Month: September 2020

Agility in Teacher Training: Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The outbreak of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic forced the entire world to respond in new and unconventional ways. This required quick thinking and unusual flexibility whilst operating under conditions of uncertainty and fear. This article deals with the implementation of methods of agility in distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic as it occurred at Ohalo …

Parental Involvement in School Pedagogy: A Threat or a Promise?
This paper brings together two rich bodies of knowledge that to this day have barely intersected in research: parental involvement in the school and processes of pedagogical change. Until now, parental involvement has been studied in many contexts, but references to parental involvement in a school’s pedagogy are rare. Management of pedagogical change has also …

The Rhetoric of the Freedom Party of Austria in the 2019 National Council Elections – Lexicon, Pragmatics, Discourse
Our study deals with the language of the Freedom Party of Austria in the early elections to the National Council in 2019. It analyzes the party’s rhetoric after the corruption scandal that led to early elections. The linguistic analysis takes place in three stages. First, the lexical level of the language is examined – in …

The Role of Administrators in Facilitating The Implementation of Tokkatsu in EJS: Learning from EJEP Trainees’ Practices towards Egypt Vision 2030
This proposal is part of an ongoing research that started last year by an analysis of the first batch of trainees of Egypt-Japan Education Partnership (EJEP). It is a partnership for a professional development training program that was established between Egypt and Japan in 2016. The training program has started in 2019 (Mostafa, 2019) towards …

Discourses and Counter-discourses in the Times of the Coronavirus Crisis
The situation of the global coronavirus crisis affects different areas of human life and also influences the use of language. A new kind of discourse is emerging, in which politics, health care, the media and many other actors participate. In our article, we deal with the “coronavirus discourse” from the point of view of right-wing …

Teacher-Student Communication in Taiwan Senior Education Contexts: A Focus on Older Learners’ Views
Senior education has received increasing attention in Taiwan as an active response to the dramatically ageing population but existing literature hardly draws the importance of teacher-student communication as a means to improve the teaching and learning processes involving older learners. This present research focuses on older learners’ views on teacher-student communication in senior education. A …

Reading Comprehension Proficiency of English Major Students
This study aims to investigate the reading comprehension ability of English majored students using the Thai Reading Evaluation and Decoding System (Thai READS), which has been developed based on the Malaysian READS by the researchers from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM); the system contains three components: the Encoder, the Reading Matrix and the Decoder. The sample …

Exploring the Cognitive Mechanism of Lifelong Learning and the Influence of Emotion
Lifelong learning is essential in today’s society of information explosion and technological transformation. Understanding how lifelong learning manifests cognitively can promote student success and enhance machine learning. This project will explore the relationships among three basic cognitive factors underlying lifelong learning: persistence, autonomy, and motivation. We will also examine the influence of emotion on lifelong …

Enhancing Pragmatic Competence Through Pedagogical Intervention
The development of pragmatic competence is essential for foreign language learners to be able to produce meaningful communications in the target language. Studies addressing the realization of speech acts by second- or foreign-language learners (Bardovi-Harlig, 2001;Bardovi-Harlig & Hartford, 1990; Olshtain & Blum-Kulka, 1985) have found that even advanced language learners still often face challenges in …

Signature Pedagogy: Using Equity Audits to Identify Complex Problems of Practice
The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of a signature pedagogy used in a doctoral educational leadership program. Our doctoral program is designed for action-research for doctoral students to identify and take action on a problem of practice within their school district. The problem of practice is rooted in Rick Mintrop’s design-based …

A Correlational Investigation into Sub-skills of Reading Comprehension: Evidence From Thai Reads
A standardised test of English reading comprehension is typically well-constructed to permit a reliable classification of different achievers e.g., high, moderate and low. READS or Reading Evaluation and Decoding System is one of the tools used to trace the ESL Malaysian students’ reading comprehension abilities. The test system of READS had been designed to show …

Comparative International Policy Survey on the Progress of OECD Recommendation on the Protection of Children Online
In recent years, one of the important policy issues in the telecommunication field is to create environments where children can use the Internet safely and securely. Risks on the Internet are challenges that face children across national borders, so it is necessary to implement youth protection policies in international cooperation. In response to these policy …

Improving Clinical Handovers: A Pilot Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Teaching Scheme in a District General Hospital
Introduction: Clinical handover is the transfer of professional responsibility from one person to another. The World Health Organisation in 2007 highlighted the dangers of poor communication in handovers in the clinical safety and continuity of care of patients around the world. Many of these handovers occur between doctors and nurses who receive little formal training …

Student Views of Attendance at Japanese Universities in the Era of COVID-19: A Preliminary Look
As with a great many other educational and pedagogical issues, there is little consensus regarding the taking of student attendance at the university level. While many institutions and individual instructors, particularly those in the West, refrain from implementing attendance requirements on various grounds (e.g., attendance is the responsibility of students, tracking student attendance distracts instructors …

