Month: July 2019

Challenges and Success Factors for Knowledge Sharing Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Development Projects
‘Wicked nature’ of major social, economic, health, and education, and environmental problems has posed significant challenges that needs to be tackled with focused dialogue and knowledge sharing from wide range of settings and actors whose goal is the same. Unfortunately, these perspectives are scattered in disparate locations: in the mind of marginalized people, government staffs, …

The Use of Digital Videos, LMS, Peer and Self-feedback to Improve Presentation Skills
An issue with conducting presentations in class is the one-off nature of the activity. Students present their topic and have little idea of how their own performance was except for their feelings and the grade they eventually receive from the teacher. However, improved access to mobile technology for both educators and students, coupled with the …

Learning Ecologies: From Past Generations to Current Higher Education
This paper reports on the ongoing establishment of a basis for a re-consideration of the way the contributions to knowledge, culture and social fabric of ageing Portuguese scholars may be recognized, communicated and activated in future contexts. The project stems from an analysis of the professional life and work of Portuguese scholars graduated at the School …

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Engagement and Awareness in VPET in Hong Kong
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is widely promoted and used in USA, Canada, UK and Australia since 1990s. SoTL encourages teachers to plan and evaluate the relationship between learning and teaching when practicing their teaching pedagogy. Through the process, research capability of teachers will be enhanced. As in the Report of the Task Force …

The Impact of Mobile Learning on Academic Achievement and Learning Experience Using a Tailor-made Mobile App
With the rapid growth of mobile technologies, mobile learning becomes more and more popular where students can learn at any time and any place using their own mobile devices. A lot of researches have proven that mobile learning is feasible with various advantages such as diversifying learning activities and synchronizing learning experience. However, its impact …

Developing School-based Gifted Curriculum Through Professional Learning Community: A Case Study of a Junior High School in Taipei
It is increasingly acknowledged by researchers across the world that professional learning community is a good means of school improvement. The Taiwanese ministry of education and local authorities have been promoting the idea and practices among various levels of schooling since the mid-2000s. Both school-based and cross-school professional learning communities are in practice in the …

Klin Concubine’s Resident the Memory of the Mon Community at Sutthapotch Temple Area for Cultural Heritage Preservation
Klin was the name of King Mongkut’s concubine (King Mongkut was the king of Thailand during the year 1851-1868). She was Mon ethnic (Mon was the name of ethnic group that was migrated from Myanmar) and she was the granddaughter of the Mon leader. By the reason of her family and her concubine status, she …

The Study of Using the Opaque Wall Material to Manage Overall Thermal Transfer for the Heritage Hospital Façade in Bangkok
Many hospitals in Bangkok metropolitan districts are awaken to the global warming crisis. It results that the temperature in the winter is closed to the summer. The following effect is that the old hospital buildings, are confronting the energy over consumption than ever. In particular, the old facades are needed renovation to preserve comfortable condition. …

Optimized Approaches to Urban Spatial Form Design for Better Ventilation- A Study in Changzhou, China
Rapid urbanization process has brought about a global challenge in the ecological environment, such as air pollution and “Urban Heat Island Effect”. On one side, climate is one of the most important elements that maintains human survival and production, and also the key factor of spatial morphology. On the other side, different spatial forms also …

Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Hospitals to Improve Environmental Sustainability
Businesses have started integrating CSR as a critical strategy in their core operations, plans, and activities to promote sustainability. Hospitals are one such domain where it is inevitable to be socially responsible with its daily operations. It is also essential to understand the impact of environmental CSR initiatives in the context of hospitals. Despite this, …

Study on Partial Discharges Features Evolution of Underground Cable Joints during Insulation Degradation
Underground cables are significant links in metropolitan power systems. Hence, any cable accident can cause high economic losses and disruption of service to customers. Recently, the condition-based maintenance (CBM) method proposed to improve the weakness of time-based maintenance becomes feasible in smart grid, which optimizes and improves the reliability of power systems. This paper focuses …

Cost and Benefit Optimization on Installation of Distribution Feeders Voltage Control Equipment considering Distributed Generations
The primary purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of distributed generation (DG) interconnections on distribution systems in Taiwan. To build a DG-friendly distribution system for the development of DGs, a genetic algorithm with Pareto optimality is utilized to analyze the cost and benefit of installing a distribution feeder voltage control equipment that …

