Public Education Policies: Ergonomic Aspect, Teaching Methodology and the Teaching and Learning Process


This work analyzes the influence of ergonomic aspects of classrooms on the learning process. Educational institutions have adapted their buildings to meet the needs of social, cultural development, accessibility and inclusion. The objective is to examine the comfort and accessibility of classrooms, teaching methodology and the teaching and learning process. In the school environment, there are spaces configured in accordance with Brazil's educational policy to meet the basic needs of educational institutions. Basic elements of analysis include furniture, equipment, environmental comfort (ergonomics), accessibility and fire prevention and fighting systems. The methodology used involved the ergonomic evaluation of classrooms, bibliographic and documentary research, and a descriptive, exploratory and quantitative nature. The research was carried out with students from the technical occupational safety course in the northeast region of Brazil. The results showed that the ergonomic assessment of classrooms is essential to identify and correct environmental discomforts, in line with Technical Standards and NR-17 Regulatory Standards and public education policies. This study concludes that modifications to school buildings are necessary to meet social, cultural development, accessibility and inclusion. The analysis of the comfort of the classrooms, together with the teaching methodology, revealed the need for adjustments to provide an efficient and inclusive learning environment. Educational institutions must invest in adequate infrastructure and teaching methodologies that favor the integral development of students, ensuring a more equitable and inclusive education.

Author Information
Patricia Carly de Farias Campos, Lusófona University, Portugal
Angela Valeria de Amorim, Lusófona University, Portugal
Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Campos, Catholic University of Pernambuco, Brazil

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Educational policy

This paper is part of the BCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Campos P., Amorim A., & Campos C. (2025) Public Education Policies: Ergonomic Aspect, Teaching Methodology and the Teaching and Learning Process ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 825-843)
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