Month: August 2021

Designing an Online Simulation Board Game with Realistic Patients and Dynamic Electrocardiogram Situations for Learning First Aid Abilities
Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, many physical first aid courses have been converted to online courses. However, first aid courses emphasize providing realistic situations that facilitate the learner’s ability to make accurate and immediate judgments and decisions according to patients’ conditions. This study aims to develop an online educational board game, Heartbeat Moment (beta) …

Reflecting EFL Learners’ Writing Experience Through the Thematic Analysis: Genre-based Approach of L2 Writing
This mixed-methods study explored how 23 first-year university English as a foreign language (EFL) students in Japan improved their understanding of how to write academic essays in both exposition and discussion genres during a 15-week course. The study applied a genre-based approach combined with the teaching and learning cycle to writing. In Phase 1, students’ …

The Practice of Teaching Java Programming Language to Undergraduate Students
The paper presents our practice of teaching java programming language to undergraduate students at Tsinghua University, China. The biggest challenge is the design of the course to improve students’ programming ability. The course consists of two parts: the class lectures and the after-class exercises, both are designed deliberately. The purpose of the lectures is to …

Insights into Students’ Online Learning Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic: Shaping How We Do Education Moving Forward
Teaching and learning have transitioned entirely into an online mode in response to COVID-19 pandemic in Mongolia. Online education in and of itself is not new to Mongolian higher education sector. However, transitioning into 100% online mode within a space of a month and continue doing so since February 2020 has been a challenge. This …

Disability-Specific Measures and Roles of Disabled People’s Organizations in Supporting Persons with Disabilities and Families during COVID-19 Pandemic
This qualitative study aimed to analyze disability-specific measures and the roles of Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) in supporting persons with disabilities and families. The subjects selected by means of purposive technique which consisted of 42 members of 7 DPOs and were divided into 3 groups of 14. The data were collected by focus group discussion …

Education Resilience in Facing Pandemic Covid-19 (Study Case: Batam City, Indonesia)
The pandemic covid-19 in Indonesia had an impact on the education system. The Ministry of Education has produced the policy regarding the acceleration of coronavirus spread prevention in form of policy Number 3/2020 and Ministerial Order of 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 by conducting online learning. The use of technology will be needed to support the policy. However, many …

Public Service Announcement In Indonesia and Malaysia: A Semiotic Analysis
The purpose of this study was to analyze how public service announcements: social media and newspapers were applied in Indonesia and Malaysia. The method of this study used a qualitative research approach. Social media and newspapers were analyzed as the objects of this study. The researchers used documentation and observation in collecting data and used …

Empowering Graduate Success With Career-Driven Modular Curriculum
Graduates entering an ever-more-competitive job market are often unaware of the skills and values they offer employers. The challenge is more significant with emerging job roles requiring certifications, multidisciplinary skills, specialist knowledge, even entry-level positions. We seek to empower our graduates and maximise their career prospects. New research has enabled us to harness the power …

Facilitating Self-learning and Flipped Learning Amid the Pandemic With a New Learning Management System: Design and Development
The pandemic forces students to stay home and learn online. For those who do not want to lag behind, they must learn to practice self-directed learning. Regardless of the pandemic, self-directed learning is considered an essential 21st century skill that enables learners to deal with ever-changing complex life and work environments. Knowles (1975) describes it …

Why Do International Students Come to South Korea for Language Learning and University: The Social Cognitive Career and Motivation Approach
Due to the rapid growth and international influences of the South Korean economic and social impacts, many international students decided to enrol and exchange at one of the South Korean universities for Korean language learning and university education. Recent statistics indicated that the Mongolian student population is one of the top five international communities in …

Improving EFL Students’ Argumentative Essay Writing Self-efficacy through Knowledge Building Based Instruction
Argumentative essay writing is essential for English as Foreign Language (EFL) students but complicated and challenging to learn. Besides the difficulties, students often do not have belief in their argumentative essay writing skills. One approach that may facilitate students’ self-efficacy is knowledge-building-based (KB-based) instruction based on knowledge-building pedagogy. The KB-based instruction aims to provide a …

