Tag: Student Learning

The Influence of Lecturer Performance Index Toward Student Achievement Index
Good lecturers brings good students. The result of student achievement is determined by the lecturer performance. This study aims to determine lecturer performance seen from student achievement index for 1 (one) semester and focused on lecturers nurturing a certain course. This research is expected to contribute information of reducing lecturer shortcomings and improving lecturer performance …

E-Kankor: Opening New Vistas of Higher Education Through an Innovative Intelligent Tutoring System
Passing the entrance examination to a university is a major step in one’s life. Kankor is the nationwide tertiary entrance examination in Afghanistan. Since the score on the Kankor Assessment Test determines the student’s academic future, it is highly recommended to do some test preparation so that the score and consequent placement reflect the student’s …

A Survey of Scientific Competency of Grade 10th Students in Thailand
The purpose of this study was to survey the scientific competency of grade 10th students. The sample was 141 students of academic year 2016 from Sarakhampittayakhom school in Thailand that selected by purposive sampling. The instrument was the 5 items from 2 situations of scientific competency test that measured in 3 sub-competencies including 1) explain …

How Increasing Students’ Interest and Motivation to Study Affects Perceived Service Quality and Academic Satisfaction at University
Instructional Design has provided models and theories to make lectures more effective and attractive. However, managing and evaluating educational outcomes are still challenging because of their intangibility and heterogeneity. In particular, Learning Experience (LX), results in a change in value, motivation, or behavior to study, is rarely included as an integral part of Perceived Outcome …

The Study of Grade 10 Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Chemical Reactions and Biomolecules
The purpose of research was to study grade 10 students’ conceptual understanding of chemical reactions and biomolecules. The target group there was 33 grade 10 students classroom 14 in Phadungnaree school of Thailand in the 1st semester of 2016 academic year. The instrument was used in this study was conceptual understanding measurement. Then, the students’ …

Vietnam’s National Foreign Language 2020 Project after 9 Years: A Difficult Stage
Vietnam has been witnessing many changes in learning language, and the National Foreign Language 2020 project is the latest breakthrough that delves into brand-new advances to improve effectively the quality of English language learning and teaching across all school levels in Vietnam. After nine years, this innovation has attracted considerable public attention and feedback from …

The Use of Video-Based Instruction in Higher Education: Impact on Knowledge Gain
The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of video-based instruction in a course entitled “Environmental Studies” to impart environmental knowledge among undergraduate students. The pretest-posttest assessment method was employed to obtain the scores before and after showing a video on a selected environmental theme to three different class sizes consisting of 9 (small class …

A Survey of Mathematics Reasoning Ability of Grade 10th Students in Thailand
The purpose of this study was to survey the Mathematics reasoning ability of grade 10th students. The participants were 47, grade 10th students in Sarakhampittayakhom a school in Mahasarakham, Thailand, 2nd semester of 2016 that selected by purposive sampling. The instrument was Mathematics reasoning ability test that include inductive and deductive reasoning ability, multiple choice, …

Scenery Changes in Campus Proceeded by Students
University is where students improve their abilities and professors proceed with their research. It is fortunate if their interests coincide with each other’s. However, they are not always the same. In such a case, a seminar in a laboratory might fill the gap between them to a certain extent. In departments such as architecture or …

Implementation of Problem-Solving Instruction in a Global Education Course and Visualizing Japanese Undergraduate Students Learning
The world has been globalized at an unprecedented speed in that everything from people to information moves across nations more quickly and intensely than ever. In order to prepare the youth to effectively and responsibly live in such a global society, global education was born in the U.S. in the late 1960s and has developed …

Exploring the Impacts of Race, Culture, and Language on African Refugee Students in Ontario Secondary Schools
Identity threat, or perceived identity threat, in school settings has been linked to decreased academic engagement and performance among minority group members. In particular, among secondary school students, discrimination based on culture, race, and/or language can contribute to drop out rates and a lack of meaningful academic engagement. This paper is part of a larger …

Development of the Ability in Creative Problem Solving of Early Childhood Education Major Students by Using Group Process Activities
In order to produce quality early childhood education teachers, one of the important skills is problem solving ability. In addition creative problem solving ability helps students to understand and adapt to the rapidly changing society better. The aim of this research was to study and compare development of creative problem solving ability of early childhood …

Japanese EFL Learners’ Experiences with Written Corrective Feedback
The debate regarding the efficacy of WCF (Written Corrective Feedback) spans two decades. Much of the research to date has utilized quantitative methods to investigate students’ written output, which all too often neglected learners’ experiences and learner diversity. In contrast, this research employs a qualitative approach in an interpretive paradigm to explore the experiences of …