Soil Carbon Contents of Teak Plantation in Agroforestry Farming of Ban Tham Suea, Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand
Increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide is a serious global environmental concern. Teak plantation can store substantial amount of carbon. Soil carbon contents and properties were studied in 3, 6 and 13-years-old teak plantations located in agroforestry farming areas of Ban Tham Suea, Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi Province. Soil samples were collected at 0-30 cm depth …

Study of Façade Treatment for Optimum Daylight Usage in Open Plan Offices in Context of Dhaka
Electricity consumption is the highest energy drainer when it comes to artificial lighting used in offices even though maximum office-hour coincides during the day time. Although few simple design inclusions in the initial phase of designing can reduce electricity consumption as well as add bonus effects such as physiological and psychological improvement through use of …

Standardized Tests as Predictors of Academic Performance: Implications on the MCLS Testing Program
As part of its periodic testing program evaluation and to support the institutional viability of Miriam College, the Lower School Guidance Center examined the predictive value of the School Readiness Test (SRT) as its admissions tool in terms of its relationship with the Grade 1 academic performance. Likewise, the study looked into the predictive value …

Self-harm & Non-suicidal Self-Injury (Nssi) Tendencies Among Children: Effect of an Intervention Program
Self-harm according to research is an increasing global concern, which is not just of today. It has been beginning to be alarming that in the recent generation self-harm and Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious (NSSI) behavior have been rampant especially in the younger ages. This study aims to determine the prevalence of self-harm and non-suicidal self- injury tendencies …

Where We Are: Current Level of Burnout and Self-Compassion of School Counselors in a Private School in Quezon City for School Year 2018-2019
Counselors are expected to be physically and emotionally ready to assist their counselees. Because of these expectations, counselors are affected by the emotional demands of the profession. The current study focused on the current state of school counselors in a private institution. The participants are fourteen female counselors from the elementary to the tertiary level. …

Development of a Creativity Framework for Filipino In-service and Pre-service Professionals
The study explored and documented creative output of 12 Filipino in-service teaching professionals from one university and creative output of 191 Filipino graduating students as pre-service professionals from three universities in Baguio City, at the Cordillera Administrative Region of the Philippines in the areas of Hospitality and Tourism, Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology. Research questions …

Job Satisfaction and Employee Creativity and Innovation for Student Affairs Practitioners
Student affairs and services play an important role in the success of educational institutions in carrying out students’ holistic development and as a support to academics in order to facilitate learning. The student affairs administrators and practitioners contribute a lot in ensuring the delivery of dynamic programs and services that are responsive to the needs …

Preferences for the Sex-composition of Children in Vietnam: An Examination of its Effect on Fertility Desire
This paper aims to investigate whether of the variation in preferences for the sex-composition of children can explain the variation in fertility desires of women with one child and describing the trend, pattern of fertility desires in Vietnam. Using the national data set from Vietnam Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) data sets 2014 investigates the …

The Effects of the Decline of the EU Leverage Over Turkey’s Political Regime
Levitsky and Way have a particular place in the study of democratization since most of the scholars analysing the effects of the linkage and the leverage refer to their works. They define Western leverage as the “incumbent governments’ vulnerability to external pressure for democratization”. Linkage basically means “the density of ties and cross-border flows between …

Relationship Between Gender, Culture Adaptation and Employment Equity – the Case of Foreigners in Japan
This paper explores two issues: the relation between gender and adaptation and gender and job equity of international students in Japan. The continued increase in the number of international students has caused a corresponding increase in a variety of problems and challenges regarding overseas study (Gebhard, 2012; Li et al., 2014). The problem of adjustment, …

Socio-cultural Aspects in the Japanese Language Teaching Methodologies
In the age of globalization learning a foreign language can be used as an important mean of cross-cultural understanding. Nowadays, there have been a lot of changes in the social life of people in different countries. Therefore, the language teaching and learning requires a comprehensive approach. That is especially true for the Japanese language, because, …

Enhancing Teaching Through Moodle: A Case Study on e-Learning-supported English Language Teaching
This paper describes the experiences of English Language Center of Nizwa College of Technology regarding the implementation of blended learning approach in teaching English. Starting a policy on the use of e-learning in English Language courses, ELC envisions to supplement lesson delivery with online resources and activities in implementing blended learning using Moodle. As there …

