Month: January 2016

Intercultural Competence – Its Role in the Intensive English Program
In the 21st century, with __globalization__ as one of its buzz words, the concept of intercultural competence has drawn attention of participants in all professional fields. In the Intensive English Programs, incorporating intercultural competence into the fundamental competences such as reading, writing, grammar, speaking and communication not only makes English learning more pragmatical and effective …

Strategies and Methods for Creating an Educational Computer Game that Teaches Idioms
This paper will explain a number of strategies and evidence-based methods which were used to ensure the effective teaching of idioms to English as a Second Language students. Idioms are low-frequency vocabulary which require explicit instruction. In such a situation, it is often difficult to engage students and promote long-term learning. One method of addressing …

Geography of German Daycare Centers and its Association with the Preschoolers’ Sociolinguistic Characteristics
Purpose: Language acquisition is associated with or influenced by a number of factors which can be called sociolinguistic, social/sociological or demographic. Among other things, children cannot avoid being influenced linguistically by their peers and other contact persons from their neighborhood. Also, neighborhood might be a correlate of several factors influencing language acquisition. This study aimed …

“We Need to Be Able to See the World Through the Eyes of Others”: Transforming Curricula in Teaching Foreign Languages
The United States Senator of Hawaii Daniel Kahikina Akaka was so right when he stressed the necessity of being “open to the world”. Addressing the National Council for Languages and International Studies, he emphasized that “we need to be able to see the world through the eyes of others if we are going to understand …

Can You Be Prejudiced Against Your Own Students? Measuring Teacher’s Unconscious Bias in the Classroom
This presentation aims to familiarize the audience with 1) the concept of implicit (i.e., unconscious) attitudes, 2) their significance to the educational process, and 3) how to measure them. First, I will explain what implicit attitudes are and how that are different from explicit attitudes. This will show that explicit and implicit attitudes can be …

English as a Co-Language: Perspectives by the Foreign Language Learner
AbstractThis research examines the language learning attitudes of English at three universities in one Japanese prefecture. All three universities have different requirements for the amount of English they need to learn to earn an undergraduate degree. The purpose was to investigate whether attitudes about English might have changed today compared to a decade and a …

Including Students with Disabilities: Attitudes of Typically Developing Children and of Parents of Children with and without Special Educational Needs
The present paper constitutes a literature review research, discussing issues of inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Inclusive education refers to the appropriate response to the diversity of students with disabilities, addressing their Special Educational Needs (SEN) as equal members and as stakeholders of the culture of the school learning community. These inclusive educational environments both …

‘Digital Natives’ Require Basic Digital Literacy Skills
This paper discusses a Digital Academic Literacy (DAL) Programme at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). It highlights the Programme__s response to and alignment with emerging South African Higher Education (HE) national policy imperatives and discourses which include, the effective integration of ICTs for teaching-and-learning; and the need to increase and continue large-scale targeted …

Enhancing Vocabulary Learning through Pictures by E-Mails
This paper reports on the study of students’ vocabulary learning through pictures by e-mailand their attitude towards their learning. Seventy- two fourth year students of English for International Communication major studied in a five week vocabulary learning enhancement activity. Each student had two jobs to do in the process of learning vocabulary. One, the student …

The Concordance Between EFI Learners’ Linguistic Sequential Development and the Curricula of Formal Learning Settings: An Analytical Study
Do EFL curricula best tackle the learners__ needs and are adhere to the linguistic sequential development? This research explores the extent of appropriateness of content in EFL curricula to our learners__ linguistic development. English as a foreign language (EFL) programs offer their courses with a diversity of textbooks and methodologies. This diversity creates, in some …

Transnational Higher Education – Lingustic Negotiations
The demand for transnational higher education, in particular UK education, has been high in countries where there is under- provision. Davis et al. (2000) raise concerns that most programmes are delivered overseas without significant adaptation, questioning therefore whether these programmes are relevant to local context, and appropriate with respect to different cultures, learning styles and …

Individual Differences, Multi-Tasking and Learning in Virtual Environments
Virtual environments are inherently social spaces where user productivity and collaborative learning can take place. As part of a thesis dissertation, this study investigated the importance of structuring learning environments within virtual worlds to maximize learning and minimize different types of distractions, accounting for individual differences between learners. Using an OpenSim virtual environment, the researchers …

A Factor Analysis of the Transformational Leadership among Undergraduate Student Leaders in Thailand
The study was aimed at factor analysis of transformational leadership among undergraduate student leaders in Thailand. The samples were 328 undergraduate student leaders in 5 universities. They were selected by multi-stage random sampling. Data were collected through Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used in this study. The results found that …

