Month: September 2015
The Impacts of the Family Allowance Program (Programa Bolsa Familia) on the Development of the UN Millennium Development Goal 1 – Eradication of Hunger and Poverty made by Brazil Between 2000-2015
This paper addresses the fulfilment of the UN Millennium Goals by the Brazilian state, with special emphasis on the Millennium Development Goal number 1 (MDG 1), regarding the eradication of hunger and poverty. The timeframe utilized in the study is 2000-2015, in accordance to the UN Development Committee. Brazil in the XXI century still struggles …
Effects of the Re-Branding Campaign Strategies on the Image of Nigeria Abroad (2009-2014)
This paper is an assessment of the effects of the Re-branding Campaign launched in 2009 by the Federal Government of Nigeria to “market” Nigeria abroad. Two major objectives were investigated in the study. These include; (i) to assess the effectiveness of the approach adopted by the government of Nigeria for the re-branding project based on …
Success and Performance: A UK SMES Perspective
The SME sector is very diverse it covers a range of types of businesses and they cover a wide range of industrial sectors. It is hard to characterise them and some of the simplistic terms do not reflect the nature of SMEs. Terms such as ‘life-style’ businesses or ‘innovatory’ business only vaguely encompass the nature …
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Survivability of Banks in Nigeria: The Mediating Role of Human Capital Management
This study empirically investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organizational survivability as well as the mediating role of human capital management in the relationship. Primary data is generated from 144 top level management staff of the target banks through structured questionnaires and analysis is undertaken in four major phases: the demographic, univariate, bivariate and …
What Precedes Flexible Role Orientation?
Wild race of business nowadays enforces organization to form a troop of reliable employee. It is not the time to rely on employee with mediocre vision and point of view. Organization needs a team of powerful employees with flexible role orientation who see broader task as something within their range of responsibilities. Having less number …
Enhancing Women’s Capacity in Peace Building Through the Open and Distance Learning System
The World Economic Forum reported in 2012 that women make up one half of the world’s human capital. This study reveals that illiteracy among women often leads to poor self-image, and inadequate knowledge, making them susceptible to being deprived of their rights and ability to play active role in the society. In contrast, literate women …
Cosmopolitanism as Biopower: Creating and Targeting Cultural Others
The paper analyses cosmopolitanism from the lens of biopower. The central argument is that the actual and prospective actions undertaken in the name of upholding the cosmopolitan ideals perpetuates biopower. Cosmopolitan ideals here imply the tendency to transcend territorial boundedness. The smokescreen of justice serves to legitimate the narrow self-interest of few powerful countries. Borrowing …
Misapplication of Power and the Death Penalty in Georgia: There is No Power Greater Than That Over Life and Death
The death penalty is a lottery, in which fairness loses and power wins. Under consideration are the supremacy of the parole board, political and media influence on legal decisions and the uneven application of the law on those condemned. Included are consequences of long imprisonment before the death sentence is effectuated and the execution of …
Developing Social Media Policy for Public Agencies in Egypt
The use of social media tools in Egyptian government, while still relatively new, is gaining acceptance at all levels of government which is widely reflected in the number of social media pages for Egyptian ministries. By logging on Facebook or Twitter you can follow most of Egyptian ministries updated releases and news. Yet, the Egyptian …
Discretion in Public Policy in Indonesia
In the perspective of governance, any agency or government officials in carrying out its responsibilities shall implement the general principles of good governance Among the general principles of good governance is the most basic prohibition of abuse of authority and the prohibition act arbitrarily. While on the other hand, the regulations also authorize the government …
Piloting the CLIMASP-Tempus Interdisciplinary Minor in Climate Change and Sustainability Policy: Outcomes Achieved
Higher education plays a unique and critical role, one often underestimated and/or neglected in making a more sustainable society. The paper will deal with the piloting of an interdisciplinary minor programme on climate change and sustainability policy across 10 universities in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. It is a European Commission funded programme led by the …
Development of a Behavioural Change Tool for Energy Efficiency in Buildings: A Case of Nigeria Office Buildings
The increasing impacts of global climate change and the building sector’s contribution to reducing this impacts has led to more urgent need and awareness to use energy more efficiently and consequently reduce CO2 emissions from buildings. However, inefficient operational practices and users’ behavioural factor towards energy consumption in buildings remains one of the most challenging …
A Study of the Social Causes of Over-Medication in China
This paper seeks to examine the root causes of the pharmaceutical drugs over-use or over-medication in China. By this mean, there is considerable evidence of this overuse, and it appears to be more extensive than in western countries. I have applied ‘Countervailing Power’ as a theoretical model to explore how this overuse relates and interacts …
Business Negotiation Power: How is it Used in the Arabian Gulf?
