Month: July 2016

Trieste/Crossroads of Cultures in Central Eastern Europe: Transformations/Contradictions and Continuities at the Italian Eastern Border
This paper aims to highlight some peculiarities of this border region contested between Italy and Yugoslavia where the ethnic differences, cultural and the geographical characteristics blend together in an extraordinary example of European multiculturalism.Thanks to its location, on the eastern border, the city has always played an important strategic role and exchange with the world …

Talking Like a (Foreign) Man: Diaspora Teenage Languages Shaping Urban Spaces in Gautam Malkani’s Londonstani
This paper aims to investigate the role of language for the British Indian diasporic community teenagers of London, for whom the research of an identity also includes the definition of belonging within a postcolonial frame. Teenage is a moment of passage, symbolizing the passage into the 21st century, which requires a re-definition of all conventions …

Up and Down the City Road: London in the Other’s Eyes
This paper probes into two facets of the life of Indian immigrants in post-war London portrayed in Anita Desai’s Bye-Bye, Blackbird. On the one side, there is the expected and familiar outburst of nationalistic xenophobia on behalf of the domestic population of this urban landscape, triggered by the arrival of numerous immigrants from the Commonwealth …

Overcoming Barriers to Gender Equity in the Workplace: Why aren’t we there yet?
Gender inequity continues to exist in all facets of society, community and the workplace. This paper seeks to explore the myths and truisms about gender equity in the workplace, particularly in large organisations where gendered hierarchies and entrenched behaviours tend to prevail. Despite evidence of concern, there is limited understanding of how gender inequity impacts …

South Korea Gimhae City Color Palette of Representative Colours and Symbolic Colour Development
City colors analysis and guidelines development is a way to assist the city to become more sustainable and be developed with an excel city image and living environment. Especially for Gimhae, a city in South Korea has high cultural properties from both tradition and modern era due to Gaya Kingdom’s culture. Through an analysis on …

The Dimensions of Childhood in Modern Architecture: From Urban Scales to Domestic Spaces
According to many authors, architecture is more than meets the eye: it is the image of a certain historical, cultural, and social context, as it reflects the ideals and longings of the society by which it is built and inhabited.In the eventful years of the 20th century, amid a context punctuated by the horrors of …

Surrealism: A Global Cultural Movement with Local Political Agency
Surrealism is a cosmopolitan cultural movement that transcends the very notion of a nation-state. Notwithstanding, it has been canonised as Paris-centric, which belies its global expanse. Whilst surrealism’s cultural impact remains globally untrammelled, it empirically mustered political dissent in the local politics of Haiti, Martinique and Mexico. I postulate that Surrealism’s political impact was greater …

The Impacts of Globalization on Urban Peripheral Villages of Iran
Globalization as an ongoing economic, social, political and technological process has various impacts around the world, which its quantity and quality has been different in terms of various countries conditions. One of these impacts is spatial transformation of urban peripheral villages. The objective of this research is considering factors affecting spatial transformation of Iran’s urban …

Urban Aspirations: A Field View from the Margins of the City
Indian cities are transforming rapidly. Though there is a huge variation between the transformation of various cities but metropolises like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai are witnessing major changes as they are making their ways into the global economic networks. These transformations are not apolitical in nature rather represent the imaginations of the people occupying dominant city …

Public Images/Private Lives: Blurring Truth and Fantasy in the World of Professional Bondage and Discipline
Public images and private lives often do not match up. Indeed, social life is premised as much on what is not shown as it is on what is revealed. Concealment, deception and the blurring of truth and fantasy can be fundamental for social life. Advertising services in the Australian sex industry, as with advertising many …

Orchestrating French Music Conservatories: European Political Interventions and Local Governances
This research aims to understand the processes of institutional recombination of French higher music education system in the context of European integration. How do the current constitutive elements of French multi-level governance (municipal, departamental, regional, national and European), both informal and formal, operate on music conservatories ? How do these institutions, related by national and international …

