‘Wicked nature’ of major social, economic, health, and education, and environmental problems has posed significant challenges that needs to be tackled with focused dialogue and knowledge sharing from wide range of settings and actors whose goal is the same. Unfortunately, these perspectives are scattered in disparate locations: in the mind of marginalized people, government staffs, development practitioners, and academics. Knowledge sharing across this wide range of space and stakeholders can be fostered by ICTs that have been deployed by many development projects. However, although these projects invest heavily in ICTs, they neglect management of context-dependent knowledge, creating barriers in the process of knowledge sharing. Knowledge withholding because of political gain, territorials behaviours, and norms of secrecy is one of the main challenges in knowledge transfer among a community of practice. A member of community fears to share their knowledge since knowledge is regarded as a power bringing extrinsic reward to its owner, since they have particular attachment to the knowledge, and since norms do not embrace mistake, thus, they conceal the full story of lessons learned. This fear is based on a contestation of interest between ‘I’ and ‘Us’. Therefore, in order to maximize the utilization of ICT for knowledge sharing in development projects, this paper aims to identify challenges faced by community of practice in knowledge sharing using ICTs in independence and interdependence lens and to determine success factors to tackle these challenges. This paper uses meta-ethnography approach with a total of 16 concepts from 65 articles identified.
Author Information
Andi Sahriah Alam, University of Melbourne, Australia
Paper Information
Conference: ACSS2019
Stream: Economics and Management
This paper is part of the ACSS2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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