Month: January 2021
An Exploration of English Language Learners’ Emotions and Beliefs: Insights From Self-reported Experiences and Observed Classroom Practices
Due to the ‘emotional turn’ (Pavlenko, 2013) in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) – and particularly thanks to the advent of Positive Psychology – closer attention has been devoted to the role that emotions and related processes such as (self-)beliefs play in foreign/second language learning. This presentation is based on my doctoral dissertation, …
Study on the Usage Environment of Online Games Based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Online games enrich children’s daily lives by providing places to interact with each other and fun. On the other hand, the negative aspects are also pointed out such as long-time gaming, health effects, privacy, and security issues. In light of these circumstances, UNICEF published a report “Child Rights and Online Gaming” in 2019, which states …
Cultivating Social-Emotional Learning and Deeper Learning Skills through the Design and Implementation of Creative and Improvisational Activities in Science Education
Cultivating Social-Emotional Learning and Deeper Learning skills are some of the central skills of the future, according to the OECD report ‘Future of Education and Skills 2030’. These skills should start to be developed by the kindergarten and end up in the Secondary Education, even in Higher Education. This presentation refers to the results of …
Effect of Mixed Groups on Multicultural Interaction and Student Experience
British Universities attract students from around the world. Being able to work effectively in multicultural teams increase students’ competitiveness and employability. Therefore, it is crucial to equip students with this valuable skill. There is a vast literature exploring the challenges in multicultural classrooms. One such challenge is that students rarely engage in interactions with those …
Blended Learning Between Success and Catastrophe in Third World Countries: IKR as a Case
Despite destructive impacts on Health and economy, COVID19 brought humanitarian disaster, especially for education and learning. Social distancing gave prospects to find an alternative method for students to get connected to their academic modules and educational procedures. Educational technology and e-learning are fundamental system to progress controlling over time, place and pace. Blended learning (BL) …
Won Kee: A Historico-Biographical Study of Creativity, Inter-Cultural Intervention, and Discrimination in a Nineteenth-Century Goldmining Setting in Aotearoa New Zealand
During the latter part of the nineteenth-century gold-mining era in Central Otago, New Zealand, Won Key was a well-known Chinese merchant living in Cromwell. His activities centred on offering a base for supplying Chinese miners, yet at the same time he provided a link between the disparate cultures that made up this migrant setting. While …
Vocal Aesthetics and the Construction of the “Feminine” in Post-independence Hindi Cinema
Indian cinema is deeply connected to India’s identity, with cinematic themes and narratives influencing and reflecting cultural behaviors and expectations. After its Independence in 1947, India entered a nation-building phase, and films placed the nation, society, and family (including romance and marriage) at the center of its narratives. Indian construction of femininity was based on …
Fan So and Early Chinese Musicians in Aotearoa New Zealand: Musical Creativity in an Era of Colonialism, Migration and Discrimination
After warning John McLean of a plot on his life in order to steal his gold, Chinese goldminer, Fan So, became a faithful servant and travelled with him from the Australian goldfields to Aotearoa New Zealand around the middle of the nineteenth century. While McLean became an important and recognised figure in New Zealand, little …
Stories and Experiences in the Time of Pandemic: Online Conversations of Filipino Student Affairs and Services Practitioners
The implementation of the enhanced community quarantine as preventive measure in the widespread of the COVID-19 pandemic has halted the face-to-face delivery of classes in Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) in the Philippines. Many of the institutions have resorted to continue the learning process in online platforms. Because of this, the student affairs and services (SAS) …
Family Members as Informal Carers in Old Age Care Policy: Preliminary Observations from a Critical Discourse Analysis
As a model of care for older adults, ‘Ageing in Place’ emphasizes enabling older adults to continue to live in their familiar environment for as long as possible and is central to policy on elderly services in Hong Kong. Increasingly, older adults are seen to be service users who determine their care priorities. This entails …
An Exploratory Study on Workers’ Characteristics Affecting the Use of Different Acting Strategies in Emotional Labor
There are two acting strategies in emotional labor: surface acting and deep acting. Previous studies have shown that surface acting has negative effects, such as depression, burnout, and increased turnover of workers. For deep acting, the findings are inconsistent with both positive and negative effects being reported. In addition, these acting strategies are thought to …
A Qualitative Study on the Style of Art Teaching Instruction for Improving Creativity: The Perspectives from Chinese Elementary School
