Month: September 2019

Leveraging Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for Increased Access and Quality Education in Nigeria
The rising demand for higher education across the educational landscape at different contexts has made it increasingly necessary for research into innovative ideas that could transform the higher educational system for increased access and opportunities to acquire quality and affordable education. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are recent ‘disruptive’ additions in higher education, over the …

Applying the Block Model Approach in Teaching Mathematics in the Philippine Classroom
The teaching of Mathematics involves problem solving skills in which proved to be difficult on the part of the students due to misrepresentation of the word problems. This problem is associated to the low performance in Mathematics of Filipino students both in local and international assessments. This paper addresses the problem solving skills of Filipino Grade …

Language Learning Behind the Screen: Movies for Second Language Acquisition
Teaching English through movies, TV-shows, and video clips is a relatively modern way of enhancing language acquisition. The benefits of using American movies for improving students’ English language proficiency have been studied by many researchers (e.g., Webb, 2011; Gormly, 2013; Lavaur & Bairstow, 2011; Etemadi, 2012) who supported the idea that, unlike traditional ESL instruction, …

Design and Implementation of “Spoc Teaching Mode” for Fostering Creativity
SPOC (Small Private Online Course) has been widely used in higher education all over the world for its ease of access due to advanced information technology. Pursuing a successful future career, students in higher education need to develop their creativity and professional knowledge. Therefore, higher education should focus on the cultivation of creativity and professional …

Development and Validation of an Electronic Module in Linear Motion for First Year College Students of Iloilo City
This study aimed to develop and validate an electronic module in physics for first-year college students taking introductory physics of Iloilo City and find out if there would be a significant difference in the performance of students before and after using the electronic module. The e-module was composed of one topic with two sub-lessons in …

Usage of Devanagari Numbers in Primary School in Maharashtra, India
Section 29(2)(f) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 provides that “the medium of instruction shall, as far as practicable, be in the child’s mother tongue.” Many research articles have emphasized the importance of teaching in the mother tongue but how important is teaching regional numbers in this converging …

Perceived Barriers to, and Benefits of Physical Activity Among Injured or Sick British Military Veterans: A Behaviour Change Wheel Perspective
Background Physical activity (PA) has been shown to have many positive benefits for wounded, injured, and/or sick (WIS) British military veterans. Before PA is promoted in this population, however, it is important to understand the perceived barriers to, and benefits involved. Yet, to date, research has not explored this topic; despite many WIS veteran PA …

The Relationship Between Social Support, Social Exclusion and Spending Pain
Recently, in consumer psychology, the topic of spending pain has been discussed. Spending pain is a feeling of pain after spending money. According to the recent studies, social support and social exclusion might affect the level of physical pain, However, whether they have same effect on spending pain remained unknown. In Study 1, 157 valid …

Numbers and Needed Nuance: A Critical Analysis of the Gender Equity Index (GEI)
Gender equality has become an important societal goal, and a number of indices attempt to measure gender equality on a country-level. This chapter analyzes Social Watch’s Gender Equity Index (GEI) in terms of its stated aims and associable strengths, weaknesses, and problematic issues. A distinctive strength of GEI is an authenticity stemming from the independence …

How Teachers’ Reflective Inquiries Help them Facilitate Transfer Skills Achievement in Students’ Academic and Non-academic Pathways?
In education, the transfer of skills refers to learning in one context and being able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to other new situations. Many studies show that college/university students do not easily transfer skills from English courses to other courses or writing situations (Wardle, 2016; Lindemann, 2016; Beaufort, 2007). To name a …

Beyond Traditional Approaches and Methodologies: The New Roles of Texts
With the recent focus on bringing technology into learning environments and creating concept-based curricula, the role of a text in English as a Second Language education remained unchanged. At the same time, Language Acquisition has begun taking place outside of classrooms with no consideration of emerging and developing trends. Through a thorough study of academic …

The Sultan/datu Images in Maguindanaon Folktales as a Means of Cultural Identity
Basically, this study endeavored to ascertain the ideal attributes that could make an exemplary Maguindanaon ruler. It also aimed to probe through analytical criticism the folktales for the purpose of discovering what these reveal of Maguindanaon political organization and cultural identity. The findings of this study were obtained through the use of Joseph Campbell’s Heroic …