Students’ Perceptions Toward Dyads and Triads in the English Classroom
Collaborative learning such as pair work and group work, has been widely discussed and proven to be an effective tool for teaching English. This study exclusively focuses on a dyad (a pair) and a triad (a group of three), and the students’ perceptions toward these collaborative interactions because few studies have investigated the difference between …

Instructional Leaders’ Reflective Inquiry Practices: Impact on Teachers’ Instructional Competence and Students’ Academic Performance in Selected Public Schools in Manila
The various tasks and high expectations add to the problems in the workplace. Instructional leaders, school principals, academic chairs, or coordinators must possess the mental insight to identify and approach the problems (Schmieding, 1999). The study examined if the reflective inquiry practices of the instructional leaders create an impact on the desired teaching performance of …

Eating, Chatting, and Talking Back: Japanese Modern Schoolgirls’ Agency in the Early Twentieth Century
The eyes are important interpretive tools when analyzing modern schoolgirls of the early twentieth century. Scholars in the field of girlhood, such as Kan Satoko, have pointed out that modern Japanese girls’ culture is characterized by sentimentality. The eye, an organ that exudes tears, has many symbolic meanings in the modern subgenre of girls’ novels. …

Supporting Mastery Learning Through a Multiple-Submission Policy for Assignments in a Purely Online Programming Class
The Learning Edge Momentum (LEM) theory suggests that once students fall behind, it gets more difficult to catch up with the course material. It then becomes increasingly more difficult to connect new, higher-level concepts to those solid edges of knowledge with mastery of basic concepts. Learning for Mastery (LFM) acknowledges that students learn at different …

Designing and Teaching High Impact Culminating Core Curriculum Seminars Centered on Vastly Contentious Topics
This paper will engage the listener in the design and subsequent teaching of senior capstones based on global and contentious topics. At Mount St. Joseph University (MSJU), a liberal arts institution, the Core Capstone is a culminating interdisciplinary course with a three-fold purpose: (1) to facilitate substantial new learning about a complex global problem; (2) …

Designing Outside of the Classroom: Branding Design for Thai Traditional Pottery
This research aims to develop branding for pottery products in Maha Sarakham, Thailand and to generate the collaboration between the local community and university. Ban Mo village, which is the community dedicated to pottery making, is used as the case study. This local wisdom has been inherited from ancestors for over 200 years, yet there …

Teaching and Iterative Improvement: The Impact of Instructor Implementation of Courseware on Student Outcomes
Students need digital learning resources that will benefit their learning process, and educators need tools that provide meaningful data insights and can be integrated into their teaching practice. Courseware as a learning resource is designed based on learning science principles to optimize the learning process for students. However, it is also well-known that digital resources …

Creating Interactive Videos for Deeper Student Engagement Using PlayPosit
The current generation of college students have become the “YouTube” generation. These students gain knowledge by watching videos and interacting with social media platforms. Universities are struggling to “meet the learner where they are”. How do you provide a video, similar to the YouTube, TikTok, and other social media platforms, while still engaging the students …

A Child’s Meaning-Making during COVID-19
Situated in a bounded socio-geographical context (i.e., Vancouver, Canada), this ethnographic individual case study provides an in-depth analysis of a bilingual young girl’s home literacy practices of meaning-making established across semiotic modes (i.e., linguistic, visual, audio, spatial, embodied, kinesthetic) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Framed within multimodality as its main theoretical perspective and drawing and play …

Food and Organizations: The Relationship of Organizational Support and Attitude Towards Office Gastrodiplomacy Among Employees of a Public Organization
Office gastrodiplomacy refers to how food shapes and influences our social relations within organizations, usually in positive ways. Although already a pervasive practice, it is only recently that this concept has received wide attention from industry practitioners and researchers in the behavioral sciences. This emerging topic traces its origins to socio-anthropological studies applied to modern …

