinct ways: individualists (Westerners) rely on categorical processing, using similarities to group objects, people, and events, whereas collectivists (East Asians) process objects, people, and events by emphasizing functional relationships (Nisbett & Miyamoto, 2005). However, the …
Outcome Predictions of Low-Performing Students: Illusion of Knowing or Lack of Confidence?
Successful performance on a test or assignment relies on the overlap between the knowledge and skills that learners possess and the particular demands of the task. The road to successful performance, however, begins well before the actual task is executed. It stems from learners’ ability to accurately predict their performance (metacognitive awareness) as well as …
Students’ Perceptions of a Designed Online Asynchronous Learning Activity Regarding the Community of Inquiry (COI) Framework
The COVID-19 pandemic situation is causing a rapid shift in higher education to be an online instruction or distance learning. This sudden change forces instructors around the globe to transform or re-design an offline course to be online instruction. In order to design an online course effectively, the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has become …
A Cross-cultural Analysis of Self-examination in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Chinese Philosophy and Tragedy
Western culture and Chinese culture are two completely different cultural systems in the world, while both of them can be analyzed together at a microscopic level. Although the protagonists in Chinese drama are not as complex as in Shakespearean drama where the characters are shaped by more than two aspects, the struggle of personality can …
What Influences High School Teachers’ Motivation to Engage in Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Numerous studies have confirmed that continuing professional development (CPD) is a significant contributor for improving teacher effectiveness. Hence, this paper reports on a study that explored the motivation of high school teachers in Saudi Arabia to engage in CPD programmes. It adopted a mixed methods (MMR) sequential explanatory design utilising an online questionnaire completed by …
Embracing New Identities with Batik
Fashion is at the forefront of global technological advancements and mass communications as it embraces the internet age. We find ourselves interwoven in the ever-growing interconnectivity of visual fragmentation and cultural blurring, animated by social media. With this rise of globalisation and industrialization, we notice that the fashion system is layered with unsustainable contradictions spiralling …
Aesthetic Quality Experiences Leading the Way for Learning How to Read and Write More Effectively
This study presents the way in which the creation of aesthetic quality experiences as objects of innovation contributes to improving the reading and writing skills of children between 4 and 6 in Catalonia, Spain. The concept of aesthetic quality experiences was developed by John Dewey in 1916, but was not really applied to the early …
Out-Of-Field Teaching in Ghanaian Basic Schools: A Matrix of Teachers Experiences
Globally, the problem of out-of-field teaching still persist despite the frantic efforts of policy makers to ensure that qualified teachers are placed to teach subjects and grade levels they have been trained to teach. Though statistics on the phenomenon remains scanty in Ghana, available evidence indicates that it accounts for the poor performance of students …
Representation of Women in Premkumar’s Films
In the wake of waves of feminism and feminist film theories there are more expectations from the film industries, as they are considered as the mirrors of the society and as the potent ones to reform the society in the eradication of the gender inequality all-prevalent in all the walks of life all over the …
The Effects and Challenges of Adopting the CLIL Approach at a Japanese University: Exploring Ways to Provide Language Support Effectively
This study reports on the results and challenges of implementing the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach in an all-English lecture course for Japanese university students who took a content course in English for the first time. Specifically, this study illustrates the language support as well as language related activities included in the course …
Employing English Literature to Craft Skills: Listening Speaking, Reading, Writing
The purpose of the present study is to use English Literature to enhance Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing by the application of Outcome Based Education. The study addressed the need to develop enhanced objectivity and tame the scientific minds of mixed semester undergraduate, Engineering and Computer Science students with emotive aspects. Students comprehended aspects of …
Developing Self-efficacy of Pre-service Science Teachers Through Teacher Professional Development Program
This research aimed to develop a self-efficacy of pre-service science teachers. The participants were 17 science pre-service teachers who were in the first year of general science program. The teacher professional development program in this study employed 3 strategies to develop pre-service teacher’s self-efficacy including curriculum topic study, content course, and teaching practice. The research …