The attitudes of business negotiators in the Arabian Gulf towards the use of negotiation power were explored through a qualitative interview-based study. Participants included 21 managers from various organizations in the Muscat metropolitan area of Oman for whom negotiation constitutes an essential part of the job. The semi-structured format of the interviews ensured consistency and …
A Novel Business Model Based on Real Time Bidding and Online Video Interaction Technology
The aim of this paper is to introduce a novel business model based on real time bidding (RTB) and an online video interaction technology and to demonstrate how they can be integrated to boost the power of advertising. The interaction technology was built around a novel object recognition/tracking technique and a traditional video-processing one. Innovative …
Multidimensional Performance Measures as Inductors of the Adoption of Best Practices and the Achievement of Projects’ Goals
“Sebrae at your doorstep” is the program designed by Sebrae, the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service, to actively approach companies offering basic management tools and its catalogue of business solutions. In 2014 it was executed in 24 states of Brazil, having reached 451 thousand companies. Its Responsibility Matrix involves responsibilities from the states …
The Effect of Poverty on Women’s Health in Khewra City, Pakistan
Poverty has been increasing in Pakistan since the 1990s, after declining during the previous two decades. However, Pakistan bears a high burden of poverty-related communicable diseases, exacerbated by malnutrition and material risks. The aim at the present study is to find out the impact of poverty on women health. Present study was conducted in the …
Are We on the Same Jobsite? Expectations of Millennial Students vs. Construction Industry Employees
Many organizations face the challenge of integrating diverse generations in a workplace. With the retirement of a large number of Baby Boomers (60+ years) and the current intake of Millennials (20-33 years) in the workplace, organizations are facing a challenge to attract and retain the millennial generation. This paper presents a research pilot study investigating …
Ecocinema in the Anthropocene Era
The concept of mind-body dualism rests in the various distinctions human thought has made between the conscious mind, represented as spirit, soul and self, and the seemingly mechanistic actions of the human body and the natural physical world in which it inhabits. It represents a movement of cosmological thought away from animist beliefs which regard …
Performance Evaluation for a 10 kW Solar Organic Rankine Cycle Power System to Operate in the UK Climate Conditions
A considerable amount of medium/low grade thermal energy is available in the form of Renewable sources (solar, geothermal, biomass) and waste heat in industrial processes which can be feasibly used to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology is considered as one of the prospective technologies for utilization the above energy …
The Changing Perception of the Other in Europe in Post Cold War Period
In this study, nationalism and the perception of ‘the other’ which are nowadays the most effective factors to the international system in the world, will be discussed. Before, during and after the Cold War the changing perception of ‘the other’ especially in Europe; and during the Cold War, the changing perception of threat from red …
The Fight against Impunity for Grand Corruption: Prosecuting Kleptocracy as an International Crime
Corruption constitutes one of the most serious problems the world is facing today. The large-scale looting of public treasuries and resources by heads of state and their allies has devastating consequences for social, economic and political structures, leading to gross human rights violations, distorting markets and allowing organized crime to flourish. Efforts to curb corruption …
Whaling in the Antarctic and the Power of Public International Law
The Convention for the Regulation of Whaling and the associated recent litigation before the International Court of Justice reveal a great deal about the status and power of international law in the 21st Century. Japan’s infamous JARPA II whaling programme has been widely criticised as disguised commercial whaling, contrary to the international moratorium on commercial …
The Effect of Work Family Conflict on Employees Job Attitudes and Mediating Role of Organization Citizenship Behavior: A Study of the Banking Sector of Pakistan
Researchers have repetitively verified the nonconstructive effects of work and family conflict on employee’s behaviors and attitudes. For this reason interference of work and family was key concern for individuals and as well as for the organizations around the globe. This research was an attempt to analyze significant impacts of Work Family Conflict on job …
A Comparative Study on Political Responses to Issues of Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies between the United States and Nigeria
The issue of insurgency is a global stigma that has and is still stalling the socio-economic development of many nations all over the world. Many scholars would argue that the Nigerian experience in this regard is relatively new when compared to nations like the United States and most Middle Eastern countries. Still these have adopted …
Payment for Environmental Services and the Increase of Life and Environmental Quality: A Study of Brazilian Case
The water crisis around the world, the increased deforestation and the need of finding new industrial solutions make clear the importance of nature. In this context, the State must stand up for sustainable actions and the Payment for environmental services is a good way to stimulate the citizens to act consciously. The Payment for environmental …
Reinvigorating Urban Nodes and Spatial Growth in Akure, Nigeria
