Month: March 2015

The Endangered Dialect of the Bugkalots
The purpose of this study was to explore the use of Bugkalot native dialect and the factors that cause its usage and non-usage as perceived by the Bugkalots in a village of Quirino Province, Philippines. The research made use of the qualitative research approach. Ethnography was the strategy used to gather the needed information. Research …

Space[Less]City : Students’ Perceptive Journey beyond Urban Analysis
In Architectural Design classes as in Architectural everyday practice, preliminary urban analysis is a mandatory step of the design process in the understanding of opportunities and constraints of a project for an urban site. Classic analysis based on the study of existing cartography and on the production of abstract diagrams is no longer appropriate. In …

International Education and Global Education of High Schools in Taiwan
To expand the vision of students is one of the most important issues of Taiwan��s education policy. Schools in Taiwan not only in the curriculum but also in the campus, try to make an international environment for their students. On the other hand, Taiwanese students are more easily to study abroad, and foreign students are …

Material Selection, Design and Construction through CALL: EFL Teacher Reflection
The commercial software for English language learning in a computer lab has recently been implemented as part of practice hours in English Foundation courses for nursing college students. Regarding the results of course evaluation surveys conducted by the department, it was found that the contents in the software was not relevant to the course objectives …

Effects of Two Implementations of Cross-Age Repeated Reading Treatments
Learning sight words enables learners to decode unfamiliar words by sight, thus learners can read words in text more efficiently. Penner-Wilger (2008) asserted that when achieving oral reading fluency (ORF) learners would have no problem identifying letters, syllables, and high frequency words. Preliminary finding showed integration of ABRACADABRA (ABRA) online activities into EFL classroom beneficial …

A Study of Comparatively Low Achievement University Students’ Bilingualized Dictionary Use and Their English Learning
The aim of this survey study is to investigate bilingualized dictionary use (i.e. Longman Active Study English-Chinese Dictionary in paper form) of comparatively low achievement university students. It focuses on EFL learners’ overall dictionary use behavior and their perspectives on this book dictionary as well as the advance guidance of dictionary use offered by their …

The Comparison of Two Different Text Processing Skills to Enhance EFL Reading Comprehension: Summarizing vs Listing the Main Points
As a global skill, reading is a cognitive activity including both surface and deep processing on its core, and developing reading comprehension is an important aspect of EFL as it requires the use of macro-level processing based on schema activation. The present study investigated the efficiency of two different text processing skills of reading comprehension; …

The Relativizer That: A Corpus-Based Interlanguage Study
This research study is focused on the use of the relativizer that occurring in authentic learner English. The data, collected from Thai Learner English Corpus (TLEC), indicated that the majority of the relative clauses (RCs) beginning with that functioned as a relative pronoun rather than a relative adverb. In terms of the order of difficulty …

Graduate Students’ Perceptions of the Problems in Writing Research Articles in English in Higher Education: A Taiwan-Based Study
Writing research articles in English has become one of the most common currencies in higher education. In Taiwan, nowadays issues related to writing research articles in English have attracted considerable attention from the Taiwanese government authorities, particularly Ministry of Education, National Science Council, as well as universities, teachers and students. The present study seeks to …

Developing Thai Students’ Analytical Thinking and Presentation Skills through Mind-Mapping Techniques
Today teachers are mostly in charge of preparing students for life in the 21st Century. According to the well-known Framework for 21st century learning, the analytical thinking skill is determined as one of the needed abilities for learning at the university level. It is also explained that the analytical thinking is perceived as an important …

A Story from a School Development Program in the Heart of Borneo, Kalimantan-Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to portray the changes in schools during the implementation of Education for Sustainability Program (ESD) in The Heart of Borneo (HoB)-Kalimantan. During 2008-2013 WWF-Indonesia developed ESD program by conducting training and mentoring for schools among 10 regencies in HoB, Kalimantan area. There are 34 schools are under WWF-Indonesia supervision. …

University/NGO Cooperation on Small-Scale Education Projects: Nursery School for North Dagon Township
Although Myanmar is now enjoying rapid economic growth, its education standards are lagging far behind. To grow strong as a nation, empowerment must be given to the younger generations through a more comprehensive and accessible education system starting with the youngest among them, the preschoolers. This presentation introduces a project to establish a nursery school …

Development of Knowledge Management Skill and Nursing Innovation Development Competency among Thai Nursing Students
The demand on quality health care service leads nursing arena has been expected professionalism from society. Supporting nursing students to learn from knowledge management process, and promoting the development of nursing innovation are processes for encouragement them to be able to integrate their theoretical knowledge to practice. This action research was designed to develop knowledge …

Integrative and Interactive Teaching and Learning about Sustaining the Natural Resources in a Changing Climate
To increase the number of students prepared for employment and/or graduate school in diverse technical fields relevant to global climate change and sustainable natural resource, the Urban Forestry Program at Southern University has implemented a project to enhance the urban forestry curricular through the integration of global climate change into urban forest ecosystem education. The …

Visser: Addressing the Need for Modern Science Laboratories in the Philippines
Access to modern science laboratories is still a problem in most public high schools in developing countries like the Philippines. Based on a survey with 173 respondents conducted from September 2013 to June 2014, 77% of schools have laboratories. However, only 15% have access to digital measuring devices and sensors. To address the need for …

Technology Integration in a Taiwan Elementary School: Analysis of Effects of School Principal Leadership from a Change Agent Perspective
A narrative research method was used to determine, from a change agent perspective, how the leadership behaviors of the two elementary school principals contributed to technology integration at the school. The two principals served at the same Taiwan elementary school at different times. The findings suggest the followings: 1) the commitment of the first principal …

Student Loans, Rising College Tuition and the Social and Economic Effects in the United States
Government involvement in student loans allowed many young Americans to go into debt and live beyond their means. Implied promises of high paying jobs in the future that would theoretically create an earning potential that could make student loan indebtedness seem like a rational investment. The U.S. Government��s goal of ��college for all�� even for …

High School Dropouts: An Issue for the Individuals and the Country
In order to address this pressing issue of high school dropout rates in the United States, this paper will examine the “push” and “pull” factors leading to this phenomenon. “Push” factors include graduation requirements and related educational policies put in place that affect a student’s ability to graduate . Social factors that influence graduation rates …

Pre-Service Teachers Teaching Effectiveness: The Nueva Vizcaya State University Experience
In the world of teaching, teachers are constantly amazed by the ingenuity of their teaching; they learn to be imaginative and inventive; they make a difference in the lives of their pupils and they get so much unreserved affection, respect and love in return. Thus, teachers must guarantee to continue cultivating their learners, to uncover …