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of a Thai Translation of the Body Appreciation Scale-2
Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Thai version of the Body appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2). Previous empirical research suggested that body appreciation is associated with positive psychological well-being such as life-satisfaction and self-esteem in female sample. Materials and methods: A total sample comprised of 217 Thai females, whose mean age …
Teacher Leadership Relationship With Workload, Time Allocation and Self-esteem
Background. In research on teacher leadership the teacher workload, teaching time allocation, and teacher self-esteem at school are not studied as challenges. These factors in educational research mostly are studied in relation to teaching quality. The relationship between teacher workload, time allocation, self-esteem and leadership needs to be defined and managed at the institutional and …
Teacher-Parent Collaboration in the Individualized Education Program Planning Process: Parents’ Perspective
This qualitative research was designed to understand Israeli parents’ experience of their working process with teachers in the planning and implementing of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for students with disabilities. The IEP aims to respond accurately to the unique needs of every child with disabilities. IEPs, found to reduce disparities in school outcomes, are …
The Inclusiveness of Inclusive Education – The Key Themes, Attitudes, and Challenges a Review of the Literature
The global initiatives of Education for All and inclusive education (IE) have created many unique problems as countries around the world find ways to both implement inclusive policies and with the realization of the different stakeholders learning to play their part in successful implementation. This study aims to use the literature on IE based on …
Free Speech Guidelines and Ethics in American Educational Institutions: Contemporary Educational Policy and the Constitutional Rights of Students
This paper examines the legal status of free speech in American educational institutions, the need for school leaders to have clear ethical guidelines regarding free speech, the attitude of society toward free speech in schools, and the importance of ethical decision making and personal values in free speech issues. The Constitution of the United States …
Facilitating the Process of Interiorisation: Explorations of a Novel Approach in Fashion Technique Pedagogy
This thesis offers an exploratory journey on the experimentation of a novel approach to a fashion technique pedagogy using the Process of Interiorisation. This methodological approach will open up a line of research inquiry specific to fashion design. By exploring blind-draping and blind-drafting, this experiment explored how emotions and memories played vital roles in the …
Developing Advanced Critical Thinking Skills in Education Systems: Higher Order Thinking Processes in an Era of Rapid Change
This paper examines the close connections between critical thinking and cognitive development, logic, and emotionality and the growing importance of promoting and developing higher-order thinking processes in education systems and work environments in an era of rapid change. Students and employees require advanced critical thinking skills to carefully evaluate and effectively use vast amounts of …
The Least of our Worries: Reception Teachers’ Understanding of Visual Art and its Place in the EYFS Curriculum
Visual art education in early childhood has been shown to have an especially significant impact on children living with high levels of disadvantage. Yet, evidence also indicates that the curriculum in the reception year of school is narrowing, with an increased focus on literacy and numeracy, to the detriment of children from disadvantaged backgrounds in …
The Development of Lesson Plan Based on CIPPA Model in Principles of Guidance Course
The aim of this study was to develop the pedagogical approach under the concept of CIPPA instructional model in order to enhance the 26 students’ logical and rational skills that enrolled in The Principle of Guidance course of the first semester in 2019. Classroom research was utilized for this research. The three significant research instruments …
Can the Intervention of SCAMPER Bring About Changes of Neural Activation While Taking Creativity Tasks?
SCAMPER (substitution, combination, modification, putting to other uses, elimination, and rearrangement) has been regarded as an effective technique that provides a structured way to help people produce creative ideas and solutions. Although some neuroscience studies regarding creativity training have been conducted, no study has focused on SCAMRER. This study pioneers computer-based learning in integrating fMRI …
Suicide Intervention Experiences and Practices of School Counselors: Basis for Development of Practice Guidelines
The current study investigated the Filipino school counselor’s knowledge, attitudes, and competencies in suicide intervention as well as their experiences and practices in suicide intervention. The study also aimed to develop and standardize suicide intervention guidelines. The study has two (2) phases. Phase 1 utilized the descriptive and generic qualitative inquiry methods of research. Purposive …
College Students Informal and Formal Ways of Seeking Help: Who’s to talk with?
