Developing Resilience and Life Mastery Skills in the Classroom – A Multiple-case Study Comparing a Norwegian and a Peruvian Context


Despite different circumstances, something is universal for pupils across the world; they need motivation and resilience to succeed. This is what the current study is about; how to facilitate for increased motivation and development of life mastery skills in the classroom so that pupils are resilient when they meet obstacles in their learning and in their lives in general. The study is part of a project called «A Systematic Approach – the five-step Motivation Method», which started in the southern region of Norway and has spread to new contexts such as Peru. The presentation aims at describing examples of what pupils around the age of 10-12 years in Norway are concerned with compared with pupils in a Peruvian context. The five-step motivation method applied in this study is based on Ryan and Deci’s self-determination theory, stating that in order to develop inner motivation, pupils need to feel autonomy, competence and relatedness. To support the pupils to achieve this, we ask them to go through the following five steps 1) define what is important in life, 2) define success factors; skills and what is positive in life 3) define possible obstacles, 4) decide what to focus on and 5) decide how to carry this out. This process is partly carried out as a class discussion and partly through anonymous individual writing. The pupils take control of their own lives and their own learning, and at the same time, they take active part in a learning environment, finding solutions to possible obstacles.

Author Information
May Olaug Horverak, Birkenes kommune, Norway

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Conference: IICEHawaii2020
Stream: Learning Experiences

This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Horverak M. (2020) Developing Resilience and Life Mastery Skills in the Classroom – A Multiple-case Study Comparing a Norwegian and a Peruvian Context ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2020 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 31-44)
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