Self-Efficacy of Preservice Teachers toward Differentiation
Self-efficacy refers to the degree of confidence future teachers have that they can perform successfully in the task of differentiation. Indeed, self-efficacy appears to influence the teachers’ choice of activities and how much effort they will spend on them. To determine whether the gifted course in the current study could improve the participants’ self-efficacy, that …

Salvaging Nigeria Tertiary Education through Public-Private Partnerships: Issues and Constraints
Education worldwide is an instrument for national development. Funding remains a critical factor for quality education and poor funding has remained the lot of tertiary education in Nigeria. Tertiary education in Nigeria is offered at post-secondary levels namely the universities, polytechnics and colleges of education. Enormous fund is needed for the provision of infrastructures, settlement …

Is More the Merrier: The Relationship between Taiwan University Students English Language Learning Strategies and English Proficiency Test Performance
Second language learning has always been a complicated process involving many factors such as biological, neurological, psychological, and sociological factors. Second language learning strategies, among different factors influencing second language learning, if used appropriately may contribute to the success of second language learning. (Bull, 2000). Within the recent decade, research findings in the field of …

Constructing and Validating Behavioral Components Scale of Motivational Goals in Mathematics
The Philippine education performance in Mathematics is far below the international average as revealed in the 2011 Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, in the area of Education, where it ranked 112th in Science and Mathematics among 138 economies, while, in the 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science study, it ranked 43rd …

An Expert Module of an Intelligent Tutoring System
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are complex computer programs that manage various heterogeneous types of knowledge ranging from domain to pedagogical knowledge. ITS aims to overcome some educational problems concerning individual differences, capabilities and skills. So, the recognized leadership in the learning process is centered on the student himself. This research is adopting on the Natural …

The Study of 12th Grade Student’s View of Nature of Science: Classroom Action Research
Views of Nature of Science is one of crucial scientific learning goals in several countries. As in the literature, the understanding of Nature of Science can lead students to be a scientific literate persons which allow them to understand science sufficiently for making a decision in daily life. The aim of this study is to …

The Study of Writing Reflective Cases to Promote Student Teachers Professional Growth
Reflective teaching is a process where teachers think over their teaching practices, analyzing how something was taught and how the practice might be improved or changed for better learning outcomes. Some points of consideration in the reflection process might be what is currently being done, why it’s being done and how well students are learning. …

An Analysis of Creative Process Learning in Computer Game Activities through Player Experiences
This research investigates the extent to which creative processes can be fostered through computer gaming. For investigating creative processes in this domain is proposed. This research tends to focus on games that have been specifically designed for educational purposes: Digital Game Based Learning in terms of creativity. This paper describes a behavior analysis for measuring …

Using Bioloid Robots as Tangible Learning Companions for Enhancing Learning of a Semaphore Flag-Signaling System
The tangible learning companion (TLC) with anthropomorphic and tangible characteristics is expected to enhance learner’s attention and motivation to increase learner’s learning performance. Thus, this paper uses a humanoid robot as a TLC to assist learners to participate in Semaphore Flag-signaling System (SFS) learning activities to explore their learning performance and cognitive load. The subject …

Proposing an Innovative Library Management System for Afghanistan: E-Ketabtoon
At present, the higher-education libraries across Afghanistan are entirely paper and card-based. This paper proposes an innovative library management environment known as “e-Ketabtoon”. It aims to automate and replace the current card and paper system. The prominent features of e-Ketabtoon includes: (i) acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials); (ii) cataloging (classifying and indexing materials); (iii) …

Higher Education Curricula for Sustainable Development
This paper considers the practice of higher education curricula for sustainable development under ecological crises. Therefore, the deficiency of an environmentally sustainable notion in higher education curricula is first examined based on the work of American educationist C. A. Bowers. Second, borrowing from the notion of deep ecology developed by Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess, I …

Mitigating Climate Change by Household Sector: Keys of Promoting Energy-Efficient Appliances
Besides the reduction of green house gases emission from industrial, transportation and commercial sectors; household sector also plays an important part in mitigating global warming. This study base on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and introduced perceived benefit or cost as an independent variable additionally to develop the model of Efficiency action toward Climate …

How to Visually Analyze Verbal and Nonverbal Skills of Students’ Oral Presentation
The purpose of this study was to facilitate students their skills concerning oral presentation, a critical competency in any professional fields, including business and engineering. Although the importance of this skill is apparent, seldom studies explore the extent to which it can be enhanced by the intervention of technological assistance. In this study, a methodology …

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Promote Innovation and Creativity in the Field of Sustainability
To create a transformative connection among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, Southern University (SU) uses an interdisciplinary approach to promote innovation and creativity in the field of sustainability. An undergraduate concentration in sustainability has been developed and the Bachelor Degree in Sustainability is expected to be completed and approved by the fall 2015 …

Delegation and Intervention of Education Policy in the UK
This paper examines delegation and intervention of education policy in the central-local government relations of the UK. Since the Thatcher Administration, the number of delegations in education policy are increasing as seen in the school governing body and school funding, while central intervention to the local authority is also observed as seen in removal of …

Constructing the Principal Technology Leadership Competency Indicators for Vocational High Schools in Taiwan
The purpose of this study is to construct principal technology leadership competency indicators for vocational high school to raise the effectiveness of school administration and teaching. To achieve the purpose, the first is to interview with field expert and explore the technology leadership theorem model. The second, eighteen experts in technology leadership and the principal …

The Parents’ Cognition Attitude to Carry Out the Twelve Years Education Policy in Taiwan
This study is about to know the attitude of the parents whose children haven’t been carried out the twelve years education for last three years to this educational policy in Taiwan. We want to know how much the parents know about this policy and how much they support it. We also analyze the problems that …

Challenges and Benefits Those New Technologies Bring to Teaching Mathematics
Technology is not a new concept to mathematics. As technology continues to advance, computer-assisted or computer based instruction is becoming an integral part of higher education. In online education, technology replaces some or all of the face-to-face interactions, with self-paced content that is delivered through an online system. This new situation requires new approaches and …

Students’ Perception on Using Movies in Medical Education
Background: Using movies can be an effective way to stimulate rich discussion about professional and personal development. Reflection on the actions of a character in a movie can assist students to understand behaviors, motivations and life choices far beyond their own view and develop empathetic awareness of the experiences and different realities of others. The …

