The purpose of the present study is to use English Literature to enhance Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing by the application of Outcome Based Education. The study addressed the need to develop enhanced objectivity and tame the scientific minds of mixed semester undergraduate, Engineering and Computer Science students with emotive aspects. Students comprehended aspects of theories applicable to certain literary texts, analysed and evaluated text based on the precepts. Thereupon, created short stories based on a particular principle of a theory. Objective understanding, analysis and evaluation led to creation of emotive stories. Course Outcomes (COs) were based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of understanding, analysis, evaluation and creation. COs aligned with application-based creative assessments, involved critical thinking. 111 students elected the subject and benefited from Continuous Evaluation. Calculations on a CO Attainment Sheet showed that 60% of the students scored a minimum 50% of the maximum marks. Progressive application of COs improved skills. Relative Grading depicted the percentage of students against the grades as follows: 6.3% (A+), 25.2% (A), 18.9% (B+), 15.3% (B), 9.9% (C+) and 0.9% (C). 23.4% failures appeared for remedial. Since the target of minimum marks was achieved on the CO Attainment Sheet, this will be raised for subsequent batches, to make the course challenging. Emphasis on rubric-based Listening and Speaking individual and collaborative assessment, both peer and formative; will improve learning. Extending this instructional method of English to other fields of study will improve students’ communication skills.
Author Information
Rati Oberoi, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India
Paper Information
Conference: OCE2020
Stream: Language Development & Literacy
This paper is part of the OCE2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Oberoi R. (2021) Employing English Literature to Craft Skills: Listening Speaking, Reading, Writing ISSN: 2436-1690 The Osaka Conference on Education 2020: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 71-89) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2436-1690.2021.7
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2436-1690.2021.7
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