Using Predictive Analytics to Identify First-year Engineering Students at Risk of Failing Engineering Physics
Due to a lack of continual assessment or grade related data, identifying first-year engineering students in a polytechnic education at risk of failing is challenging. Our experience over the years tells us that there is no strong correlation between having good entry grades in Mathematics and the Sciences and excelling in hardcore engineering subjects. Hence, …

Helping Students Become Excellent Online Learners
This presentation will review best practices for students to use for learning online. Due to COVID and the mass migration of in-person courses transition to online courses, students must learn how to learn effectively online. The presentation will include the core theories in cognition and learning how to learn. Techniques such as the Pomodoro technique, …

Faculty Development in Response to COVID-19
The impact of COVID-19 on education can not be understated. This presentation will review what faculty development methods were effective for teaching faculty how to build robust online courses as all instruction at our higher education institution moved online. Different professional development options including from self-serve templates, YouTube playlists, self-paced courses, workshops, individual consultations, and …

Using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) Framework to Help Instructors Teach Effectively Online
With COVID-19, many instructors need to teach online. How can we quickly help these instructors to be effective teaching online? This presentation will highlight how one university used the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework to develop a series of resources for including self-serve templates, YouTube playlists, self-paced courses, workshops, individual consultations, and community of practice …

The African Scholarship Cohort (ASC): A Robust Online Learning Community Reaching All African Nations and Providing Tens of Thousands
The African Scholarship Cohort (ASC) is a partnership between the University of Virginia (UVA) and Distance Education of Africa (DEAfrica). The partnership started in 2015 and leverages massive open online courses (MOOCs) hosted on the Coursera platform. The ASC has provided dozens of courses and tens of thousands of scholarships to learners in Africa. There …

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Open Educational Resources (OER): An Overview of Non-Degree, Low Cost Lifelong Education Opportunities
This presentation will be an overview of resources for how to continuously learn with online resources for minimal cost. Open Educational Resources (OER) such as free online classes, digital textbooks, and YouTube channels will be reviewed. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Class Central and initiatives around COVID-19 and free classes will be reviewed. Subscription services …

Development and Validation of Questionnaire on Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Online Learning Environment
Covid-19 has resulted in a sudden shift in education settings, from face-to-face to online learning sessions. In view of this major change, it is necessary to study students’ self-regulation strategies in an online environment to enable the teachers to develop online materials that will guide students to become successful in their learning. This study aimed …

No Identical Paths to Japanese High School Teachers’ Teaching English in English: What the TEM Analyses Tell Us
The Trajectory Equifinality Modeling (Valsiner & Sato, 2006) is an analytical method to identify the path taken by those who have reached a goal such as teaching English in English (TEE). The current research individually interviewed three female high school teachers in Okinawa, Japan, and investigated what events occurred and influenced them to carry out …

Lifelong Learning: Leveraging Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Continuously Learn with Minimal Financial Investment
This presentation will be an overview of resources for how to continuously learn with online resources for minimal cost. Open Educational Resources (OER) such as free online classes, digital textbooks, and YouTube channels will be reviewed. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Class Central and initiatives around COVID-19 and free classes will be reviewed. Subscription services …

Challenges on Teaching and Learning Japanese Literature in Brazilian Universities
This paper reflects on five different challenges related to Japanese literature teaching and learning in the context of higher education in Brazil. It shows the result of two years (2016-2018) of activity teaching the disciplines Japanese Literature I to IV at one of the public Brazilian universities that offer undergraduate studies in Japanese Language and …

A Mentorship Model for Pre-Medical Students Disadvantaged in the Medical School Application Process
Applying to medical school is a long, convoluted, and expensive process. While some applicants may be able to afford third-party application consulting services for professional one-on-one advice, others struggle to overcome the basic financial obstacles of applying, such as application fees, travel and accommodations for interviews, and more. “Giving a Boost” (GAB) was founded at …

The Urban Gorontalese Language Choice and Language Attitudes, and Implications for Language Maintenance in the Region of Gorontalo Province
In a multilingual society like Indonesia, people often utilize multiple languages, each for different purposes. Their language choice might indicate their attitudes towards each language (Romaine, 1995). This study investigates language choice and language attitudes among the Gorontalese who reside in the Gorontalo province of Indonesia. The urban Gorontalese (n:331) from a variety of age …

Morality Analysis of Students According to Kohlberg and Lickona Theory
The study aims to find out the level of moral development of students according to Kohlberg and Lickona theory, and it was done at State Junior High School (JHS) 29 and State Junior High School (JHS) 9. The design of the research is descriptive qualitative research design, and the data collection is done through observation …