A Method of Estimating Cooperative Activities in Collaborative Learning Based on Participants’ Spatial Relationships
Collaborative learning has become more and more important in education area. In most collaborative works, students are separated into groups, where the possible scope of teachers might be strongly limited. Therefore, automatic feedback based on sensing the state of students during collaborative work is helpful for effective educational guidance. In this work, we focus on …

English Loanword Modifiers as a Means for Native vs. Foreign Differentiation in Contemporary Japanese
English has had an extensive influence on numerous languages, one of them being Japanese. Historical contact between Japan and Western cultures has resulted in extensive borrowing of new phenomena as well as lexicon. Various sources estimate that 10% of the Contemporary Japanese vocabulary consists of loanwords (Chinese-origin words excluded), and such loanwords are referred to …

Development of Learning and Teaching by Television Creative
The objectives of this research were (1) to study development of an instructional model based on television creative presentation and (2) to study effects of learning focusing on creative television production project published through YouTube media. The populations of this experimental research were 31 students taking the Television Creative Presentation Course at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University …

Development of Instruction Based on Active Citizen Project
The objectives of this research were 1) develop instruction based on Active Citizen Project and 2) to study effects of instruction based on Active Citizen Projectaccording to the national framework for higher education. This research study was an experimental research whose populations were 70 students of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Course at BansomdejchaoprayaRajabhat University, …

Rethinking the Promise of Scratch in the Applied Linguistics Classroom: Students’ Perspectives, Instructor’s Observations
For the past five fall semesters (2010-2014), undergraduate and graduate students taking applied linguistics (LN400, LN500) at the University of Guam were required to explore the promise of SCRATCH by designing projects relevant to their individual fields of specialization, from language teaching and literature, to pragmatics and sociolinguistics. SCRATCH, a free downloadable program from MIT …

An Appraisal and Corpus Study of Thai News Agencies’ Evaluation of Suthep Thaugsuban Found in Political Conflicts in Thailand
Appraisal has been employed in previous foreign studies focusing on corpus-based analysis and comparison of news reports. However, the previous work in Thailand has inadequately been concerned with appraisal of news report comparison among news agencies, and corpus analysis. Thus, this paper aims to analyse and compare representation and attitudes of the media towards Suthep …

Time Management in Higher Education: A Challenge for Academic Leaders
Workforce planning is an essential part of every University department__s administrative work. Teaching duties, research and other internal tasks must be planned from available resources and in accordance with working agreements. For this reason, some universities have implemented time management software solutions to support staffing and planning. This paper reports from a study of such …

Development of Learning and Teaching by Bankruptcy Law
The purpose of this research was to study education development in law by using role playing. This research was experimental research. There were 30 samples of students in law school faculty of humanities and social science Bansomdej chaopraya Rajabhat University who failed in bankruptcy code semester 1/2014. Samples all agreed to join in research by …

A Japanese-German-English Trilingual Childs Word Acquisition Patterns Focusing on Category Differences in Comprehension and Production
Problem: The current study focused on trilingual ( German, Japanese, and English) word acquisition by a single child to investigate relationships or patterns among the different categories of words produced and comprehended in the three languages at each time interval and to see possible changes of the patterns over the period of 14 months. Methods: …

Pitfalls of Enthusiasm: Questioning Our Practices – Reflecting on Our Actions
It is not accidental that by problematizing the question, we, as researchers, begin to ‘learn by doing’ and formulate ‘what works’ within our research design. If we add the dimension of different languages, countries, and research practices to our intended study, we find ourselves not only ‘questioning what we do, but how we do it’. …

Learning Environment and Academic Performance of Senior Secondary Schools Students’ in Abia State, Nigeria
Learning is described as a change in behaviour that is relatively permanent resulting from experience. It is also the process of absorbing unknown information in a meaningful way and putting it to use. There has been a general conception as to what causes people to behave the way they do, what influence them to learn, …

The Ultimate Test: Suffix-Conditioned Stress Shift in English L2 Learners
The present study examines the prosodic proficiency of English L2 learners by using derived words with stress-shifting suffixes. Stress-shifting suffixes could relocate the stem stress to three different positions: 1) one syllable before the suffix (pre-stressed 1) e.g. Athlete to atheLEtic 2) two syllables before (pre-stressed 2) e.g. INfant to inFANticide, or 3) 1/2 syllable …