Breaking Boundaries of Prison Design for Architectural Design Studio
In collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ), design tasks for a prison design are carried out within a second-year studio course of a Bachelor’s program in architecture to improve the students socially oriented design skills and train their critical understanding towards solving designs problems …

Semiosphere and Taiwan’s Horror Movies of the 1970s
This article follows the line of thought from Lotmanian semiosphere to analyze the communication act in the works of the 1970s Taiwan’s horrors to argue this once neglected genre not only had influenced the development of Taiwan’s cinema but represents the critical social and political transformation in Taiwan. I argue that the growing popularity of …

KOL Training on Live-Streaming Platform in Taiwan
Recently, with the coming of multimedia and technology development, new-type industries come out. In addition, live-streaming industries are the crucial milestones in 21st century. We can combine videos, short clips and online community to develop new business model. Through online community and social software, people can share their daily lives online with their creativity to …

Student and Faculty Outcomes as a Result of a Community-Academic Vaccination Partnership During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic presents a novel public health crisis as well as an opportunity to participate in vaccination efforts at all levels of nursing education. Early findings of the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of nurses show increased levels of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. The COVID-19 crisis has dramatically altered …

Story Maps as Teaching and Learning Tools for Elementary Education Majors
It is imperative that preservice teachers learn how innovative technologies can be used to teach geographic inquiry. In a science methods course, elementary education majors learn to design Story Maps that are interactive maps displaying geographic data that are enhanced by text, video, and photographs. These interactive maps were created as web applications using the …

Better Than Not Practicing at All: Resilience and the Okinawan Martial Arts Community Online
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 has by necessity transformed how we interact with others, drastically changing every aspect of how we conduct our lives. From work to leisure, education, and fitness, much or most of what we once did in in-person groups moved fully online, but some activities could navigate this …

Does Practice Always Make Perfect? A Study of Whether Psychotherapists Treating Older Adults Become More Efficient as They Gain More Experience
The current longitudinal study investigates the effects of practice on the outcome of psychotherapy for elderly persons. It follows 4 psychologists for the first 143 clients of their professional lives to explore whether increased practice leads to better outcomes for their clients. The participating psychologists routinely monitor the effect of their work with different psychometric …

Relationships between Japanese University Students’ Interest in Computer Programming, Their Logical Thinking, and IT Literacy
Increasing emphasis is being placed on strengthening personal ability for computer programming. However, students have different levels of readiness and consciousness to learn programming. When promoting computer education, it is imperative that the curriculum be designed, considering students’ backgrounds and awareness of computer programming. This study examines the relationships between Japanese university students’ interest in …

Developing a Customer-focused Approach in Level 4/5 Graphic Design Students Through Project-based Learning
Studies have shown that progression from academic courses to ‘real world’ employment sectors is very challenging for graphic design students (Grieve and Meek 2015; Chiang et al 2018; Swanson 1994). From employers’ perspectives, having experience in the ‘real world’ design sector, or as Grieve and Meek 2015 called the ‘business of design’, is an essential …

Pro-C of Creativity in Singapore’s Eating Culture During COVID-19 Pandemic
This paper discusses how in challenging times like the global Covid-19 Pandemic, Pro-C of Creativity (Kaufman & Beghetto, 2009) in a person has surfaced more frequently in Singapore. Amabile (1983) and Csikszentmihalyi (1988) have affirmed that environment can affect one’s creativity. Pro-C of Creativity can be an in-born survival skill for a person to build …

Effect of Two Therapies and Gender on Reading Skills of Pupils With Learning Disabilities
Reading is a fundamental skill required for effective participation in academic tasks. This research investigated the significant main effects of Phonics and Neurological Impress Instructional Methods on the reading skills of pupils with learning disabilities. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design, a 3x2factorial matrix was used. Purposive sampling was used to select forty-five students with …