Internet Addiction Motivations Among Chinese Young People: A Qualitative Analysis
The present study aims to explore the internet use pattern and the possible internet addiction motivations among Chinese young people, such as parenting style, social environment, changes of communication pattern, and psychological empty etc. Qualitative interviews were conducted. A total of 25 addictive young people and two parents were interviewed individually. Analysis of interviews found …

Rugao and Water Garden in Seventeenth Century China
My paper focuses on Rugao, a city on the northern bank of the Yangtze River, during the period of the fall of the Ming dynasty and the consolidation of Qing rule in the mid and late seventeenth century. The unique status of Rugao was due to its location in one of the most prosperous and …

The Specificities of a Public Procurement Contract Contract Formation
As opposed to civil law, where contracts are generally formed simply through offer and acceptance, in public procurement law the contract is the result of a complex procedure with rules and terms strictly established by national and European legislation.In civil law, for a promise to become an enforceable contract, parties must agree on the essential …

Falklands Calling’: Exploring the Life of the Local Community in Terms of Global Interaction
The aim of this paper is to explore the degree of international interaction of the inhabitants of the Falkland Islands. The paper argues that the way the islanders see themselves and interact with the rest of the world has evolved after, and as a result of, the 1982 war. The war was fought between Argentina …

The Soundscape East of The River: Sonic Icons in Nagai Kafū’s Writings
By focusing on the auditory dimension of Nagai Kafū’s (1879-1959) representation of Tokyo in his most renown – and admittedly most representative – novel, Bokutō kidan (A Strange Tale from East of the River, 1937), my paper attempts to provide new insights into this author’s critique of the modern(ized) city. Repeatedly modified and rebuilt in …

Keys to Words That Are Already There: Chief Bromden’s Psychedelic Journey Towards Redemption
This paper investigates how One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is an artistic piece of psychedelic creation that traces the journey inside the mind of a psychotic narrator. This psychedelic narrator only heals through the effect of the psychedelic hero who opens his Pandora’s Box and uncovers his book of mystery. This journey is nothing …

The Specificities of Lisbon As an International (City) Actor
States have been, traditionally, the key analytical category to reason on International Relations (IR) with different renounced authors explicitly or implicitly acknowledging it. However, on pair with states, cities are an organizing form and space of political, social, cultural, demographic, environmental and economic life. Cities are nowadays one of the actors of the global, and …

The Acceptance of Social Network Services of Generation Y in Thailand
This research is aimed to 1) study the relationship between the perceived usefulness in the use of social network services and the behaviour of Generation Y people in using social network services; 2) study the relationship between the perceived ease of use of social network services and the behaviour of Generation Y people in using …

A Journey Through La Barceloneta: Neighbours and the Changing Cultural Identity of Barcelona’s Beach Suburb
This paper explores the shifting urban and cultural transformation of one of Barcelona’s most iconic suburbs: la Barceloneta. Targeted by mass tourism, real estate speculation and measures allowing for the privatization of public space, this seaside neighbourhood risks becoming one more example of the historic city reduced to a mere exhibition to be visited, not …

Gender in Negotiation
This study aims to investigate how negotiator perceive the other side when the negotiator identified the same or opposite sex. For this reason 162 employees from six different company have been interviewed about negotiation. The research sample was composed of 91 males and 71 females. The participants interviewed with open ended questions. The questionnaire asks …

The Significance of Social Components in Urban Transformation in the Context of Sustainability: A Romany Neighbourhood Example/Istanbul
Cities are like living organisms like every single living creature that is born, grows up and dies. Just as when a living being is in bad health and medical intervention becomes inevitable, such intervention is inevitable in cities as well. One of the interventions is “Urban Transformation” in order to prevent dilapidation and deterioration in …

Globalization and the Rise of Ethnic Conflict in Southeast Asia
The rise of ethnic conflict in Southeast Asia is a phenomenon brought about by the tension coming from the assertion of cultural identity in the region vis-à-vis the forces of globalization. Globalization has a huge impact in the social, cultural, economic and political aspect of the countries in the region. The reconfiguration that it caused …

A Culture of Peace and Indigenous Women’s Engagement in Peacebuilding: A Cross-Cultural Concern
Southeast Asia is home to various cultural communities beset with war and conflict. Peace building efforts in the islands have been raised to a certain level of intensity. With the hopes to avoid war and conflict, initiatives toward achieving peace have been documented, but mostly, those which are wanting of stories involving women in the …