Stories of Diaspora of Overseas Filipino Workers in Singapore: A Management Perspective
This qualitative study focused on the documentation and analysis of the narratives on the diaspora stories of the overseas Filipino workers in Singapore in the contexts of their fear, opportunities, and management initiatives, viewed through management perspectives. The Filipino diaspora has gone global having overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) present in all parts of the world. …

A Need to Support Teacher Diversity Through Culturally Relevant STEM Education at the Elementary School
The United States and European nations are persistently engaged in advocating the need for culturally relevant practices for the diverse student population to achieve maximum student participation and engagement in mathematics and science (hereinafter referred as MSED). However, there exists a huge gap in preparing mathematics and science teachers who could implement culturally relevant practices …

Lessons From a Global Analysis of the UN Conventions on Children and Disability Rights
Among the 6.7 billion people in the world, there are 2.2 billion children, of which 1 billion live in poverty. This study looks at the rights of children with disabilities and how vulnerable populations can be protected. The UN (2009) identifies several obstacles to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, including: “deepening poverty; …

English Language Students’ Perceptions of Interchanged Application of Face-to-Face and Synchronous Virtual Classrooms
Recent research has suggested that synchronous virtual classrooms can equally or, in some cases, better enhance students’ learning experience compared to the traditional face-to-face instruction. However, little has been explored within the circumstances where both of the instructional modes are applied to the same group of students. This study thus investigates students’ perceptions of interchanged …

Application of Google Street View Application for Footpaths’ Inspection in Nakhonratchasima City Municipality, Thailand
Walking is one way to increase physical activity regardless of whether the purpose of walking is for transportation or leisure. Therefore, this paper aims to inspect urban footpaths in term of infrastructures and facilities based on data of Footpath Standard Inspection (FSI) from the Ministry of Transport (MOT). This study selected 5 routes of Nakhonratchasima …

Evolution of Narcissistic Narration
The study is done to show how the fictional world is influenced by the character’s “Narcissism” and whether it keeps the inner narcissist in check or if it can turn an otherwise a good and positive character into a narcissist independent of the kind of civilization the character is a part of. For the study …

A Review of the Active Learning Curriculum in Management Accounting Using the Felder and Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles (ILS)
The study examines the effectiveness of active learning in Management Accounting (MA) in Singapore Management University (SMU). The aims of the paper are to determine student learning styles through the Felder and Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles (ILS) instrument, if there is correlation with demographics and whether activities found effective matched learning preferences. Findings from …

The Issue of Stigmatized Identity and Livelihood: Insights From a De-notified Tribe of Rajasthan, India
The people of Nat community, historically known as entertainers for the Rajput patronages, are found in different parts of northern India. Although they are not significant in number, they tend to carry distinct group identities in contemporary society. From a historical perspective, Rajput lost their kingship in various states; in consequence, Nat people lost their …

Virtual Reality for Language Learning
Technology can provide new opportunities for learning, and virtual reality (VR) is a new modality with great potential for immersive and interactive learning experiences. VR is engaging and can spark wonder in learners of all ages. However, we don’t yet know how much or in what ways VR can support learning a new language. The …

Today’s Choices for Selecting a School: Private, Public, Charter, or Homeschool
Today, “equity” and “a quality education” are is at the forefront of education conversations. Local and national efforts are increasing to meet individual students where they are and provide relevant support to overcome obstacles preventing them from a fair chance at an education in a public school. Three years ago, gender was one of the …

Science Program in Selected Public Elementary Schools: A Formative Evaluation
The implementation of the K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines started in 2012. While the program began with Grade 1 and Grade 7 students, the succeeding levels were introduced as these students get promoted to the next grade levels in the following school year. During the school year 2011-12, Republic Act 10157 or the …

Expectations and Experiences of Inbound Exchange Students: Insights for Improving the University’s Image
The percentage of undergraduates on campus being international is a metric of university-specific key performance indicators in the domain of enhanced internationalization. More universities are recognizing this and trying to attract qualified inbound students. Recommendations from friends who attended the host institution and from staff in their home university are important factors for inbound students …

