Category: Learner and teacher autonomy


Improving Teacher Questions and Feedback through Action Research

Teachers are constantly striving to improve student learning. One way teachers can do so is through action research within their own classroom. Here a case study is presented concerning the use of mixed methods research to investigate teacher feedback in a Japanese junior high school English class. This research project quantitatively classified the types of


Class Book: A Case Study of a University English Class Sharing Their Experiences to Enhance Learning with Peers

Dewey (1938) argued that educational activities should begin from the immediate personal and social experience of the learners. He also advised educators to use things within the range of existing experience of students that have the potentiality of presenting new problems which will encourage further experience. As university students in Japan are often passive about


Meta-Level Intervention in Case-Based Teaching Method Implemented in Esp Course

This paper discusses the fundamental principles involved in case-based teaching method applied in an ESP course; the implementation of meta-level intervention (metadiscourse) for developing technical writing skills and fostering learner autonomy among students at the university level. Most students were reluctant and were not interested in taking supplementary but compulsory English language courses. However, through


Language Processing Technology and Corpus Linguistics: A Critical and Reflexive Perspective About Teaching and Learning Procedures Focused on English Vocabulary

Nowadays, computerization of teaching is a noticeable fact, which promotes students’ and teachers’ integration in the contemporary world. In our research, we intend to explore a Teacher-Training Degree developed to qualify Portuguese-English professionals, focusing on new technologies that may provide greater autonomy. In order to present to future English teachers an example of technical approach