A Scheme for Enhancing a University President’s Performance in a Transforming World


As society evolves and technology advances, a university like any other dynamic institution will need to change and adjust its teaching, research and community service to stay relevant, keep pace and prepare future professionals and leaders. These adjustments need to be reflected in the university’s outlook and strategic plan to remain relevant and competitive. Consequently, the role of a university president is constantly evolving as they are tasked with strategically developing and positioning their university to benefit from future developments and provide best possible service to the community. Experience shows that whilst university presidents have the most important, challenging and dynamic position at their respective universities, they typically have training and expertise which can be best described as ‘narrow and deep’ this contrasts with the skills needed for the presidential role in a changing world which requires ‘broad experience’ across many disciplines of academia, management and finance. This paper will analyse and reflect on the role of the university president or leader of a higher education institution in a changing world. It will argue that university presidents often lack the essential training and expertise needed for the presidential role which can be best described as ‘broad experience’ across many disciplines of academia, management and finance. Then, it will offer some thoughts to maximise chances for success in a relentlessly changing world.

Author Information
Serwan M J Baban, Kurdistan Regional Presidency, Iraq

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2022
Stream: Educational policy

This paper is part of the ECE2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Baban S. (2022) A Scheme for Enhancing a University President’s Performance in a Transforming World ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2022: Official Conference Proceedings https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-1162.2022.27
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-1162.2022.27

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