Category: ACERP2016


Musical Meaning as Embodied Meaning: The Case of Horror Film Music

The film sound theorist K. J. Donnelly’s essay ‘Demonic possession: horror film music’ (2005) famously remarks that some horror film music attempts at a ‘direct engagement with the physical’ in that they trigger bodily effects ‘bypassed culture’s learned structures’. Donnelly notes that his ‘direct-access thesis’ of (horror) film music is subject to challenge from the


Communicating Knowledge about the World: Reflective, Collaborating Artists

Art and film-making practices are shared across linguistic and socially diverse social contexts, reflecting a variety of ways of knowing about the world, or epistemological views. There are points of connection and dissonance when one works with a cultural group that shares little of the language and cultural practice that an individual identifies as their


Levelling the Score – The Role of Individual Perceptions of Justice in the Creation of Unethical Outcomes in Business

Rationalist models of ethical decision making assume that higher order conscious reasoning dominates the ethical decision making process however research shows that psychopaths have a similar capacity for ethical decision making to the rest of the population. In contrast research from the fields of social psychology, criminology and neurocognitive science shows that personal and contextual


Asoke Buddhist Education in Thailand

This paper looks into the Buddhist community-based education in the Asoke Buddhist villages in Thailand. The Asoke Buddhist movement has been running its own schools for the last thirty years. Thousands of young people have been trained in these samma sikkha schools. Many of the young people subsequently stay in the Asoke groups and may


An Idea of Justice in the Platonic Tradition of Russian Religious Philosophy

The Platonic tradition is very strong in the ontology and cosmology of Russian religious philosophy. The concept of Sophia as the foundation and the final goal of mankind, as well as the idea of the celestial and terrestrial hierarchies, and the ascent of the creation toward the creator established in classical Greece, are remarkably developed


Purity and Equanimity the Mandala of Zen Rock Garden

This paper discusses the ultimate essence of realization in Buddhism as the nature of purity and great equanimity. To illustrate this, the Zen rock garden is revealed like a Zen Koan, a case study to discern into the essence. The example used here is the karesansui (dry landscape) or rock garden in the Ryoanji Temple


Justice and the Cyberworld

In its widest sense, justice creates conditions that enable each member of the society to flourish. Justice directs individual to respect and promote rights of the individual in the world we live in. Today, at one’s fingertips, social interaction takes on a new dimension as time and space condense creating a reachable world. Yet, it


Historical Justice or the Dusk of the West? Messianism and Catastrophism in the Inter-War Philosophical Thought

A quarter-century ago F. Fukuyama announced the end of history, understood in Hegelian terms as a process of a realization of the consciousness of freedom. His statement was immediately met with criticism ( with the harshest one coming from S. P Huntington), stating that further course of history, understood as a process of conflicts between


The Good Sense of the Modern: Revisiting Heidegger’s Social Ontology

By the term social ontology I mean to argue Heidegger’s definition of the social existence of the self. In this paper I will look at Dasein as an engaged modern self, located in its context and history within the specifics of self’s embeddeness. The good sense of the modern is the manifold ways in which


Do We Have Epistemic Support for the Existence of Afterlife?

In a paper discussing our attitude towards death, Freud (1915) put forth that it seems impossible to imagine our own death, so much so that in the unconscious we are all ‘convinced of our own immortality’. In more recent efforts, Smullyan (2003) explicitly endorsed Freud’s hypothesis and took the inability to conceive oneself as non-existing


Ethical Judgments of Directors’ on Earnings Management Practices

The objective of this study is to determine directors’ ethical judgments of earnings management practices. We use the questionnaire which was originally designed by Bruns and Merchant (1990) which consists of 13 earnings management scenarios. The questionnaire asked the directors to rate their acceptability of earnings management practices using a 5-point scale ranging from ethical


Empirically Informed Theorizing About Justice and Distributive Justice Reasoning Among Asians

Although some philosophers who are committed to applying the method of wide reflective equilibrium to theories of justice have already argued that evidence from the social sciences should inform theorizing about distributive justice, it remains unclear how or whether evidence on the impact of sociocultural factors on patterns of reasoning about just distribution should similarly


How Can the Pursuit of Equal Opportunity Be Reasonable in Education?: A Perspective from the Rawlsian Theory of Justice

The question of whether equality, or equal opportunity, is an appropriate goal in education has been hotly contested in the philosophical context. Some have strongly argued that the pursuit of equality, or equal opportunity, necessarily results in significant wasteful spending, or creates undesirable claims, such as ‘leveling down’ or the disregard of ‘family values.’ I,


Disclosure of Zakat Information: Is it Important?

Despite the high collection of Zakat fund, hardcore poverty among Muslims is still exist especially in rural area. The difficulties in the application process as compared to payment are also give bad impressions to Zakat institutions. This situation sparks public debate on how Zakat fund being managed by this institution. Why there are so many


The Rise of Western Pop Music and Pole Dancing in Taiwanese Traditional Religious Festivals

In traditional Chinese religious festivals, a procession in which the participants, prior to returning home from a holy pilgrimage, would tour to and visit the neighboring villages. This is called raojing _�__�_ (patrolling tour). The detour is to share the blessings from the pilgrims in order to bring good luck and prosperity to their fellow


Justice through Recognition

The question(s) of recognition has been largely discussed at the level of public and political debate, as well as studied in sociology, theory of politics and philosophy since nineteen. But there is still much to do in studying and understanding all implications of it refereed to problems and experiences of misrecognition and dehumanization, and referred