Exploring the Cinema of Exile in Hisham Bizri’s Films
This research paper examines the themes of exile and diaspora in Hisham Bizri’s films Vertices: Beirut. Dublin. Seoul (2016), Shooq (2017), and ELEKTRA, My Love (2021). The paper analyzes Bizri’s films by applying Hamid Nafsi’s concept of accented films as an analytical framework, which refers to films produced in the West by postcolonial or Third …

Resilience Among Teachers and Students with Learning Differences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Similar Practices in Differing Contexts
When the COVID-19 pandemic started, teachers’ and students’ initial impressions were that a return to normal would occur soon and that the shift to online and distance learning were a short-term anomaly. After 18 months of pandemic restrictions that have caused distancing in both the teaching and other social aspects of learning, remaining resilient and …

Detecting Political Secession of Fragmented Communities in Social Networks via Deep Link Entropy Method
Breakdown of global connectivity in social networks trough disintegration of fragmented but interacting communities leading to political secession is a major source of forming and strengthening echo chambers and political polarization. Hence, quantifying the significance of each edge (the connection or relationship between two particular nodes, for example two friends on Facebook, or two follower/followed …

Students’ Self-assessment on Group Presentation Performance with the Use of Rubrics
Group presentations are common and essential parts of many students’ university assessments and are tied to their current and future work experiences. As such, it is important for educators to design and facilitate such assessment in ways that engage students in meaningful learning experiences. One of the key elements of assessment is feedback. However, most …

Engaging Students to Chinese Language Enhancement Classes With Communication-Intensive Components
One of the University educational aims for undergraduate curricula in the University of Hong Kong is to enhance and promote communication and collaboration among students. The goal is to provide students with consistent and constant opportunities to communicate effectively in academic, professional, and social settings. Furthermore, the university is committed to the facilitation of environments …

Preparing Empathetic Teacher Candidates’: A Cultural Simulation of Japanese Internment in Hawaiʻi
In this phenomenological study, learning about empathy through the Japanese Internment in Hawaiʻi was explored by analyzing the experiences of seventeen undergraduate teacher candidates after visiting the Japanese Cultural Center in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. Data gleaned from surveys, self-reflection, peer reflections, and photovoice assignments were analyzed using clustering and themes. Findings reveal the depth of candidates’ …

Vocabulary in Japanese EFL Textbooks: A Bidirectional Coverage Analysis
Textbooks developed based on the new Course of Study Guidelines have been in use since April 2021. One notable change can be seen in the increase of the variety of vocabulary words, from 1,200 words to between 1,600–1,800 words, that learners need to be familiar with before they graduate junior high school. In this study, …

Effective Strategies to Motivate Musical Students to Practice
Practice is an important element in music studying as it contributes to the development of basic music skills and music expertise (Barry, 1992). However, it is difficult for students to sustain the hours of practice required to develop performance ability, especially in the current learning- teaching environment where school teaching is with a demanding, directive …

Great Expectations: The Rhetoric, Responsibilities, and Realities of Elementary Teacher Resilience in the Era of COVID-19
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, educational leaders and policymakers have emphasized the need for teachers to demonstrate resilience. As the weight of the pandemic has fallen heavily on teachers tasked with being educational, social-emotional, and even nutritional first responders in the face of ongoing crisis and uncertainty, it is unsurprising that calls for teacher resiliency have …

Roots and Resilience in Weil, Kołakowski, Todorov, and Finkielkraut
This paper studies selected writings of prominent European intellectuals regarding the matter of cultural roots and uprootedness. Simone Weil attributes to uprootedness many ills of the twentieth century induced by the dominant State culture that tends to uproot a subject from their intimate environment. The ultimate results are alienation and violence. Leszek Kołakowski and Tzvetan …

Resilient Creatives: Experiences of Filmmakers During Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has in various ways affected many industries across the globe, including filmmaking. While many government organizations have instituted specific Covid-19 film production guidelines – from mandatory physical distancing to recommended best practices, other strategies have also been developed within the film communities themselves. Through creative developments like contactless equipment rentals, Zoom auditions, …

