Culturally Responsive Leadership in Education


Presenters will provide an overview of the importance of culturally responsive leadership in the K-12 system and higher education as well as leadership in both settings. According to Kruse and Gray (2018), instructional leaders “practice vision-inaction by evidencing an up-to-date knowledge and skill set, including different models of teaching, differentiation of instruction, the use of technology, and formative and summative assessment techniques” (p. 37). Further, high-quality instructional leaders stay committed to the path of continuous improvement and communication through evaluating, learning, modeling, observing, teaching, and reflecting (Jenkins, 2019; Sheninger, 2019). This presentation will address the areas of literacy, physical education, and math in connection to creating a culturally responsive learning environment. As instructors in higher education settings, it is important that we provide our students with resources and materials to create safe and welcoming environments for all learners. However, we also are aware of the importance of providing school leaders with resources and activities to embrace a culturally responsive environment. The presentation would be beneficial for educators in higher education as they support pre-service teachers or leaders. Attendees can expect to leave the session with activities and resources that can be utilized during professional development opportunities or classroom settings.

Author Information
Jill Tussey, Buena Vista University, United States
Jessy Bibler, Buena Vista University, United States
Michelle Metzger, Buena Vista University, United States
Leslie Tussey, Xavier University of Louisiana, United States

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2023
Stream: Educational policy

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Virtual Presentation

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon