Category: Ethics – Business and Management Ethics


Deconstruction of Power: An Ethical Response to Organizational Surveillance

Technological surveillance in the workplace today is alarmingly amplified raising more ethical apprehensions. The two major ethical approaches to surveillance, ‘coercive control’ and ‘caring’ (Sewell & Barker 2006), demonstrate power relationships and are vehemently criticized in respect to individual privacy, autonomy and dignity (Solove 2008, Nissenbaum 2010, Moore 2010). The dilemma, however, is that most


Ethics in Hong Kong’s Graduate Labor Market

Hong Kong, one of the financial hubs in the Far East and a gateway to Mainland China, is made up of a mix of people of different nationalities. Hong Kong have been continuously subject to influences from foreign countries mainly through internationalization and globalization of business activities. Global and multi-national corporations (‘MNC’) have a long