India has initiated nation-wide policy and programmatic measures in 2022 for achieving universal Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) by 2026. Research was undertaken for assessing impact of these measures at national level and 6 sample states. An innovative qualitative research design was developed integrating Value Methodology (VM). The VM technique involves 6-phase planning and execution, wherein specific tools are integrated at every stage. The study framework combined qualitative methods with VM. Literature review and secondary data analysis, participatory stakeholder consultations and appreciative enquiry were conducted focusing policy analysis and effectiveness of measures. Fund utilization and quantification of qualitative measures were assessed with Functional Cost Worth analysis and Function Resource Matrix. Systems and processes were dissected with Functional Analysis System Technique. The findings indicated gaps in guidelines and their dissemination. 20 out of 26 states did not conduct diagnostic studies resulting in flawed planning and implementation, exacerbated with inefficient institutional mechanisms. Non-alignment of learning assessments with national targets led to inconsistency and redundancy in data. 30% excess fund were utilised with delays. Capacity building of teachers lacked approach for transitioning from curriculum-based to play-based pedagogy, impacting the learning outcomes. Periodic reviews were not conducted for remedial measures. Hence, intended goals cannot be met. The findings were deliberated with stakeholders. The study led to evidence-based recommendations for each identified problem area and finalized based on Feasibility Ranking. A first-of-its kind Value Methodology-based framework was developed in consultation with stakeholders for planning and implementation at all levels further elaborated in the paper.
Author Information
Sonal Shivagunde, ENVAL Consultants Pvt Ltd, India
Ajay Deshpande, ENVAL Consultants Pvt Ltd, India
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