Teachers’ instruction styles are significant to educate students on improving creativity, especially in an early educational stage (i.e., the elementary school). In this study, a survey was conducted to investigate the types of instruction employed in Chinese elementary schools’ art classes to train students’ creativity. In a primary school with complete educational resources located in …
The Law School Experience: Adopting Regulation Strategies
Law school is the training ground for all future lawyers. While the law profession can be a compelling career opportunity, developing the necessary skills required for the profession can be tough a tough journey, and can be overwhelming. Experience of psychological distress among law students is evident in various research studies. The aim of this …
Gender Differences in the Effects of Expectancies for Hypnotic State on Attitude Towards Hypnosis
Significant but weak positive correlations between expectancies for the hypnotic state and attitude towards hypnosis (Nakatani et al., 2021a) are reported in women. Fukui (2012a, b) analyzed gender as a control variable and found the moderating effects of interpersonal dependency or empathy in the effects of expectancies for the hypnotic state on attitude towards hypnosis. …
Gender Differences in Relationships Among Conscious and Unconscious Cognition of Culpability of Bullying Victims and Accepting Attitudes Toward Bullying
Examining the validity of the Implicit Association Test for assessing unconscious cognition of culpability of bullying victims, including the idea that bullying victims are also responsible for being bullied (Hori et al., 2020a), indicated significant gender differences in the subscale scores of the scale for measuring accepting attitudes toward bullying (Shinto & Saito, 2001). However, …
Conflict Resolution Styles and Marital Satisfaction in Men and Women: Study in the First Five Years of Marriage
Men and women have differences in conflict resolution styles that tend to be used to resolve their marital conflicts, affecting their marital satisfaction. This study was conducted to examine whether there was a significant effect of conflict resolution styles on marital satisfaction in men and women in the first five years of marriage, and also …
Design Thinking Applied to Advertising Design Courses to Enhance Students’ Learning Achievement
At the time when technology is booming, the definition of advertising is no longer advertised through traditional mass media, but a trend that everything is advertising. Advertising design is not just about creating beautiful and emotional content. It must be customer-centric to make consumers feel that advertising is meaningful and worthy of action. In Taiwan, …
The Use of Emotional Artificial Intelligence in Social Network Journalism: Possibilities and Limits of a New Communication Paradigm
Gamification, understood as the use of ludic mechanisms in non-ludic contexts, is seen today as a practice ingrained in new medias. The shift of journalism onto social networks has laid the foundations for a ludic communicative paradigm that revolves specifically around gaming mechanisms. Nevertheless, recent developments in artificial intelligence call for a partial redefinition of …
Impact on Short-term Mood by Two Factors of Browsing “Kawaii” Objects and Linguistic Communications
It is a general behavior for people who have similar tastes to share their feelings about an object related to “kawaii” and to communicate linguistically. It seems that communication by utterance of “kawaii” has a positive effect on short-term mood by the action of relieving psychological stress, and it improves the adaptability of human relationships. …
The Construction of Self-Awareness Efficiency Scale for Helping Professionals
In the helping profession, having good self-awareness can effectively improve the working efficiency while helping others. The purpose of the study is to provide a better understanding by constructing a “Self-Awareness Efficiency Scale for Helping Professionals (SAES)”. The research is divided into four stages. The first stage is “qualitative interview” stage. The researcher invited six …
Bullying Victimization, Self-compassion, and Depressive Mood as Predictors for Resilience in Thai Junior High School Students
Past empirical findings suggested the significance of resilience in adolescents. Those with a higher level of resilience coped better when encountering negative life events and were less vulnerable to mental health problems. Hence, this study aimed to identify psychological variables associated with and predictive of resilience in Thai adolescents. These variables were divided into those …
Elements of Cooperation Necessary to Foster Safety Culture in Nursing Facilities from a Nursing Perspective
In Japan’s aging society, many elderly people with dysfunction are moved to nursing facilities after being discharged. These facilities allow the elderly to recuperate while continuing to receive medical treatment. Accidents at nursing facilities, such as falls, may result in readmission and lower quality of life. Therefore, ensuring safety at nursing facilities that support life …
The Modulation of Cultural Priming on the Self-Bias Effects in Perceptual Matching
Recent research has discovered a bias towards the processing of self-relevant information in perceptual matching tasks. Judgments for self-associated stimuli are processed faster and more accurately than judgements for friend or stranger associated stimuli. It is also well known that priming of independent or interdependent self-construals successfully modulate self-biases in high-level tasks such as self-referential …
