The teaching of Mathematics involves problem solving skills in which proved to be difficult on the part of the students due to misrepresentation of the word problems. This problem is associated to the low performance in Mathematics of Filipino students both in local and international assessments. This paper addresses the problem solving skills of Filipino Grade Seven students employing the Block Model Approach which is based on concrete - representation – abstract principle of teaching Mathematics. In this quasi-experimental study, two Grade Seven sections participated in a three week trial of the method. Comparing pretest and posttest scores showed both groups, Non- Block Model Approach and Block Model Approach groups gained an improved performance in Mathematics. The test of significance showed that the Block Model Approach provides better results. In addition, the learning gain of the experimental group under the Block Model group was higher than the mean learning gain of the control group. This study concludes that drawing a bar to make a model assists Grade seven students to solve word problems. It is recommended for the public basic education teachers to consider the Block Model in their lessons to improve the mathematical ability of the Filipino learners.
Author Information
Ronald Lucasia, Rizal High School, Philippines
Daisy Dolor, Rizal High School, Philippines
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