Effect of Carbonization Temperature and Reaction Time on Non-Recyclable PET Bottle for Char Formation
Japan has reported a high recycling rate of 84.5% for PET bottles in 2017. However, out of the total bottles collected, approximately 15 wt% consist of non-recyclable PET bottles. Here, non-recyclable PET bottles are referred to materials consisting of colored pigment, materials with impurities such as oil on surface and materials exposed to long-term UV-degradation. …

Facilitating Student Learning to Go Beyond Knowledge and Skills: A Case on Teaching Business Research by Action-Learning Project Approach
Significant learning concerns with not the least acquisition and application of knowledge and skills, but also knowing oneself and others, developing one’s caring, as well as learning how to learn (Fink, 2003). Project-based learning in general, and action-learning project approach in particular, are promising to bring about student learning that goes beyond cognitive development (DeFillippi …

Bridging Technological Uncertainties: Fostering Globalized Higher Education
Quality education plays a pivotal role for teachers in pursuit for technological advancement to become competent, resilient, productive and globalized individuals in this volatile, uncertain, fast changing, and ambiguous world of education. The digital divide is getting wider and failure to meet the demand would mean deepening the gap between learners, students and its learning …

The Influence of Student Learning Styles Toward Behavioral Intention in Learning Using Online Educational Games Platform
The rapid expansion of new technologies has led to a change in the learning and teaching process. With the paradigm shift, the conventional teaching method no longer appeals to the current generation whose lives revolve around social media and technology. It is time educators learn to adopt new teaching methods to cater to the learners’ …

Academics and Social Media Usage: The Role of Informal Communication on Social Capital Development and Work Performance
The use of social media in organisations including academia setting is important, relevant and pervasive. Scholarly discussion on social media status as an educational platform for innovative pedagogy and richer learning experience has been well established. However, the reliance and impact of social media as an informal platform among academics themselves are less explored. This …

Quality of Mentoring and Personal Attributes as Correlates of Professional Competencies Among Librarians of Region 10
It is essential for librarians to advance professionally. The professional competencies of librarians that were acquired through education and library practice may no longer be relevant for the jobs that have been changed or redesigned by technology. Thus, this study determined the association between the head librarians’ quality of mentoring and personal attributes and the …

Career Interest of Grades 7 and 8 Students Among Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Iba, Zambales
This study determined the students’ interest of grade 7 and grade 8 students among Catholic Schools in the Dioceses of Iba in terms of the different curricular tracks of K-12 Program. The researcher utilized the descriptive survey method of research and survey-questionnaire, observation and interview as well as documentary analysis for data gathering, and statistical …

A Cross-Linguistic Investigation on ‘Outer Circle’ Englishes: A Corpus-Based Approach
Kachru (1994) provided a model to categorize the three concentric circles of World Englishes: ‘Inner circle’, ‘Outer circle’ and ‘Expanding circle’ (Bauer, 2002). In the Inner circle, English is the language of identity for its native speakers. However, when transferred to countries in the Outer and Expanding circles, English becomes an alien form of expression …

The Administration of Professional Director in the Best Practice School: Multi Cases Study in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand
The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate the characteristics and factors of the professional school directors 2) to study the administration process of professional director in the best practice school, multi cases study of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. The target population were 5 school directors in Nakhon Ratchasima province. That consist of school …

A Construction of Special Education Center Management Paradigm in Thailand
Special Education Center (S.E.C.) is under the Ministry of Education. The Objectives of this research was to study the management characteristics, paradigm process, related factors and consequences from the phenomenon of S.E.C. management. The target group was the successful S.E.C. in Thailand (Regional Special Education Center 11, Nakhon Ratchasima). The collecting data used snowball technique. …

The Management of Innovative School: A Case Study of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand
The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the characteristics and factors of Innovative School 2) study the administrative process according to the factors of Innovative School 3) Study the development guidelines for innovative schools. The target group were school director, teachers, personnel, school boards, parents, students, organizations and related agencies of Innovative School …

The Paradigm of Teacher Empowerment In Educational Institution: Multi-case Study In Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand
The purposes of this research were 1) to study the factors of teacher empowerment in educational institution 2) to study the guideline of teacher empowerment in educational institution 3) to suggest the paradigm of teacher empowerment in educational institution in multiple cases study of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. The key informaion consisted of 5 experts …

The Bilingual School Administrative Strategies: A Case Study of Huathalea Municipality School, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand
The purposes of this study were 1) to study the context and needs of the bilingual school. 2) to create and evaluate the bilingual school strategies of Huathalea municipality school. Mixed method researched into 2 phases. Phase 1, the study the context and needs of the bilingual school consists of 2 steps: step 1 document …