How Industries Integrate COVID-19 Countermeasures Support With Environmental Concern and Community Development in Bandung, West Java: The Pindad Bandung Case
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, which has also impacted all corners of Indonesia, meanwhile, has impacted Indonesian people’s socioeconomic welfare adversely, as well as the financial performances of industries recently. This has motivated several industries which are economically strong enough to still resume their operations to contribute something valuable to the national effort in responding to …

Instructional Coaching for School Principals – Lessons and Findings From the Peruvian Principal Mentoring Programme
In Peru, the role of principals has been traditionally associated with administrative duties at school. However, in recent years the Ministry of Education of Peru (MINEDU) has been promoting an education reform oriented towards the improvement of school management, which implies empowering principals in their role as pedagogical leaders. This reform has become even more …

Structuralism Approach to English Teaching as a Means of Solving Cross-cultural Problems of Russian Students
The article deals with language as cultural heritage of nation. Russian students of English when facing lingual phenomena that do not occur in their mother tongue, avoid certain typically English lexical units and structures, which violates inter- cultural communication. To help students get insights into the inner structure of the units and expose the mechanism …

A Historical View of Addressing the Connectivity of the Green Infrastructure by the Urban Plans
Urban ecology sees today the city nature as a green infrastructure providing ecosystem services to the urban dwellers, contributing to their welfare and a sustainable urban development. However, the concepts included in this view are not as new as it seems. Ecosystem services are just a reiteration of the ecological economy view of nature as …

Pilot Study on Promoting Community in the Online Classroom with Books in Common
This presentation reports on a pilot study from a ten-week Japanese university academic skills class conducted in English and held online during COVID19. The study investigated whether using a book club format known as “books in common” for the class would help build community among students and if a more robust post-pilot study is warranted. …

Back to the Drawing Board: A Longitudinal Study of Fossilized Errors
The problem of fossilized errors has been a problematic issue with EFL researchers because that they indicate that traditional methods of instruction are not effective. This issue was, therefore, examined with university-level first-year Japanese EFL students to better understand the context in which they are occurring and their frequency over the course of an academic …

A Framework for Designing Metacognitive Scaffolds in Ill-structured Problem-solving Using e-Learning Authoring Tools: A Design and Development Study
Problem-solving has been studied in many disciplines (Jonassen, 2011; Lazonder & Rouet, 2008; Lester, 1994), however, it has not been explored extensively in the field of instructional design (Jonassen, 2000, 2011). Given the importance of solving ill-structured problems in daily life, there is a need to create effective instruction to teach such skills. Metacognition is …

A Less Stressful, Yet Effective Procedure for Admissions to Medical Schools in Thailand
Traditionally, admissions to medical schools in Thailand have recruited prospective students through a score-based procedure in which students gaining relatively high scores from the national admission tests are prone to have a greater opportunity to get an offer. This is believed to induce stress and unfriendly competition among students. However, since 2016 onwards, a new …

A Comparative Analysis of Metaphors Constructing Danger and Force Dynamics in Buddhism Discourse
This study aims to compare the metaphors used to conceptualize danger and their force dynamic patterns in the dharma books of two prominent monks, the Venerable P.A. Payutto and Buddhadas Bhikkhu, who represent Normative Buddhism and Intellectual Buddhism, respectively. Three dharma books of each monk were selected for analysis and they were read to determine …

The Development of Teacher Trainees’ Science Instructional by Active Learning Competencies Through Lesson Study
The research objective was to develop science instructional competencies by active learning of teacher trainees through lesson study. The methodology of practical action research was implemented in this study. The research was conducted in two phases in accordance with the four cycles of practical action research framework. The target participants were thirty fifth-year students, during …

Instructional Strategies of Teachers in Small-sized Schools to Develop Students’ Science Competencies through Professional Learning Community
The present study aimed to develop a strategy for the instructional of teachers in small-sized schools. The objectives of this study were to enhance learners’ scientific competencies through a professional learning community and to synthesize teachers’ strategies regarding instructional. The practical action research methodology was implemented as the framework of this study. The scope of …

The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Self-efficacy and Worry in College Students
Academic performance is influenced by many factors. Self-efficacy and anxiety have been known as predictors of academic performance in college students. Students with strongly perceived self-efficacy are more likely to use analytical thinking and devising successful courses of action effectively in academic settings. On the contrary, anxiety acts as a barrier for students to perform …

Unpacking Mission Statements of International Universities Recognized for Innovation
This research supports some of the mounting pressures higher education practitioners face in approaching innovation strategically while recognizing the mission-driven needs of the institution. Two research questions were examined. First, how do highly innovative universities balance traditional missions and innovation? Second, how do mission statements project isomorphic or distinctive rhetoric? This research was grounded in …

Using Constructivist Pedagogies to Support Foreign Language Teaching in Remote Spaces
This paper discusses the experiences of one teacher’s experiences as she pivoted to remote teaching in response to the pandemic. In the spring of 2020, schools across the globe were thrust into emergency planning as they pivoted from face-to-face teaching in brick and mortar classrooms to remote instruction in response to pandemic-related school closures. Using …