Academic Success and Emotional Competence in the Higher Education Nursing Students
1. Aims: To analyse the influences of emotional competence in the academic performance of the higher education nursing students. Emotional intelligence has an increasingly important role not only in people´s well-being but also as a fundamental factor in personal, professional and social development and success. 2. Method: The data collection was carried out in September …

The Relationship of Mathematics Learning Achievement, School Life, And Language Ability of Southeastern Asian Female Immigrants Children in Taiwan
As the number of female immigrants from Southeast Asia increases at Taiwan for these years, and it mean more and more Southeastern Asian female immigrants�� children were born in Taiwan. Immigrants�� children were disadvantaged due to language, cultural and social interactional conflicts between home and school. This study focus on 519 elementary school students that …

Research on Environmental Education Management Combined with Factory Touring Based on Field Theorysonispa Tourism Factory in Taiwan
The promotion of factory touring in our country has exactly reached the tenth year, during which the traders engaged in this industry and the counseling departments have started to reflect upon future development. The Environmental Education Act stipulates that the teachers and students in schools below senior high education are supposed to participate in environmental …

The Teaching of Speech and Oral Communication in English for Computer Studies Students: A Needs Analysis
In the context of educational systems where English is a second or foreign language, the learning of its spoken form is always a challenge. It is a challenge not only because it demands morphologic, syntactic, and semantic knowledge, but it also requires phonologic comprehension and application among students. More challenging in the teaching of speech …

Relationship Between Multiple Intelligences and Performance in Technology Livelihood Education: Basis for Differentiated Instruction
This research seeks to make an impact analysis on multiple intelligence as the basis for differentiated classroom instruction in TLE. It will also address the felt need of how TLE subject could be taught effectively exhausting all the possible means.This study seek the effect of giving different instruction according to the ability of the students …

Expedition Theory: Bridging Teaching and Learning for Aesthetic Development
This paper is gleaned from years of learning through various styles and limited experience as a design educator. A myth was broken in an effort to ‘educate design students’. ‘Teaching’ and ‘Learning’ are not equal experiences as both are driven by entirely different motivations. In spite of a teacher’s good intentions to inspire students to …

The Follow-Up Study on the Impact of the 101s Positive Discipline Parent Training on First-Grade Children’s Executive Function Development
The purposes of the current study were to investigate the impact of the 101s positive discipline parent training program; the national winning-award program in the U.S. for training parent, teachers, and early childhood educators, on the maintenance of the parenting practices and their first-grade children’s executive function skills. It contains 101 techniques for caregivers to …

Shining Stars amidts Dark Clouds: Enhancing Positive Aging through a European Project
Statistics show a generalized aging in populations for the most industrialized countries. Absence of policies on aging, like in Portugal, change in the household composition, negative age stereotypes conveyed by the media, the post-modern individualism and consumer mentality contribute to marginalize the elders, considered a burden to society, relegating them to isolation that often causes …

Readiness of School Administrators in Developing and Managing Thai Schools for the Aec
The commitment of Thailand to being a part of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015, school administrators have to more proactively adjust themselves in preparation for the AEC. The study aimed to determine the readiness of the school administrators at local regions in developing and managing the schools and explore the difficulties and needs …

Aristotle on the Nature of Friendship
One part of the investigations into human nature in the Nicomachean Ethics is the subject of friendship. Two whole books, Book Eight and Book Nine, are dedicated to analyses on this subject. Aristotle uses the Greek word philia, for what we would call friendship. In Book Eight Aristotle proposes that there are three different types …

Moral Agency in Global Practices of Responsibility: Assessing UN Humanitarian Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)
The concept of moral responsibility has been increasingly deployed in world politics. International community invokes doctrines such as the Responsibility to Protective (R2P) and International Criminal Court (ICC)’s legal decisions to hold political actors accountable to universal obligations. While the subject has become of prominent interest among political philosophers, insufficient attention has been directed towards …

Moral Pluralism in Environmental Ethics
In issues pertaining to environmental ethics, the environmental pragmatists accept multiple values. They thus take a position of moral pluralism. Moral pluralism is the view that acknowledges the existence of multiple values. In the discussion pertaining to normative ethics, moral pluralism demands the acceptance of more than one value in determining whether an action is …

The Declining Power of the Nation State in a World of Interconnectivity, Transnational Orders and Cyberspace
Developments of faster means of communication and transport, as well as the growth of international trade had a huge impact on the predefined conception of nation states. One observable factor of globalization is a power shift, away from national governments towards NGOs, communities or companies. Rules applied to international trade have always been to a …

Life in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go
With the announcement of the sheep clone Dolly as the breakthrough in the biotechnology in news media around the turn of the twenty-first century, the rising issue of human clones in its development and the controversially bioethical issues ensued, Kazuo Ishiguro in Never Let Me Go (2005) focuses his attention, in the area of cell …

The Effect of Post-Learning Caffeine Consumption on the Learning and Retrieval of Non-Verbal Stimuli
The present study aimed to conceptually replicate a recent study showing improvements in cognition when caffeine was consumed following learning. Thirty-two non-naive participants were administered 200mg of caffeine either: Pre-Learning, Post-Learning, or At-Retrieval, and compared to non-caffeine administered Controls. The learning and retrieval of non-verbal stimuli was assessed using a Korean Characters Non-Verbal Learning task, …

Consumer Guilt, Online Resale and Purchase Intention
Consumer guilt is a critical factor affecting consumers’ purchase decisions. Marketers would apply various strategies to reduce the sense of guilt so consumers can be more willing to spend the money. With the popularity of online auction, consumers can easily resell unwanted online by themselves, and the return of the resale may lower their sense …

Violence towards other Family Members by Patients with Alcoholism and Schizophrenia
Objective: This descriptive research aimed to study the prevalence of violence toward family of schizophrenia with alcohol drinking patients, character of violence and consequence of violence. Methods: The sample consisted of 96 family members of schizophrenia with alcohol drinking patients hospitalized as inpatients at Khon Kaen Rachanakharin Psychiatric Hospital. The Data collection were applied by …

The “Uncanniness”
The Uncanny Valley is a phenomenon first described by Masahiro Mori in 1970. The theory notes that the more advanced our technology becomes the more similar to us robots become, and this human resemblance unnerves us. Back in the 50’s, there were many industrial robots, the kind of robots that do not have a human-like …

Mood and the Decision to Purchase High-Tech Products
The paper describes the results of a study of the effect of mood on the way people assessed different attributes of tablets; their assumption was that depending on their current mood, people look for certain product characteristics in making purchasing decisions. The respondents (40 males, 24 females, mean age = 26,2, S = 4,5) were …

