Conference: ACE2015
Pursuing Multicultural Education in Indonesia
Being multicultural is inevitable in Indonesia, and diversity is national identity. Actually, It stated on national symbol __Bhineka Tunggal Ika__ (it meant __Unity and diversity__). As the largest archipelago in the world, Indonesia’s people life in a diverse community. Indeed, multicultural issue is something important in Indonesia due to the uniqueness and cultural diversity in …
ISSN: 2186-5892 The Asian Conference on Education 2015: Official Conference Proceedings
ACE2015 Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Education, Power and Empowerment: Transcending Boundaries”
Wednesday, October 21 – Sunday, October 25, 2015
ISSN: 2186-5892
A Case Study on the School Counselor’s Work Predicaments at Elementary Schools in Xinzhung District, New Taipei City
This study aims to investigate the Work Difficulties and Social Support of New Full-time Counselors in junior high school, and then to provide some practical suggestions to the situation. This study adopted a qualitative research method. The subjects were six full-time junior high school counselors who were selected by purposeful sampling from Xinzhung District, New …
Thinking Classroom: A Case Study of Education for Empowerment in Thailand
This research aimed to study an integrated approach to learning and teaching of students studying communication arts and empower their potential by exchanging the normal classroom for a thinking classroom. The research method employed for this study the integration of learning and teaching suitable communications for participatory development was a first phase process that included: …
The Impact and Benefits of Therapeutic Interaction on Educational and Behavioural Outcomes
‘In many educational settings and contexts throughout the world, there remains an assumption that teachers are the possessors of knowledge which is to be imparted to students, and that this happens in neutral, impartial and objective ways. However, learning is about making meaning’ (IAFOR 2015) For students with learning difficulties this is especially so and …
The Use of iPads to Improve Attainment in Technology for Pupils with Learning Difficulties
A radical change to how and what children in Wales are taught is underway 26 years after the National Curriculum was first introduced. The Successful Futures report recommends computer programming and I.T to be on an equal footing with literacy and numeracy in all classes (Donaldson2015). Whilst pupils with learning difficulties could struggle with technology …
Financial Controls in Education Policy of the UK
This paper examines financial controls in education policy of the United Kingdom, from the 1970s to the present days. The education policy is inevitably relevant with the financial policy. Since education policy is foundation of the national strategy, not only the education policy becomes objective of sovereign control, but also the education budget, due to …
The Study of Students’ Willingness to Use Mobile Learning in English Classes
Recently, New Taipei City of the Taiwanese government has made great efforts to promote mobile learning. For example, the related programs, “New Taipei City Mobile Learning Experimental Schools of Ministry of Education” in the 101 academic year and “New Taipei City Cloud educational studio” in the 102 academic year. Furthermore, in the 103 academic year, …
Engaging ESL Students Through a Project-Based Learning Activity
Due to the increased influence of multimedia and technology on contemporary students, one of the most difficult challenges facing many language teachers is to develop effective strategies to integrate online technology into the classroom. To help achieve greater integration, ESL teachers can employ the basic tenets of Project-based Learning (PBL). This presentation details the implementation …
Human Rights as an Introduction to Academic Research
Being asked to conduct academic research comes as a shock for many undergraduates, especially when the research is to be conducted in a second language. This presentation puts forward an engaging and practical method of introducing research theory and practice to undergraduate students participating in an intensive English for academic purposes program at an international …
The Effect of Taxation Supplementary Measure for the Performance of the Elementary School Teachers
The purpose of this study is to understand the job satisfactions and performances of the elementary school teachers after cancelling tax-free policy and implementing taxation supplement measure. According to Dr. F. Herzberg’s Two-factor theory (Motivators-Hygiene Factors Theory), the work discusses how the two factors affect the teaching performance and service using different demographic variables and …
A Movement-Based Game Designed According to Input-Process-Outcome Model in a Cooperative Learning Environment in Hygiene Education
Research showed that first graders may have difficulty developing their daily hygiene habits when they bridge their lives in kindergartens and primary schools. A good development of hygiene habits are grounded in cognition and behaviors. Behavior change can’t be obtained instantly and needs constant practice. Moreover, hygiene education is usually in a regular classroom with …
