Category: Instructional Design and Learning Sciences
Double Didactics to Prepare Future Educators
Reading strategies are very important for students to obtain as they can foster reading comprehension. Additionally, it is not only essential to teach students reading strategies, but also that they know how to use them. The university class discussed in this article is for education students, who want to become teachers or work in the …
Improving Master’s Students’ Information Literacy Through Online Instruction
The ability to manage information obtained from the internet for learning purposes represents a difficult task for most students, even in higher education, where this ability takes on major importance for the writing of academic texts. The Information Problem Solving (IPS) model breaks down this ability into five different skills: defining research questions; planning research …
Critical Thinking (Ct) Skills Gap in Data-Driven Decision (Ddd) Making: An Exploration in the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (Bfsi) Industry
In the era of AI-supported business operations, the underutilisation of critical thinking by employees poses a significant challenge. By relying on AI systems for decision-making, organisations risk overlooking the invaluable insights and creative problem-solving abilities that critical thinking brings. Harnessing the power of critical thinking in conjunction with AI technologies holds the key to unlocking …
Transformational Business Education for Resilience and Economic Sustainability
The paper suggests a perspective on improvements in business education which will be reflected in the firms’ improved resilience and economic sustainability. The research aims to test the hypothesis that “pre-determined contents of the business courses become insufficient for the development of students’ improvisation to find solutions to challenges occurring in an uncertain environment.” This …
Teaching Electricity and Magnetism Using Low-cost Physics-lab Box and Context-based Laboratory Activities
This study describes the authors’ efforts to assess the status of a physics laboratory in a junior public high school setting and to develop and validate the effectiveness of the low-cost physics lab-box and Context-based laboratory (CbL) activities to 10th-grade level based on the lab assessment result. The efficacy of these teaching materials was also …
Neoliberal Principles: Lecturers’ Perspective
Many researchers agree on the notion that neoliberalism is shaping the world today and some even argue that the economics curriculum promotes this ideology because of its emphasis on transferable and flexible skills. The contention is that there is a strong connectivity between neoliberal discourse and economics. Therefore, it is fundamental to investigate if economics …
Interaction between Changes of Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Changes of Academic Interest and Self-efficacy in Problem-Based Learning
This study examined whether problem-based learning (PBL) contributes to development of students’ higher-order thinking (HOT), and the development depends on levels of students’ motivation (i.e., interest and self-efficacy). Using 89 college students enrolled in Educational Psychology classes from South Korea, we conducted a t-test and repeated measure analysis to see their changes in HOT, interest, …
Systematic Design to Enhance Learning: Multimedia Resources in Online Learning
The purpose of the study was to investigate how dynamic (i.e., animated visuals with narration) versus non-dynamic (i.e., static visuals with narration) multimedia learning resources and spatial ability relate to learning outcomes. The study hypothesized that learning outcomes would differ more distinctly between lower and higher spatial ability learners when using non-dynamic resources as dynamic …
A Study of Gender Differences among the Representation of Inquiry-Based Learning, Conceptual Understanding and Self-efficacy Exhibited by the College Students
The study was aimed to investigate the gender differences among the representation of inquiry-based learning, conceptual understanding, self-efficacy exhibited by the college students. According to Taiwanese national curriculum guidelines, scientific inquiry and operation are addressed in science teaching and learning. Approximately forty college students who took a three-semester-hour course emphasized in science teaching and learning …