Factors Influencing Thai IT Professionals to Work in ASEAN Countries
Workforce mobility among ASEAN countries is made more possible after the realization of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. In particular, IT professionals are prone to relocate because IT skills are more universal and transferable across countries. Management challenge is to retain their IT talent. We address this issue by 1) exploring the extent to …

The Interplay of Power and Femininism: A Typical Interpretation of Judges 4:4-22
The word “Power” has been given various interpretations by sociologist, philosophers and theologians etc. depending on each perspective. One basic fact about human societies and communities is the fact that leadership does not exist without power. The Old Testament presents the issue of power standing at the heart of story of ancient Israel. God challenges …

Are Men Really Challenging in Conversation? Exploring Gender Stereotype in Everyday Talk
Past studies of gender talk (for instance, Holmes, 2006) have mostly found that women tend to be collaborative while men tend to be challenging in everyday communication. This picture of gender stereotypes suggests that people hold strong views about gender behavior and which can have negative influences in the interactions if these stereotypes are not …

A Phenomenological Study on How Cosplay Affects the Self-Presentation of Cosplayers
This paper “A Phenomenological Study on How Cosplay Affects the Self – Presentation of Cosplayers” investigated and aimed to determine the Cosplayers’ level of Self – Monitoring and factors that affect their Self – Presentation as individuals and as Cosplayers. Likewise, this study also focused on the validation of the Uses and Gratification Theory of …

Influence of Nonverbal Component on Credibility Assessment in High Stakes Situations
Mimic expression is one of the most significant variables in the process of interpersonal communication. Author of this research tries to establish if deception can be detected through deciphering mimic expressions. With the help of the newest technological equipment, we try to verify the claims about human face as emotional conduit and its usefulness in …

A Kansei Engineering Approach to Evaluate Consumer Perception on Social Media: A Case Study of Giant Manufacturing Company
Nowadays, social media marketing is becoming increasingly important issue for companies to gain website traffics or attention from their customers. The main purposes of applying social medias, in marketing is as a communications tool that makes the companies and their products accessible to the target customers as well as potential customers. However, most companies do …

Factors Influencing the Technology Adoption of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan by Using the Revised UTAUT Model
With the highly growing popularity of smart phones and tablets, the amount of users who use wireless Internet including mobile Internet have reached 11 million in 2013 (TWNIC 2013). Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is regarded as a tremendous market potential for businesses and customers. However, the expected benefits have not yet to be realized. The number …

A Study on Behavior Intention to Use Live Streaming Video Platform Based on Tam Model
Due to the high penetration of internet and well-developed technology in current Taiwan, it’s enough to provide greater bandwidth and faster network. It makes users use the internet easier and save time. Some application platforms in use on computer or entertainment device is necessary of enough bandwidth and live streaming video platform is one of …

Does Sociality Become Virtual or Natural in Social Network Services? The Example of Facebook
Sociality means a number of individuals living and interacting together, which can lead to complicated social relationships and structure. In recent years, Social network services (SNSs) and online communities have been growing quickly. SNSs offer a variety of social behaviors that simultaneously expand and challenge our conventional understanding of sociability. Specifically, SNSs provide flexible and …

The Capacity of Perceived Coping Self-Efficacy in Adolescents with Repaired Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate
Objectives: The study develops Coping Self-Efficacy Assessment and compares these scores between difference gender and cleft type in Thai adolescents with cleft lip and palate. Methods: The in-depth interview collects from 18 selective adolescents with repaired cleft lip and palate. Qualitative data is constructed items of Coping Self-Efficacy. Five experts examine content validity and questionnaire …

Exploring Consumers’ Intention to Accept Smartwatch
Smartwatch is currently the most popular form of wearable technology, a promising category of information appliances. As an integration of classic timepiece and fashionable IT industries, smartwatch is a challenging business since both of the industries used to have very different marketing strategies. However, there are few studies having discussed about consumers’ attitude toward such …

Examining Line Users’ Behavior, Motivation, Attitudes and Factors Influencing Use and Adoption of Line Official Accounts in Thailand
During the past few year, many applications were developed for smart-phone especially instant messaging (IM) applications. LINE, the successful Japanese IM application, reached 100 million users only 18 months after its initial release in March 2011. In June 2012, NHN (Next Human Network) Japan Corporation provided ‘LINE Official Accounts’, mobile marketing communications, aimed for firms …

L1 Metalinguistic Ability and Foreign Language Learning: The Case of Japanese Secondary School Students
This study had two aims: (1) to investigate the relationships among individual difference variables in foreign language (FL) learning, with a focus on L1 metalinguistic ability (MA), and (2) to consider the effect of explicit instruction providing metalinguistic knowledge on FL performance of young students. The participants were 48 Japanese students who were 13 or …

Customer Behavior & Marketing Mix Factors as they Relate to the Selection of Thai Massage Providers
“Traditional Thai Massage” plays vital role in assisting Thailand to become the medical hub of Asia because of the distinguished uniqueness of Thai medical /alternative treatments. Country Competitiveness derives from many factors including Demand Condition, which brings a better level of national advantage. Local people give financial support, and are fundamentally important to the business …

Reminiscence Therapy for Older People Suffering from Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression: A Literature Review
Reminiscence therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is usually used to treat mental health problems. Reminiscence therapy uses the recall of past events, feelings and thoughts to facilitate pleasure, quality of life or adaptation to present circumstances. Reminiscence therapy is believed could provide numerous benefits to older people especially those in residential aged care …

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Group Counseling on Anger and Aggression Among Prisoners in Malaysia
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy group counseling in reducing anger and aggression among male prisoners. This quasi experimental study used a pre post test design with a comparison group. A total of 20 prisoners were participated in this study. The subjects were randomly assigned into experimental …

A Study of Using Muscle Relaxation and Music on Aggressive Behaviors of Schizophrenic Patients, Sakaeo Rajanakarindra Psychiatric Hospital.
The purpose of this study was to compare the aggressive behaviors of schizophrenic patients before and after receiving muscle relaxation and music program. The sample of this study were 20 schizophrenic patients from Sakaeo Rajanakarindra Psychiatric hospital, who met the inclusion criteria. Instruments for this study were muscle relaxation and music program for schizophrenic patients, …

The Effect of Yoga Training on Emotion Regulation
Emotion has a significant role in a human life. Mechanism of good emotion regulation makes peoples to be accepted in social community. Yoga is one of physical exercise with affect on emotion regulation. To our knowledge, no studies have investigated yoga treatment leads to emotion regulation. The aim of the present study was to investigate …