Investing on Preventive Diplomacy: How ASEAN can Generate Soft Power through Its Peacemaking Mechanism
Preventive diplomacy is defined by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum as diplomatic or political action used by states to avert disputes that has the possibility of threatening regional peace and stability. The 2015 ASEAN integration offers possibilities for the establishment of ASEAN soft power. Soft power is the ability to attract …

The Global and Local Urban Identity
The notion of urban identity has been the subject of many researches. In the era of globalization, the impact of urban change and the challenges which faces the local urban identity of the city increases. Some cities are experiencing a serious struggle with the issue of identity in various ways while they are exerting a …

Neglect and Abandonment in Anne Tyler’s Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
Anne Tyler (born 1941) is one of the creative twentieth century American writers. Classified by critics as a Southern writer, Tyler focuses on modern families and their distinctive relationships. She writes with wit and insight about runaway husbands, wives, fathers, mothers and children. Her interest in themes concerning family, home and identity becomes increasingly significant …

Who’s Next in Line? Succession Planning Practices of Academic Libraries
As libraries continue to evolve in their future of unlimited possibilities, they frequently undergo transitions in leadership that have an impact on service efficiency, organizational consistency, and alignment of priorities and strategies. Many Filipino librarians in the top-level management are now approaching retirement. Some librarians leave their organization for a greener pastures and better opportunities …

Trends in Reference Newspapers in Chile: The Art of Balancing Positions Through the Framing of Political News Sources
The study analyzes whether the press, in the context of Chile’s concentrated media ownership, shows trends to a uniform framing of viewpoints in news about the actions of the government, political parties or civil society. A content analysis isolating positions of the sources and the own media regarding the framing of their quotes will permit …

Antigone and Politics of Plurality in Postmodern Era
In Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone (441 BC), the heroine Antigone defies the state law, which Creon, the new ruler of Thebes, compels the citizens to comply with. Unlike numerous critics, Fanny Söderbäck regards Antigone as public and Creon as private, counteracting the old binary opposition of Hegel. Hence, Söderbäck emphasizes the importance of plurality in politics …

Finding Value that Matters: Investigating Librarian’s Attitudes Toward Continuing Professional Development Pursuits
This paper primarily investigates the librarian’s attitude in their participatory decisions when it comes to their continuing professional development (CPD) engagements, which would eventually contribute to their learning and relevance as a library and information professional. Since quite a number of local research gave focus on competencies, kinds and benefits of CPD pursuits, the intention …

Culture, Language and Applied Linguistics: Language Teaching and Cultural Awareness
The role of culture in a field as vast as applied linguistics is so pronounced and vital that even a highly selective overview might not be sufficient to be comprehensive. What follows might be a synoptic account of the role of culture in the realm of applied linguistics. The enigmatic point which even makes the …

What Happens When We “Cage” Our Fellow Humans?
Literature is a powerful medium for examining justice, judgment, and society’s treatment of humankind. “Does justice have a dark side?” Many pieces of literature show the dark side of man’s justice, such as Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, which presents a young woman being punished as an outcast while her guilty male partner remains free. Other …

Networked Music Improvisation: A Common Rhythm for Art and Science.
In a context of isolation of different knowledge, simultaneous online music improvisation reestablishes a sense of justice synthesizing equanimous “points of view” in a unique experience called the “moment of hearing”. This is the outcome of intending to hear and perform in a common pulse that replaces the sense of touch in technologically mediated communication. …

Mother Goddess in Kerala: Discursive Struggles and Contested Signifiers in a Popular Faith Phenomenon
Mata Amritanandamayi faith is a popular faith phenomenon that began in Kerala, South India during the late 1970s. Over the years, Mata faith has undergone changes informed by and in response to the debates and discussions in the Kerala public sphere, and the sensibilities of an expanding middle-class. The central character of the phenomenon, devotion …