Japanese University Students’ Intention to Seek Help From Psychological Professionals Compared to Family Members and Friends
There was no national certification for psychologists in Japan until recently. However, nearly 30,000 licensed psychologists have registered since the Licensed Psychologists Law was promulgated in 2015. Nevertheless, it remains challenging to consult a psychologist, possibly because psychologists lack recognition as consultants, despite societies’ recognition of the need for their services. We compared the intention …
Envisioning a Healthier Build Environment for Elderly People with Dementia in Denmark – A Conservatory for People and Plants
Recent scientific research has shown how exposure to daylight, clean air and continual contact with greenery, natural elements and habitats are crucial factors for human well-being (e.g. Gonzalez & Kirkevold, 2014; Detweiler et al, 2012). In the wake of these findings, it is highly important to improve access to facilities that enable and promote these …
Record and Reflection: COVID-19 Pandemic Documentary in Japan, China and Korea
Documentary has always been used to characterize nature, history, and social reality. As a medium text with the spirit of realism and authenticity, it diverts our attention to the world in which we live. During the epidemic, Japan, China, and South Korea each produced documentaries on the theme of the epidemic. This paper focused on …
Contributions of the Media to Polarizing Perspectives
This research found that the general public in the United States perceive youth in foster care (YFC) to be negatively presented by the media. We conducted a demographically representative national survey (N=2487 adults) in which the majority of respondents reported that they believed YFC are at least somewhat accurately portrayed as 1) Victims, 2) Survivors, …
Design for Learning: Management Challenges
Employers consistently indicate that university graduates need to demonstrate the ability “to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings” (AAC&U, n. d.). As such, instructors should design experiences that encourage application of learning rather than the more traditional approach of readings, lectures, and tests. One such learning experience is the use of management challenges, or …
Student Engagement in a Digitally Mediated Environment: Attitudes and Experiences of Student Advisers
Students’ healthy engagement with higher education (HE) can make vital contributions to their psychosocial development, educational attainment and future employability. However, it is important to note that how engagement is enabled, experienced, and assessed within Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) is evolving. This shift is evidenced in the growing interconnectivity between HEIs’ interpersonal and digital engagement …
Distinction Between “Being or Not”-The Uninhabited Space in a Super Populous Country
China has the largest population in the world, so it’s common and reasonable to see people everywhere. However, since 1980s, places in China have been in a dynamic state switching between “with people” and “without people”. “Places without people” have gradually become places that cannot be ignored. On the macro level, due to the rapid …
Expression in Ethnic Architecture of Hohhot
Public buildings are an important part of urban cultural material. Behind the image of public buildings created by means of architectural symbols, there are the grand representations of the city image and even the national image, which is particularly obvious in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; although the architectural image created by national symbols have …
The Process of Overcoming Difficulties and Gaining Happiness by Realistic Optimists – Relationship between Well-Being and Realistic Optimism
Objective: This study examines how the people with realistic optimistic view overcome difficulties and obtain well-being and also examine how they perceive well-being. Method: Initially a questionnaire survey was conducted on 17 correspondence students aged above 60 using realistic optimism scale. 8 participants who scored high in the questionnaire survey were chosen for the interview. …
Work-related learning amongst Economically Marginalized Youth in Singapore
Opportunities for work-related learning are now seen as essential for young people to gain the practical experience so they can successfully transition from education to work. Research has shown that class advantaged youth engage in “experience-based” work while they are studying. These may be volunteer or very poorly paid positions but provide experiences which enhance …
Using Newspapers and Films as Tools for Cultural History Research
This paper demonstrates how media historians can gain valuable insight by using newspapers as well as fiction films as their primary source materials. In recent years, cultural historians have increasingly drawn on a wide range of primary texts to gain a rounded picture of popular history. Fiction films and newspapers, however, are not commonly considered …
Building Resilience and Connection during the Pandemic: Using Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in the Teaching of Chinese and Italian Cultures Through Noodles