Arthur Schopenhauer and East: Compassion as the Basis of Ethics
The basis of this paper was to create a new ethics statement using mixed culture of East and West philosophy about compassion. The materials I have used include some parts of the following works: books of Arthur Schopenhauer, Vedas, Confucian literature, Buddhist and also some books about Islam philosophy. The method which I have improved …

To Give is to Receive’ The Merits of Ka-Upod: An Investment with Bountiful Gains
‘To give is to receive’ – a phrase that everyone is familiar with. In the case of minor seminarians, it may be a way of life for them. They are being molded as they aspire to devote their lives to be ministers of the Lord. A contextualized Peer Facilitation Program entitled Ka-UPOD was facilitated to …

The Myth of the Impossibility of Peace: A Mytho-Historical Hybridized Discourse
This paper presents the hypothesis that the widespread, and mostly unchallenged, belief that war is inevitable is based on the emergence of a second-order hybrid discourse, which constructs this reality and imposes it as a necessary fact. This hypothesis is supported by an analysis of the constitution of the discourses of Myth and History, from …

Vision of Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin: Empowered by Creative Evolution and Mysticism
This paper is an effort to understand vision of Sri Aurobindo and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin pertaining to the future of man. Both were fervid believers in evolution as well as mystics. Evolution occupies a special place in their vision of cosmic consciousness. Evolutionary theory empowered Teilhard to introduce the idea of re-visioning of Christianity. …

Nature of Knowledge and Knowledge of Nature in Islam
Although Abrahamic religions are, in general, full of positive references about nature and give individuals responsibility about protecting “their environment”; this does not prevent ecological problems. At the end of the day, ecological problems can be seen as adaptation problems. This means individuals, throughout the history, have always chosen to subjugate nature instead of adapting …

Metaphysical Foundation of Mencius’s Political Theory
Although pre-Confucianism had witnessed the presence of religion as a justification for the legitimacy of the ruling power but without any presence of it among members of the public, Confucius was careful to exclude any presence of religion in his philosophical construction and also to be able to build a human being on cognitive, moral …

I am for ADHD: An Exploration in the Lives of and its Effects in Children with ADHD
With various economic problems being faced by the Philippines, managing children with ADHD in the country requires not only effort and time but entails greater financial challenges as well. The study was conducted in a public school in Manila, which caters to students who belong to considerably low socio-economic status. These children can rarely sustain …

Teaching Assertiveness to International Students in the United States
This presentation describes an approach to teaching assertive communication skills to international students in the United States. Assertiveness involves expressing one’s personal rights and feelings; standing up for one’s rights while respecting the rights of others; believing one has a right to one�s feelings, beliefs and opinions; and viewing oneself as equal to others, while …

Integrating the NICHD Forensic Investigative Interview Protocol in the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model of Care for Victims of CSA and CSE
Child sexual abuse (CSA) and child sexual exploitation (CSE) are global phenomena that exist particularly in third world countries of continents like Asia. Most of these rehabilitation centers that make use of the biopsychosocial-spiritual model do not incorporate the child victim’s need for justice and vindication. And although a number of these centers allow and …

The Study of the International Undergraduate Students’ Adjustment Processes in Taiwan
The study investigates six international undergraduate students’ adjustment processes in Taiwan based on the theoretical framework of phenomenology. To understand these international students’ adjustment processes, the researcher invited 3 students from Southeast Asia and 3 from Central and South America respectively for semi-constructed interviews. Three themes that are relevant to international students’ adjustment processes emerged …

Psychological Well-Being among Gifted Students at the National Gifted Center in Malaysia
Psychological well-being refers to how people evaluate their lives. According to Diener (1997), these evaluations may be in the form of cognitions or in the form of effect. The cognitive part is an information based appraisal of one’s life that is when a person gives conscious evaluative judgments about one’s satisfaction with life as a …

Satisfaction of Counseling Services among Gifted Students at the National Gifted Center in Malaysia
Counselling and guidance services in schools are comprehensive. It includes programs on development, prevention and rehabilitation. In schools prevention programs are conducted more than rehabilitation programs. Among the services provided in the school counselling unit, are the academic guidance, career guidance, advice on psychology and mental health, leadership programs, and individual or group counselling. School …

An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Career Choice in Science: Evidence from Malaysian Undergraduates
Career choice is an important aspect of one’s educational and professional pursuits as it determines the course of study to undertake and employment outcomes. While existing models of decision-making on career choice has focused on the rational thinking processes, ambiguity arises as many graduates find themselves opting for alternative career paths. This paper seeks to …

What Are the Differences in Learning Environments of Elementary and Junior High School in Japan ?
This study investigated the differences in learning environments between elementary and junior high school in Japan and explores possible factors to decrease student’s motivation through retrospective method. In total, 212 Japanese students in 7th grade (112 boys and 100 girls; average age = 12.33 years) in one public junior high school participated in this questionnaire …

Should People from Different Groups Be Confused about the Distinction between Constructs, Is There Still Room for Structured Means?
Aim of this study is to encourage the using of structured means modelling as a measurement error-free method, and culturally invariant approach (i.e., measurement invariance at strong level), for evaluating between-group differences in latent means and controlling for the inclusion of latent covariates. Although this technique is not novel in academic literature, applications to quantitative …

Living within a Broken Vow: The Impact of Parental Infidelity among Late Adolescents in Establishing Romantic Relationships
The present study aimed to know the possible impacts of parental infidelity among late adolescents in establishing romantic relationships with significant others. It employed a qualitative design specifically phenomenological approach that dwells on the adolescents’ experiences regarding parental infidelity. This study used the approach on social constructivism in which it described the adolescents’ experiences about …

Ceo Constellation, Capital Structure, And Financial Performance
Distinctive from prior research that emphasizes the influences of CEO demographic characteristics on corporate financial strategies, this study uses constellation traits as the proxy variables for CEO psychological traits and takes into consideration demographic characteristic variables to further analyze the relationship between CEO traits and corporate financial leverage, performance, and growth opportunity. This is an …

Academic Adjustment and Sense of Coherence of the Muslim Students from the Three Southernmost Provinces of Thailand: Qualitative Research
Encountering both academic and cultural difficulties among Muslim students when they stay far from their hometowns could subject them to academic and psychological impacts that could hinder their growth. This study therefore aimed to investigate the experiences of academic adjustment and sense of coherence of the Muslim students from the three southernmost provinces of Thailand. …