The Construction of Team Paradigm: A Case Study of School Practical in Lopburi Province, Thailand
The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the characteristics of school teamwork 2) study the composition and practical of team building 3) Construct the process of team paradigm. The target group were school director, teachers, and school boards of the best practice school of teamwork in Lopburi province, Thailand (Bandanthailom School, Lopburi Educational …

Project Inclusive Education: People with Intellectual Disabilities work as University Lecturers
The German project Inclusive Education tackles, worldwide unique, the social isolation of people with intellectual disabilities via qualifying them in full-time over three years to be fully paid lecturers at universities. Participants have been diagnosed with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities (ICD-10-CM, Code F70 and F 71). The group of currently 31 participants is diverse …

The Challenges of Implementing Task Based Language Approach in ESL Classes
This presentation introduces to the audience the outcome of a study that compares the Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach and the Traditional Form-Focused approach when embedded within an Intensive English language learning programme for university students (IELP). It attempts to detect which of the two teaching approaches can be considered as both engaging and applicable …

Activity and Deliberative Enclaves of Fragmented Turkish Youth Groups of Political Parties on Twitter
Twitter has become the major platform for studying political fragmentation, echo chambers and polarization, and Turkey is one of the countries in which social media, in particular Twitter is used for political discussions the most, especially among young people. However, political fragmentation studies focusing on Turkey is limited. In this study, in order to shed …

Students’ Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills: Bases for the Development of Contextualized Learning Module in Geometry
This design research aimed at developing a contextualized learning module on the basis of the level of problem-solving and critical thinking skills of the Grade 7 students particularly in Geometry under the K to 12 Curriculum.. This study utilized the researcher-made problem-solving and critical thinking skills test. The results revealed that the students’ problem-solving and …

Internal Migration and Educational Attainment: Are Rural Migrant Workers Uniquely Socially Vulnerable in China?
Background. Since 1980, China has been experiencing the largest migration in human history. Rural migrant workers are barred from enjoying fair treatment, when compared with their local urban counterparts, in both occupational and social settings. Research aims. The aim was to understand whether internal migration per se is associated with unique social vulnerability among rural …

Developing Resilience and Life Mastery Skills in the Classroom – A Multiple-case Study Comparing a Norwegian and a Peruvian Context
Despite different circumstances, something is universal for pupils across the world; they need motivation and resilience to succeed. This is what the current study is about; how to facilitate for increased motivation and development of life mastery skills in the classroom so that pupils are resilient when they meet obstacles in their learning and in …

PS2CLH: A Learning Factor Model for Enhancing Students’ Ability to Control Their Achievement
Numerous factors that influence students’ academic performance involve issues beyond the individuals’ control, such as national policies, government initiatives and university resources among many others. Even if students are aware of these factors, addressing them may be unfeasible. Identifying causes within students’ control could both improve students’ understanding of these factors as well as enabling …

Give Swirl a Whirl: A Mixed-method Analysis on Swirl Approach to Teach Applied Statistics in a Biology Student Cohort
To equip biology students with data literacy skills, this study investigates the utility of retooling the electronic programming tutorial system, Swirl for teaching applied statistics in a cohort of biology students in a 2-phased study: Phase 1 involved administration of tutorial-based course, pretest-posttest assessment and preliminary survey, while Phase 2 involved post-hoc survey and learning …

An Investigation Into the Efficacy of Students-as-partner Pedagogy in a Singapore University Education Learning Context
In Students-as-partner (SAP), students work in partnership with staff members in higher learning institutions to facilitate deeper learning in students by promoting student engagement. While SAP’s impact on student consultants and staff members directly involved in partnership is generally well and widely researched, relatively little is reported about its application on student learning in an …

How to Support Immigrant Entrepreneurs to Succeed in a Foreign Culture? – A Multiple Case Study from a Norwegian Context
With increased globalisation and immigration, multiculturalism is the status quo for many western societies, and with this, challenges concerning integration and equality arise. In Norway, we generally have a low unemployment rate, 2,7% in 2018, but, the situation is somewhat different for one group; immigrants. For this group, the unemployment rate was 6,4% the same …