Records show various ways to better understand help-seeking behavior. Literatures also showed that despite the fact that free counseling is available in the campus; only limited numbers of students are accessing the said service. The current study investigated the college students’ informal and formal ways of seeking help among 488 samples enrolled at a private …
Boosting Self-care Strategies and Resiliency Manual for Promoting Counselors’ Wellness
Counselors’ well-being is very essential in the fulfillment of day to day task of providing counseling services to their clients. It is expected that a counselor with positive physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional state will be able to develop therapeutic alliance, demonstrate empathy, and design appropriate intervention plan to address client’s presenting concern. On the …
Management of Natural Protected Areas Within the Romanian Cities. Case Study: Văcărești Protected Landscape and Natura 2000 Sites
The rapid pace of city expansion is drawing more and more attention to the reconsideration of interest in the city-environment-landscape nexus. Urban planning is one of the main potential tools with a considerable impact on protecting the environment and the landscape. Natural Protected Areas are among the most vulnerable areas and the impact on those …
Impact of Differentiated Classroom Instruction on Conceptual Understanding of Selected Physiology Topics Among Dentistry Students With Varied Learning Styles
In Dental education, there is a great need for enhancing the learning achievements, specifically, identifying the conceptual understanding in Physiology. One way to enhance the conceptual understanding is to tailor-fit the learning activities to the students’ learning styles through differentiated classroom instruction (DCI). This study will use the mixed experimental and descriptive quantitative method following …
A Shifting Gender Regime in Contemporary China? Fans’ Queer Readings of the Film Ne Zha
The animation film Ne Zha was a hit in the summer of 2019 in Chinese cyberspace. The film generated a lot discussion and user generated content from online fans. This is due largely to the film’s nuanced depiction of the relationship between its protagonist Ne Zha and his friend/enemy, Ao Bing. The homosocial/homoerotic undertone in …
The Impact of Camera Innovations on Visual Aesthetics in Documentary Films – A Filmmakers Perspective
Innovations in camera technology often have a direct impact on the moving image aesthetics. This is especially true for documentary film productions, where cheaper camera models from the consumer and semi-professional sectors are frequently used (Ellis, Documentary: Witness and Self-revelation, 2012). Documentary filmmakers have strongly responded to the new possibilities of portable camcorders and other …
Soft Heroes and Unusual Detectives: Researching Bodily Parody by Reading Itxaro Borda While Staring at Ana Laura Aláez
The body has become a central element in the Basque cultural production, even if it arrived with some delay in relation to the international practices. Within this context, this case study research examines the use of parody as a strategy to put the female body in the centre. For this purpose, this communication analyses works …
The Implementation of VR Technology in the Recoloring of the Historical Pharaonic Sites: Case Study on Khuwy’s Tomb
Egypt has a rich Pharaonic heritage. Most of them are tombs or temples as the Egyptians believed in eternity. The ancient Egyptian artist decorated tombs and temples with colored hieroglyphic texts that serve their eternity believes. By developing his own color identity a remarkable color scheme was distinguishing most of the pharoanic arts. He used …
World Order, Regime and Law of the U.S., UK, France and Europe
After the Second World War, the United States, United Kingdom, France and Europe have built Peace, World Order, Regime and Law with NATO and alliances. In 2020, the World is confused by the coronavirus pandemic. The United States, United Kingdom, France and EU cope with the pandemic. On March 2020, French President Emmanuel Macron said: …
Hemingway and Dos Passos: The 1930s
Herbert Solow’s declaration (of April 1938 ) in “Substitution at Left Tackle: Hemingway for Dos Passos” (Partisan Review 4- April 1938, pp 62-64) refers to the idea that Dos Passos, who had been strongly leftist since 1916, began in the second half of the 1930s after a period of aloofness to move away from that …
Developing a Modern Pharaonic Identity Through the Implementation of Creative Geometrical Grid Systems
Most of the remains from ancient Egypt came from tombs and temples, as the Egyptians believed in afterlife eternity. That was the main influence for the development of art in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptian artist covered the walls with hieroglyphic texts and illustrations that serve their eternity believes, but his organization of the elements …
Who is Oliver? Unexecuted Wills and Threatened Legal Rights in Oliver Twist