A Probabilistic Solution for the Mystery of Japanese Blood Type Prediction Accuracy
In Japan, a belief that there is a relationship between personality and ABO blood types seems to have subsided now. Statistical hypothesis test results deny that relationship for many times up to now. However, many people still like to talk about blood types in connection with personality. They believe in predicting the blood type of …

Simulation of a Queuing System Case Study: Call Center Service in a Organization
The objectives of the study is to fine the queuing system of the call center service in A Organization by using the simulation situation. The simulation situation main purpose is to fine the queuing characteristics and offer the alternative way to reduce the customers queuing time. This study use the ARENA program to simulated situation …

The Risks of Purchasing Superficies Right-Based Housing: The Perspective of Consumer Protection
This paper investigates the risks of buying superficies right-based housing for consumers and takes the Zone T-9 development project in Taipei city as a case study. It explores the potential risks consumers face when purchasing such housing and the question of how they can safeguard their personal rights and interests. Interviews were conducted with scholars …

ASEAN Integration via ASEAN Identity Building among Thai SME Entrepreneurs
The research is aimed to analyze the factors required for building ASEAN identity which composes of a combination of core identity elements (e.g. logo, ASEAN secretary- general, office location, core policy) and extended identity components (e.g. economic cooperation in various aspects) among Thai SME entrepreneurs. The survey research is applied to collect the data from …

Information Adequacy During Organization Assimilation Process in Thai Organization
The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which newcomers within Thai organization find each of several categories of organizationally-relevant information adequacy during the process of organizational assimilation. Participants in the study were 247 “new” employees at Bangkok Bank. Bangkok Bank considers employees whose length of stay with the bank has been …

Listening to the Powerless Religious Education for Adults with Severely Intellectual Disabilities: A Case Study
The fact that they cannot speak for themselves without intensive support has made individuals with severe intellectual disabilities become one the most powerless segment in a population. The status of their participation in religious educational programmes organized by local churches is sometimes ambiguous and problematic. With parental request, they could be invited to partake in …

Are the Devotions of the Passion of Jesus in Macau Still a “Dangerous Memory”?
Among the multiple images used to promote Macau as a touristic destination, we can find some related with the Christian traditions, in particular with the Catholic devotions to the Passion of Christ and the cult of the Virgin Mary. Discussing the concept of “dangerous memory” as proposed by Johann Baptist Metz and analyzing the rituals …

The Power of Nonviolence in Procuring Lasting Sociopolitical and Economic Change: A Christian Ethical Perspective
The world-wide phenomenon of violence today has become a dominating issue of profound concern among ethicists and social science scholars. Violence often finds breeding grounds where there is injustice and inequality. The issues of the place of violent actions in unjust systems and whether or not we should embark upon violent actions to bring about …

Pontius Pilate as an Embodiment of State Power
This paper wishes to examine several places in Karl Barth’s writings where he discusses the meaning of Pontius Pilate’s encounter with Jesus, and to see in what regard his study of this biblical figure may help to explicate from a theological perspective the nature of political power. Historical reconstructions of Pontius Pilate are numerous and …

The Association Between Free Will Beliefs and Stereotypes: People’s Belief in Fatalism Promotes Gender Stereotypes
The problem of free will has been analyzed by philosophers over the ages. In addition to these analyses, experimental philosophers and social psychologists have recently begun to explore the problem of free will from a different perspective. In specific, they examine what constitutes laypeople’s belief of free will and how these beliefs function in people’s …

Free Will Beliefs and Moral Responsibility: Disbelief in Free Will Leads to Less Responsibility for Third Person’s Crime
This study examined the effects of belief in free will on attribution of moral responsibility. Past research conducted in Western countries has found that people’s belief in free will influences subsequent social judgment and behavior. For example, induced disbelief in free will caused participants to give lighter prison sentences of the criminal (Shariff, Greene, Karremans, …

The Effects of Association and Emotion in False Memory
The purpose of this study was to discuss the effects of association and emotion in false memory by using a DRM paradigm procedure. This study employed a 3 (association: semantic association vs. category association vs. neighborhood association) × 3 (emotion: positive vs. neutral vs. negative) mixed design, to examine the effects of association and emotion …

The Relationships Among Learning Support Needs, Self-Regulated Learning Strategies, Study Time and Test Scores in Learning Chinese
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among basic psychological needs, learning support needs, self-regulated learning strategies, study time, and test scores in Japanese learners of Chinese. Self-determination theory posits four psychological needs: curiosity, autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This study explored the relationships among the four psychological needs satisfaction, learning support needs satisfaction …

Self-Efficacy, E-Learning and Online EFL Proficiency Test
Previous studies have reported that self-efficacy plays an important role as a predictor of learners’ motivation and learning. This study seeks to address the following questions: (1) Does self-efficacy influence EFL learners’ motivation for e-learning? (2) Does self-efficacy influence EFL learners’ online English proficiency test scores? The participants of this study were 60 EFL university …

The Relation between Acculturation Attitudes and Depression among Japanese People in Brazil
We focused on depression in Japanese people living in Brazil and a bidimensional model of acculturation considering orientation toward home and Brazilian culture. We also assessed the relevance of Berry��s four-cell typology of acculturation (integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization). We predicted that mental health would be more stable if individuals maintained contact with both cultures. …

The Relationship Between Over-Adaptation Towards Peers, Psychological Stress, and School Adjustment in Japanese Junior High School Students.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between over-adaptation towards peers, psychological stress, and subjective adjustment to school in Japanese junior high school students. “Over-adaptation” was defined as the condition in which a person engaged in external over-adaptive behavior (self-inhibition and other-oriented behavior) towards others. A total of 949 Japanese junior high …

Role of Executive Function Among Young Adults in Music and Non-Music Programs
Each aspect of human development; physical, psychological and social development across life span is a critical issue to many researchers to examine. During the emerging adulthood transitional period, a person is not an adolescent but is also not yet fully adult. Hence, the word “young adults” is used to refer to this group under the …

Switching Task in Thai University Students in Music and Non-Music Program
Adolescence is considered a critical period due to the occurrence of many changes; physically, psychologically, and socially. According to United Nations Population Fund or UNFPA, there are 1.8 billion adolescents and youth nowadays, which is one quarter of the world’s population. Unfortunately, as reported by WHO, adolescents are faced with many risk factors including early …