The experience of trauma, both national and personal, may inhibit learning and decrease learner motivation. As the pandemic raged globally, professors investigated new pedagogies in order to interact effectively with students in an unpredictable world. Our students had experienced a myriad of hardship, isolation, uncertainty, and fear by the time they enrolled in our summer …
Quantitative Study on the Street Interface Form of Beijing Historical District — Taking Dashilar as an Example
Streets are not only the skeleton of a city, but also the label of the quality of a city’s public space. Taking Dashilar, a historical district in Beijing, as the research object, this paper makes a quantitative study on the interface shape of Dashilar pedestrian street from three levels and 12 indicators. From the urban …
Unveiling the landscape of New Chinese migrant in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai
Current migratory flows from China are increasing worldwide, particularly, throughout BRI routes. Migrants from China, south country, to other south countries represent a global transforming political economy in many dimensions. This article aims to illustrate the settlement perspectives on transborder mobility among new Chinese migrants in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The finding draws on research results …
European Master Active Ageing and Age-friendly Environment (EMMA)
This poster presentation focuses on the Erasmus+ Project EMMA (European Master Active Ageing and Age-friendly Environment) which runs from September 2020 to August 2023 consisting of six higher education institutions from Austria, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Slovenia. The aim of the project is to develop a 100% online, transdisciplinary and transnational joint degree which …
The Effects of Smartphone-based Interventions on Changes of Creativity Mindset, Passion Toward Smart Phones, and Self-efficacy of Creativity
This study aimed to examine a smartphone-based intervention effect on changes of passion in smartphone use, growth creativity mindset, fixed creativity mindset, and self-efficacy. Participants were 84 college students. The employed instruments included Inventory of Passion towards Smart Phones (IPSP), Creativity Mindset Inventory (CMI), and Inventory of Self-Efficacy in Creativity. The IPSP included four types …
Cultural Differences in Creativity Mindset, Passion Towards Smartphone Use, and Well-being
This study aimed to investigate the cultural differences on creative mindset, passion towards smartphone use and well-being, as well as the relationships between these variables among college students in Taiwan and Australia. Participants were 136 college students from Taiwan and 135 from Australia. The employed instruments included Creativity Mindset Inventory (CMI), Inventory of Passion towards …
Gammified Tools in the Development of Communicative Production in Remote EFL Learning
One of the most critical challenges of Foreign Language teaching is developing students’ oral communicative competences, enhancing productive skills, and expressing thoughts in another language. This teaching process requires using different resources to acquire cognitive experiences that promote meaningful learning. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers emphasized virtual learning environments (VLE) and other digital resources …
Philosophy of India-Dravidology
Sankhya principles, dominate the Indian thinking all along. It is seen in Buddha’s teachings, Upanishads and Bhavadgita. Kapila, the author of Sankhya is a Tamil scholar in the Sangam age. Asura is a word denoting the Dravidians. While discussing the views of all commentators in his book, Larson did not discuss this aspect. Brahmins divided …
Research Self-Efficacy of Adult Learners After Philippines’ K to 12
Baseline data to describe the ability of adult learners in research is indispensable for a successful curriculum evaluation. The idea that research is indispensable in nation-building is an ideology that all nations would agree with. To build a nation is to build the next generation and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the next generation …
Adaptation of COVID-19-related Loanwords into Japanese
In recent years, the quantity of loanwords that have been adapted from foreign languages has increased as globalization advanced. Among this process, assimilation and extinction of the words are natural phenomena that have been observed in the past and in the present. The changes produced by these process sometimes cause communication gaps among people due …
REVAMP: Transforming Technology-enhanced Education to Cater for Learners’ Dispositions
The integration of technology into an education system is a precarious affair that prompts educators and policy-makers to refer to various technology implementation guidelines including but not limited to Technology Acceptance Models, Gilly Salmon’s 5 Stage model, Puentedura’s SAMR model, or Koehler’s TPCK model; to name a few. The integration of technology involves the aspects …
Measuring Articulatory Distance for Consonants Towards a Learner-language-sensitive Pronunciation Training Tool Development
This study introduces the theoretical basis for the articulatory distance in foreign language learning context, which serves to find the efficient and optimal path to correctly pronounce the consonants of the target language in a learner-language-sensitive way, i.e. taking into account the operational difficulties for different learners who already have their own specific phonological system. …
Role of Learners’ Subjective Difficulty Rating Toward a System for Practicing English-Speaking