Promoting Self-Esteem Among Culturally Diverse Kinder Children by Exploring the Background of Their Names
Aim: This Names Project aimed to promote social interaction and positive self-identity, through sharing the background of names of culturally diverse children.Methods:Parents were engaged to provide an account on the background of their child__s name, including why they gave the child that particular name. They were encouraged to divulge details on what the name linguistically …

The Development of Application for Thai-ASEAN Neighboring Language- English Common Base Concepts Wordnet of 1st Order Entity
The application of Thai, ASEAN neighboring languages, and English common base concept words was developed from the equivalent translation WordNet of English-Thai-Lao-Vietnamese words in the 1st Order Entity. Present study selected Lao and Vietnamese languages to include in the pilot application based on the study of BanSomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University students need. The 1st Order Entity …

A Study about Use of Foreign Language in the Students__ Assessment as a Barrier in Exact Evaluation of the Individual__s Expertise of the Material
In this age of an information-based global education & economy, standards are strategically important as marketing tools and also required to interconnect such activities. The flow of technology is usually from the west for last several decades. The under developed countries has to rely on that literature to keep them on the track of development. …

Negotiating Gender Roles in Intercultural Communication in Qatar
This sociocultural linguistic study explores gender roles within the Qatari community emphasizing masculinity-femininity in terms of education, marriage, interdependence-independence and from different perspectives, including religion and traditions. More specifically, it focuses on the ways whereby gender roles associated with male and female Qatari students in intercultural communication courses in a university in Qatar are negotiated …

Some Insights into a Peer Mentoring Programme
The FBE Senior Peer Mentoring programme piloted peer engagement methods from an internationally accredited programme, namely the Peer Assisted Session (PASS), to explore how well students would respond to it prior to fully implementing it. The study, which was conducted through an online survey comprising 6 questions, elicited varying responses on student mentees__ preferred learning …

The Comparison of Children’s Caloric Expenditure During Elementary Physical Education Class and Free-Choice Recess Time
The physical benefits of structured physical education (PE) classes and free-choice recess time in elementary school and how they compare to each other is unknown. National health objectives encourage 50% of PE class time being spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), while no set standards for elementary recess exist. PURPOSE: To determine if …

Predicting Teachers’ ICT Integration in the Classroom
This study was conducted to explore the teacher factors associated with the frequency of the use of ICT for instructional purposes in K-12 classroom. Survey data collected from 810 teachers in Thailand were analysed to examine how teachers use ICT as a tool for teaching and supporting students__ learning in the classroom. Additionally, the antecedents …

Media Education – A Major Challenge for Our Era
The media play an important role in modern democracies by providing a space for deliberation and for creating and exchanging meaningful discourse. They contribute to a better understanding of the world and enable citizens to participate in society’s debates. International guidelines for acquiring “media competence” grounded in the functioning of the media have been drafted. …

“Maeha’a Nui”: A Multilingual Primary School Project in French Polynesia
This article describes a collaborative longitudinal project which aims to create a multilingual environment in a French Polynesian primary school called Maeha__a Nui situated in Tahiti. The project was conceived with the joint efforts of four researchers from the University of French Polynesia and a number of professionals involved in primary education. This project was …

Seven Linguistic and Pedagogical Principles Leading to Success of Phonics Based Instruction: An Overview of Magic Phonics
Until recently, the dominant phonics material to teach Iranian Young Learners of English was Jolly Phonics originated by Sue Lloyd and Sara Wernham in 1970s. However, a growing body of national and international researches has questioned the efficacy of Jolly Phonics in over 100 countries where they are being taught either in public educational institutions …

Designing Science Simulations in Accordance with Research-Based Guidelines: A Case Study Approach
Educational researchers have shown experimentally that student learning through animations and videos can be made more effective through the consideration of a number of cognitive based design principles. The applicability of these evidence based guidelines in the design of complex science simulations for a popular online course regarding life on other planets is documented in …

School and Family Involvement in Educational Practices in French Polynesia
The purpose of this paper is to present an ongoing research project financed by the Ministry of Overseas in France. The paper describes a longitudinal exploratory study that aims at gathering a large scale corpus on educational practices both from classroom and family environments from five French Polynesian archipelagos. To our knowledge no other study …

Gerontological Educational Work in the Context of Neighbourhood Community Work – A Reliable Path towards Greater Social Equality and Empowerment
Gerontological educational work in the context of neighbourhood community work __ a reliable path towards greater social equality and empowerment.Abstract. In addition to a supporting range of services (such as personal mentoring, various therapies, day-care and supporting Case and Care Management), sustainable and community-orientated educational and neighbourhood work with the elderly in the city of …