The Effect of Equine-Assisted Therapy on Visual-Motor Integration in Adolescent Autism Spectrum Disorders
The goal of the present study was to examine the effect of equine-assisted therapy (EAT) on visual-motor integration (VMI) in adolescent autism spectrum disorders (ASD). EAT was applied to eleven-year-old boy with ASD. The boy was attending in Cognitive Neuroscience unit of Human Development Academic Research, Mahidol University. The equine-assisted therapy sessions took place for …

Relationship among Social Self-Efficacy, Learning Activities with Friends and a Sense of Fulfillment in University Life
Increasing research has recognized and established that peers contribute to students’ school adjustment and academic motivation (Berndt, 1999). However, why good peer relations positively predict school adjustment has not yet been thoroughly examined, especially for university students. This study examined the relationship among social self-efficacy, learning activities with friends, and a sense of fulfillment in …

Correlation between Emotional Competence and Behavioral Problems in Elementary School Students with ADHD
This study attempted to explore the connection between emotional competence and adaptation to life in pupils with ADHD from Southern Taiwan. In addition to analyzing how 32 students with ADHD performed on the scales used, this study was also intended to show the current state of their emotional competence and adaptations to life. Results reveal …

Emotional Literacy among School Children
The purpose of this study was to clarify the development of emotional literacy, especially, understanding emotions and expressions of emotions. The emotional literacy should be important for managing interpersonal relationships. Subjects were 513 students aged 6-12 years (boys 250, girls 257) in two elementary schools. They were shown a questionnaire including three different vignettes depicting the …

An Analytic Study on the Therapeutic Boundary between Counseling Psychologist and Sexual-Abused Children
This study aims at exploring different types of therapeutic boundaries during counseling psychologist’s counseling process with the sexual-abused children. It also aims at providing methods for the counseling psychologists to use the therapeutic boundaries in order to enhance the counseling process as well as providing a practical approach and reference for professional counselors. This study …

A Study of Professional Helpers’ Experience in Self-Care Though Mindfulness Yoga
Over the years, the cultivation of professional helpers has focused on theory instruction and practical training. Few counseling programs directly address the importance of self-care in reducing stress and burnout in their curricula�]Newsome, Christopher, Dahlen, & Christopher, 2006 �^. In the process of helping people, however, the helper��s personal factors and well-being are interwoven with …

The Influence of Social Skills and Support Promotion on the Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Foreign Care Workers in Japan
Purpose: Based on economic partnership agreements (EPA), foreign care workers have started entering the Japanese care field. Foreigners�� cross-cultural adjustment deeply affects their growth as care professionals and, as a result, the quality of care they provide. This study examines the hypothesis that the social support provided to foreign care workers influences their cross-cultural adjustment …

The Schooling Experience of Exchange Students From China in Taiwan
The purpose of this study was to investigate the subjective schooling experience of exchange students from China in Taiwan. Another aim was to find out an appropriate support channels for prospective exchange students from China and the findings can further help university administrative staffs with policy-making and resource-providing that address the needs of exchange students. …

A Case Study on the Life-Line of a Mother of Multiple Children with Disabilities and Faced Limitation of Prenatal Diagnosis
Previous studies have revealed the impact of having a disabled child on their mothers’ quality of life (QOL). However, there has been a lack of research about the influence of having multiple children with disabilities on the mother’s visual depiction of her QOL. This study’s purpose was to examine the QOL trajectory of a mother …

Cultural Differences in Psychological Reactance: Responding to Censorship
People believe that they are free to engage in reasonable behaviors. When this freedom to act is taken away from an individual, s/he would experience psychological reactance, a “motivational state directed toward the re-establishment of the free behaviors which have been eliminated or threatened with elimination” (Brehm, 1966). Censorship can be considered as a form …

The Compositions, Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty
Retaining customers has become more important since the market is so competitive. A great deal of practitioners and academics have been devoting their effort to study how to create and maintain consumers’ brand loyalty because brand loyal consumers benefit a firm by reducing marketing costs. In addition, these loyal consumers are willing to pay premium …

An Investigation into the Use of Internet Pornography among Young Internet Users in Singapore
Introduction: The present study investigated the patterns and motivations of internet pornography use among young internet users in Singapore. Across the literature, studies have found high prevalence of internet pornography use (Brown & L’Engle, 2009; Lo & Wei, 2005; Peter & Valkenburg, 2006; Tai, 2014) with males consistently reporting greater exposure (Boies, 2002; Carroll et …

The Millennial Inventory: A New Instrument to Identify Pre- Versus Post- Millennialist Orientation
Millennialism is an influential topic in peace studies and religious literature, and is generally divided into the following two subcategories: premillennialism and postmillennialism (Galtung, 1965, 1985; Kay, 1999; Mason, 2004). Premillennialists subscribe to the belief that Christ will initiate the beginning of the millennial age (Galtung, 1964). Postmillennialists believe that Christ will come after the …

Modern Forms of University Students’ Extremist Behavior Depending on Cultural and Environmental Factors
Transformations in economic, political, social and cultural life of the modern society are causing an increase in extremist tendencies among the youth worldwide. Based on the anthropological approach, the study was aimed at identifying root causes (axiological, motivational, personal and socio-psychological) and a role of socio-cultural and environmental factors in the genesis of Russian university …

Ethics in Hong Kong’s Graduate Labor Market
Hong Kong, one of the financial hubs in the Far East and a gateway to Mainland China, is made up of a mix of people of different nationalities. Hong Kong have been continuously subject to influences from foreign countries mainly through internationalization and globalization of business activities. Global and multi-national corporations (‘MNC’) have a long …

Functional Intergation Between the Salience and Central Executive Networks: A Role for Action Video Game Expereince
Using resting-state fMRI, this study examined the influence of action video game (AVG) experience on two canonical brain functional networks – Salience Network (SN) and Central Executive Network (CEN). Based on the proposition that SN and CEN interacted with each other to support attention and working memory, we explored whether AVG playing, which required high …

Investigating the Evaluative Dimensions of a Large Set of Communicative Facial Expressions: A Comparison of Lab-Based and Crowd-Sourced Data Collection
Facial expressions form one of the most important non-verbal communication channels. Although humans are capable of producing a wide range of facial expressions, research in psychology has almost exclusively focused on the so-called basic, emotional expressions (anger, disgust, fear, happy, sad, and surprise). Research into the full range of communicative expressions, however, may be prohibitive …

Teachers-Students through the Formation in Parfor, Dialogues and Movements of Theirselves
This study aims to analyze the positions of “I-voices” and movements throughout a training process offered by the Plano Nacional da Formação de Professores da Educação Básica (PARFOR) (National Plan of Basic Education Teachers Formation) at Serrinha, Bahia, Brazil. The research was based on the theoretical and methodological framework of the dialogical self of Hermans …