The Effect of I-Ching Education on the Temperament of Elementary School Children, Lifelong Learning Capability and Bullying Behavior
Among the world’s four ancient civilizations, only Chinese culture has remained viable into modern times. The main reason is that Chinese culture is constructed on a cultural structure of positive value. The foundation of philosophy for Chinese culture is I-Ching. The purpose of this study is to explore how promoting I-Ching reading education in elementary …
From Theory to Reality: Enhancing Creativity and Achievements of Hong Kong Students through Online Design Platform and Consideration of Culture
Visual merchandising is the manipulation of design elements and themes in retail outlets that creates a pleasant store atmosphere and experience for consumers. To successfully teach students on how to determine the appropriate strategies for different types of stores, training in both aesthetics and business is important. However, Hong Kong Chinese students have adapted a …
The Development and Application of E-Learning on Elderly Education in Taiwan
The transformation of the country development in the 21st century, it depends on the supplementary promotion of country competition. The future competition of the country will be rich in todays educational investment and technical level, effectively promote the citizenship intelligence by computer and web technology development, and improve the country competition by e-learning to further …
The Relationship between the Motivation for I-Ching Learning, Life and Family Satisfaction in a Lifelong Learning Program of I Ching University
Individuals facing the competitive environment will need to learn how to live together, to know, to be, to do, and to change. The foundation of philosophy for Chinese culture is I-Ching. The theory of I-Ching emphasis on the rule of harmony and balance, it will meet these learning goals. The purpose of this study is …
Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone’: Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflections on International Service-Learning
Within the field of teacher education, international service-learning (ISL) provides a unique opportunity to help future graduates develop intercultural awareness and competencies. This is significant given the diverse range of cultural backgrounds found in many Australian schools, and particularly in many major urban settings. With a depth of experience in the area of ISL, the …
The Correlation between Moral Disengagement and Cheating Behavior in Academic Context
Cheating behavior is a form of academic dishonesty that violates integrity in the academic life. In Indonesia, cheating behavior in university has become a serious issue for the government and the educational institution. Cheating behavior is influenced by personal and environmental factors such as moral disengagement. Bandura explained that moral disengagement is a form of …
Personality Tendency that Contributes Self-Adjustment of the Migrant Students in Jakarta
Self-adjustment in a new living environment is a challenge for every person, and intelligence aspect is considered the contributing aspect for a person to get adjustment. However, numbers of studies have reported that highly intelligence person does not necessarily become the key aspect in self-adjustment. Numbers of highly intelligence persons may experience difficulties in adjusting …
Chinese University Student Perceptions of Teacher Quality
This paper focuses on the qualities and characteristics of Chinese university students’ favorite and least favorite professors. The paper looks to answer the question: What qualities and personal characteristics do favorite and least favorite professors have and how does that affect Chinese university students? In surveying over 280 students from 3 different universities, 226 surveys …
Tropical Summer School Experience: Gleaning EFL Students’ Responses
Learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) might be a daunting experience especially if it were to take place on a foreign land comprising speakers of diverse cultures and background. This paper thus aims to describe the responses of participants for a Summer School Programme at a tropical university in Asia. The respondents were non-native …
Learning Exponential-Logarithmic Equations through Values-Driven Interventions
Mathematics is, undeniably, a fundamental skill that a learner should acquire and master. Its purposes since the era when man learned to write his annals cannot be overemphasized. The learners should explore independently the intricacies of the subject; hence, constructivist approach. As developed by Jerome Bruner, it is where the learners construct new ideas based …
Finding a Place for Karate-Do in Mainstream Education
This paper discusses some of the benefits of including karate-do lessons in schools. It begins by providing a brief history of karate-do which originated on the small island of Okinawa, South of mainland Japan and its intimate relationship with education and the Japanese school system. In order to determine its merit we will look at …
From Preparation to Practice: The Experiences of Beginning Teacher in Kiengiang Province,A Remote Area of Mekong Delta Region in Vietnam.
