Category: Philosophy – Philosophy and Education


Perceptions of the Concept Moral Courage: The Stories of Religious and Secular Teachers in the Israeli Ethnocentric Educational System

Moral courage of teachers in Israeli education system has an additional value, because the Ministry of Education has complete control in determining policy and educational activities in the country (Baratz & Reingold, 2010). Kidder formulates it: “Moral courage is the courage to be moral” (Kidder, 2005, p. 10). That is to say, moral courage is


Higher Education Curricula for Sustainable Development

This paper considers the practice of higher education curricula for sustainable development under ecological crises. Therefore, the deficiency of an environmentally sustainable notion in higher education curricula is first examined based on the work of American educationist C. A. Bowers. Second, borrowing from the notion of deep ecology developed by Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess, I


To Give is to Receive’ The Merits of Ka-Upod: An Investment with Bountiful Gains

‘To give is to receive’ – a phrase that everyone is familiar with. In the case of minor seminarians, it may be a way of life for them. They are being molded as they aspire to devote their lives to be ministers of the Lord. A contextualized Peer Facilitation Program entitled Ka-UPOD was facilitated to