Category: Ethics – Ethics/Law/and Justice
Group-Contextualized Identity Politics and the Trolley Dilemma: The Failure of Kotoamatsukami and the Silent Struggles of Itachi and Shisui Uchiha in the Preindustrial Animation Naruto Shippuden
The sequel anime Naruto: Shippuden (debuted 2007) continues to gain worldwide popularity since the early 2000s; it built upon the model of a fictional multinational configuration in a surreal, semi-modern world with a central focus on the Land of Fire or “Hidden Leaf Village”, and included a rich context of characters, romantic, and political tragedies …
The Suga Doctrine: Ethical Issues in Contemporary Japanese Foreign and Defense Policy
In 2016, former Japanese Prime Minister Abe declared the strategic objective of a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’. This concept has become standard diplomatic rhetoric shared among Japan’s regional allies, concerned with China’s rising hegemonic challenge. Abe’s successor Yoshihide Suga indicated Japanese foreign and defense policy will continue along this more assertive direction, termed by some …
Has Online Media Fulfilled Journalism Ethics for News Coverage of Revenge Porn Victims?
In 2017, a girl as victim of revenge porn with the initials HA, became a trending topic on social media. Most online media made this case as their headline news, but they had not kept the secret of HA’s identity. They actually exposed the identity of HA specifically, such as her full name, her social …
Into the Grey Zone: Ethical Implications of Overseas Japanese Security Deployments
The Liberal-Democratic Party government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe passed bills in the Japanese Diet in 2015, which reinterpreted Article 9 of the 1947 Constitution; this allows the Japanese Self Defense Forces to participate in collective self-defence. The SDF could now potentially engage in conventional military operations with allied forces in future, but other aspects …
Two Recent Lessons in Ethical Humility: Boeing’s 737 MAX and Volkswagen’s Dieselgate
Volkswagen engineers cheated: they intentionally misled U.S. regulars using software. The engine’s software sensed when a vehicle was being tested for emissions, and changed the engine’s performance so that its emissions were low. When the engine software sensed that the vehicle was not being tested for emissions, it change the engine’s performance to increase power …
Lyotard’s Notion of ‘The Differend’: The Critique of Meta-narrative Approach to Ethics
Being a political philosopher Lyotard’s aim was to establish a philosophy through which the society could find ways to legitimate different incommensurable narratives to build a just society. He considers ethics as pedestal of justice to regress all kind of wrongs, occurring in our society. So, the aims of this paper are to state the …
Is the Death Penalty Ethical?
The Death Penalty (DP) becomes more controversial especially after Pope Francis revised the New Roman Catechism declaring that DP is ‘inadmissible in all cases.’ This disturbs the conscience of Catholic Justices, Senators, and Politicians—globally. The Papal pronouncement is premised on DP’s attack against human dignity—which is an Ethical issue. My paper focuses on: Whether DP …
Illegitimacy of Capital Punishment: Its Unethical Contemporary Resurgence in Igboland, Nigeria.
Murder was proscribed even as a retaliatory measure as Gen 4:15 cautions: if any one kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over. This divine injunction was re-enforced by the Decalogue’s You shall not kill (Ex 20:13) as handed to Moses. Igbo ancestral heritage preserved a similar ethical value as it made Igbo hospitality …
Moral Pluralism in Environmental Ethics
In issues pertaining to environmental ethics, the environmental pragmatists accept multiple values. They thus take a position of moral pluralism. Moral pluralism is the view that acknowledges the existence of multiple values. In the discussion pertaining to normative ethics, moral pluralism demands the acceptance of more than one value in determining whether an action is …
The Declining Power of the Nation State in a World of Interconnectivity, Transnational Orders and Cyberspace
Developments of faster means of communication and transport, as well as the growth of international trade had a huge impact on the predefined conception of nation states. One observable factor of globalization is a power shift, away from national governments towards NGOs, communities or companies. Rules applied to international trade have always been to a …