Unjust Identity Quest: Sahar Khalife’s the Inheritance: A Post-Colonial Study
In Sahar Khalifeh’s novel The Inheritance, the reader is immersed in a hysterical world of various Diasporas revealed between the US and Palestine. Most characters are in the process of identity quest; a journey that acquires a greater importance and difficulty in this novel because it mirrors the Palestinians’ search for home and national existence.The …

Talk Little and Know How to Listen’: Women’s Magazines as Moral Judges
Even though women’s magazines do not escape the general malaise affecting journalism today, they have always managed to captivate a large audience of women. One of the keys to their success lies in the fact that women’s magazines try to establish a personal, intimate relationship with their readers, who are addressed as a single community. …

Media Portrayal of Street Violence against Egyptian Women
“Often ignored in media coverage of the Egyptian revolution is how protests led by labor unions—many of them women based labor unions in the manufacturing cities of Egypt—catalyzed the revolution,” says Nadine Naber. Women are at the heart of every social movement that happens in Egypt and in the Arab world. Nevertheless, the local media …

Graphic Design on Packaging for Development of Local Textile Products: A Case of Cloth Weaving Commodities in Mahasarakham Province, Thailand
This research aimed to raise a product brand (Underwood, Klein, and Burke, 2001) for cloth weaving commodities in Mahasarakham province, using the case study of Baannongkaen, village 4th, Lao sub-district, Kosumpisai district in order to promote the sale and marketing strategy, create a packaging design for products of the commodities. Fifteen packaging design models were …

The Nigeria – Biafra Conflict: The Inalienable Right to War
In Gowon’s 2015 Convocation Lecture titled “No Victor, No Vanquished” at Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, he still upheld the necessity to keep Nigeria one as a fundamental justice and an incumbent task that he proudly did at all cost. The inevitability of the Nigerian – Biafra war was the out-come. Ojukwu of the Biafran enclave …

The Examination of Adolescents’ Motives, Relational Maintenance and Intimacy in the Communications with Their Parents
The widespread and mobile access to new technologies have affected adolescents in their daily life. Prior studies have attributed the influences of emerging technologies to the negative effects of adolescent behavior while little attention was given to the results of family relationships. Drawing from the perspectives of media uses and gratifications and family relations, this …

Occult and Religious Tattoos Symbols Amongst the Underground Musicians and Fans in East Java, Indonesia.
My research is based primarily on participant observation fieldwork in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, Indonesia. I interviewed 45 musicians and fans of punk rock, hardcore, metal (metal core, death metal, black metal), and ska-punk (rude boy), in which 39 people wore tattoos and 6 others did not. In this research, I use a system of ‘ongoing’ …

Intercultural Education of Pre-Graduate Teacher Training Students From the Perspective of Intercultural Sensitivity: Comparative Insight into the Czech Educational System
The paper focuses on the issue of Czech pre-graduate teacher training students’ intercultural sensitivity within a comparative insight into the Czech educational system. The first part describes some of the most key concepts as well as documents related to intercultural and multicultural education in the Czech Republic, focusing recent development in this field. The latter …

Hindi Television News Media (HTVNM): An Inquiry About Domineering Studio Journalism
Hindi television news media is in a developing and growing stage. Although it might have been inspired or influenced from western TV media, but nowadays it has become an influential medium of mass communication among large Hindi speaking society of India. Studio Journalism is a prominent and critical characteristic of Hindi TV news media. Are …

Domestication and Foreignization in the Revolt of the Young: Essays by Tawfiq Al-Hakim
The Revolt of the Young is a collection of essays originally published in 1984 by one of the most distinguished Egyptian writers of the twentieth century, Tawfiq al-Hakim. The English translation appeared in January 2015 done by the present researcher. Al-Hakim (1898-1987) muses on the cultural, artistic, and intellectual links and breakages between the old …

Educational Practices Between Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University and Lipa City Colleges: A Comparative Study
The study determined the difference between the educational practices of Lipa City Colleges (LCC) and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University (BSRU) such as their educational goals and objectives, their partnership with the community and with other schools, their services to their students, their financial resources, their facilities and laboratories, and lastly, their teachers’ strategies and methodologies in …