This study examines the experience of beginning teacher in the Kien Giang province, an area located in one of remote areas of the Mekong Delta region in the south-west of Vietnam. Through focus group discussion and in-depth interview with 29 new teachers, the findings showed that the participants felt they were not well equipped during …
Student Empowerment Pathways to Poverty Alleviation: Nurturing Innovative Teachers and Education Leaders
The Students Grants-in-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (SGP-PA), under which this study was carried out, aims at addressing chronic poverty through the expansion of educational opportunities to at least one child of every identified poor household by sending them to school to finish a college degree. Philippine Normal University, as the National Center for Teacher …
The Usefulness of Curriculum Mapping in Writing Learning Modules
This study sought to determine the usefulness of curriculum mapping in teaching Asian History. As the High School Social Studies Coordinator, I found it essential to conduct a research on how curriculum maps enable the teachers in our academic unit to articulately plan the curriculum and effectively deliver instruction. Is curriculum mapping useful in teaching …
Possibility of Implementing Multiple Intelligence Theory Based English Instruction for Remedial Purposes
Decreasing English skills among new university students have been reported over the years in Japan. Some solutions adopted to overcome this problem include implementing remedial courses, facilitating support centers, and introducing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). However, in the present circumstances, university students’ English levels have been becoming progressively worse for years, and the …
The Educational Philosophy and Teaching Style Preferences of College Faculty at the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
This study aimed to determine the educational philosophies and teaching styles of the college faculty of the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA in the campuses of Las-Piñas, Molino, and Calamba, south of Metro Manila. It sought to determine the relationships of educational philosophy, teaching styles, and demographic variables of the college faculty; and compare …
Real Science in Clear English
Real Science in Clear English The Issue English dominates the world of science. In order for students in countries such as China, India, Asia and the Middle East to compete globally in their fields, an increasing number of their tertiary institutes use English – rather than local languages – as the medium of instruction. However, …
Visualization in Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Interior Design Education: A Case Study at Sunway University
The utilization of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology has revolutionized the architecture and interior design industry globally in recent years. This technology promotes a more efficient approach in the design visualization process and it provides enhancement of productivity. Similar to other developing countries, the employment of BIM in Malaysia has presented new challenges to both …
The Innovation of Music and Computer Courses Designed to Improve the Skills of Thai Music Students in Silpakorn University
Music and Computer The Music and Computer course is designed to improve the skills of Thai music students both majors and minors at the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University. Computer functions in the course as a musical tool incorporated with music software for notating, recording, as well as creating other musical works related to the …
The Field Trip Project Asia: Developing 21st Century Competencies through Cross-Cultural Art Projects
This paper will examine the impact that cross-cultural art projects have on the development of 21st Century Competencies in students. Following the tsunami and earthquake that hit Japan in 2011, relief supplies including used school backpacks were sent to children in affected areas to help rebuild lives. To avoid excess supplies from being disposed of, …
School Space and Cross Religious Communication in Provoking Sense of Mutual Respect; Case of a Faith-Based School in Jayapura, Indonesia
Religious conflict in Papua mostly found in symbolic and narrative encountered, and public spaces in society for all religions to socialise and interact are limited, unequal and clogged, resulted on strong claims of certain religion on life spaces by filling city spaces with symbols of a certain religion. Upon the limitation of spaces, at formal …
Is Shiroi Howaito? English Loanword Modifiers in Contemporary Japanese
Historical contact between English and Japanese led to the extensive introduction of English-based lexicon. Although, the Japanese language had successfully incorporated Chinese-based written system and a considerable number of Chinese loanwords, the contact with the English language due to the political and historical factors was drastic and uncontrollable. According to different estimates loanwords constitute about …
Education as Cultural Data-System Development through Teaching and Upbringing
A cultural approach to cultural values in education through theory and practice of teaching-upbringing seeks to build knowledge about cultural changing role in today’s multicultural society, we mean as a sustainable development world. Cultural values today- intellectual and spiritual treasure of intercultural generations While there are tensions and misunderstanding within and across societies, intercultural engagement …
The Benefits of Images : Guess and Check Game in Math Classroom
Geometry is a learning that requires some ability to cover it. One of it is the spatial ability. The purpose of this study are how learning geometry in mathematics education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty at the University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia can be easily understood by students. So, the researchers made a model of …
Performance of the Kindergarten Teachers and Its Relation to Pupils Achievement in Different Learning Areas
This study aimed to determine the performance of the kindergarten teachers and its relation to pupils’ achievement in different learning areas in the Division of Kabankalan City. Using the standardized assessment and evaluation of the Department of Education secondary data, 100 kinder teachers and 2901 kinder pupils were investigated to determine the performance of the …
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Students’ Cognitive Ability in Physics
This study aimed at determining the impact of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) instructions in the Cognitive Ability in Physics of low achieving students as Treatment Group. This used one-way analysis of variance to test the significant differences in Physics’ Pretest and Scores in Physics between the Treatment and Control Groups. Pearson correlation was used …