In this paper, I examine the unexecuted wills and the difficulty in exercising legal rights in Oliver Twist. In Dickens’s novels, the making and exercising of wills is very important because these actions are required for inheritance. The decision of to whom a person will bequeath their fortune exposes a character’s desire for money, affects …
A Study on Students’ Cognitive Load, Learning Motivation, and Learning Strategies in a Engineering Course Integrating with Mobile Learning Tools
This study carried out via both qualitative and quantitative methods. Results showed that in terms of learning emotions, flipped classroom based on mobile learning had some effects on students’ “self-directed learning” and “self-efficacy”. Flipped classrooms had a more obvious effect on improving the low achievers’ intrinsic goal (learning motivation), metacognition (learning strategy) and resource management …
Fellini in Memoriam – Auteurship and Absurdism as Keys to Understand a 2020’s Society Where Normality is Anything but Normal
We live in global times where, at once, we enable the world to grow closer and become more unified, and are still separated through our ingrained fear of The Other; of movements and people different from ourselves. The current COVID-19 pandemic forces us to open our eyes to the potential and capacity of citizens of …
Usage Application of Multimedia for Learning Values of Thai Literature to Develop Learning Achievement for High School Students
This qualitative research had designed multimedia materials for efficient learning of Thai Literature in high school students. The created multimedia materials were based on four classical Thai Literature, including Niras-phukhao-thong; Phra-aphai-manee; Lilit-taleng-phai; and Ma-tha-na-pha-tha. 540 Thai high school students, from three schools, were experimented in using the designed materials. Scores of learning achievement of students …
Effects of Using Self-regulated and Metacognitive Learning Strategies in L2 Writing Through Instructional Cognitive Involvement at a Thai University
This mixed method research study has investigated the possibilities and effects of instructionally induced cognitive load to facilitate self-regulated and metacognitive learning strategies for developing L2 writing skills. If low self-regulated learning is a cause of lower use of metacognitive learning strategies leading to low proficiency, then a reverse process of promoting self-regulated and metacognitive …
Barriers to Girls’ Education at the Elementary Level in India
Gender inequality in India has remained a subject of considerable interest among the researchers. With about one-third population comprising of the youth, India has tried to improve access and quality of education to reap benefits of this demographic dividend. Despite its sustained efforts, studies have found that girls in India still face disadvantage in access …
A Study for Entrepreneurial Education for the Middle-ages
The purpose of this paper is to explore the significance of considering the characteristics of the entrepreneurial process in entrepreneurial education for middle ages. In an ageing society, starting self-employment from middle-age is expected more than ever. Recent entrepreneurial studies have shown that middle-aged entrepreneurs are more successful than young ones. Since the 1990s, entrepreneurial …
An Interdisciplinary Look Behind the Top 100 International Universities Recognized for Innovation: Geographically, Historically, and Financially
The need for higher education institutions to strategically innovate proves no small feat given strong heritage and reputations for being slow to change. In fact, the international universities most recognized for innovation by Reuters (2018) span distinctive eras from around the world with the oldest such as Oxford, founded in 1096, and Harvard, dubbed the …
Exploring the Conceptual Framework and Knowledge Base of Nature-based Experiential Education
Given the active interest in developing nature-based learning opportunities (e.g., nature schools), it would be beneficial to know how it is understood and practiced within the profession. A review of the relevant literature indicates the knowledge base and conceptual framework tend to differ by country, region, school, and teacher. It is unknown how teachers are …
Education and Embracing Cultural Differences
The paper aims to highlight the role of education to overcome the cultural barriers. In the difficult times that humanity is going through, it is sometimes recognized that the world is influenced more by the culture of the place, money, information, emotions and less by reason. Emotional intelligence, imagination, inventiveness, creativity delimit areas of progress …
Whose Culture? Exploring Multiculturalism Through Ministry-approved Children’s Literature in the Republic of Croatia
