The Endangered Dialect of the Bugkalots


The purpose of this study was to explore the use of Bugkalot native dialect and the factors that cause its usage and non-usage as perceived by the Bugkalots in a village of Quirino Province, Philippines. The research made use of the qualitative research approach. Ethnography was the strategy used to gather the needed information. Research participants were composed of the High School students whose parents are both Bugkalots, or one of the parents is a Bugkalot. Focused Group Discussions were also conducted among the elders to explore the causes of non-usage of the dialect. The findings of the study reveals that the research participants like their native dialect but they prefer to speak in Ilocano since Ilocano and Tagalog are the languages used in school. From the elders’ point of view, the causes of its non-usage are: declining number of speakers, education, and migration. With these findings, the researcher compiled Bugkalot words and their meanings before it will be forgotten or eventually lost by the present generation.

Author Information
Cynthia Grace T. Valdez, Quirino State University, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2015
Stream: Education for intercultural communication

This paper is part of the ACEID2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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