Reflux and Rejuvenation – Exploration and Practice of Yim Tin Tsai in Hong Kong under the Background of Rural Revitalization
It is a hot topic on the rural areas that are at a disadvantage due to the rural depopulation and the lost civilization. This paper is based on the theory of ecological museum and public art involvement in community building, adopts the methods of qualitative research, experience summary and literature research, refers to the paper …

The Development of Leaders: Being, Knowing, and Doing – Leading Through Self Mastery
The study of leadership must include the question “how are leaders made?”. Researchers agree that to develop as a leader requires three dimensions: Knowing, Doing, and Being. Together, these three dimensions enable a leader to bring the self and their abilities into the group interactions and organizational success. Therefore, all three need to be acknowledged …

Awakened Schools: A Theoretical Framework for Engaging Students’ Interconnectedness
Much research has been done around the implementation and benefits of social and emotional learning. In spite of this good research, the field of SEL lacks a theoretical, rather than outcomes-based, grounding, in particular in ways that extend beyond curriculum-based approaches (Weissberg et al., 2013). There have been calls from within the field of SEL …

From Old Creole Days: Sampling the Afro-creole Folk Song of Louisiana of the Late Nineteenth Through the Twentieth Centuries
This lecture-recital will highlight selected arrangements of Louisiana Afro-Creole folk songs of the late nineteenth through the mid-twentieth centuries that utilize a Creole patois. These songs reveal a distinct, yet diverse approach to the ethnomusicological heritage of the African experience in the New World. The study explores selected songs of Camille Nickerson, Efrem Zimbalist, Julien …

Electricity Savings and Carbon Mitigation Potential of a University Campus in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
This study estimates the electricity consumption and related carbon dioxide (CO2¬¬) emissions for the buildings and facilities the main campus of the International University – Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The AIM/Enduse model is used to calculate the CO2 emissions in 2019 based on the recorded electricity consumption and project the …

Body Image During Pregnancy in the Era of COVID-19: The Role of Heterogeneous Patterns of Perceived Social Support
Objectives. The aim of this study was to explore the profiles of pregnant women on perceived social support with regard to sociodemographic variables, COVID-19-related distress issues, and body image. We compared the aforementioned relationships within the study variables between pregnant women and a control group of non-pregnant women. Method. The study sample comprised 345 women, …

The Use of a ClassPoint Tool for Student Engagement During Online Lesson
Teaching online can be quite different than in the classroom where instructor can physically interact with the students. With the aim to encourage student engagement and learning, a synchronous Classroom Response System called ClassPoint was implemented together through live video conference platform for some first-year undergraduate courses in SUTD as it allowed real-time interaction between …

Study of University Education in COVID-19: Considering Future Lectures Based on Survey Results
COVID-19, which is longer than expected, has a great negative impact on our society and life. We are restricted in our actions and many restaurants and businesses are bankrupt. The unemployed are also accelerating. In the field of education as well, various restrictions were imposed, and we had no choice but to change to a …

The Reduction of Domestication of Anime on American Television Over Four Decades
The importation of anime into the United States began in earnest in the 1980s, although a few titles were imported before that time. One aspect of this anime boom in the US that has not been explored fully is the process of localizing anime for American audiences, and gradual reduction of that process. Early anime …

Maximum Engagement and Minimum Distraction in Knowledge Transference
In the Indian academia the focus on teaching “Writing” is relatively new; traditional focus has been on teaching the English language or Communication Skills. The novelty of Academic Writing has called for rigorous efforts in its operation under the Indian context. In addition, the virtual learning environment drawn by the pandemic posed the serious challenge …

Homosexuality and African Criminal Justice System: Exploring the Current Laws and Enforcement Regimes in Nigeria
The discussions surrounding the position taken by the various legal systems towards the lifestyles and activities of homosexuals have gained notoriety and remained topical within and outside the academic space. While some nations have reviewed their criminal laws to decriminalize homosexuality in the recent past, others have re-hardened their criminal justice system against it. Most …