The Efficacy Beliefs of Social Studies Teachers Candidates Regarding the Teaching-Learning Process
The aim of this study was to examine special field efficacy beliefs of social studies teacher candidates related to the teaching-learning process. It was focused on the areas of sub-competence of their own field who had been studying in social studies education section of education faculties at the final year; in addition, to determine whether …
A Study on the Relationships Between Time Management and Working Pressure for Teachers with Un-Administrative Positions in New Taipei City
Since 1990, there has been a lot of education reform in the world, including in Taiwan. That reform has included many areas and subjects. Are teachers, even those educated in Teacher Education Institutions, competent to hold un-administrative positions in theses dynamic times? The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between time management …
Bullying Among Schoolchildren: What School Authorities and Parents Can Do
Alarmed by the controversies on bullying and the harm it can do in the lives of every affected children in elementary schools, this descriptive exploratory research on bullying among schoolchildren was conducted. Based on the findings the following conclusions are given:1)Many schoolchildren are victims of physical bullying while some become targets of verbal, emotional, or …
A Preliminary Report of the Use of Piazza for a Language Class
This paper presents a preliminary report of the project that investigates the impact of using an online forum for language teaching. The online forum used for this project is “Piazza” (, which has been widely used in science and engineering courses at MIT. The goal of the project is to learn how digital natives behave …
Collective Will to Change Education Trajectory by Transcending Boundaries
It’s “a matter of wills”: cultural will, social will, organizational will, and political will. Dr. Ron Edmonds said, “We can, whenever and wherever we choose, teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than is necessary to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on …
Peace Education in Lebanon: A Case Study in the University Context
Peace Education encompasses a diversity of pedagogical approaches within formal curricula in schools and universities and non-formal education projects implemented by local, regional and international organizations. It aims to cultivate the knowledge and practices of a culture of peace. In Lebanon, this culture is mainly promoted by non-governmental organizations and engaged intellectuals and artists since …
The Matrix of Education, Power and Empowerment: Where Do We Stand?
The Matrix of Education, Power and Empowerment: Where do we stand? Traversing the matrix of ‘education’, ‘power’ and ‘empowerment’ brings us to some understanding of each and their nature, for example, all of them have some implicit value dimension . Interestingly, ‘empowerment’ has ‘power’ as core word, but ‘empowerment’ is widely preferred, used and more …
Blended E-Learning for Postgraduate Research-Article Writing: A Case Study in One University in Thailand
The present study aimed at utilizing blended e-Learning as a tool to enhance genre-based instruction in order to facilitate the learning of research article genre and the English language for research article composition. The study was a quasi-experiment conducted in the natural classroom context of the course Academic Paper Writing for postgraduate students at a …
Redefining Educational Boundaries with Technology: The Systemic Perspective
This paper examines global trends in education reform from the point of view of a specific references selected within the systemic branch of educational literature. It is argued that a sharper consciousness of the specificities of the global educational environment, with a correspondingly sharper differentiation of the offer of the mainstream educational players, will have …
Using Facebook Applications in School Based Assessment (SBA) for Moral Studies
The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the students’ response in using the Facebook application and also to identify the evidence that can be done by students and the usability of the Facebook application in evidence assessment of the School Based Assessment (SBA)for Moral Studies. This action research is a short …
English for Business Education in India: An Empirical Approach
English seems to have become the global language of business. Most companies across the world are now embracing English as their corporate language. Indian businesses embraced English, initially at the corporate level and later the whole company were found communicating within and outside, in English. Indian Business Schools, in the quest to create global managers, …
The Four Freedoms: Raising Awareness of Human Rights in the English for Academic Purposes Classroom
This presentation introduces an approach to teaching students about human rights, a term-long project that is being implemented in an intensive English for academic purposes (EAP) program at a Thai university. The objectives of the project are to improve students’ language skills while also cultivating their knowledge of human rights and social justice. The project …
The School Garden as a Learning Object and Leaning Space in Primary Schools
This presentation outlines the changing discourses on the garden as a learning object as well as a learning space in urban and rural schools in Scandinavia. Based on observations and interviews with different stakeholders it is understood, that Outdoor Education provides a meaningful multidisciplinary and multisensory learning space. The students learn to cope with issues …
Cultural Taxation: Myth or Reality? Research in Progress
This presentation discusses the rationale and proposed research methods of a research project currently under development in Christchurch, New Zealand. The primary objective of this study is to document the experiences of Maori academics working in mainstream tertiary institutions. Of particular interest will be whether these academics experience any form of cultural taxation and to …
De-colonizing Canadian Post-Secondary Education
In Canada, the recent Truth and Reconciliation Committee of Canada Report (2015) revealed the devastating impact of over a century of forced assimilation on Indigenous peoples. In the educational context, assimilation manifested itself in the residential school system, a system which existed from the late 19th century until 1996 and whose mandate was to “Kill …
The Spiral Jetty and the Palm Jumeirah: Robert Smithson’s Art and the Art of the Islamic Culture.
