Brownfield Remediation in Austria – Successful Stories


Deindustrialization created brownfields throughout all traditional European industrial regions. Their significance is understood due to their adverse socioeconomic impacts. The regeneration of derelict and underused sites for inner urban development can limit the pressure on greenfield sites around cities. The process, involving their reintegration into economy, is a key element of sustainable urban development, tackling environmental, social, economic and cultural issues. Recent European brownfield policies simultaneously address environmental protection and spatial planning. Brownfield sites are an opportunity for saving resources and delivering sustainable urban development. Countries with comparable strong spatial planning institutions (e.g., Austria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Slovakia or Germany) created and developed specific instruments in order to identify the best practice for sustainable brownfield regeneration by carrying out studies in industrial core regions in which they analyzed the current practices and improved the applied procedures. During the last 50 years, structural changes (e.g., some industrial sectors disappeared, companies merged, and higher quality production is organized on smaller areas) increased the number of brownfields in Austria. Land is a valuable resource and its effective use essential for sustainable development. An important component is the increased number of brownfield sites and complexity of their renewal. This article presents representative Austrian case studies (the Styrian Iron Road, Sargfabrik in Vienna, remediation of the hydrogeological basin unit Mitterndorfer Senke, Tabakfabrik in Linz, Anker Brot Factory, W18 Simmering Gasworks and the Gasometers in Vienna), indicating that brownfield regeneration is a sustainable solution for land and opportunity for introducing sustainable solutions in design.

Author Information
Michael Alexander Birgmayr, Globe Trade Centre Romania, Romania
Alexandru-Ionut Petrisor, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism, Romania

Paper Information
Conference: ACSEE2020
Stream: Environmental Sustainability & Environmental Management: Land Use & Misuse

This paper is part of the ACSEE2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Birgmayr M., & Petrisor A. (2020) Brownfield Remediation in Austria – Successful Stories ISSN: 2186-2311 The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment 2020: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 57-68)
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