Results for: Гороскоп на сегодня - точный гороскоп на сегодня для всех знаков зодиака.— instagram — — — batmanapollo


The Self on Instagram: A Study on How People With Different Hair Colors Use Instagram for Online Self-presentation

This study explores how women with different hair colors use Instagram for online self-presentation, considering how hair has been historically significant to identify a person’s status. Goffman’s framework of self-presentation was used in this study. Furthermore, he explains self-presentation through the concept of theater, in which a person performs different roles in front of an


The Uses of Instagram for Self-Presentation and Self-Promotion of Thai Celebrities

When browsing celebrities’ photos on their Instagram accounts, their life stories and lifestyles are reflected. Presentation of self is a common practice for social media users around the world. People engage in social media not only for information and communication, but also for social connections with others. The focus of this article is to discuss


The Influence of Instagram on Consumer Behavior and Brand Community: Effect of Location on Brand Positioning in Northern Cyprus

Nowadays, technology has started to take place in all areas of our lives. Social media has become a part of our lives through this developing technology. One of these and popular social media tools is Instagram. These days, Instagram has a huge impact on consumer behavior and brand community. Mardo is a brand that produces


Art X Instagram Filters: A New Aesthetic Experience for Seeing Artworks in the Contemporary Era

In this contemporary era, technology has become quite important in the field of art. Recent innovations include the phenomenon of combining Art X Technology with Instagram filters, in which artists create 2D artworks and filters through Instagram that can be used by the audience to see 2D artworks that are transformed into real or moving


Cyber Bullying Pattern of Indonesian High School Students in Instagram Through Text Mining

The cases of bullying among high school students in Indonesia continue to increase every year. Now the case of bullying is not only happening in the real world but also happens in cyberspace. The ease of accessing the internet has led to widespread of cyberbullying cases that occur through social media. After Facebook and WhatsApp,


Engagement and Outreach: A Content Analysis of Students’ Instagram Postings

Instagram, a social media tool designed for photo and video sharing, is increasingly being used as an outreach and engagement tool by companies and individuals. This paper reports a study on the content of Instagram updates. The study was inspired by an earlier attempt to incorporate the use of Instagram in English lessons in a


Faceless Blogging and Gatewatching on Social Media: A Study of Selected Ghanaian Blog Pages on Instagram

The advent of the internet and social media has brought about a change in news production and dissemination. There has been the emergence second-order journalism practiced by bloggers and citizen journalists as a result of the participatory nature of social media which has further changed the traditional news ecology practiced by professional journalists. This paper


Professional Photographers of Instagram: The Meaning of Visual Communication Through Modern Photography in Digital Society

The purpose of this paper is to study the modern forms of visual communication of people, through Instagram. In order to study the way in which the visual message is transmitted between individuals, and then how this transmission of information affects its final content, determining the creation of aesthetic experience and perception in the individual,


Personal Branding on Instagram: The Challenges Encountered by Saudi Female Fitness Trainers

In Saudi Arabia, significant investments in fitness field reinforcements were started since the announcement of the 2030 vision. Instagram is a popular marketing platform for fitness professionals. This study investigates the challenges Saudi female fitness trainers face when using Instagram as a personal branding tool. A purposive, typical sample of eleven Saudi female fitness trainers


Roasting Online Towards the 2024 Elections: Frame Analysis in Indonesia’s Political Activism of Komika on Instagram and Twitter

Political fanfare has gotten louder in advance of the 2024 general elections in Indonesia, including social media. Political memes are one criticism that has attracted a lot of responses from social media users. This study focuses on how Komika on social media construct and launch critical discourse that is both specifically related to the election


Art and Self-expression on Social Media: The Recreation of the Historical Value During the Pandemic State in 2020

In this paper I discuss from an ethical and aesthetical perspective how a specific account on Instagram has changed the relationship between people and famous paintings. The Instagram account Tussen Kunsten Quarantaine has become a collaborative space with thousands of people across the world sharing pictures, including personal recreations of masterpieces of art. The account


The Language Variation of Pendalungan Jember

This research examines the language variation of Pendalungan Jember through describing the structure of language and regional accent which show characteristics of Pendalungan people. Data obtained from public places and social media (instagram) to be observated, interpreted, and classified according to the language variations. According to the data, Pendalungan language variations contain: a) lexical variations;

ISSN: 2186-5906 – The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2019: Official Conference Proceedings

MediAsia2019, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
MediAsia2019 Conference Theme: “Reclaiming the Future”
Friday, November 25 – Sunday, November 27, 2019
ISSN: 2186-5906


Traveling Cultural Heritage in the Age of TikTok

The case of Hongyadong from China shows that TikTok as a digitally mediated form of judging, not only differentiates itself from traditional static, user-focused SNS platforms such as Instagram in terms of destination orientation but also redefines what cultural heritage is and transforms itself into a collective memory of the digital performance. Among TikTok’s criteria,


Local Tourism Destination Content in Online Travel Agency Promotion

Online Travel Agency (OTA) had an impact on making people ease to travel, through their mobile devices without any extra charges. Based on Alvara Research Foundation, Indonesia’s Top 5 online applications are Traveloka,, Blibli, KAI Access and, Airy. This paper is aim to describe how local tourism destination content in those application and their


The Use of English on Social Media: Deviation or Variation?