Paragraph Writing Instruction for University Students
As the emphasis is placed on students’ practical abilities in English, the communicative approach, which focuses on students’ “productive abilities”, has been encouraged in Japan. However, this approach has resulted in poor basic writing skills, which are often associated with insufficient vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. Considering the current practices of writing instruction in junior high …

Learning Experiences of College Students From Mindanao, Philippines During School Closure
The Coronavirus-19 disrupted almost everything, including schooling. The United Nations (2020) reported that nine in ten students in 166 countries were prevented from attending in-person classes due to government-imposed lockdowns. Academic institutions were forced to modify their modalities and strategies to fulfill their mandate of educating their students. The Notre Dame of Kidapawan College, a …

Ready or Not? A Critical Policy Analysis on the Implementation of Flexible Learning Policy and Its Effect on High School Learners
In 2019 Corona Virus Pandemic created a massive impact in the Philippines most especially in Education. All face-to-face classes from kindergarten to tertiary level were suspended because, many provinces, municipalities, and cities in the country were in lockdown. Private and Public School Teachers, Administrators, and Students were incarcerated inside their houses. And to respond to …

A Success of Content Communication Through Y-Series: A Case Study of 2gether the Series
The research entitled “A Content Communication through the Y-Series Entitled 2gether The Series” is a qualitative research aimed to study 1) the content presentation in y-series entitled 2gether The Series and 2) the exposure to the content of the y-series entitled 2gether The Series. The purposive sampling method was applied; and the y-series entitled 2gether …

Team Eportfolios – Developing Employer-Valued Skills
ePortfolios involve students producing and compiling artifacts that represent their learning and are accompanied by metacognitive reflection. They help students self-assess content mastery as well as monitor and improve their learning. ePortfolios are a high impact practice (HIP). HIPs encourage deep learning and support the development of employer-valued 21st century skills such as oral and …

Immersive Technology Uses in Interactive Media: A Collection of Case Studies
A collection of case studies that combine immersive technologies such as augmented and virtual reality in various contexts are introduced to outline some of the signals and trends in emerging interactive media. A series of authors share uses of AR/VR/MR in a wide range of fields including tourism, education, archeology, communication, and more. Common themes, …

High Impacts of Intercultural Service-Learning Program on Taiwanese College Students
Intercultural service-learning has been regarded a high-impact educational practice which can enhance students’ learning and civic engagement. Yet, research investigating into its process and outcome in Asian settings is comparatively rare. This study aims to assess the learning effects of a Tourism English course which integrated intercultural service-learning element into its curriculum to connect students …

Intermedia Motion Tracking in AR/VR – On Immersive Storytelling and Choreographic Patterns
According to the KAMC Submission Stream “Performing Arts Practices: Theater, Dance, Music”, we would like to contribute details on our current research project IML – “Immersive Media Lab” ( The project was funded by FFG COIN “Aufbau” and started in 2018 at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences under the leadership of Dr Franziska …

Baomu in China: The Portrayal of Female Domestic Workers in Newspapers and Social Media
This study investigates how female domestic workers, known as Baomu, are portrayed in Chinese news media. Extant studies have provided an enlightening insight that this group is increasingly framed as a non-negligible threat in newspapers with the growing social demand of domestic services and the heated discussion of several vicious crimes committed by some Baomu …

Role of Female Physicians in Women’s Health Movement in Japan: The Case of Prescription-Free Emergency Contraception During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Although the COVID-19 outbreak resulted in challenges to global public health, it also posed new challenges in people’s private lives due to the stay-at-home policy. Understandably, this measure aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, it influenced intimate relationships in the private sphere, such as unintended pregnancies, sexual violence, and domestic violence in younger …

Pingtung County Recovered from Natural Disaster and Achieving the Goal of Providing Domestic Electricity 100% by Green Power
After the completed “Aqua Solar Farm” project (installed capacity with 23.4 MW) due to typhoon Morakot in 2009, we are on the way to 100% green power for the need of domestic electricity in Pingtung. The first “Green Energy Promotion Office” was established to promote green energy in 2016. After engaging in “100% Renewable Cities …