This research aims to explore how the mandatory children’s literature, prescribed by the Ministry of Science and Education and covered within the school subject ”Croatian Language,” depicts Croatian cultural heterogeneity and global cultural diversity and whether it offers examples of vocabulary that would assist elementary school students in engaging in critical analyses about human-rights topics …
Increasing Reproduction of Territorial and Social Inequalities in Public Education in Hungary: Causes, Components, Practices and Mechanisms
In the lecture, I examine the development and reproduction of socio-spatial inequalities through the system of education, learning and training. I consciously approach phenomena from a “bottom-up” perspective as they become perceived by people and their communities getting in contact with educational institutions. In this vein, in my analysis spatial representations of the world economy, …
Oral Language and Comprehension as a Predictor of School Readiness Using Preschool Early Literacy Indicators
The REDY, Set, Start: School Readiness for All! study attempts to improve school readiness for pre-kindergarten students in North Carolina by nurturing oral language development in early childhood programs. This study was designed to address the achievement gap in gifted education among underrepresented students with a special emphasis on low-income and at-risk children. There are …
Action Research at Educare: Shifting Focus to the Learner for the 21st Century
A new small-school, Educare or Edu2 (pronounced edu-car-ai; from the Latin word meaning “to draw out”) opened its doors in Montreal, Canada, in September 2019. Edu2 has launched an innovative educational environment to address the challenges of preparing students to live meaningful and fulfilling lives in the 21st century. In order to achieve that, Edu2 …
From College to Workplace: English for Specific Purposes Beyond Technical Skills
In most college curriculum, technical skills and knowledge are prioritized across disciplines. However, the academically monolateral curriculum insufficiently prepares college graduates for job-hunting and workplace. Developing essentials of professional communication are as vital as technical qualifications before college graduates enter the corporate world. The importance of communication competence in this regard calls for deliberate training …
Learning International Literacy and News English Through Cross-disciplinary Instructional Modules
Discussing international affairs demands multidisciplinary knowledge and communication strategies from partakers. The demand is elevated for nonnative English speakers when critical ideas are exchanged for controversial topics in English. This research explores the value of an innovative ESP training featuring interactive educational technology and cross-disciplinary team-teaching, to introduce international literacy to 26 college-level Taiwanese English …
Trends in Practical Undergraduate Training of Future Primary School Teachers
The aim of the paper is to outline the development and current trends in practical aspects of undergraduate training of future primary school teachers. The research is based on the requirements of schools which need thoroughly trained students prepared for practical educational work. For a long time, university education has primarily focused on teaching theoretical …
Motivational Impact of Perceived Self-sufficiency and Personal Religious Beliefs
In this paper we set out to explore the impact of perceived self-sufficiency and personal religious beliefs on the connection between Motivation to Volunteer (VFI) as theorized by E. Gil Clary and Mark Snyder (1998) and Job Expectations which students possess before entering the workforce for the first time. Our goal is to find out …
Correlation Between Interlanguage and Internalization in SLA
Interlanguage is the type of language or linguistic system used by second- and foreign-language learners who are in the process of learning a target language. Interlanguage is dynamic and permeable as it serves as a bridge between L1 and L2 when learners lack knowledge and fine mastery of rules. They refine certain rules and obtain …
Actual English for Hospitality Industry From Foreign Hotel Guests in Thailand: A Case Study of Ayutthaya Province
Effective and appropriate communication in the hospitality industry needs more than language knowledge. This study aims to 1) explore the needs of conversational English of front office staff in Ayutthaya Province, Thailand; and 2) analyze the expressions spoken by foreign tourists in Ayutthaya. To discover the needs of English language learning, the questionnaire has been …
Impact of Learners’ Backgrounds on Speaking Proficiency of EFL Young Learners in Mexico
This study investigated how learners’ background characteristics have an impact on the language ability of young learners of English (YLE). Research confirms learners’ uniqueness to be the most consistent predictor in successful language learning (Dörnyei & Skehan, 2003). These factors include motivation, parent education, time of exposure to the target language, among others. One context …
