This paper aims to discuss the possibility of applying gamification in various classrooms in vocational education. The application of gamification in education has been explored in recent years. A number of research suggesting that incorporating game elements and game dynamics can enhance students’ engagement and motivation by changing their role from being taught to active game players, and thus, breaking the boundaries of communication of traditional teaching and learning method. Vocational and professional education and training (VPET) is under rapid changes, students’ learning style and needs are diverse, new teaching strategies are in high demand. The largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong, Vocational Training Council (VTC), has been providing great strength in enhancing teaching and learning of various VPET programmes, so as to engage the new generations in acquiring three domains of learning, which are cognitive(knowledge), affective(attitude) and psychomotor(skills) domain as suggested by Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom et al., 1956). Since the authors of this paper are Education Development Officers, who conduct class observation in various programmes. Some of the classes observed revealed the ways how gamification changes a knowledge-based lesson into an interactive classroom. It was also observed that how the teacher develops students’ global vision and critical thinking skills through game-based instruction design. Moreover, one of the class also showed how game dynamics are used to teach practical skills. Last but not least, it will also discuss the constraints and challenges of applying gamification in VPET.
Author Information
Kit Man, Gloria Chung, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong
Hing Yui, Nichole Chan, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2016
Stream: Student Learning, Learner Experiences and Learner Diversity
This paper is part of the ACE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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