Media Websites and Their Visitors’ Choices on Cookies
Cookies are small bits of data that are being sent from the websites a user visits and downloaded to their computers.They appeared immediately after the introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW) and are now widely used.By using these particular pieces of information, websites have the capability to offer customized services covering the personalized needs …

Evaluating Turkish Media Coverage of Results for the November 2015 Elections
It is obviously seen that the Turkish general election of November 2015 will be a political phenomenon for the Turkish Political History to be discussed and studied in coming years. One of the most important factor that makes the November election important is that it is the result of a snap election period which is …

Doris Salcedo: Parameters of Political Commitment in Colombia
Doris Salcedo is the most prominent sculptor from Colombia ever and currently, one of the most prestigious Latin-American artists in the world. Her artwork, intended as political art, has war as a background, in particular the Colombian civil conflict, and it addresses the way that its violence affects victims’ lives irreparably. While Salcedo is internationally …

The Good German: Consensus and Dissent in the Development of British Wartime Subversive Propaganda
With particular attention to the Political Warfare Executive (PWE), this paper will examine the way in which British propagandists approached the problem of undermining the morale of German servicemen and civilians during the Second World War. As a subsidiary of both the Ministry of Information and the Foreign Office, PWE’s understanding of Germany played an …

Illustrating Justice between Literal Representation and Visual Metaphor
Artists have been representing justice as an abstract concept for long centuries, revealing and interpreting its comprehensive meaning through illustrations, taking different forms: as a visual documentary for a situation though treated as a historical evidence, or visual commentary expressing an opinion and treated like an evidence of a special point of an artist view …

Easy-To-Read Books for Children with Dyslexia in Public Libraries
In Japan, most public libraries do not provide sufficient easy-reading materials or make available reading facilities suitable for Japanese children with dyslexia. Public libraries in the Netherlands almost always have “easy-to-read squares” (Makkelijk Lezen Plein, MLP). The MLP is a special provision for children with reading difficulties, allowing them to see, read, and listen to …

Environmental Justice and Sustainability: Evaluating the Built Environment Professional Practices in the Nigerian Context
Elsewhere environmental justice and sustainability goals have been mainstreamed, guided and enforced by policy implementations. Furthermore, environmental justice plays a major role in; conceptualizations, planning and operations that promote sustainability particularly in the urban built environments. This study highlights the importance of incorporating environmental justice into environmental sustainability operations. Findings from this discourse suggest that …

Educational Planning: Dropout of CWSN and SLD Children in India
India is striving for universal enrolment up to secondary level in schools. The planning documents reveal that Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) is more than 100 percent whereas Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) is less than 100 percent in elementary education. The paper analyses the data on disability in schools as reported under Unified District Information System …

Does the Kitchen Location Matter? Comparing PM in Buildings in Irasa Community of Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
Predominate cooking fuel in majority of developing countries continues to be biomass fuel (agricultural wastes, wood, charcoal, sawdust, wood chip). In most cases, cooking is done on open fires and the incomplete combustion of the fuel during this process releases harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. Exposure to by-products of cooking fuels is a major global …

Techno-Economic Analysis of a Grid-Connected Hybrid Biogas/Photovoltaic Power Generation System in the Mediterranean Region
Depletion of fossil fuels and oncoming impacts of global warming reveal the vitality of utilizing renewable power generation systems for future generations of humanity. Investing in those systems also has several incentives in Europe for domestic equipment usage or selling produced electricity to the grid with advantageous tariffs in recent years. Reciprocating internal combustion engine …

Modeling Sustainable Futures: Cultural Shift Strategies
Recognition of the detrimental effects of rapid industrialization have resulted in the development of policies that are designed to promote and ensure greener futures for all. In this paper we will look at New York City and the policies passed by two mayors since 2007. These policies that push sustainability in New York City are …

The Unlikely Pollution Haven
According to the pollution haven competitiveness hypothesis more stringent environmental policy adversely affects international competitiveness in a polluting industry. To avert such impacts, Finnish energy intensive firms are entitled to a substantial refund on excise taxes paid on energy use. I explore its impact with firm level data on exports, energy and other firm-specific factors …