Divide and Conquer: Chunking as a Strategy to Enhance Select Grade 12 Students’ Paraphrasing Skills
This exploratory study looks into a strategy addressing one of the main issues of academic writing. Various disciplines have incorporated the use of academic papers as a requirement in assessments. However, lack of attention is placed on paraphrasing as an essential component in applying the student’s understanding of the text which leads to poor academic …

Voicing the Needs of a Growing Diversity: Provision and Practice of Learning Support for Ethnic Minority Children
This research project aims to examine the current situation of the provision and practice of additional Japanese learning support for ethnic minority school children aged between 6 to 12 years of age currently enrolled in public elementary schools in a city located in the Kansai region of Japan. The research design for this study follows …

Preferred Learning and Teaching Styles in Filipino-8: Basis for Developing Learning Modules
This study aimed to determine the preferred learning and teaching styles in Filipino of Grade 8 students and teachers of Eusebio High School, Division of Pasig City during first quarter of school year 2017-2018. More specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What are the preferred learning styles of the student respondents in …

Critical Thinking Research in the Philippines: A Scoping Review on Research Gaps
– This paper has been retracted by the author because of legal issues – This paper deals with scoping review of critical thinking studies done in the Philippines by Filipino scholars from 1971 to 2017. It examines the extent and nature of research activity to identify research gaps. The researchers utilized Arksey and O’Malley’s (2005) …

Clients’ Cultural Symbols, Shields/filters and Spirit to Overcome Cultural Oppression
This presentation will focus on how to engage clients’ cultural symbols, use cultural shields/filters and clients’ spiritual concerns when being exposed to cultural oppression. Also, the presentation will discuss how to go beyond a superficial level of awareness when working with clients of diverse backgrounds, define basic terms related to cultural competence, discuss microaggressions, identify …

Enhancing Learner Autonomy Using Student-generated Rubrics in Speaking and Writing: A Case in One Singapore Primary School
Student-generated rubrics, as part of formative assessment, have been reported to foster self-regulation and learner autonomy. This in turn can have a positive impact on students’ accomplishment on specific assignments. In view of these reports, an experimental design intervention was implemented on two classes of Grade 5 students (over 80) in one Singapore primary school …

Professional Development, Instructional Practices and Academic Performance of Mathematics Students, Muang District Elementary Schools, Suratthani, Thailand
This study purported to investigate the professional development (PD), instructional practices (IP) of the teachers and their relationships to the academic performance of grades five and six students in Mathematics of Muang District Elementary Schools, Suratthani, Thailand. Descriptive statistical analysis such as mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as correlation, t-test and analysis of …

Planning for Capacity Building on Career Support of Vietnamese Technical Colleges: A Perspective of South Korea’s Official Development Assistance
The purpose of this project is to provide a model for establishing a career support system for higher education institutions in Vietnam by applying and spreading the social partnership model of Vietnamese industry, government, and school. Since capacity building projects may not achieve their goals even if they complete all their individual activities, it is …

Improving Mathematics Vocabulary Learning in the Foundation Phase
Mathematics is more than numbers. Students should be able to understand and use academic vocabulary to think about and discuss mathematical situations. However, vocabulary learning within the mathematical contexts could be very complex and challenging to students, especially for English Learners. The purpose of this study aims to present a review and synthesize literature regarding the …

Predicting Social Adjustment During the Transition from Preschool to Primary School – The Role of Children’s Media Use
Early transition from preschool to primary school is an important predictor that gives a lot of insight into the later years of formal schooling.Studies have demonstrated the importance of social adjustment for transition,ranging from childhood,adolescence and adulthood.This study aims to to examine factors that predict children’s social adjustment based on children’s media use during the …

Policy Implementation: Basic Education 9 Years Indonesian School Abroad in Malaysia
Until 2010 there were 14 SILN (Indonesian Foreign Schools) active, Indonesian Schools Overseas, with varying conditions and typologies. One of them was through the establishment of the Indonesian Overseas School in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. An interesting fact is from the organization of Indonesian Overseas Schools in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. This school has 141 …