Comparing Labour Market Expectations and VET Qualifications in the NecVET European Project
This paper presents the results of research in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) undertaken with respect to the framework of the EU project __New approaches to strengthened cooperation facilities for VET institutions and labour market__ (NecVet). The NecVET project has the aim of setting up a network between vocational education institutions and …

Innovative Learning Activities with the Use of Modern Educational Technology
There is a growing trend in the use of e-learning technology for the support of learning and teaching in universities worldwide. At St. Marianna University School of Medicine, E-learning was incorporated into ESL courses for first and second-year students in 2013. e-learning materials are mainly used to supplement in-class activities and to build academic vocabulary …

News Framing of the Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Coverage: A Comparative Study of the Philippines Inquirer and the Wall Street Journal News Sites
Natural disasters, which strikes without warning and leaves limited scope of preparedness, is a potentially traumatic event that is collectively experienced with severe consequences. With its high news values, natural disasters gains attention of the media, and therefore is given foremost and extensive coverage, particularly on news sites which allow readers to access to the …

Pursuing Multicultural Education in Indonesia
Being multicultural is inevitable in Indonesia, and diversity is national identity. Actually, It stated on national symbol __Bhineka Tunggal Ika__ (it meant __Unity and diversity__). As the largest archipelago in the world, Indonesia’s people life in a diverse community. Indeed, multicultural issue is something important in Indonesia due to the uniqueness and cultural diversity in …

Covering Genocide Trials: The Discursive Position of Genocide Victims in Cambodia
In the Cambodian society victims of the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979) are taking up an uncommon discursive position. Anyone that has suffered from the Khmer Rouge is considered to be a victim including former Khmer Rouge members who were brutaly disadvantaged by their own party. Within this context perpetrators can also be considered victims. For …

Dilemma of Values in Public Policy Accountability: Implementation of the Street Vendors Empowerment Policy Network in Makassar City
Policy network is a container that can combine efficient and democratic values as the classic debate of the public accountability study until today. Community Empowerment Agency (CEA) is a network-based organization that implements street vendors policy in Makassar City. The aim of study is to explain the cognitive, normative, and regulative system of CEA in …

Thai Film Industry’s Competitive Advantage: Comparative Study with the Korean Film Industry
This study is a qualitative research which aims to examine the status and competitive advantage of the Thai film industry, both the overall industry and each activity in the film industry__s value chain, in comparison to the Korean film industry which is the best practice in this study. It also aims to find ways to …

Power to the Population? Census Policy Under Review
The population census is regarded by many as the backbone of national statistics. It is also regarded as a national institution; a data source held in high regard by the academic, policymaker, historian and genealogist alike. However, technological advances, pressure on resources and the availability of alternative information about the demography of the population have …

A Study of Relocation Factors of Production Base and Investment of Japanese Investors from Thailand to CLMV+I Countries
This study aims to examine the relocation factors of production base and investment of Japanese investors from Thailand to CLMV+I countries. The samples were executives of Japanese companies or organizations in Thailand. Purposive sampling was used to select the samples. One short case study was used to collect the data. The research instrument was a …

Improving Working Mindfulness by Multisensory Smart-Office with Cloud Computing
Trying to recall our day life in office, we rarely can stay on our seat and focus on the job all the day. There are so many factor cause we lost our mindfulness on our job, for example, the chair is not fit for our body, the desk is too high to comfortable our arms_¶etc.Depends …

Looking through ‘Her’ Eyes: ‘Productive Look’ in Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s ‘The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie Poulain’
The aim of this paper is to unravel further what the film The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie Poulain (Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amelie Poulain -Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001) is saying about critical seeing and vision. Presenting a discussion of the film by depending on the concepts of “gaze”, “look”, “screen” and “productive look” by Kaja Silverman, this …

Memory Devices: Reflections about the Animated Documentary Films
Documentary films have an impact on the construction of historical memory. As cultural devices aren__t neutral means to reach ends and goals; are extremely varied and are keys to foster massive and reciprocal knowledge between societies in this increasingly global and technology-mediated world. To create a documentary artwork that has an effect on the community, …

National Identity or Cultural Opposition? News Media Discourse About Controversial High-School Curriculum Guidelines Event in Critical Discourse Analysis
This article aims to analyse how the news media reported the Ministry of Education (MOE) implementing minor adjustments to high-school curriculum guidelines event. For example the social sciences and history textbooks, downplaying of the White Terror era, the 2/28 incident, and conceivably¬_using a China-centric focus. This trend has triggered many protests against the government by …