The Role of Environmental Organizations in Protecting Human Rights and Performing Social Justice in Indonesia
Mining activities carried out by Transnational Corporations (TNCs) may cause positive and negative impacts in developing countries, such as in Indonesia. The positive impacts of TNCs may enhance economic growth in Indonesia , on the other hand, the negative impacts of TNCs may cause environmental pollution and environmental degradation. The activities that have been done …

A Literature Review on the Strategy Planning, Implementation and Execution in Large Service Industry and Cultural Effects on Strategy Execution
The pedantic strategy is one of the key element of any cooperation’s success. However, the implementation of the strategy is very important as most of the strategy fails during the implementation stage. The implementation of the strategy is daunting task as it faces many challenges in today’s organizations which endeavors to achieve the performance but …

The Access of Disabled Persons on the Romanian Labour Market: An Institutional Ethnography of the Role of Social Welfare
Using a qualitative approach based on an institutional ethnography of social organization of work inclusion for disabled persons, the current paper addresses the specific ways in which the individual experiences of the Romanian disabled persons, in society and on the labour market, are influenced and shaped by the social relations of textually mediated discourse. It …

Upward Flow Analysis of Methanol in Hydrofracking
Energy resources and generation of energy have always been popular topics since the industrial revolution. While the necessity for increased energy generation stands out clearly, debates have been arising pertaining to different energy resources, methods of extraction of resources, and processing techniques with environmental and health safety concerns. Shale gas is one of those resources, …

The Effect of Firms Reporting to the Carbon Disclosure Project on Their Co2 Emissions
Nowadays, we are more aware of climate change and so increasingly sensitive to the “green” economics in order to assure the future. Consequently, companies are pushed to rapidly and significantly cut down their CO2 emissions and review their policies.The objective of our study is to assess the pertinence of green policy introduction at the business …

Accessibility to Justice for Foreigners Before the Indonesian Constitutional Court
In 2007, the Indonesian constitutional court refused judicial review submitted by 3 Asstralian citizens. Those people have been sentenced to the death penalty before the Indonesian district court on abuse of drugs. The Australian citizens considered that death penalty stipulated in Indonesian Law regarding narcotics law violated their constitutional right, namely the right to life. …

The Framework of Corruption As a Human Rights Violation and Its Implication to the Indonesian Penal System and Corrution Judicial
The Indonesian Anti Corruption Act perceives corruption is not only related to state financial loss, but also as a violation of economic and social rights. However, the formulation of penal system and corruption judicial decisions ignores this philosophical framework. Forms of criminal sanction and their impositions merely consider the rights of a suspect and eliminate …

The Contract of Assignment in Public Procurement Law
Contracts are legally binding between two signing parties. In some cases, rights can be transferred to third parties with respect to certain conditions, expressly and strictly mentioned in the Civil Code. The assignment is one of this type and means the transfer of rights from one person, the transferee, to another person, the transferor.It is …

Balancing the Hybridization of Public Libraries and Private Companies
This article explores how the government balances hybridization of public libraries and private companies based on a study in Japan. This research makes three important contributions to the research arena of hybridization by conducting in-depth case study and ethnography. First, through research into the management model of hybridization, we shed a light on public governance. …

Justice for Psychopaths: Punishment or Therapy
Psychopathy is one of the most dangerous mental disease and provides a theoretical and practical challenge to the Criminal law and the Criminal Justice System. Mental diseases need to be explicable in reference to their severity and gravity specially having the instinct towards crime. Psychiatry and law approach the problem of human behaviour from different …

“The Consciousness Evolution”: Identification and Re-Identification after the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong
Stemmed from the Umbrella Movement in September of 2014, Hong Kong had experienced dramatic social and political changes that people were being decontaminated from titling as political apathetic animals which were constructed under the historical manufacturing. The unprecedented integration of politics and society keeps fermenting and one of the most conspicuous narratives in the society …

Penal Mediation for Medical Dispute Settlement in Indonesia Perspective
In Indonesia, most of medical malpractices which were submitted before the court brought loss to the patients. Besides having high degree of difficulty, medical malpractice vindication usually needs more extra effort, particularly by employing the Law on Medical Practice. Therefore, the proposed main question is whether the medical doctor or professional medical staffs in hospital …