Rapid urbanization in developing nations of the world is quite obvious. In Nigeria, the uncontrolled intensification of land use at the designated business cores of its urban centres (nodes) is now an issue of serious planning and management concerns. Governments at various levels are currently facing the daunting challenge of controlling these urban physical and …
Depositions of Acid Aerosols and Black Carbon from Biomass Burning Over the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve Forest, Thailand
Burning of biomass is an important source of acid aerosols and black carbon emissions into the atmosphere. In the tropics, the formation of secondary organic and inorganic aerosols depends on meteorological parameters. High humidity and rain washout both reduces air borne aerosol concentrations. We monitored the concentrations of aerosols associated with biomass burning from July …
Education and Business Management: A Strategic Management Review in Context
Our management experiences earned from both business sectors and management academic sectors bring us endeavours to do research on the specific academic sector with the business angles. In recent publications, Management and Business Education is frequently considered as a business industry, even though this industry is not similar compared to other industries due to some …
Minority Representation and the Media Studies
This research examines the question of minority representation and discourse expanding Stuart Hall’s identity theory. Representation of identity changes the surface through articulation to different signification and sometimes expands the range witch connotes in the course of history. In this research, this importance of the changes in minority representation will be discussed. Stuart Hall, a …
Effect of Seed Size on Seed Germination Rate of Adansonia Digitata from Five Natural Populations in Malawi
Recently there has been concern over sustainability of natural indigenous fruit trees due to depletion of natural resources. This has been attributed to growing human demands. In Malawi, deforestation has largely eroded much of the indigenous fruit tree germplasm. One such indigenous fruit trees that have experienced serious genetic erosion are Adansonia digitata L. (baobab), …
Cognitive Psychology as the Background of Behavioural Strategies
The paper content is embedded in both management science, especially strategic management, and cognitive psychology – mainly in terms of mental processes (such as i.e. attention, metacognition (due to the ability to apply a cognitive style), consciousness, and reasoning. It has been envisaged in a new – fangled definition that a behavioural strategy constitutes the …
The Impact of Health on Labour Productivity in Nigeria From 1970 to 2012, Applying the Standard Neo-Classical Growth Framework
This study estimates the impact of health on labour productivity in Nigeria from 1970 to 2012, applying the standard neo-classical growth framework. Using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique, Cointegration and Granger Causality test procedures, the Unit root test result shows that five of the variables, PERCAPITA, LABFORCE, EDUCATIO, AGRICULT and HEALTH are not stationary at …
Community Empowerment to Enhance Demographic Awareness: An Educational Approach from Indonesia
This study aimed to enhance the demographic awareness through educational approach which focused on community empowerment. In an effort to accomplish demographic awareness, the study referred to the Model of Precede and Proceed initiated by L.W. Green. The study was conducted in two phases – Mapping and Intervention. Data from the first phase, mapping, was …
The Properties and Suitability of Corn Stover for Co-Gasification with Coal in a Computer Simulated Downdraft Gasifier System
Characterization of corn stover and coal were undertaken in order to compare their properties and to determine the combustion characteristics of both feedstocks. Also to establish whether corn stover is a suitable feedstock for blending with coal for the purpose of co-gasification based on its composition and properties. Proximate and ultimate analyses as well as …
Numerical Analysis for Energy Performance of Ground Source Heat Exchanger Under Environmental Conditions of Istanbul, Turkey
By reason of limited amount of natural resources exploited for heating and cooling, and considering that reduction of environmental impact, people should strive to use renewable energy resources. The use of renewable energy sources decreases the energy consumption. Heat pump heating performance and cooling performance depends on the evaporator and condenser temperatures. The evaporator and …
A Framework for the Governance of Socio-Technical Transitions in Urban Energy Infrastructures
In this paper, a conceptual framework is proposed to analyze the dynamics of techno-institutional lock-in preventing urban energy infrastructures to change and the way a governance approach can affect these dynamics and direct urban energy transitions. In this respect, the framework hypothesizes that the relative power of different rationalities in urban energy infrastructure as a …
The Role of Regional Strategies in Realising Energy Neutrality in Regions: Experiences from the EU-LEE Project SUSREG
The EU has high ambitions with respect to climate change mitigation and energy independence, but realisation of these ambitions is still in its infancy. SUSREG is a project within the IEE programme (Intelligent Energy Europe) that develops knowledge and tools in this respect. Knowledge partners and local and regional authorities in six countries develop and …
Additional Electricity Generator Model From Vehicle Movement Within an Industry Area
The purpose of this research was to create the method and to design the generator model from vehicle movement in industry area at the slaughter and food processing plant named CPF PCL., located in Bangkok, Thailand. The main concept of the design was a sustainable energy harvesting. The method designing consisted of 2 main elements, …
Residual Biomass: A Silver Bullet to Ensure a Sustainable Bioeconomy?