This preliminary study on how to develop a system for English-speaking practices explores the role a subjective difficulty rating should play in such a system, using a questionnaire and a level-based vocabulary list. By selecting 75 English verbs from the five difficulty levels in the list, 72 Japanese university students rated the difficulty of answering …
If You Know What I Mean: Rendering the Causative in Japanese and Croatian
One of the things expressions “make” and “let” have in common is that they can be used to express causative meaning in a sentence. Some languages show causative markedness more clearly than the others – for example, the Japanese causative marker -sase undeniably signals the causative nature of a sentence. Other languages, such as for …
Evaluating Year One University English Course Material in Taiwan
Language textbooks play a major role in language teaching and learning, providing a structured approach to teaching and learning (Tomlinson, 2012). In particular, the vocabulary employed in textbooks provides the foundation for successful communication and serve as the core of language proficiency (Nation, 2001). The purpose of this study is to evaluate an in-house developed …
The Influence of Comma- and Period-pause Duration on the Listener’s Impression of Speeches Made in Mandarin Chinese
The influence of pause duration at commas and periods on listeners’ impressions of speeches made in Mandarin Chinese was investigated. Spoken excerpts of speeches from textbooks were presented to native Chinese listeners (n=20). In the first experiment, the pause durations of both commas and periods in the speeches were manipulated together, in 8 steps from …
Rebuild Resilience: Film Communication Within East Asia in the Pre-pandemic, Pandemic, and Post-pandemic Era
The increasing in-depth cooperation of the film industry among Japan China and South Korea has accelerated the integration of film cultures among the three countries. The global epidemic in 2020 not only has an impact on the film industry in every country, but also has a great impact on film exchanges among the countries. The …
A Tale of Difference and Resilience in Amitav Ghosh’s Gun Island
Human society, locally or globally, is characterized not only by its diversity but also by interdependence which accords harmony among people even within a varied global context. For instance, in the time of COVID-19, we saw people dealing with the pandemic by extending physical, mental, and logistic support, transcending the demarcated lines of religion, nation, …
Flooding of Lust – A Review of “Norweigian Wood”
In the story, the young people may love two different persons at the same time. This can be seen as their feeling of lost in growing. The lust that belongs to puberty had caused the young men and young women to be addicted to sensuality. On one hand, physiological reactions compelled them to love a …
From Jungles and Rivers: Animals in Malaysian Indigenous Literature in English
Recent developments in the local literary arts scene have seen the emergence of publications on folktales and fables of Malaysian indigenous people in English. Central to these publications is the presence of animals, whether as symbols, voices, or characters. Nonetheless, critical reaction to this presence has been sparse at best. As animals are paradoxically recognised …
Patriarchal Misconceptions? Resilient Womanhood in Japanese Television Dramas
Some Japanese television drama genres have been broadcasted continuously since the 1960s. They have been regarded as crafters of national identity that have long depicted the ideal Japanese lifestyle, imbued with normative concepts of femininity and masculinity. However, the golden age of Japanese dramas arrived in the 1990s with the so-called ‘trendy dramas’, love stories …
Behind the Animal Names: The Wild being Category (獸部) and the Animals in Wuti qingwen jian五體清文鑒
Sunja hacin i hergen kamciha manju gisun i buleku bithe or Wuti qingwen jian 《五體清文鑒》(The five language compendium or The Pentaglot Dictionary) reflects the Manchu-deployed comprehensive cognition of the Qing world up to, also beyond, this dictionary’s completion in 1794. Chapter 31 of the Dictionary, Shoubu 兽部 or “Section for wild animals” delivers the Qing-time …
The Lived Experiences of Indonesian Caregivers in Caring for Older Adult Stroke Survivors in Taiwan: A Phenomenological Study
Background: Changing social and economic structures of an aging society have resulted in the growing demand for foreign caregivers (‘paid migrant workers who provide in-home help to aging adults) among families in many developed countries, including Taiwan. However, less documented and understood is how these caregivers perceive their roles and responsibilities. This study aimed to …
Pedagogical Conferences Between 1882-1908: The Urge for Collaboration Amidst Educational Difficulties
This research shows how the Spanish Pedagogical Conferences between 1882 and 1908 influenced the promotion of innovative teaching at that time. Pedagogical Conferences were the only forum through which both rural and urban schoolteachers were able to implement new educational ideas. Books were not available, so at that time schoolteachers would write their own textbooks …
The Case Study on the Freshmen’s Self-assessment on the Indicators of Character and Beliefs Cultivated by the Experiential Education