Patients’ Rights and Medical Liability Within Off-Label Prescription
Off-label prescription refers to the use of a medication beyond what it is established in the respective Marketing Authorization Application (MA). This broad definition encompasses situations in which the drug was used for a therapeutic indication not authorized in the MA; with a different dosage or with a different frequency than those mentioned in the …

What Drivers Determine CSR Strategies in the Energy Industry? Evidence From Italy
This paper moves from the awareness that companies in the energy sector are increasingly stimulated to deal with the growing societal challenges – like scarcity of resources and high political instability. Hence, companies in this industry are more and more pushed to fit their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy to the pressures of the external …

Curbing Suburban Sprawl: Adding the Education Variable to the Housing + Transportation Model
In urban planning, there is considerable discourse about how to curb suburban sprawl, increase densities in the urban core and reduce the need to develop greenfields while accommodating population growth in metropolitan areas. One economic model that helps quantify the cost of suburban living versus urban living within US metropolitan areas is the “H + …

Industry Sectors Specifics of Remanufacturing Processes
Today remanufacturing is a key industrial discipline at the end of a product’s life cycle. In terms of the economic potential, remanufacturing facilitates multiple use of the value-added from new production by several life cycles. For preserving work, material and energy effort costs of new production can be avoided. Ecologically, this leads to corresponding resource …

Acquisitive Prescription ss a Mean of Acquiring Ownership: An Albanian Perspective on the DCFR
Acquisitive prescription has been for centuries a consolidated institute through which becomes possible the acquisition of ownership. The goal of this article is to analyze the real impact of DCFR (Draft of Common Frame of Reference) in creating a uniformity for acquisitive prescription rules in European Union (with a special emphasis in Albania.). After the …

Public Debt and Improvement of Laws on Public Debt Management in Vietnam
In the highly unstable context of current world economy, public debt has become a hot issue that many countries are concerning. In Vietnam, in the industrialization and modernization progress, the country needs more capital and technology to restructure the economy and facilitate economic development, social stability and sustainable direction. Over the years, Vietnam has organized …

Organisational Culture that Facilitate Lean Implementation
Purpose: Lack of research regarding the critical factor of organisational culture related to lean implementation and Culture is the key factor to making the changes for lean implementation (Pakdil and Leonard, 2015). Implementing lean into industrial SMEs faces difficulties, whereas it is more likely to be implemented successfully in larger companies, which then gain the …

The Efficiency of the Commodity Futures Market in Thailand
Since two commodity futures markets are organized in Thailand – the Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) and the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand (AFET), non-agricultural commodity (gold and Brent crude oil) is traded in TFEX while agricultural commodity (rubber, rice, tapioca chip) is traded in AFET. This paper not only examines non-agricultural and agricultural commodity futures …

Develop the Independent Corruption Eradication Commission Through Redesigning the Recruitment Mechanism of the Corruption Eradication Commission’s Chairman
The Corruption Eradication Commission was formed as a special government institution to combat corruptions. The institution is constitutionally granted an authority to combat corruption. Thus, it is important to be an independent institution which is free from other institutions’ interference. The independency requirement of the Corruption Eradication Commission is very crucial in order to maintain …

Palm Oil Sustainability Certification and Firm Performance: Is There a Conflict Between RSPO and MSPO?
Malaysia is very proactive in governing its palm oil industry. As the second largest world exporter of palm oil it must not jeopardize its export earnings. The current requirement imposed on developing economies to export only RSPO-certified palm oil to the Western countries has raised concerns among the industry players. RSPO stands for Roundtable on …

3D Mapping and GIS Technology for Soil Characterization of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites
To understand the decision framework for hydrocarbon contaminated soil remediation technology selection, it is important to understand the general principles of applicable technologies for 3D soil characterization and soil mapping of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites. One of the distinctive attributes of environmental technology and soil characterization is that the state-of-the-art continually changes.In this paper we …