Benefits for Bystanders? Effects of the Japan-South Korea and the US-China Trade Dispute for Japan (2018-2020)
The China-US and the Japan-South Korea trade dispute since 2018 and 2019 involve Japan’s three top trading partners. This paper provides a comparative analysis of economic spillovers for Japan from both disputes between 2018 and 2020. The author argues that the China-US dispute entailed positive and negative spillovers for Japan as a bystander. As a …

Examining the File Renaming Errors Made by Japanese University EFL Students During the First Year of Emergency Remote Teaching
The move to emergency remote teaching (ERT) in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors worldwide to necessarily include components of information and communications technology (ICT) in their lessons. However, this move proved particularly challenging in Japan, for the country has long lagged behind others in its implementation of ICT for educational purposes. While …

Resilience as a Policy Goal and a Policy Measure: South Korea’s New Deal Policy in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Resilience draws attention as a way to combat the unprecedented uncertainty today. Especially in this post-COVID-19 era, a sense of insecurity penetrates nearly every aspect of our lives, from political to economic, social, and cultural dimensions. At times, those dimensions meet and overlap each other, affecting and being affected. Resilience thus can be both a …

Examination of the Challenges in Local Climate Action Planning and Implementation in Japan
Climate change poses substantial challenges for the effective implementation of counter-measures. Carbon emission reduction and climate impacts adaptation require actions from the international level to the local level in terms of the geographic scale and the level of government Here the implementation theory poses questions regarding the implementation of meta-policies, the effectiveness of top-down and …

The Universe as a Harmonious Field of Vibration – Is Humanity out of Tune?
This paper begins with a reference to recent experimental research in the school of Engineering at MIT on the novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2). This research consists in translating into sound the spike protein of the virus which makes it so contagious, in order to examine its vibrational properties and find ways to destroy it. After brief …

Socio-environmental Life Cycle & Its Relevance to Long-term Sustainability: A Key Success of Jorong Barutama Greston Coal-mine Closure, South Borneo – Indonesia
Environmental management is currently a priority in various industrial activities, ranging from upstream activities such as mining and energy related to the manufacturing sector to various consumer products for daily activities to represent downstream activities. This paper discusses the closure of the mine managed by Jorong Barutama Greston (JBG) about a long- term social environment …

Life Cycle Thinking & Social Sustainability based on Capacity Building: An Insight from Indominco Mandiri, East Borneo – Indonesia
The coal mining’s environmental management issue has become a severe global concern. Various mining management activities in Indonesia are currently starting the mine closure phase and are concentrating on developing environmentally beneficial and low-emission products. Indominco Mandiri, a coal mining company in Bontang, East Kalimantan, has implemented a capacity-building program based on social and environmental …

Preliminary Life Cycle Assessment to Support Socio-Energy Innovation for Metal Processing Industry: An Approach from Pindad, Bandung – Indonesia
In order to support and participate in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contribution, one of the instruments is the life cycle assessment as an approach to the study of clean production in the manufacturing industry. Pindad Bandung, which operates in West Java, Indonesia, is a metal processing manufacturing industry producing multiple Indonesian-made products. As innovation …

Ecosystem Restoration as a Part of Energy & Environmental Life Cycle Contribution for Socio-Cultural Sustainability in Trubaindo Coal Mining, Indonesia
This paper discusses the ecosystem restoration efforts conducted by TCM, one of the coal mines operating in West Kutai, East Borneo. The activities conducted by TCM starting from initiatives in managing good mining practices and are based on the principles of sustainable environmental management. Restoration efforts start with a simple step, namely, replanting the post-mining …

Do Psychology Students Enjoy Lectures in Class? Relationship with Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction (Competence, Relatedness, and Autonomy)
Flow is an experience of pleasure and enjoyment in doing an activity, characterized by total absorption which entangles awareness and action. Flow is an important asset for college students in carrying out their academic activities. When students experience a flow condition, they will enjoy and get an optimal learning experience. Student motivation also increases and …