A Prototype System With Speech Recognition Function for Practicing Speaking English
The literature indicates that many Japanese students enrolled in English language classes do not use English outside of class. Therefore, we assume that speech recognition technology can help create opportunities to speak English. Although some speech recognition software is widely available, few studies have used software with a speech recognition function to investigate how we …

Overcoming Academic Anxiety and Improving Hope of University Students: A Group Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT)
University students’ anxiety is mostly caused by academic anxiety. It is a disruptive thought pattern followed by physiological responses and behavior as a result of concern regarding the possibility of having poor academic performance. It may cause detrimental effects such as procrastination, poor academic performance, and withdrawal from social relations. Fear and anxiety are causally …

Developing University EFL Learners Debate Speaking Skills Through Closed Facebook Groups and Zoom Lessons
Students acquire communicative competence in a variety of ways hence a need for Higher education to provide diverse instructional strategies such a debate (Kennedy, 2007). Kennedy(2007) advocates that this type of active involvement enables content in meaningful ways rather than passively consuming information. Students therefore, learn more effectively by actively analyzing, discussing and applying content …

Developing a Textbook of Writing Pantun, Syair, and Acrostic Poetry by Using the Website and
This study was aimed to develop a textbook of writing pantun, syair, and acrostic poetry by using the website and The researcher used the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model (Branch, 2009) which the steps were Analyzing, Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating. The results of the need analysis with a closed …

Designing Learning for Students’ Affective and Cognitive Engagements
To ensure continuous student engagement in teaching and learning (T&L), The Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) emphasises on the design of learning experiences that encourages Joy of Learning. The design of learning materials takes into consideration, students’ affective and cognitive engagement to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. In the teaching and learning of …

Improvement of Elementary School Students’ Creativity Mindset Through Game-based Learning
This study aimed to use Game-based Learning System for Creativity Mindset (GLS-CM) to investigate whether the learning system would effectively improve pupils’ growth mindset of creativity. The participants were composed of 132 pupils. The GLS-CM was employed to improve pupils’ creativity growth mindset. The learning systems consist of eight games for enhancing dispositions and skills …

Explore Alternatives in On-line/On-Demand Type of Language Teaching – The Case of TOEIC Preparation Course in a Japanese University
With the spread of Covid-19, many of the universities in Japan were required to introduce on-line/on-demand courses all the sudden in 2020 academic year. Concerning this new teaching system, there has been a strong debate whether the above stated educational system has a positive influence on the students. Last Spring semester in the 2020 academic …

Accessing the Impact of e-learning System on Learners at University Level in Sultanate of Oman
The present study attempted to examine the impact of e-learning system education on student’s knowledge enhancement focusing on the teacher, content, technology, student. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 260 undergraduate students from Arab Open University, Oman branch and were analyzed with various statistical tools which can be used to find the …

What Play Does ASD Have in 3D Media Art Class
Most art-making such as drawing and painting are visional. However, the three-dimensional medium in visual art such as sculpture and installation art are spatial forms. Compared with painting, 3D media has the actual volume and spatial relationship with other objects. In handling 3D medium to make a work of art, students need to make sense …

A Different Kind of Beauty: Wabi and Kintsugi
Symmetry and geometrical perfection are seldom seen in the natural world. The aesthetic concept of Wabi draws attention to the state of things “as they are” and appreciation of this natural state. It calls for the shift in one’s mindset and highlights a different, perhaps, less conventional kind of beauty. This beauty has a lasting …

Ghost and Desolate Place in Yao Feng-Pan’s ‘All in the Dim Cold Night’ and ‘Ghost Under the Cold Moonlight’
Known as the master of horror in Taiwan, Yao Feng-Pan directed over 30 movies of different genres, and more than half of which were horrors in the 1970s. Since the success of his blockbuster All in the Dim Cold Night, Yao had devoted his efforts to the creation of horrors and led a boom in …

Digital Deliberative Democracy in Indonesia: An Analysis From System Theory Perspective
This article aims to analyze the practice of deliberative democracy in Indonesia regarding the use of digital technology. The implementation of digital government at the central and regional levels is one element to assess the extent to which the quality of democracy and policymaking takes place by optimally utilizing digital technology and involving the wider …

Turning the Exorcist’s Heteropatriarchal Order ‘Upside Down’ in Stranger Things
The popular Netflix series Stranger Things is often-noted for critiquing homophobia and conservative gender norms (Joseph 2018; Roach 2018; Berns, Fontaine and Zárate 2018). This paper expands upon Tracey Mollet’s (2019) passing observation that a scene in Stranger Things 2 references William Friedkin’s The Exorcist. I argue that the sequel, in its entirety, actively dialogues …