Mobile Phones Use in an Arab Context: Blending Modernity and Tradition
This exploratory study examines Arab college students’ use of mobile phones, and investigates the impact of mobile telephony on Arab family structure, friendship, and face-to-face communication. The study uses and gratifications theory as a theoretical framework, and utilizes a survey instrument and a nonrandom sample (N=303) to get answers to its research questions. The study …

Quality Management and the Reduction of Unproductive Times in Agro-Industrial Processes: Bonduelle Portugal
Because of not adding value to the final product, the unproductive times are the subject of this study, in order to proceed, when possible, to its elimination, or the reduction of its duration.The studies to be developed during this work has as main objective, the creation and implementation of a procedure to reduce the variability, …

Improvement of law on Anti-Money Laundering through Commercial Banks in Vietnam – Some Lessons from Some other ASEAN Countries
Currently, the phenomenon of money laundering through commercial banks which are the intermediary financial institutions has become more complex and sophisticated. As a member of Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), together with the international community, Vietnam has actively participated in preventing and combating money laundering. Although the legal framework on anti-money laundering in …

Low Cost Taxis an Environmentally Friendly Low Cost Transport. A Study Made at the City of Lisbon, Portugal
This project, nesting in the entrepreneurism area, aims to develop an innovative road transport network for passengers (TAXI) at the city of Lisbon, Portugal, combining energy efficiency with the reductions of costs associated with the operation of the network.This research highlights the importance of entrepreneurism and the role of the entrepreneur in the Portuguese economic …

Complementarity Between Human Capital and Research and Development Activities
National Innovation System (NIS) approach specifically focuses on the interactions among the components of system as a basic dynamic of innovation process. Thus, there is a complementarity between the components of system arising from interactions among them, which is the most significant factor effecting innovation performance of whole system. The aim of this study is …

Migration Flows and Municipal Waste Analysis Using the Spatial Panel Durbin Model – The Case of Poland
The aim of the paper is to examine the impact of migration processes (mainly the emigration and immigration) and economic prosperity on the quantity of municipal waste. The data used in this research concerned the quantity of collected mixed municipal wastes during the year (an endogenous variable), the number of registrations and deregistrations (to and …

Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Development the Case of the Niger Delta
In recent years, multinational companies operating in developing countries have come under increased pressure to engage in community development as stakeholders and as a consequence the activities of these companies have been subjected to greater public scrutiny. The multinational companies have responded by ensuring that global corporate social responsibility strategies are incorporated into their larger …

FDI Motivations and Their Impacts in Former Soviet Republics
The growth of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) activities through Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in developed and developing countries have largely attracted the attention of policy makers because of the expected positive impacts they may have on receiving countries. But the relationship between FDI and domestic investment is a controversial issue in the economic literature. This paper …

Investment, Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions: An Analysis on the Strategy of Industry Development
Taiwan has exposed the vulnerability of its economy during the 2008 financial crisis. The issues on democratization, the rise of citizen��s consciousness and environmental protection have received well attention. The symbiosis of economic activity and environment has failed to meet current needs. We combine the Habitat Segregation Theory and the Spiral Pattern of Economic Development …

Just Transition and the Renewable Energy Industry – to What Extent Does the German Energiewende Consider Decent Work and Job Quality?
The paper refers to the concept of Just Transition and examines the corresponding interface of energy and labour policies in the German renewable energy industry, a subject which has received only little attention in the political and scientific debates surrounding the German Energiewende. On the one hand, the renewable energy industry directly and indirectly benefits …

The Global Economic System is in a Reverse Direction and No One Repaired it
The way money has been handled is directly related to the multiple crises facing humanity. The existence of debt allows domination among social classes, among nations and, consequently, super-exploitation of the human being over nature. This study aimed to question the debt logic, which is the basis of the current global economic system. By observing …

Study on Service Quality of Select Indian Banks: Usage of Data From Online Review Sites
Measuring Service Quality has bas been an area of interest for researchers since 1980s. As the retail banking institutions become more customer centric, the focus on customer service quality is increasing across the world. Pre-existing service quality frameworks such as SERVPERF and SERVQUAL have been applied to evaluate the quality levels in banking. However, these …