This case of the University of Science and Technology mainly explores the 2020 cohort of freshmen’ recognition of the importance indicators of character and beliefs and their self-assessment on the degree of enhancing character and beliefs after participating in the experiential learning activities.The objects of this study are the freshmen who enrolled in 2020, experienced …
Content-Based Language Teaching in International Liberal Arts Education
This research tries to define the important points that should be considered for application of Content-based Language Teaching (CBLT) in International Liberal Arts (ILA) education. The research team members have long-term experience of teaching ILA courses in two and more countries in two and more languages. Based on their own experience of teaching and the …
Spiritual Cannibalism: The Ethics of the Eucharist
Common sense dictates that cannibalism – the act of eating another person – is immoral whether because of the harm done to the other person or a violation of human sanctity. The Eucharist has been interpreted in many Christian traditions as the actual flesh and blood of Jesus. On its face, it would seem that …
The Search for Precedents of Metaphysical Mercy in the Theology of Ibn ‘Arabi
Ibn Sina (d. 1037) is perhaps the most important philosopher of the pre-modern era. Among his many contributions, the proof for the existence of the Necessary Existent stands out. Ibn Sina proceeds to extract each of God’s attributes (sifat) from His necessary existence. Although his ideas met with resistance in some quarters, they found a …
Teaching Burmese as a Foreign Language: A Case Study
The development of Myanmar as a country has led to an increased interest from foreign NGOs, businesses, labourers and professionals alike. One significant barrier that has arisen is their ability to learn the Myanmar language. The Myanmar language is comprised of a speaking format and a writing format. The current study explored the writing ability …
Elimination Mechanism of Glue Variables for Solving SAT Problems in Linguistics
We propose GVE(Glue Variables Elimination), an algorithm that organically combines neural networks with a deterministic solver to solve SAT(Boolean satisfiability problem) in the filed of linguistics. It gives full play to their respective advantages by following steps: (a) applying a graph learning algorithm to learn the structure of the CNF formula; (b) finding the glue …
Improving the Motivation When It Comes to Learn the Reading and Writing Skills
This research presents the results obtained after exploring experiences of aesthetic quality as objects of innovation in the teaching profession. To be precise, the research focuses on the improvement of reading-writing skills among children of 4 to six years old in Catalonia, Spain. These experiences display certain particular characteristics, including the fact that proved to …
Beyond the Difference: Ecofeminism in Angela Carter’s “The Tiger’s Bride”
This paper focuses on the human-animal divide by analyzing the transformation of the female protagonist into a nonhuman animal within Angela Carter’s short fiction “The Tiger’s Bride,” which portrays the restrictions created by a dominant, patriarchal society that separates the body, the mind, and the natural world. These then turn out to be boundaries which …
A Brief History of the Chinese Interior During the Early Imperial Times (221 BC-589 AD)
This article explores and examines the Chinese interior during the imperial times in a sequential order, that is, the portrayal of various interior styles from the Qin to the Northern and Southern dynasties (221 BC-1912 AD). It focuses on the process of how the Chinese perceived, constructed, and maintained their inner space through dynastic succession. …
Study on the Use of Speech Recognition Function to Practice Speaking English Using the Voice Translator “Pocketalk”
Although some speech recognition software is highly developed, few studies have focused on how this technology should be adapted for foreign language learners with various proficiency levels, including Japanese students. Thus, this study explores the use of speech recognition to support the practice of English speaking by using the voice translator “Pocketalk.” English sentences spoken …
Effect of Singapore’s Language Education Policy on Chinese Singaporeans’ Identity – From a Survey of New University Graduates
In Singapore bilingual education is being promoted due to the influence of globalization, English driven lifestyle and culture have become widespread, especially among young people. On the other hand, some are concerned about the situation in which the younger generation is gradually moving away from their ethnic language, culture, and traditions. Therefore, I conducted a …
Van Gogh and Perception of Space
Architects imagine and design space before it is constructed, whereas the Artist has the prerogative to manipulate the reality in the painting. The understanding of Van Gogh’s work has been overshadowed by his mental illness which caused him to eventually take his life. By studying what is written by historians, watching documentaries and reading Van …
Bridging the Gap for Critical Eco-Literacy in the Philippines through Debating
The Philippine Congress has finally declared climate emergency in the country on November 25, 2020. While long overdue, the declaration has nonetheless sparked anew the need for environmental awareness and education. Two weeks after the declaration, high school debaters from various academic institutions gathered for the 4th Ateneo Eco Debate (AED), the sole national debate …