This paper intends to focus on the on some of the similarities and differences between the artist, Robert Smithson’s “Spiral Jetty”, 1970, landform monument, created from sand and stone, and the Emirate of Dubai’s “Palm Jumeirah” 2006, landform monument, also created from sand and stone. While drastically different in scale, the “Spiral Jetty” is 460 …
Online Interactions of Japanese and Hungarian EFL Learners: A Critical Analysis
This presentation seeks to address how Japanese and Hungarian EFL learners co-constructed their social relations, identity and power through the use of English as a lingua franca (ELF) online. Following the principles of critical discourse analysis (Gee, 1999), I analyze ELF online interactions between six Hungarian teenagers with low socio-economic background and five Japanese university …
Leaning and Teaching Beyond Boundaries- Educational Change Through Technologies
Introduction: The UN Millennium Development Goals underscore the importance of applying the benefits of information and communication technologies (ICT) with institutions in developing countries and disadvantaged communities. This abstract highlights the role of technology as an educational change agent among the students and educators. Schools have focused on improving student’s achievements, have rigorous academic standards, …
Teaching Positive Psychology: Successes and Challenges in Implementing Two Introductory Short Courses at Waseda University, Japan
Diverging from the ‘deficit’ model prominent in much of 20th century psychology, positive psychology may be defined as the scientific study of positive human phenomena – including happiness, hope, and human potentials. Since its emergence in the 1990s, positive psychology has undergone a rapid proliferation in theory, research, and applications. Parallel with this, there has …
Analysis of Compositions Written by a Fifth Grade Chinese Child in Japan
This paper outlines an approach to analyzing linguistically diverse student writing. The current study focuses on the Chinese and Japanese writing of a fifth grade student living in Japan who is ethnically Chinese and multilingual. Literary and Bakhtinian analysis are used to explore the literary elements and voices in this student’s writing (Bakhtin, 1986). Such …
An Investigation of Taiwanese College English Majors’ Learning Motivation and Self-Identity Changes
Most studies investigating learners’ motivation have probed into the relationship between motivation and leaners’ linguistic outcomes; however, not many looked into the relationship between motivation and nonlinguistic outcomes such as leaners’ identity formation (Gao et al, 2007; Teer, 2013). Thus, the purpose of the study was twofold; one was to investigate students’ self-identity changes and …
The Design and Outcomes of a Writing Improvement Programme in an Australian University
This paper will present the educational design of an English writing improvement programme for upper-intermediate/advanced English L2 writers at a doctoral level. It will provide an evidence-based explanation of the decisions made in the creation of this programme, touching upon factors such as entry standards, language support, and the student experience. The paper will also …
The Shift from Yakudoku to Communicative Language Teaching: Empowering Students with a Diversity of English Classes
Traditionally, English classes taught in Japanese schools have followed the yakudoku method (Gorsuch, 1998; Nishino, 2008; Rutson-Griffiths, 2012). In this method, English sentences are translated into Japanese word-for-word, and then reordered in accordance with Japanese grammar. This limits the use for students to practice speaking English with the exception of repeating words for pronunciation purposes. …
Get Real: Using Real Dialogue in the English Language Classroom
Being able to use authentic communicative events such as telephone conversations, office gossip and shopkeeper-customer dialogues as example conversations will greatly improve an English learner’s communicative ability and prepare them for real life situations. By being able to navigate their way around a lot of the unnecessary utterances such as ‘eyeh’, ‘eok’ and ‘eah’, English …
ASEAN Student’s Reflection: The Role of Japan’s Higher Education in Fostering Global Human Resources Through the Twin College Envoys Program
There is no doubt that education play a vital role for development of a nation. Countries around the world are struggling to enhance their development in different aspect through education, particularly to foster competitive human resources. A phenomenon famously called ‘globalization’ has triggered this initiative become more internationalized and borderless, especially to encourage higher education …
The Storytelling Teacher: Using Storytelling to Improve Engagement and Content Retention in History and Social Studies for all Learners
The purpose of this study is to explore the way that story is used as a method of making the culture and history of distant and diverse peoples meaningful to junior high school students. Canada’s aboriginal community utilized the traditional method of communicating the history and teachings of their people via oral communication. These stories …
