Improving Working Mindfulness by Multisensory Smart-Office with Cloud Computing


Trying to recall our day life in office, we rarely can stay on our seat and focus on the job all the day. There are so many factor cause we lost our mindfulness on our job, for example, the chair is not fit for our body, the desk is too high to comfortable our arms_¶etc. Depends on the digital technologies, now we can sense human body by different sensor or camera, to log human body__s status such like their skeleton, the pressure from their chair and desk, analyzing the sensing data and find out the relationship between environment comfort and human mindfulness. This paper is trying to define some parameters that connect with human feeling and body comfort, how to sense those factors, analysis them, and in the end, is it possible to use the final result to change the environment. We show an idea to enhance employee__s working mindfulness, by sensing human acts through beacon, pressure sensor, camera_¶etc., collects those parameters and computes in cloud server, analysis collected data and find the best working model. We assume the experiment field is a smart office, lights and air conditioning are programmable, even the chair and desk are so on. Based on our behaviors patterns and environment mapping model, trying to make the environment fits our best working model, to ensure employees are always in a perfect working ambience.

Author Information
Chieh Jen Chen, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
Chia Hung Kao, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACTIS2015
Stream: Sensors, Texts, and Other Sources of Data

This paper is part of the ACTIS2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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