This study examined the use of English on social media with a view to assessing the extent to which the language of social media conforms to the standard English usage. The theoretical framework adopted for this study is constructed homophony. The data for the study were drawn from selected messages and posts on Facebook, Whatsapp


The Impact of Social Media for Students’ Motivation in Learning Medical Terminologies

Learning medical terminology is not easy and it needs the students to be well-motivated. Social media such as Twitter, Blackboard and Instagram are the most feasible techniques towards enhancing EFL medical students’ motivation through collaboration. This study aims at investigating the impact of social media on the students’ motivation learning medical terminologies. This research aims

ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2020: Official Conference Proceedings

BAMC2020 Online from Barcelona, Spain
September 17-20, 2020
ISSN: 2435-9475


A Comparison of the Use of Social Media for Blended Learning in China and UK Higher Education

Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to compare the use of Wechat in China vs. Facebook/ Twitter/ Blog/ Instagram/ Google+ in the UK in higher education practice, based on a case study in art and design subjects between a Chinese and a British university(Ningbo University and University of Huddersfield). Methodology –A combination of literature reviews, action

ISSN: 2188-1111 – The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2021: Official Conference Proceedings

ECAH2021 Online from London, United Kingdom
Thursday, July 22 ​- Saturday, July 24, 2021
ISSN: 2188-1111


Detecting Political Secession of Fragmented Communities in Social Networks via Deep Link Entropy Method

Breakdown of global connectivity in social networks trough disintegration of fragmented but interacting communities leading to political secession is a major source of forming and strengthening echo chambers and political polarization. Hence, quantifying the significance of each edge (the connection or relationship between two particular nodes, for example two friends on Facebook, or two follower/followed


TikTok and YouTube Videos in the Flipped Classroom Model to Improve the Learning Process and Motivate Students

Social media has become a very useful tool for learning in recent years. Millions of people access YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and other social media every day to learn. At the same time, more and more teachers are using these platforms to share their knowledge with the general public and bring it into the classroom. Materials


Recent Developments and Applications of Social Media AI Cyberbullying Detection Technology in the Education Field

Cyberbullying has emerged as a pressing concern in various social media platforms, including but not limited to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, inflicting both immediate and long-term psychological effects on victims. To combat this pervasive issue, research has sought to build and refine automated systems for cyberbullying detection. This study presents a review of 10 recent


Financially Educating Generation Z Using Digital Media – A Competitive Field Test of eduStories® Versus Texts

A good general education on financial topics is required for wise financial decisions and thus also for one’s own material financial security. However, according to consistent studies, financial literacy is particularly poor in Generation Z, which is now on the threshold of professional life. Against this background, the question arises as to how financial knowledge


Phatic Communion: How It Works in Face-To-Face and Online Communications

This is a paper that demonstrates how phatic communion works in both face-to-face and online communications. Communication is the act of transferring information from the speaker(s) to the hearer(s). Phatic communion is a type of communication that occurs in social interactions. In many communicative situations, speakers intend to convey information, but in some situations, it

ISSN: 2188-9643 The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2017: Official Conference Proceedings

EuroMedia2017 The Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton, United Kingdom
EuroMedia2017 Conference Theme: “History, Story, Narrative”
Tuesday, July 11 – Wednesday, July 12, 2017
ISSN: 2188-9643


#gradschoolproblems: Understanding Communicative Aspects of Memes on PhD Students’ Shared Experiences

This paper primarily discusses the challenges faced by PhD students as they face limited communication space for expressing and sharing their issues within the higher education system. The rigorous demands of PhD programs, coupled with external stressors, contribute to mental health issues and feelings of isolation. Memes have emerged as a significant mode of discourse


Code Switching Analysis: English Memes Reaction Video as the Supplemental Resources for Indonesian EFL Learners

In Indonesia, most English communication still happens only in classroom settings. It leads to ineffective English language learning for students. In order to be proficient in English, students need to have supplemental resources without depending only on the teachers in school. The utilization of social media can be very helpful in English language learning. In


The Development of Public Relations Media on Online Platforms for Organizational Communication of Educational Institution in Thailand, KMUTT

The Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand had a mission to communicate and publicize with a variety of target groups, including students, teachers, personnel, parents, enterprises, alumni and other agencies. Therefore, in the digital era it was necessary to rely on technology to play a role and


Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Ghanaian Youth Through Prudent Internet Usage and Social Media Training

The use of the Internet has significantly influenced modern human interaction and life as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp have become the dominant media for communication and business. Ghana, along with other countries, has witnessed a surge in Internet users, with over 23 million people accessing the Internet by the beginning of 2023. Current scholarship


Religious-Digital Activism in the Time of COVID-19: A Discourse Analysis of the #ChurchInAction

In a predominantly Christian nation like the Philippines where the critique of the long-standing religious-normative ideals and traditions has expanded to the digital space, the church hierarchy and its faithful have not shied away from making their claims and defenses known through a subtle but effective digital strategy of hashtag activism. This paper seeks to


New Approach of Using Social Media in Graphic Design at the Higher Education in Sultanate of Oman

Over the past decade, Social media has supported education and has become the most common means of digital communication, articulating the advantages and disadvantages of its different platforms for instructors and students to sustain confidentiality and provide tips for applying social media-based teaching into the training curriculum. From this point of view; this research explores


Convergence Journalism

This is a qualitative study on convergence journalism, focusing on its definition and concept. This study covers different topics in two textbooks, namely �Convergence Journalism – An Introduction� and �The Handbook of Global Online Journalism�. The study In-depth interviews were conducted with two executive editorial members and two reporters. The interviews look into the use