Political Communication Network Building by Journalists in Songkhla, Thailand
The objectives were to study forms of political communication networks built by journalists in Songkhla, Thailand and content that was transmitted through those networks. This was a qualitative research based on in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 2 groups of key informants, 16 administrative-level journalists (including news editors, managing editors, TV or radio station …

Communications of the Leader of a Model Community for Community Tourism Management
The objective of this research was to study the tourism management communication of the leaders of two communities that were named as model communities for tourism management in the aspects of 1) communication patterns; 2) content; and 3) choice of media for communication about tourism management. This was a qualitative research based on in-depth interviews …

Communication Patterns of Leaders of the Provincial Administrative Organization of Sukhothai in a Crisis Situation
The objective of this research was to study the communication patterns of leaders of the Sukhothai Provincial Administrative Organization in a crisis situation in terms of (1) forms of communication; (2) content; and (3) the relationships between forms of communication, local residents’ awareness and their satisfaction with the communication. This was a mixed methods research. …

Investigating Relationship Among Learning Self-Efficacy, MOOC-Satisfaction and MOOC- Loyalty of MOOC Learner using Bagozzi’s Self-Regulation Model
This research aims to examine the relationship among Learning self-efficacy, MOOC-satisfaction and MOOC-Loyalty of the credit-bearning MOOCs at Taylor’s University. 952 Taylor’s University students from March 2018 Semester responded the online survey. The online questionnaire included 10-item of learning self-efficacy, 6-item of MOOC-satisfaction, and 5-item of MOOC-Loyalty. It also included another 2 factors which affected …

Systematic Design to Enhance Learning: Multimedia Resources in Online Learning
The purpose of the study was to investigate how dynamic (i.e., animated visuals with narration) versus non-dynamic (i.e., static visuals with narration) multimedia learning resources and spatial ability relate to learning outcomes. The study hypothesized that learning outcomes would differ more distinctly between lower and higher spatial ability learners when using non-dynamic resources as dynamic …

Interaction between Changes of Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Changes of Academic Interest and Self-efficacy in Problem-Based Learning
This study examined whether problem-based learning (PBL) contributes to development of students’ higher-order thinking (HOT), and the development depends on levels of students’ motivation (i.e., interest and self-efficacy). Using 89 college students enrolled in Educational Psychology classes from South Korea, we conducted a t-test and repeated measure analysis to see their changes in HOT, interest, …

Japanese and International Student Interaction in Group Based Classroom Activities: Perceptions of Leadership and Giving Feedback
The birthrate in Japan is in decline, yet in spite of this, the number of universities and technical colleges has continued to increase. To maintain current enrollment levels, Japanese universities have been looking to encourage students from other countries to undertake full degree programs in Japan, in English. However, little research has been conducted in …

Case Study: Creative Leadership and Diversity in a Manufacturing Tech Company
Organizations seek ways to build innovation and creativity within their workforce and processes. Although researchers have established innovation is a key element of organizational success in the global business economy, there are gaps in the knowledge base of creating innovative, creative organizations. The influence of leadership on innovation is established but further studies are needed …

Medical Students’ Experiences of a Project Design
Human capital plays a major role to bring appropriate changes in social and economic areas in any country. In this light, the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has launched the program Ruhani zhang’yru [translated from Kazakh means Spiritual Renewal]. It embodies diverse activities oriented to trigger fundamental shifts in people’s mind such …

Spatial Evaluation of Elementary Schools Libraries: A Prototypical Assessment Instrument
Elementary school libraries are no longer spaces where books are stored and read. They are becoming or have become vibrant spaces hosting many activities fostering discovery, knowledge acquisition, expression and exchange. This paper aims at the development of an assessment methodology for such spaces from the perspective of all stakeholders including architects. The evaluation of …

Factors Influencing Mobile Learning in Selected Universities in Nigeria and the United States
The prevalence of mobile devices in today’s society has made mobile learning a fast-spreading alternative to face to face education for underserved learners. Even though it operates on low information communication technology infrastructure ( ICTI), a favorable feature for successful implementation of mobile learning especially in rural areas with less internet infrastructure such as rural …

Perceptions and Experiences of Female Emirati Learners’ Engagement in English Language Learning: An Ethnographic Case Study
Over the last forty-eight years, the United Arab Emirates, has striven to include a western discourse curriculum with English as a core subject within its education system. Through the use of an ethnographic case study design, this research is motivated by the ideals of culturally responsive pedagogy which includes the need to give voice to …