Death of the Enemy: The Spectacularity of War and a Zombie Enemy
The constructedness of the notion of ‘enemy’ specially during war times often includes demonization and propagandist characterization bordering on depicting inhumanity in ‘them’. But in this paper, the move is from a human enemy to a nonhuman one – a zombie. Keeping in mind its nonhuman characteristics and inhumanity, the argument is carried on to …
Cross-cultural Language in Clint Eastwood’s Western
This is a corpus-based text analysis of some of Clint Eastwood’s Western movies. Eastwood starred in and directed numerous Westerns. The present study looks at cross-cultural language used in four of his films; Unforgiven, High Plains Drifter, The Outlaw Josey Wales, and Gran Torino (which is not strictly a Western) using the full movie scripts. To understand …
Professional Photographers of Instagram: The Meaning of Visual Communication Through Modern Photography in Digital Society
The purpose of this paper is to study the modern forms of visual communication of people, through Instagram. In order to study the way in which the visual message is transmitted between individuals, and then how this transmission of information affects its final content, determining the creation of aesthetic experience and perception in the individual, …
Transformational Journeys of Institutional Leaders of University Community Engagement
Alternatively described as a practice, a movement, a philosophy and a field, university-community engagement has been institutionalized in different models throughout many Western nations. In an ongoing Canadian study of engaged institutions in 4 countries- the US, Canada, UK, and Australia- engaged scholars in executive (senior) leadership positions participated in a narrative study of identity …
Hybrid Learning Higher Education: The Co-creation of Value in the Student’s View
Interaction (student-teacher relationship) and active participation (student involvement) were enhanced due to digital transformation and as long as the student interacts with the teacher, he changes into co-creator student, as the perception of his role in the process of learning evolves. A context in which it is possible to observe such conjuncture in higher education, …
An Evaluation Model for a Non-sexist Education: Beyond Performance Accountability
This article refers about the development of assessment tools concerning to identify gender biases in teachers of a Vocational Education institution in Chile. Particularly, in the fields of engineering and technology, usually characterized by having male majority presence. Our aim is to identify, based on a mix method perspective, the limits and the potentials of …
Attitude to Authority and Digital Competences of Bulgarian Primary Teachers
The thesis of this study is based on the assumption that the authority of the teacher manifests as a specific status or professional role and should be internalized in his overall professional profile. The teacher’s role-playing authority is defined “a formal authority” and is strongly influenced by the requirements of the educational environment and the …
Research of Primary School Students’ Knowledge and Attitude to Internet Tolerance
Internet tolerance is a very relevant problem in the context of the 21st century, when a greater percentage of communication between people, including children, occurs precisely in the virtual space. The survey included 230 girls and boys from Primary school. The research is conducted through a questionnaire, which includes 20 questions and explores student’s opinion …
Supporting the Academic Dimension of the Transition to University
The transition from further to higher education is both an exciting and challenging time for first year undergraduate engineering students. This work focuses on developing a tool to support the academic dimension of the transition, specifically the identification and closing gaps in student’s pre-requisite knowledge, skills and reasoning. A transition survey was developed and deployed …
Developing a Cultural Ecosystem Services Valuation Framework for Enhanced Natural Resource Management for Bangladesh’s Forests
From till-date literature review it has been found that there is no universally accepted definition of cultural ecosystem services (CES) and as a result there is no agreed model to incorporate CES valuation into policies. The main reason for this gap is the subjective nature of the sub-categories that make up CES’s definitions. Also, such …
Interrogating International School Teacher Precarity: The Short-term as Opportunity for Developing Resilience
Whilst the popular image of the international school teacher as the globe-trotting explorer is still prevalent in the popular imagination, recent research has started to explore the precarious nature of teaching in international schools. Examples of international school teacher precarity include short-term contracts, which are typically 2-3 years in duration, unfair dismissal, and potential marginalisation …