The transition to a bioeconomy is generally considered as a step towards increased sustainability. However, land use changes caused by increased biomass production have several negative impacts and as a consequence, many cultivated biomass resources are unsustainable. One proposed alternative is the use of residual biomass: biomass that is not cultivated for the use in …
Power Dynamics in Development-Induced Resettlement
The undertaking of resettlement in development projects is often a controversial process that has attracted a lot of debate and activism. Resettlement, often involuntary, results from projects aimed at providing resources such as water, electricity, housing, etc., typically to the masses. The irony of this process, however, is that while it is usually claimed to …
Fog: An Important Water Source in Arid Zones
In semiarid and arid zones, fog is considered an important alternative water source. The southeast Pacific anticyclone, the cold Humboldt Current and the rugged topography that characterize the North of Chile, promotes the formation of low stratocumulus along the coastline. The thermally induced winds move this low clouds eastwards and, in those hills of the …
Climate Variability and Food Security in Tanzania. The Case of Western Bagamoyo
Among other factors, climate variability is the most influencing factor that affects food security for sustainable development. The second idea is that, food production is necessary but not sufficient to ensure food security in the context of climate variability. This paper considers climate variability, as an indicator of climate change, on food security, hunger and …
Inventory Management and Firm’s Performance During the Period of Financial Constraints: An Empirical Analysis of SME Sector in Greece
Inventory is one of the most essential component of firm’s current assets. Their efficient management notably determines the achievement of firm’s economic and financial objects. The major objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of inventory management adopted by small and medium enterprises (SME) in the region of Epirus, in Greece. The study …
Financial Slack and Firm Performance During an Economic Downturn
This conference contribution examines whether financial slack has an impact on performance in the particularly hostile environment of an economic downturn. Organizational theory posits that the impact of high levels of slack on performance should be positive during such a time, as excess resources buffer the core of the firm from external shocks. Using the …
Narratives About the Need to Develop the Sense of Cooperation of Managers
Nurture a sense of cooperation is one of the “soft skills” of managers. Our work aims to describe how is the manner in which they behave and think influenced by the memories of certain daily-life situations. Our research question is: By what and how can these situations be linked to the “soft skills” learning? Our …
The Issue of Women Poverty in Turkey in the Context of Capability Approach
The main purpose of this study is to present a detailed picture of women’s poverty in Turkey in the context of capability approach. Poverty is not considered only as lack of income. Lack of income may be considered as one of the reasons for poverty but it is not sufficient in itself to examine poverty …
Failed States
Failed states were regarded as a contrast to what is considered an ideal state according to the Westphalian system, which exercises full sovereign powers over a territory and population. The functioning government has the ability to control prospective violence, provide public goods and can meet and maintain international obligations. When vulnerable states arise, non-governmental groups …
European Enlargement and Women: An Analysis on Turkey
The EU’s recent economic and political stalemate has found its most obvious reflection in the European Commission’s new president Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker’s statement on halting further enlargements during his presidency. Those who are fighting for better democratic standards in Turkey are certainly disappointed with Mr. Juncker’s mission letters, although the relations between Turkey and the …
Change of Circumstances and Judicial Power: A European Perspective of Contract Law
An obligation should always be performed, even when its performance has become more onerous. However, if the performance of a contractual obligation has become extremely onerous because of an exceptional change of circumstances, the answer must be different. This paper discusses how the judicial power deals with changes of circumstances in long-term contracts. There are …
Legal Nature of Resolutions issued by the Bodies of the Self – Government of Legal Advisors – EU Perspective
The topic concerns the self-governing regulatory bodies of the legal profession within different EU Member States and the resolutions passed by those bodies (specially issued by National Council of Legal Advisors or District Councils of Legal Advisors). The legal character of these regulations is differentiated, and, as such, generate different effects with respect to the …
Online Reviews in an E-Commerce Environment: Impact on Brand Trust and Consumer Equity
This study adopts a quantitative approach using a factorial between-subjects experimental design to determine the effects of online reviews on brand trust and consumer equity. Customer equity links closely with customer value, brand value and relationships unlike willingness to buy. An online user discussion forum was purpose-built to conduct experimental research for this study, using …
Co-Evolution of Internal and External Selection
The paper content is embedded in an evolutionary approach in strategic management, in which the processes of selection, variation, and retention are significantly salient, however, the logic of selection and co-interrelated adaptativeness is primary. The paper focuses on external and internal selection. Moreover, the paper concerns co-evolutionary integrating research perspective. Both internal and external selection …