Risk Management and Counseling Chinese Students and Scholars in United States
Rising mental health issues have been recorded across university campuses in the United States alongside the increase in the Chinese international student population over the past 20 years (Zhao, 2005). These issues include domestic violence, stalking, depression, and suicides (National Institute of Mental Health, 2013). This study discusses mental health issues among Chinese students and …

Learner Classroom Engagement: Definition, Measurement and Data Usage
Knowing what it means for students to be engaged in classroom learning and how to measure this complex variable is a challenge in any learning environment. One logical approach which can be taken to defining it is to consider the behavioral (actions), emotional (feelings) and cognitive (investment of efforts) engagement of students during learning (Fredericks, …

Discovering Microfluidics Technology Opportunity Using Patent Analysis
Purpose – Recent trends of technology innovation emphasize the notion of dominant designs for next-generation products. Technology-based firms, especially in biotechnology field, have to spend plenty of resources in R&D in order to identify appropriate technology opportunities for sustaining their competitive advantages. To help SMEs to discover new technological opportunities with a relative lower cost, …

The Employee Outcomes of Workplace Favoritism in Turkish Public Sector
This paper investigates the effect of workplace favoritism on job satisfaction and intent to quit, and mediating the role of job frustration in these relationships. Data was collected from a sample of 267 public hospital employees in Turkey. Structural equation modeling analyses indicated that workplace favoritism was directly and indirectly effect on intent to quit …

Internal Image of the Organization and Commitment of Employees
Purpose of the research is to identify the relationship between the internal image of the organization and commitment of employees. Hypotheses of the study: 1) there is a relationship between the internal image of the organization and organizational commitment of employees; 2) affective component of organizational loyalty is mostly associated with the components of the …

Improving Customers Satisfaction to the Development of User Interface Design for Mobile Shopping through QFD
Retailers are trying hard to develop good relationships with their customers through mobile devices (e.g., smart phone, Tablet computer, etc.). Utilizing mobile devices is a low-cost and real-time way to provide high-quality service/ product for customers,which is a direct medium between retailers and end customers. However, unfriendly user interface (UI), such as small-size screen, low-resolution …

A New Way to D.I.E.: Intercultural Communication Strategies
This workshop provides a brief overview of pertinent research and major theories related to communicating with people of different cultural backgrounds, as well as fun and useful techniques and strategies to use when counseling individuals, couples, and families; teaching in international or multinational classrooms; working or consulting in international or multinational school offices, companies, and …

Verticality of Space in Japanese and English with Image-Schema in Cognitive Linguistics
The purpose of this study is to analyze the reconceptualization of lexicon-grammar in a linguistic category of vertical space from Japanese to that of English with image-schema. Talking about space substantially differs among cultures, despite the fact that physical space is the same everywhere (Bowerman, 1996; Levinson, 2003; Pederson et al. 1998). Primary differences between …

The Impact of the 101s Storybook Intervention Program on Executive Function, The 101s Social-Emotional Skills, and School Achievement in Preschoolers
Multidisciplinary research in child development has underlined the significance of executive function (EF) development to children’s school and life success. Previous research in the 101s positive discipline training program; the U.S. national winning-award program for training parents, teachers, and early childhood educators to promote children’s social-emotional and cognitive skills, have showed the positive impact on …

Episodic Occurrence of Cognitive Dissonance among Nurses and Midwives in the Regional Health Units of Southern Cebu
Content Analysis: I. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of cognitive dissonance among the catholic health workers particularly nurses and midwives employed at the regional health units of the southern part of Cebu with the end view of proposing a model explicating its onset. II. METHODOLOGY The study utilizes the …

The Impact of End of Session Exams on Students’ Learning
Educating professional doctors who are familiar with modern knowledge and up to date is of an utmost importance. In this research, the impact of an exam at the end of the class session has been used to evaluate students’ learning. This research took place at Islamic Azad University Tehran Medical and Dentistry branches. 329 subjects …

The Development of an Instructional Design Model on Facebook-Based Collaborative Learning to Enhance EFL Student’s Writing Skills
Writing is one of the essential skills that EFL students, specifically in Thailand, need to achieve during their learning English at tertiary education. However, they have few chances to practice writing skills. As many people explore its potential, Facebook can be a great way for both educators and students with writing. This study aims to …

Open Learning EFL Systems: A Multi-Faceted Approach
This presentation reports on a one-year longitudinal study that adopted a blended teaching approach and aimed at designing and implementing an online EFL course to be used by students aged 13-16 years old along our more traditional face-to-face lessons. The reason for creating a more dynamic learning environment aligned with the rest of the curriculum …

Leadership in Building a Sustainable Future: Education, Equity and the Economy
Traditionally, the mission of public schooling has been to serve the common good through upward mobility, transfer of knowledge and inculcation of social values. Managing change is what school leaders do. As well, one of the primary characteristics of the effective school leader is to have a sense of futurity to ongoing improvement of students …

Administrative Support and Teacher Efficiency: A Study of Teachers’ Perspectives from Pakistan
Implementation and enhancement of learned teaching methodologies depends on the support teachers receive from the administration. (Cavanagh and Silcox as cited in Rawat, Thomas and Qazi, 2012). This study articulates the opinion of trained secondary school teachers graduated from Notre Dame Institute of Education (NDIE) about the “Administrative Support and Teacher Efficiency” school teachers during …

Language Processing Technology and Corpus Linguistics: A Critical and Reflexive Perspective About Teaching and Learning Procedures Focused on English Vocabulary
Nowadays, computerization of teaching is a noticeable fact, which promotes students’ and teachers’ integration in the contemporary world. In our research, we intend to explore a Teacher-Training Degree developed to qualify Portuguese-English professionals, focusing on new technologies that may provide greater autonomy. In order to present to future English teachers an example of technical approach …

Comparing Elements of Electronic Curriculum and In-Person Training
Introduction: Today, the speed of doubling of science, application of new technologies and thus the need to more training and consequently more costs, have made the education organizations and institutes use new education strategies. One of these strategies is electronic training. The characteristics of electronic curriculum based on Frances Klein Pattern is compared with those …

Development of a Blended Instructional Model Via Weblog to Enhance English Summary Writing Ability of Thai Undergraduate Students
The objective of this research and development was to develop an effective blended instructional model via weblog to enhance English summary writing ability of Thai undergraduate students. A sample group in the English program of Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University was studied in academic year 2010-2013. The research instruments were an effective semi-structured interview form, the …