Strategies of Film Archives in the Face of National Trauma: Exile and Colonies
National film archives are complex institutions with many levels of management, which also carry the weight of the history and identities of states. They are sensitive spaces of collective history, given the complexity of their activity as regulators of visual materials that shape national identities. As a result of the patrimonial turn that film libraries …

Development of Exploring Computer Science With Lynx for Student Learning Geometry and Logo Programming Code
Research on Logo programming contributing to student learning has appeared in the literature during the last four decades. Empirical and meta-analysis research studies support of teaching Logo coding in developing student cognitive problem-solving skills has been documented using teacher-mediated or guided instruction. Using guided instruction with teacher-mediated scaffolding Exploring Computer Science with MicroworldsEX (Walsh 2013-2017) …

International Students’ Acceptance of Online Learning During Pandemic: Some Exploratory Findings
The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 has impacted campus life in many ways, including shifting to online mode of teaching and learning, restricting face-to-face communication and activities, and forming of new norms of education. This paper investigates impacts of the pandemic to the way international students taking class and doing research, the satisfaction level, and obstacles …

Virtual Learning – Social Pedagogy Promotes Active Agent
Social pedagogy is more than a transformation in the academic institution. LaGuardia Community College has envisioned creating more meaningful and authentic learning opportunities by using social pedagogy to promote student ownership in the virtual platform. The Covid-19 pandemic has catapulted the academic institution and opened a new way of performing teaching and learning. During the …

Analysis of French Grammatical Errors Using Surface Strategy Taxonomy: A Case Study of Thai University Students
This study was aimed to investigate the grammatical errors made by Thai university students and to explore the causes of grammatical errors in French writing. The participants in study were 16 third-year Thai students majoring in French of the Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants. The research instrument …

Value Co-creation in the Multidisciplinary Sharing Between Design and Science: The Case of a Portuguese Cutlery Industry
This article presents the first impressions of the research project on international cooperation between Universities and a Portuguese cutlery industry that, based on Emotional Design and Cognitive Science, aims to create bonds with its customers and distributors. In times of social isolation, the habit of set the table to share family moments enabled a way …

MMORPG Games as a Way of Coping During the Pandemic: A Study on World of Warcraft
Negative effects of coronavirus expand from physical to mental health, thus finding methods for emotional coping and wellness has become crucial. The act of play is a way to improve one’s wellness and it has been discussed as an intrinsic human activity nested in the culture. During quarantines “play” was in the virtual form more …

Higher Education and Wicked Problems: Students Engaging with Complexity and Uncertainty in Sustainability Transitions
The challenges we collectively face, such as climate change, are characterized by more complexity, interdependence, and dynamism than is common for educational practice. This presents a challenge for (university) education. These transition challenges are often described as wicked or VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) problems. In response, educational innovations that are inspired by ecology …

The Line Between: Virtual Re-Tellers Exposing to Two Modes of Visual Literacy
This qualitative study aimed at investigating how the use of Virtual Reality Literacy (VRL) contributes to creating virtual agents story re-tellers. The study compared the retellings of a silent story shows by fourth grade students (n=6) by exposing them first to a TV show and the same show using a VR. In a very important …

Engaging Parents in Newcomer Children’s Language Teaching and Learning
This study examines benefits that arise from the pedagogical practice of translanguaging, which utilizes bilingual children’s full language repertoire, in a pre-kindergarten classroom where parents are invited to join their children, bringing their home language alongside the English instructional language to the classroom. Extensive research demonstrates that when parents are engaged in their children’s teaching …

Museum of Works as a Means of Improving Professional Knowledge of Senior High School Students Through Public Intervention
Due to high school students’ lack of professional knowledge, graduates contributed 7.92 percent to Indonesia’s unemployment rate. This can be solved using self-actualization activities and public intervention in the form of seminars and counseling, which can be accommodated by a “museum of works” that is directly integrated with the high school environment. The goal of …