The Study of the Behavior, Attitude and Satisfaction of High School in M. 6th Grade in the bangKok Region in Accessing New and Information About Mahidol University International College Through Online Social Media
The purpose of this research project is to study the behavior, attitude and satisfaction of the respondents with respect to news and information distributed through the social media of Mahidol University International College among high school students in Bangkok. Data was collected from a total of 429 sets of 6 schools whose high students apply …
The Efficacy of Placement Interviews for English Language Classes at a National Japanese University Based on a CEFR-J Model
From January 2015 to March 2015, the authors in conjunction with other faculty at the University of Fukui created a system of five-minute English oral interview protocols based on the Common European Framework – Japan (CEFR-J) and used those protocols to conduct 820 English placement interviews at the University of Fukui in April 2015. The …
Improving Nature of Science Understandings through Scientific Inquiry
The main goal of this naturalistic case study was to examine prospective secondary science teachers’ developing understanding of nature of science while engaging in guided scientific inquiry. A computer simulation of inheritance processes was used in combination with small-group discussions and collaborating learning groups to enhance participants’ understandings of nature of science. Structuring scientific inquiry …
An Exploration of One Learner’s Affective Experiences and FLA Development from a DST Perspective
The mainstream studies regarding FLA affective experiences focused more on negative emotions, particularly language anxiety; whereas other emotions that one may experience over the course of language learning, such as enjoyment, relief, gratitude have been understudied. In this paper, I will present and discuss the findings of a six-month longitudinal study which aimed to investigate …
Supporting University Athletes to Succeed in Both Academic and Sport Performance at a University in Japan
University athletes often face a dilemma of succeeding in both academic performance and sport performance. For example, Inoue et al (2011) found that university athletes often found it very difficult for making time to study because of their physical fatigue. The future of university athletes is often uncertain. Some might succeed in their sport fields …
ADHD and Mothers Psychological Distress: Mothers Responses to a Child Diagnosed with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Mothers Psychological Distress: Mothers’ Responses to a child Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Author: G Ramdeen-Mootoo Aim: To determine whether mothers of children diagnosed with ADHD are more depressed, hopeless and helpless than mothers who do not have a child diagnosed with ADHD. Methods: Research design, a quasi-experimental two …
Double-Talk: A Bakhtinian Take on the Code-Mixing Practices of English Language Teachers in China
It is a common phenomenon in many English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts for teachers to use the first language to teach English, as it is often assumed that this code-mixing eases novice learners into the target language. However, the extent to which and the exact ways in which such code-mixing practices support student …
Resocialisation and Change Implications for Inservice Teacher Professional Development
A sociocultural perspective on teacher education highlights the process of resocialisation (Johnson, 2009) faced by experienced teachers returning to their institutional teaching context following in-service education and training (INSET). Similar to the socialisation of novice teachers, resocialisation identifies constraints at the level of the institution that teachers are likely to encounter when implementing (and later …
The Attitudde and Performance of the Cadets of Maritime Instutution during Shipboard Training: An Assesment
The study was conducted to measure the performances of the cadets of the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP) during their shipboard training. The feedback coming from the ship officers are vital to determine and evaluate the performance of the MAAP cadets and to make necessary actions and adjustments prior to their embarkation. …
A Study of School-based Curriculum to Disaster Prevention Teaching for Sixth Graders in the Elementary School
For the past few years, global natural disasters happened constantly. Taiwan is located in Northeast Asia. The most impressed natural disaster for Taiwanese is the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Because the geographical environment of Taiwan and Japan are very similar, the same disaster may also happen in Taiwan. Besides, the natural …
The Link between the Process of Change and Coaching in an Organization: A Case Study
The aim of this article is to highlight the empowerment of coaching in the process of change in an organization using case study – a real life change project in an institution. The article hopes to demonstrate the critical importance of coaching during change, for successful change to occur, and any sustaining change requires ongoing …
Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement in Police Unethical Behaviour
Recently there were a lot of police unethical behaviour reported in Indonesia which became concern of law enforcement agency and abused of public trust. One of the reason of this phenomena is varied depend on the reason of the perpetrators. Moral disengagement is the ability to use cognitive mechanism to excuse unethical decision making. Moral …
Association of Engagement, Drive and Self-Beliefs to Academic Resilience: An Analysis of Data from PISA 2012
This article explored the association of three broad themes ‘students’ school engagement, drive and motivation, and self-beliefs, dispositions and participation in mathematics activities – to academic resilience. The analysis was based on the mathematics performance of students in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012. Academically resilient students (RES) were disadvantaged in terms of …
Perceptions of an Artist and Art Education: A Study of Pre-Service Year One Teachers at a Fijian University
Gaining an insight into primary pre-service teachers’ perceptions is vital for teacher educators especially in the field of primary art education. This paper reports on a study that investigated the perceptions of pre-service year one teachers on art education and an artist. Located in a Fijian urban university, this quantitative study, using a questionnaire designed …
What Do University Students Liken Academic Members to?
Problem Statement: Sometimes people try to explain the feelings and thoughts in life by using metaphors. These metaphors may be named as trope, figure of speech, figure or metaphors. Metaphors also contain a powerful way of narrative art. These metaphors may provide researchers consistent information on educational atmosphere. They may affect ideas and feelings of …
Building Students’ Characters Through the Utilization of Used Goods As Learning Media
This study aims to investigate the utilization of used goods as learning media to build students’ characters in the economics learning strategy subject. The research setting is the Department of Economics Education, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University. This was a classroom action research study conducted through the stages of planning, action implementation, monitoring and …
The Research and Development of Internal Quality Assurance System for the Faculty of Education, Burapha University
The objective to develop an internal quality assurance system for Faculty of Education. To try and assess the quality assurance system developed within the Faculty of Education. The operation is divided into 3 stages contain. Phase 1 analysis of the quality assurance system. Population covered by the Executive Board, Faculty Board and the other expertise …
Untried and Untrue: Common Core’s Mechanization of Education
In 2013, according to National Public Radio, two-thirds of Americans had not heard of the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). A year later, 80% knew about CCSSI, and 60% were opposed. The confluence of Big Business and Big Government support for CCSSI has fed growing opposition including parents, teachers, and civil libertarians. While much …
English Education in Japan: Back to the Basics
Japan is caught between a rock and a hard place. It is aware of the need for its people to be competent speakers of English in a world whose cultural boundaries are growing thinner and thinner, yet Japan has difficulty producing any. One look at the pundits and the chorus becomes “Japanese and English grammar …
An Analysis of the Characteristics of Self-Directed Learners and Strategies to Enhance Self-Directed Learning in Education Systems: Transcending Boundaries
Education can allow individuals to transcend boundaries of space, identity, and culture by empowering learners with the ability to pursue self-directed, lifelong learning. Valuable new meanings and understandings can be created by the interaction between self-motivated, self-directed learners, communities, and a wide range of organizations (Rogers, 2004). A shift away from traditional, teacher-centered power relations …
Alternative Education in Thailand
Alternative Education also known as non-traditional education or educational alternative, includes a number of approaches to teaching and learning separate from that offered by mainstream or traditional education. They are rooted in a number of philosophies differing from those of mainstream education such as Summerhill, Montessori, Waldorf and Homeschool, which aim to holistically develop learners …
The Necessity of Shifting the Emphasis in Japanese Lifelong Learning: How to Survive in a “Super-Aged Society”
Japan has been experiencing an unprecedented demographic upheaval of rapid aging and extremely low birth rate over the last decades, together with a dwindling population. In fact, people 65 and over accounted for 25.9 percent of the population, as of 2014, and the total population is expected to fall by almost a third within the …