The Design of an Ecosystem-Education Board Game Integrating Role-Play and Peer-Learning Mechanism and Its Evaluation of Learning Effectiveness and Flow
The teaching activities in ecosystem-education are now more interactive in addition to the traditional classroom lectures, films, or field trips. In particular, game-based learning helps learners’ motivation and the opportunities for peer learning. Board games that do not need electricity and focus on players’ interactions are now widely used in many teaching practices. Based on …

The Effect of Board Game Teaching with the Marine Science Educational Course on Students’ Learning Motivation, Interest, and Achievement in Junior High School
Board games are innovative educational tools that may advance learning motivation, interest and enhance learning achievement. And the board-game teaching often offers a variation in the students, comparing with traditional teaching.This study developed a Marine Science Educational Course for Junior high School Students and designed a board game combining the path of currents in the …

School Bullying: Its Influences on the Academic Performance of the Basic Education Students
Bullying has already been a pervasive problem across Asia. It has been noticed as a school nuisance causing harm to students that could potentially affect their physical and psychological conditions. Most of its victims are powerless and taciturn. As observed, students who are bullied cannot concentrate well in the class. The grades may be a …

Applying Gamification in Vocational and Professional and Education and Training (VPET) Classroom to Engage Students’ Learning
This paper aims to discuss the possibility of applying gamification in various classrooms in vocational education. The application of gamification in education has been explored in recent years. A number of research suggesting that incorporating game elements and game dynamics can enhance students’ engagement and motivation by changing their role from being taught to active …

Massive Multiplayer Online Games Communities: Lessons for Diversity in School Classrooms
Computer gaming is often seen as a barrier to good performance at school. It is claimed that young people are becoming more obese, demonstrating poor psychological adjustment and developing addictions to video games (Kulman, 2015). However, by using a systems approach to the understanding of group dynamics, based the Hackman and Morris (1975) Input-Process-Output Model …

The Level of Math Anxiety among the Students Who Consistently Perform Poorly in Mathematics at Secondary Level Education in Bangladesh
This paper reports on a research that investigated Math Anxiety among students who are getting poor marks consistently in last three exams. A school from Dhaka, National Bangla High School, was selected purposively for this research. The participants were 122 students, both girls (n=75) and boys (n=47), from grade IX and X with poor results …

A Guideline for Using Lesson Study for Preservice Science Teachers in Thailand
This paper addressed the results of the attempting of using a lesson study in preservice science teacher classroom. The lesson study was implemented for 42-senior science student teachers who enrolled the professional experience subject. The classroom observations, reflective journal, discussion form and semi-structured interviews were used in order to gain the required data. Preliminary findings …

High School Students’ Understanding of Nature of Science
The aim of this study was to investigate students’ understanding of the Nature of Science (NOS). 108 high school students at a secondary school in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 36 participated in this preliminary study. An open-ended questionnaire was adapted from the View of Nature of Science questionnaire (VNOS-form C) of Lederman et …

Challenges That English Language Learners at College Level Encounter When Studying Mathematics
A large number of students who are non-native speakers of English are expected to undertake the twofold task of learning a new language and mathematics subject matter simultaneously. Teachers of these English Language Learners, ELLs, are aware of the fact that language plays a major role in learning mathematics. Evidence has shown that ELLs do …

Dramatic Tools as a Vehicle Towards Teaching Igbo Language in Primary Schools in South West Nigeria
This paper examines the pedagogical shift from conventional teaching strategies to a dramatic mode in the Igbo class in primary schools in South Western Nigeria. The study utilises the quasi- experimental design involving twenty five primary schools in senatorial zones that are foreign to the Igbo language. The population consists of 250 subjects randomly selected …

Testing School Climate as Predictors of High School Students’ Academic Self-Regulation and Achievement Motivation between Public and Selective Schools In Urmia City- Iran
ABSTRACTThis study examined to assess whether school climate variables predicted students’ academic self-regulation and achievement motivation and compared how these variables acts in two types of high school (public and selective ) in Urmia City. Using multi-measure research design involving 197 high school students and we compared prediction of these students’ academic achievement ( The …

An Ide for Java with Multilevel Hints to Develop Debugging Skills in Novices
Novices find it difficult to learn programming. In order to write a program, they have to learn the basic concepts of programming along with the syntax and semantics of a programming language. One of the important tasks in programming is debugging. To become good programmers, novices need to have good debugging skills. Typically it is …

Development of Learning and Teaching by Bankruptcy Law
The purpose of this research was to study education development in law by using role playing. This research was experimental research. There were 30 samples of students in law school faculty of humanities and social science Bansomdej chaopraya Rajabhat University who failed in bankruptcy code semester 1/2014. Samples all agreed to join in research by …

Some Insights into a Peer Mentoring Programme
The FBE Senior Peer Mentoring programme piloted peer engagement methods from an internationally accredited programme, namely the Peer Assisted Session (PASS), to explore how well students would respond to it prior to fully implementing it. The study, which was conducted through an online survey comprising 6 questions, elicited varying responses on student mentees__ preferred learning …